New Mix: Jungle Got Dub

Part two of my voyage into 94-era jungle takes into dark and murky dub. The mix starts cool and slow and funky before getting progressively more spaced out, then gets itself together with some dark ambient bass weight, before piling on the energy until it reaches maximum dub heaviosity. I like it. Tracklisting, with each [...]


Interviews with Pagans: Phil Hine, part 2

Here’s the second installment of the Phil Hine interview. In this one he’s talking about stuff like: Who’s the best magician you’ve ever worked with? magical groups an socialisation confidence and relaxtion as a basic technique (there’s no such thing as an advanced technique, just basic stuff you get better at) the advantages of a [...]


Interviews with Pagans: Phil Hine, part 1

Phil Hine is for my money the most interesting pagan writer around, and is certainly one of the most popular and influential people on the pagan sene. He’s erudite but down to earth and above all is a thoroughly nice person. His books are a fund of useful information and good sense and are as [...]


Left over

K-Punk: To be humiliated is always to be ritually humiliated, as we can scarcely fail to be aware in the era of Abu Ghraib… Simultaneously, however, we must recall that Abu Ghraib was already, in itself, a deranged piece of performance art. Mark, brilliant as ever, on Paul Mccarthy’s La La Land. Performance art yes, [...]


Interviews with Pagans: Synesis

This is a biggie, but it’s worth it. Synesis is an exceptionally erudite and interesting pagan with an academic background in philosophy and theology. There is gnosticism here, as you would expect, but also Spinoza (a first for this blog, I’m sure K-Punk will approve!), Aristotleianism versus Platonism, Kant, and — well — magic. Synesis [...]


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