
Change Your Life by Discovering the African Mango Diet

With so many diets in today’s society, and a never ending product list to choose from, selecting which diet program you want to try can be a very difficult task. And, to make matters even more confusing and hard, many of these so called “miracle” diets do not even actually work. Essentially, this means that you must always be on your lookout when you’re choosing which diet to try, and you must always ensure that the diet program you’ve selected is actually legitimate. But, if you make the decision to try the African Mango extract diet, you will never have to worry about these things. You can rest assured that the African Mango diet will work, and that you will begin losing significant amounts of weight almost immediately.

African MangoAfrican Mango, oftentimes referred to as “bush mango” or “wild mango”, is a rare fruit that has only ever been found growing in the country of Cameroon in Africa. For centuries, the natives of Cameroon have used the seeds of the African Mango in order to create an appetite suppressant. In modern times, it is claimed to be the most effective natural weight loss diet to ever be discovered. People all across the world are simply raving about how healthy and efficient it is, and many professionals have stated that it is one of the only true supplements that can enable you to finally lose all of the excess weight that has been plaguing you for so long. The African Mango diet does not require any excess eating or exercise regimens, and you can continue to enjoy living a normal life while using it. With African Mango extract, the days of “fad dieting”, calorie counting, and starving yourself are officially over.

Raw African MangoThe scientific term for African Mango is “irvingia gabonensis”, and it is a genus of Southeast Asian and African trees. They are very highly valued for the nuts that they produce, because they are high in protein and fats. Generally speaking, the nuts are dried out in the sun and then ground up to produce either a powder or a paste, which can then be used for many different things. Before the African Mango extract diet was officially released, it was tested in a placebo based science experiment. The experiment consisted of African Mango extract being given to a selected group of obese volunteers, while the other group of obese volunteers was given the placebo. After looking at the results of this experiment, it was then concluded that African Mango extract did indeed work. A majority of the volunteers all lost significant amounts of weight, and their waist and hip circumferences were also drastically reduced. Additionally, the individuals who took the irvingia gabonensis also had a significant reduction in systolic blood pressure. Further studies proceeded to prove the fact that African Mango is also able to reduce the overall percentage of body fat, otherwise known as adipose tissue, in the average individual, while still retaining the percentage of lean muscle.

Natural African MangoAlong with all of the weight loss benefits that African Mango extract affords individuals, these supplements also help to better the body’s overall health. As has been previously mentioned, the African Mango diet decreases blood pressure as well. It makes individuals overall healthier, and gives them much more energy, allowing them to get into great shape. It has also been proven to help lower the “bad” cholesterol levels (lipoproteins and triglycerides) while increasing what is known as “good” cholesterol (HDL). Many specialists and professionals also believe that African Mango extract can help to increase the longevity of one’s life. Plus, because the entire foundation of this diet is based off of a natural fruit rather than unhealthy chemicals, there are very few detrimental side effects that can in turn occur. Unlike with many other diets that people are using in today’s society, you don’t have to be concerned about whether or not the African Mango diet will proceed to harm your body and health.

One of the main ways that African Mango works to decrease body fat is by utilizing its high amount of soluble fiber. Because the amount of fiber in African Mango is so high, it can thus slow down the absorption of blood sugar, which in turn causes weight loss. At the same time, African Mango also works to increase the amount of adiponectin in the body, which is very good. Adiponectin has been linked to the prevention of diabetes and various cardiovascular diseases, and it helps to keep the body strong and healthy as well. Fat cells (adipose tissue) release adiponectin in order to boost the body’s metabolism to then digest and burn off fat. Additionally, African Mango extract also increases the amount of leptin in the body. Leptin is responsible for controlling the appetite, so an increase in this hormone in turn leads to less hunger.