Michael Marantz Plus

New York, NY

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User Bio

Michael Marantz is an independent director.

He is also a composer, cinematographer, editor, writer, digital artist, and experiential designer constantly looking to discover more about life, technology, and why we humans do what we do.

He enjoys nothing more than to collaborate with people who can teach him new things and help tell better stories.

In 2012 he started Already Alive, a storytelling studio, to open new paths for collaboration.

Constantly in pursuit of stirring people to feel the same way I do: Already Alive.

External Links


  1. InfinityList
  2. Variable
  3. Everynone
  4. Phish
  5. Eclectic Method
  6. The Brothers Grinn
  7. Bilbostyle.com
  8. Nikolay Degtyarev
  9. Anna Borzilo
  10. ADW
  11. jesús olmo
  12. HaSheelon השאלון
  13. Genoveva Breaz
  14. Ray Murray
  15. Zafarali Ahmed
  16. ASLAN
  17. Michael Rissi
  18. The Mutiny Company

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