I blinde går jeg
Redd meg, ikke ?????>
La natten føre meg
Bestandig ????>
Hun vaagner paa Skyggefulde Stier
I Skogens dybe gronne Kammer
Da hvidsker een Stemme paanye
Bag rankedeckede Stammer
"Kom, om du vil! Kom I Morcket!
Mit sorte die skald vinde dig!
Mit blode Haar skald binde dig!"
(Saa dragende, sugende Ord...)
"O sode Rost, hvi vecker du
Min hemmelige Smerte nu
I disse stille Lunde?"
"Tos, hvad venter du her at vinde?
Folg mig I Dalen need...
Hvorledes kand du faae aff Minde
Voor Lycke, voor Hiemmefred?"
"Eg forstaar ikkje - eg er saa rar...
little bird in blue worlds
spinning things with wings
beating the sacred heart
running cold and scared
wanting warmer weather
to leave all winter behind
the cutting edge of the sword
in blood of the burning heart
nailed into unholy ground
and the skies going under
over paradise is offering
something to prevent nothing
little bird in white worlds
singing nothing to hear
without heed of the heart
cut by the swords of heaven
Kan du mer enn ditt Fader Vår
Kaster du ikke skygge
Ja, da har du lovet bort din sjel
og vil tilbe ???????>
Som ser (whispered)
Som ser på deg
It Is Not Sound
For the record
No one will understand
What it is all about
The dead name
It just happened
A long time ago
33 years
Again and again and again
What is it all about
It is a promise
Of a lifetime
Never recorded
In The Red
Out of nature
Something bloody
A body
Put to life
For a moment
In the light
Of the dark
In need
Of help
A heart
Taken away
In a moment
Hospital doors open
A great white
Science - The new aristocracy
Progress - The world is on the march
Why shouldn't it turn too?
It's the vision of numbers.
We are moving towards the Spirit.
Certainly deserted: It's the voice of the oracle, what I say.
Understand, and not knowing how to express myself without using hidden words.
I prefer to remain silent
[original excerpt from Arthur Rimbaud's "Bad Blood"]
Science! The new nobility! Progress. The world progresses!
Why shouldn't it turn as well?
It's the vision of numbers. We advance towards the Spirit.
It's quite certain: it's oracular, what I say.
I know, and unaware how to express myself without pagan words, I'd rather be mute
Your Call
Who is here
To hold your hand
In the dark
Where no one
Answers the phone
Speaking of the dead
When the red light rings
Don't be alarmed
Someone is dying
With no one to talk to
Other than those carried
Down the corridors
Open in the end
End in the open
And the sun is
I dende Netters Nat
Der hun hafvde besettende Glod,
Bar bleege Stjerner I sit Skiod,
Hylder han hende med een Sang
Dende Lidenskabens Hymne
Vidner om det Baand
Som nu invelder
Natten in hand Aand
Nur Stjernerne varsler Grye
Mod to-hornet Solvmaanenye
Oc Soelen stiiger frem
Lig een Flamme, skier & reen
Som fra Faedres Offerbaal -
Ustyrlig er da hans Sind!
Skienk kam saa nyt Lius aff dit Skin,
Du, Satans Soel,
Saa han kand jage tol Bestandighed
Regiere, I kold,
Da Trolddomen bleff heved - & need
Paa Jorden han sveved: Da som nu
Vaer Jaget ved at lefve, ved at aande,
Ved hver Bevegelse saa stoor at nesten
Dend vaer Smerte
Medens han gik omkring
Blandt Mennisker, vaer han skuffed forst:
I Liivets ydre vaer der intet Skifte
Lig det han hafvde folt I Ulvens Liiv
De treller under ham
Med at troskyldig Sind
Fryckter ham,
Een Krafft aff sand Natur,
Som Sanser uden Selfbedrag
Han gliider useet blandt dem, streifer I sit Jag
Lig Kveldens Farver, Nattens Aandedrag
For ingen Guderost hafver nogensinde
Git Mennisket Svar paa hvem han skiulede
Demon, Phantom & Varulv
Vaer kund Naffn paa det de aldrig kunde finde
End han -
I hans Hierteen Affgrund tung
Som det sorte Hav
Der eldsker sine Dyb
Der -
I Vintrens Bund
Felder han al deris Glede,
Liiv, Mod & Haab
Maanen, stiigende paanye,
Hilser ham fra en sunken Himmel
...Oc ved den lydende Midnattssalme
Som Fryckt I Natten vever
O Vandringsmand I een forbandet Nat
Troe ey at hans Had dig vild skaane
Hans Rov vild ey vaere nogen anden
End dig -
Der vild skielve I hans ver
I uselt Haab om at Huus er ner
End dig -
Hvis Blod skald blifve hans sterke Viin
Oc Siel, hans hellige Troft
Faafengt han lader dig gyde
Ut dit Blod I Smertens Sin
Saa du som dod ey Sofnloest kand
Fortelde Frender: "Ulven er ham!"
Som Offer for Beistets Krav
Dit Blod vild rende koldt som Becl I Grav
Gud er ey her, men Doden ner
Oc hvert Secund som her
Er undt dig -
Skimrer I et dobbelt Skier
Aff baade Liiv & Dod
Rasende lader han Bliket binde
Is the light of the light
Or something?
White on white
Is a vampire
In the mirror
Eternal ?
Like hell
We are
All dressed in black
We dug our own graves
A long time ago
Love god harder
From behind the red
Flames of the dragon
With seven heads
Directing angels
To blow the horns
Going down faster
Than the light
Going down deeper
Than the dark
Blood of the god word
Spoken in tongues
That we may see the end
Of the babel tower
Fucking heaven
To kingdom come
Ulvens Billeder hafver eengang
Til Hex & Diefvels Stolthed tienet -
Om Gudstroe vidnet, morck men micktig -
Ja med Grenser viide som dend Verden dend ln ode
Satan skabede det som for deris Bilk
Blifver ofverjordisk - Han er slik,
Een Mand I Ulveham
Self Vinden er een Tiener I hans Haand
Oc Eevigheden - hans gaadefulde Aand
Paa ham een Stoorhed som een Krone Pan fordum bar
Han hungrer giennem Eevighed -
Sinnker om han grimsort
Een Tragoedie kund for dend som veed
Han tager sig frem baade Nat & Dag
I et eevig, dodstrett Jag
...Oc dend stoore, tridste Eensomhed
Vild ofve giengierd for dend tabte Kiaerlighed -
Snacket blandt Folck vaer til Bestandighed
Om Fuldmaanens Vee & Grue
Naar det klagede op mod hendes Skiaer
Fra Vintrens kolde Eensomhed
Da frycktede de at Vargen vaer ner
Vakt vaer dends gamle Mayestet
Der vaer Dogn da nogen meenede at hafve seet
I hendes Lius, som han splidder med dend
Skygge som han spreer,
Skyggen aff een ukiend Mackt
Der dend hylede mod sin Gud I infernaldsk Prackt
Dende Diefvels Herold, han herjede
Fra Kandt til Kandtmange aff Mandeet forsvandt
Paa dend hun lyser, han binderoc Helveds Ulv,
Han dreber, medens Afgrunden brager
Forbandelsen er her visseligen
Aff Diefvlen han bleff skiinked een Gave
Der ved Troldom favned han til Ulv
Ey vaer han linger een Guds Slave
Nu har han ey meer sin Drackt
Saa rod som Viin & Blod
Fro Viin & Blod vaer paa hans Haand
Ved Sengen der han stood
Hos Liiget aff sin elskede
loveless vessels
we vow
solo love
we see
love solve loss
else we see
love sow woe
selves we woo
we lose
losses we levee
we owe
we sell
loose vows
so we love
less well
so low
so level
wolves evolve
You're taking a ride to the underworld
Where death lurks in dark corners
And trouble is never far away
Wild gangs rule by fear and prey on the weak
Lone killers haunt the highways
And dark forces move through the shadows
In this lowlife realm of freaks and psychos
Only the tough or the streetwise survive
And you might be big, but to stay big
You've got to keep moving, stay sharp and hit first
Enter a deadly future where no prisoners are taken
And the killing never stops
Enter the underworld
Har du synen
Kan du se at sola ????>
Ulvsblakk ????>
Har du synen
Kan du se at ????>
Ulvsblakk ????>
Ulvsblakk ????>
Tida ????>
Stemmen har ????> Djevelen
Ulvsblakk er med
Call the police
Radio paranoia
All is over
Under the skies
Nothing is working
For god's sake
Can you help me ?
We are alone
Over and out
Of control
The dead bodies
The world white
Truth is a hospital
Please be patient
Hold the line
Ikke bør den love å vandre i mørket
som ikke har sett natten
(plates 22-24)
Once I saw a Devil in a flame of fire. Who arose before an angel that sat
on a cloud, and the devil utter'd these words: 'The worship of God is:
honouring His gifts in other men. Each according to his genius, and loving
the greatest men best: those who envy or caluminate great men hate God;
for there is no other God, ' The angel hearing this became almost blue,
but mastering himself grew yellow.& at last white, pink,& smiling, and
then replied: 'Thou idolater, is not God one? & Is not He visible in
Jesus Christ? And has not Jesus Christ given his sanction to the law of
ten commandments, and are not all other men fools, sinners & nothings? '
The devil answer'd: 'Bray a fool in a mother with wheat. Yet shall not his
folly be beaten out of him; if Jesus Christ is the greatest man, you ought
to love him in the greatest degree; now hear how He has given His sanction
to the law of ten commandments: did He not mock at the Sabbath, and so
mock the sabbath's god? Murder those who were murdered because of Him?
Turn away the law from the woman taken in adultery? Steal the labour of
others to support him? Bear false witness when He omitted making a defence
before Pilate? Covet when He pray'd for His disciples, and when He bid
them shake off the dust of their feet against such as refused to lodge
them? I tell you, no virtue can exist without breaking these ten
commandments. Jesus was all virtue, and acted from impulse, not from
rules! When He had so spoken, I beheld the angel who stretched out his
arms, embracing the flame of fire & he was consumed and arose as Elijah.
Note: this angel who is now become a devil, is my particular friend; we
often read the bible together in its infernal or diabolical sense which
the world shall have if they behave well. I have also the bible of hell,
which the world shall have whether they will or no. One law for the lion &
(plates 17-20)
An angel came to me and said: 'O pitiable foolish young man! O horrible! O
dreadful state! Consider the hot burning dungeon thou art preparing for
thyself to all eternity, to which thou art going in such career. 'I said:
'Perhaps you will be willing to shew me my eternal lot & we will
contemplate together upon it and see whether your lot or mine is most
desirable. ' So he took me thro' a stable & thro' a church & down into the
church vault. At the end of which was a mill: thro' the mill we went, and
came to a cave: down the winding cavern we groped our tedious way, till a
void boundless as a nether sky appear'd beneath us.& we held by the roots
of trees and hung over this immensity; but I said: 'If you please we will
commit ourselves to this void, and see whether providence is here also: if
you will not, I will? ' But he answered: 'Do not presume, o young-man, but
as we here remain, behold thy lot which will soon appear when the darkness
passes away. ' So I remain'd with him, sitting in a twisted root of an
oak; he was suspended in a fungus, which hung with the head downward into
the deep. By degrees we beheld the infinite abyss, fiery as the smoke of a
burning city; beneath us, at an immense distance, was the sun, black but
shinning; round it were fiery tracks on which revolv'd vast spiders,
crawling after their prey, which flew, or rather swum, in the infinite
deep, in the most terrific shapes of animals sprung from corruption;& the
air was full of them,& seem'd composed of them: these are devils, and are
called powers of the air. I now asked my companion which was my eternal
lot? He said: 'Between the black & white spiders' but now, from between
the black & white spiders, a cloud and fire burst and rolled thro' the
deep. Black'ning all beneath, so that the nether deep grew black as a
sea,& rolled with a terrible noise; beneath us was nothing now to be seen
but a black tempest, till looking east between the cloudes & waves, we saw
a cataract of blood mixed with fire, and not many stones' throw from us
appear'd and sunk again the scaly fold of a monstrous serpent; at last, to
the east, distant about three degrees, appear'd a fiery crest above the
waves; slowly it reared like a ridge of golden rocks, till we discover'd
two globes of crimson fire, from which the sea fled away in clouds of
smoke; and now we saw it was the head of Leviathan; his forehead was
divided into streaks of green & purple like those on a tyger's forehead:
soon we saw his mouth & red gills hung just above the raging foam, tinging
the black deep with beams of blood, advancing towards us with all the fury
of a spiritual existence. My friend the angel climb'd up from his station
into the mill; I remain'd alone;& then this appearance was no more, but I
found myself sitting on a pleasant bank beside a river by moonlight
hearing a harper, who sung to the harp;& his theme was: 'The man who never
alters his opinion is like standing water,& breeds reptiles of the mind. '
But I apose and sought for the mill,& there I found my angel, who,
surprised asked me how I escaped? I answer'd: 'All that we saw was owing
to your metaphysics; for when you ran away, I found myself on a bank by
moonlight hearing a harper. But now we have seen my eternal lot, shall I
shew you yours? ' He lugh'd at my proposal; but I by force suddenly caught
him in my arms,& flew westerly thro' the night, till we were elevated
above the earth's shadow; then I flung myself with him directly into the
body of the sun; here I clothed myself in white & taking in my hand
Swedenborg's volumes, sunk from the glorious clime, and passed all the
planets till we came to Saturn: here I staid to rest,& then leap'd into
the void between Saturn & fixed stars. 'Here', said I, 'Is your lot, in
this space, if space it may be call'd. ' Soon we saw the stable and the
church,& I took him to the altar and open'd the bible, and lo! It was a
deep pit, into which I descended, driving the angel before me; soon we saw
seven houses of brick; one we enter'd; in it were a number of monkeys,
baboons,& all of that species, chain'd by the middle, grinning and
snatching at one another, but witheld by the shortness of their chains:
however, I saw that they sometimes grew numerous; and then the weak were
caught by the strong, and with a grinning aspect, first coupled with,&
then devour'd, by plucking off first one limb and then another, till the
body was left a helpless trunk; this, after grinning & kissing it with
seeming fondness, they devour'd too; and here & there I saw one savourily
picking the flesh off of his own tail; as the stench terribly annoy'd us
both, we went into the mill,& in my hand brought the skeleton of a body,
which in the mill was Aristotele's analitycs. So the angel said: 'Thy
phantasy has imposed upon me,& thou oughtest to be ashamed. 'I answered:
'We impose on one another, & it is but lost time to converse with you
whose works are only analytics. ' Opposition is true friendship.
(plates 21-22)
I have always found that angels have the vanity to speak of
themselves as the only wise; this they do with a confident insolence
sprouting from systematic reasoning, Swedenborg boasts that what he writes
is new; Tho' it is only the contents or index of already publish'd books.
A man carried a monkey about for a shew,& because he was a little wiser
than the monkey, grew vain, and conciev'd himself as much wiser than seven
men. It is so with Swedenborg: He shews the folly of churches & exposes
hypocrites, till he imagines that all religious,& himself the single one
on earth that ever broke a net. Now hear a plain fact: Swedenborg has not
written one net truth, now hear another: he has written all the old
falsehoods. And now hear the reason. He conversed with angels who are all
religious & conversed not with devils who all hate religion. For he was
incapable thro' his conceited notions. Thus Swedenborg writings are a
recapitulation of all superficial opinions, and an analysis of the more
sublime but not further. Have now another plain fact. Any man of
mechanical talents may, from the writings of Paracelus or Jacob Behmen,
produce ten thousand volumes of equal value with Swedenborg's, and from
those of Dante or Shakespear an infinite number. But when he has done
this, let him not say that he knows better than his master, for he only
(plates 12-13)
The prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel dined with me, and I asked them how they
dared so roundly to assert that God spoke to them; and whatever they did
not think at the time that they would be so misunderstood,& so be the
cause of imposition. Isaiah answer'd: 'I saw no God, nor heard any, in a
finite organical perception; but my senses discover'd the infinite in
every thing, and as I was then persuaded,& remain confirm'd, that the
voice of honest indignation is the voice of God, I cared not for
consequences, but wrote. ' Then I asked: 'Does a firm perswasion that a
thing is so, make it so? ' He replied: ' All poets believe that it does,&
in ages of imagination this firm perswasion removed mountains; but many
are not capable of a firm perswasion of any thing. ' Then Ezekiel said:
'The philosophy of the east taught the first principles of human
perception: some nations held one principle for the origin,& some
another; we Israel taught that the poetic genius (as you now call it) was
the first principle and all the others merely derivative, which was the
cause of our despising the priests & philosophers of other countries, and
prophecying that all gods would at last be proved to originate in ours &
to be tributaries of the poetic genius; it was this that our great poet
king David desired so fervently & invokes so pathetic'ly, saying this he
conquers enemies & governs kingdoms; and we so loved our God, that we
cursed in his name all the deities of surrounding nations and asserted
that they had rebelled; from this opinions the vulgar came to thin that
all nations would at last be subjected to the Jews. 'This' he said 'like
all firm perswasions, is come to pass; for all nations belive the Jews'
code and worship the Jews' God, and what the greater subjection can be? 'I
heard this with some wonder,& must confess my own convivtion. After dinner
I ask'd Isaiah to favour the world with his lost works; he said none of
equal value was lost. Ezekiel the same of his. I also asked Isaiah what
made him go naked and bare foot three years? He answer'd: 'The same that
made our friend Diogenes, the Grecian. 'I then asked Ezekiel why he eat
dung,& lay so long on his right & left side? He answer'd 'The desire of
raising other men into perception of the infinite: this the North American
tribes practise,& is he honest who resists his genius or conscience for
this sake of present ease or gratification? (plate 14) The ancient
tradition that the world will be consumed in fire at the end of six
thousand years is true, as I have heard from hell. For the Cherub with his
flaming sword is hereby commanded to leave his guard at tree of life, and
when he does, the whole creation will be consumed and appear infinite and
holy, whereas it now appears finite & corrupt. This will come to pass by
an improvement of sensual enjoyment, but first the notion that man has a
body distinct from his soul is to be expunged; this I shall do by printing
in the infernal method, by corrosives, which in hell are salutary and in
medicinal, melting apparent surfaces away, and displaying the infinite
which was hid. If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would
appear to man as it is. Infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he
Blinded By Blood
You are
From the heart
Of it all
The light
From the love
In the night
The sight
From the white
In the eye
From the inside
The fear
In the face
From the mother
The grace
The river
From the blood
Of the world
You become
From the two
The thousands
My little one
From the earth
It all ends
De entede Tosens Hiemkomst
Hun vaer I morck Skog faren vild
Sneens Tepper hafde bredet sig hen
Paa Stien hiem - hendes eeneste Ven
Om hun bare kunde
Folge Stiernernes Baner
Ey hun skulde vildfare
Blandt disse morcke Graner
Skogens morcke Arme forbarmede sig ofver dend fremmede Giest
Giorde hende vaer I siine inderste Tankers Veemod
At I Bergekongens Kammer torstes efter Christenblod
De Underjordiske:
"Det nermer sig stille: Een sorgeklest Pige
Sidder derinde med foldede Hender
Hun sender een Bon til det himmeldske Rige"
Ofver hendes Hode
Det drybber fra Qviist
Draabe for Draabe some Blodet
Fra Kroppen til Jesu Christ
"Aa, eismal I ein uggin Skog
Eg kjenn at I Kveld
The Truth
It is the two
They turn the pages
Of the same book
It means nothing to them
The pages turned by the one
Is turned back by the other
It is the truth
They know it by heart
By the nothing inside it
It is nothing inside it
The book is the heart of them
The book is the heart of them
A god is born and others die. What is
has neither come nor gone, but error moves.
Today we have exchanged eternities
and what is past no novelty improves.
Blind knowledge is working at useless ground
and crazy faith is living the dream of its liturgy
a new god is a word - or the mere sound
don't seek and don't trust, for all is mystery.
You fly, or rather float, drift
Through an enormous dark room
A room of noises
Endless shimmering glissandi
Crackling pizzicato
Coal black, turbulence holes of bass drones
But otherwise empty
No planets, no meteorites
If anything, perhaps fine dust clouds of exploded music
You float there, somewhere between pleasure and fear
In a piece of time you can't determine
You're everywhere but in the present
Hey you disappear further and further
Into these incalculable rooms
And your personality fades away
Your features evaporate, your body decomposes
And your last thought is that you have become a noise
A thin, nameless noise among all the others
Howling in the empty dark room
Ghosts presence, ghost music in the radio at night,
when you can't sleep, in the line of shadows
around the glowing red eye.
Voices that talk and talk towards nothing,
so that nothing's hollow role shall not slide
in on the scene in the solitary theater.
And the voices laugh loud, so the candles flicker
and go out, without noticing how dark it becomes.
And he who records the voices of the spirits
of the dead. On the tape filled with buzz and
cosmic noise you can hear their remote voices
form German words; they say: Wir sind die Toten,
which is true, whoever they might be.
The total inaccessibility of silence, it shines in the
wallmirror when you've left, and disappears
when you return. No silence in death's silence.
Nu bar han ey meer sin Drackt
Saa rød som Viin & Blod
For Viin & Blod vaer paa hans Haand
Ved sængen der han stood
Hos Liiget aff sin elskede
Uden Sorrig for det, som svandt
Han drager paa nye & farlig Færd
Hans eeneste Sorrig være at han intet fandt
Som vaer een Taare værdt
Til han Medynk saae
I hendes Øine, der alt Lius vaer tendt
Der al Glæde snart vaer endt
Slig een Pige hellig, vacker
Det brustne Blik flacker
Hun kiændte Haabet brast
Han viiger for hendes Blik
Med een smertelig Mystik
Fylder hende med Hiærtenskiær
Men hendes Ild ligger sort & død
Ondskab qvalte hver een Glød
Dend hviide Gloe, dend slukte han
Men dend ha'r skabt een mæcktig Brand
Aff Had & Elskov & tungsindigt Haab
Nyfødt bæres Maanen frem
Ofver det Sind som her bleff røfved
Aff dend mørcke,
Magi paa hende øfved
Med rædde Skrit. mod ham -
dybt berørt:
"Du diefvlens Sendebud,
som bærer Fryckt fra Mand til Brud,
Du Menskehadets reene Styrkedrik,
Du næring for min Siæl, som dør;
Gaae ey bort, o Skygge, før
Ieg viiser Kiændsler som ieg hafvde Angst
What's the meaning of this voyage?
To talk in a dream
So many bends and these years we've been together passed
And all this time she was tremendously excited
About everything she saw
Everything we had talked about
Every detail of every moment that had passed
One, two
O Vandringsmand i een forbandet Nat
Troe ey at hans Had dig vil skaane
Hans Rov vild ey være nogen anden
End dig -
Deer vild Skiælve i hans vær
I uselt Haab om at Huus er nær
End dig -
Hvis Blod skald blifve hans stærke Viin
Oc siæl, hans hellige Trofé
Faafængt han lader dig gyde
Ud dit Blod i Smertens siø
Saa du som død ey Søfnløest kand
Fortælde Frænder: "Ulven er ham!"
Som Offer for Beistets Krav
Dit Blod vild rende koldt som Bæck i Grav
Gud er ey her, men Døden nær
Oc hvert Secund som her
Er undt dig -
Skimrer i et dobbelt Skiær
Aff baade Liiv & Død
Rasende lader han Bliket binde
Ulvens Billeder hafver eengang
Til Hex & Diefvels Stolthed tienet -
Om Gudstroe vidnet, mørck men mæcktig -
Ja med Grenser viide som den Verden dend lâ øde
Satan skabede det som for deris Blik
Blifver ofverjordisk - Han er slik,
Een Mand i Ulveham
Self Vinden er een Tiener i hans Haand
Oc Eevigheden - hans gaadefulde Aand
Paa ham een Stoorhed som een Krone Pan fordum bar
Han hungrer gjennem Eevighed -
Siunker om ham grim & sort
Een Tragoedie kund for dend som veed
Han tager sig frem baade Nat & Dag
I et eevig, dødstrett Jag
..Oc dend stoore, tridste Eensomhed
Vild øfve gjengjæld for dend tabte Kiærlighed -
Snacket blandt Folck vaer til Bestandighed
Om Fuldmaanens Vee & Grue
Naar det klagede op mod hendes Skiær
Fra Vintrens kolde Eensomhed
Da frycktede de at Vargen vaer nær
Vakt vaer dends gamle Mayestet
Der vaer Døgn da nogen meenede at hafve seet
I hendes Lius, som han splidder med dend
Skygge som han spreer,
Skyggen aff een ikjend Mackt
Der den hylede mod sin Gud i infernaldsk Prackt
Dende Diefvels Herold, han herjede
Fra Kandt til Kandt, & mange aff Mandeæt forsvandt
Paa dend hun lyser, han binder; oc Helveds Ulv,
Han dræber, medens Afgrunden brager
Forbandelsen er her visseligen
Aff Diefvlen han bleff skiænked een Gave
Der ved Trolddom favned ham til Ulv
Ey vaer han længer een Guds Slave
De ventede tosens hiemkomst
Hun vaer i morck skog faren vild
Sneens tepper hafde bredet sig hen
Paa stien hiem - hendes eeneste ben
Om hun bare kunde
Folge stiernernes baner
Ey hun skulde vildfare
Blandt disse morcke grauer
Skogens morcke arme forvarmede sig ofver dend fremmede giaest
Giorde hende vaer i siine inderste tankers beemod
At i bergekongens kammer torstes efter christenblod
De underjordiske:
"Det naermer sig stille: Een sorgeklaedt pige
Sidder derinde med foldede haender
Hun sender een bon til det himmeldske rige"
Ofver hendes hode
Det drybber fra qviist
Draabe for drabbe som blodet
Fra kroppen til Jesu Christ
"Aa, eismal i ein uggin skog
Eg kjenn at i kveld
Hafvde Kierlighed lenkelagt
Dend utemmede Mackt?
Han glemmer det han legger dod
Ingen Minder stiiger fra Graven brat
Ingen Anger gliider giennem Sielens Nat
Med Ydmyghedens Taarer smigrede hun
Dend Guddom som hun hadete medens hun frycktede
Hendes Vesen, lig et Lam
Gik ham ey forbi
For hun hafde rort ved ham
fved sin Magi
Uagtet disse Siele tvende
Een hafvde at ende
Nye Smerte klinger frem aff gammel Klage
Tragoedie aff uaffbrudne Dage
Ukuelig, dend Torst
Hinsidigt, det Begier
Nu drev han yrmapgal
I sorthiertet Kval
Vintrens kulde
Snart tilfulde
- oc hans Lengsel
Mod een Vinternat
Havfde Kiærlighed lænkelagt
Den utnæmmede Mackt?
Han glemmer det han legger dødt
Ingen Minder stiiger fra Graven brat
Ingen Anger gliider giennem Siælens Nat
Med Ydmyghedens Taarer smigrede hun
Dend Guddom som hun hadede medens hun frycktede
Hendes Væsen, lig et Lam
Gijk ham ey forbi
For hun hafde rørt ved ham
Øfved sin Magi
Uagtet disse Siæle tvende
Een hafvde at ende
Nye Smerte klinger frem aff gammel Klage
Tragoedie aff uaffbrudne dage
Ukuelig, dend Tørst
Hinsidigt, det Begiær
Nu drev han yr & gal
I sorthiærtet Kval
Vintrens kulde
Snart tilfulde
- oc hans Længsel
Mod een Vinternat