- published: 30 Nov 2011
- views: 826
- author: FTVIDE0

Aphrodisias war eine antike Stadt im Südwesten der Türkei. Benannt ist sie nach der Göttin...
published: 30 Nov 2011
author: FTVIDE0
Aphrodisias war eine antike Stadt im Südwesten der Türkei. Benannt ist sie nach der Göttin Aphrodite, für deren Kult die Stadt berühmt war. Die örtliche Bild...
- published: 30 Nov 2011
- views: 826
- author: FTVIDE0

Aphrodisias - The City of Aphrodite, Turkey, 10/28/2012
The beautiful city Aphrodisias is one of the finest archaeological sites of Anatolia Turke...
published: 08 Nov 2012
author: prototyped
Aphrodisias - The City of Aphrodite, Turkey, 10/28/2012
The beautiful city Aphrodisias is one of the finest archaeological sites of Anatolia Turkey, still partly excavated and partly undiscovered. The name of the ...
- published: 08 Nov 2012
- views: 234
- author: prototyped

Aphrodisias ; Fogotten Jewel of the Roman Empire [FULL VIDEO]
Aphrodisias is a magnificent city of marble dedicated to the Greek goddess Aphrodite. It i...
published: 15 May 2013
author: FakeProphetTV
Aphrodisias ; Fogotten Jewel of the Roman Empire [FULL VIDEO]
Aphrodisias is a magnificent city of marble dedicated to the Greek goddess Aphrodite. It is widely recognized as one of the best-preserved sites in the Class...
- published: 15 May 2013
- views: 60
- author: FakeProphetTV

Turquie découverte du site archéologique d'Aphrodisias(Turquey archaeological site of Aphrodisias)
( merci de noter la vidéo ) le site archéologique de Aphrodisias petite cité antique situé...
published: 12 May 2010
author: videovalence
Turquie découverte du site archéologique d'Aphrodisias(Turquey archaeological site of Aphrodisias)
( merci de noter la vidéo ) le site archéologique de Aphrodisias petite cité antique située a 200km de Izmir près du petit village de Geyre,la citée doit son...
- published: 12 May 2010
- views: 728
- author: videovalence

Aphrodisias (Turkey)
published: 18 Jul 2010
author: Robert Zysk, Esq.
Aphrodisias (Turkey)
- published: 18 Jul 2010
- views: 2672
- author: Robert Zysk, Esq.

Der Orient - Part 5 - Aphrodisias
Aphrodisias (griechisch Ἀφροδισιάς) war eine antike Stadt in der Landschaft Karien im Südw...
published: 13 Feb 2012
author: Stephen Mirow
Der Orient - Part 5 - Aphrodisias
Aphrodisias (griechisch Ἀφροδισιάς) war eine antike Stadt in der Landschaft Karien im Südwesten der Türkei beim heutigen Ort Geyre. Ihr Name leitet sich vom ...
- published: 13 Feb 2012
- views: 283
- author: Stephen Mirow

Turkey Roman Ruins of Aphrodisias
Lots of Roman remains in Turkey are unexcavated but part of the town of Aphrodisias has be...
published: 16 Jul 2007
author: itnsource
Turkey Roman Ruins of Aphrodisias
Lots of Roman remains in Turkey are unexcavated but part of the town of Aphrodisias has been uncovered. www.itnsource.com.
- published: 16 Jul 2007
- views: 3997
- author: itnsource

Aphrodisias Antik Kenti
Aphrodisias Antik Kenti'nı anlatan bir sunum... http://www.antikyunan.com....
published: 10 Nov 2010
author: Antikyunan
Aphrodisias Antik Kenti
Aphrodisias Antik Kenti'nı anlatan bir sunum... http://www.antikyunan.com.
- published: 10 Nov 2010
- views: 1436
- author: Antikyunan

Discover Turkey Aphrodisias Museum near Karacasu & Geyre
A p h r o d i s i a s (Greek: Ἀφροδισιάς, Aphrodisiás) was a small city in Caria, on the s...
published: 31 Jan 2013
author: Leen Smit
Discover Turkey Aphrodisias Museum near Karacasu & Geyre
A p h r o d i s i a s (Greek: Ἀφροδισιάς, Aphrodisiás) was a small city in Caria, on the southwest coast of Asia Minor. Its site is located near the modern v...
- published: 31 Jan 2013
- views: 136
- author: Leen Smit

Discover Turkey - Aphrodisias - the ruins of the ancient city.
The ruins of the ancient city of Aphrodisias are located within the boundaries of Karacasu...
published: 31 Jan 2013
author: Leen Smit
Discover Turkey - Aphrodisias - the ruins of the ancient city.
The ruins of the ancient city of Aphrodisias are located within the boundaries of Karacasu, near the small town of Geyre. The area was first settled in the B...
- published: 31 Jan 2013
- views: 136
- author: Leen Smit

Turkey - Aphrodisias - Didyma - Prienne
Aphrodisias was named after Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love. Didyma is related to the...
published: 20 Nov 2010
author: SeteraMedia
Turkey - Aphrodisias - Didyma - Prienne
Aphrodisias was named after Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love. Didyma is related to the term "twins" associated to Apollo and twin sister Artemis. Prienne...
- published: 20 Nov 2010
- views: 666
- author: SeteraMedia

Esha belly dances in Aphrodisias
www.eshabellydance.com The location is the tetrapylon gateway at Aphrodisias, Turkey, near...
published: 29 May 2011
author: Lindybeige
Esha belly dances in Aphrodisias
www.eshabellydance.com The location is the tetrapylon gateway at Aphrodisias, Turkey, near sunset. The city is named after the love-goddess Aphrodite, and is...
- published: 29 May 2011
- views: 3608
- author: Lindybeige

Aphrodisias - Ancient Cities Tour with Ada Mavi // Aphrodisias - Ada Mavi ile Antik Kentler Turu
In the summer of 2011, with Ada Mavi (my daughter), we had a trip for several ancient citi...
published: 19 Dec 2011
author: Hakan Gonenli
Aphrodisias - Ancient Cities Tour with Ada Mavi // Aphrodisias - Ada Mavi ile Antik Kentler Turu
In the summer of 2011, with Ada Mavi (my daughter), we had a trip for several ancient cities in the Eagean district of Turkey... There were basically two aim...
- published: 19 Dec 2011
- views: 374
- author: Hakan Gonenli

Aphrodisias - Turkey
Aphrodisias - The antic site of Aphrodisias, with the theater 27 b.C., Tertrapylon, the Af...
published: 22 Jan 2011
author: Eric Ross
Aphrodisias - Turkey
Aphrodisias - The antic site of Aphrodisias, with the theater 27 b.C., Tertrapylon, the Afrodite temple and the stadion one of the best preserved old buildin...
- published: 22 Jan 2011
- views: 602
- author: Eric Ross
Youtube results:

Archaeological Sites in Turkey - Aphrodisias
HD video of the ancient ruins at the archaeological site of Aphrodisias in the region of C...
published: 30 Jul 2007
author: SitesandPhotos
Archaeological Sites in Turkey - Aphrodisias
HD video of the ancient ruins at the archaeological site of Aphrodisias in the region of Caria, Turkey. In this clip: the tetrapylon, the ancient stadium, th...
- published: 30 Jul 2007
- views: 1719
- author: SitesandPhotos

Aphrodisias - Turkey
Visit to Aphrodisias with his Tetrapylon and one of the best preserved Roman stadiums. Dir...
published: 31 Jan 2012
author: Eric Ross
Aphrodisias - Turkey
Visit to Aphrodisias with his Tetrapylon and one of the best preserved Roman stadiums. Director Eric Ross draw up this report.
- published: 31 Jan 2012
- views: 396
- author: Eric Ross

APHRODISIAS - afrodisyas - AYDIN
APHRODISIAS - afrodisyas - AYDIN....
published: 03 Jan 2008
author: göksel saylı
APHRODISIAS - afrodisyas - AYDIN
APHRODISIAS - afrodisyas - AYDIN.
- published: 03 Jan 2008
- views: 986
- author: göksel saylı

A Visual Tone Poem: Aphrodisias, Turkey
Few tourists get to Aphrodisias, which is a shame. It has incredible ruins and the beautif...
published: 19 Feb 2010
author: David Ice
A Visual Tone Poem: Aphrodisias, Turkey
Few tourists get to Aphrodisias, which is a shame. It has incredible ruins and the beautiful temple of Aphrodite. This was filmed in March 2006. Unknown to m...
- published: 19 Feb 2010
- views: 885
- author: David Ice