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Mother's Day cards for ALL our families!

Mother's Day is Sunday, May 12 -- check out the beautiful Mama's Day cards at Strong Families, where you can design and send a card with your own message for all the mamas in your life. Learn More

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Activists from coast to coast broke all records this year, raising over a half million dollars for abortion bowling! Learn More

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Monica has three children and she's pregnant

but she lost her health insurance and she's unemployed.  Who can help? Learn More

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Help a woman change her life.

Fund an abortion and help a woman care for her family. Learn More

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I give to abortion funds because...

Abortion funds supporters make rights a reality for women every day! Learn More

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What are your hopes and dreams for the future?

We invite you to share your story here. Learn More

Why Fund Abortion Now? Because the right to abortion is meaningless if you don't have the resources to pay. Learn more

Latest News from the National Network of Abortion Funds: Feed

April 29th, 2013

Now hiring! Two new positions

We're excited to announce that we are expanding our capacity and are now hiring for two new positions in our Boston office:

The Community Mobilization Manager will coordinate advocacy and movement-building efforts with nearly 100 member funds and other partners, and work to strengthen our network of leaders by providing training and support in key organizing, advocacy, and communications skills.

Click here for a full description and application instructions.

The Operations and Human Resources Director is a senior-level position responsible for administration, finance, human resources, and oversight of the fundraising team and strategy implementation.

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Categories: jobs

April 13th, 2013

Bowl-a-Thon page of the week: Sara "Sparo" Slater, with the CAIR Project's Hyde Hackers

Congratulations to Sara "Sparo" Slater, this week's National Abortion Access Bowl-a-Thon Page of the Week Winner!

Sara is bowling this weekend with the CAIR Project in Seattle, which helps women in Washington, Idaho, Oregon, and Alaska--Alaska!--get the abortions they need.

Her page was nominated because she really puts it all on the line: her story begins, "I was 16 years old and realized I couldn't remember my last period..."

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Categories: Bowl-a-Thon , CAIR Project

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Explore Abortion Funds

Who's at work in your community?

Grassroots abortion funds in communities throughout the country -- and the world -- are working tirelessly to help women in their communities. They believe women deserve justice and do all they can to make abortion accessible, one woman at a time.

Explore abortion funds