Flatiron District
Koordinat: 40°44′27″N 73°59′23″W / 40.7408°LU 73.9896°BB
Flatiron District adalah sebuah permukiman di borough Manhattan, New York City, yang mengambil namanya dari Flatiron Building di 23rd Street, Broadway dan Fifth Avenue. Secara umum, Flatiron District dapat dikatakan berbatasan dengan 20th Street, Union Square dan Greenwich Village di sebelah selatan; Avenue of the Americas (Sixth Avenue) atau Seventh Avenue dan Chelsea di barat; 25th Street dan NoMad di utara; Rose Hill di timur laut, dan Lexington Avenue/Irving Place, Gramercy Park di timur.[1][2]
Broadway langsung memotong distrik ini, dan Madison Avenue berawal di 23rd Street dan membentang ke utara. Di utara (hulu kota), batas distrik ini adalah Madison Square Park, yang direnovasi besar-besaran tahun 2001. Wilayah Flatiron District meliputi Ladies' Mile Historic District dan tempat kelahiran Theodore Roosevelt, sebuah Situs Bersejarah Nasional.
Flatiron District adalah bagian dari Manhattan Community Board 5 di New York City.[3]
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- ^ "Flatiron District Map" on the Flatiron/23rd Street Partnership website
- ^ Neighborhoods in New York City do not have official status, and their boundaries are not specifically set by the city. (There are a number of Community Boards, whose boundaries are officially set, but these are fairly large and generally contain a number of neighborhoods and the neighborhood map issued by the Department of City Planning only shows the largest ones.) Because of this, the definition of where neighborhoods begin and end is subject to a variety of forces, including the efforts of real estate concerns to promote certain areas, the use of neighborhood names in media news reports, and the everyday usage of people.
- ^ Community Board 5
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Wikimedia Commons memiliki kategori mengenai Flatiron District |
- Flatiron/23rd Partnership BID
- Madison Square Park Conservancy
- History of the International Toy Center
- Drive to Protect the Ladies' Mile
- Madison Square Park News