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Network for Education and Academic Rights

The Network for Education and Academic Rights (NEAR) is a membership-based, non-governmental organisation which works to promote and protect academic freedom and academic rights. NEAR facilitates international collaboration between organisations and individuals active in issues of academic freedom and education rights, and seeks to defend the human rights of those in the higher education sector, including scholars, teachers and students.

NEAR was launched at the UNESCO offices in Paris on 18-19 June 2001. The UNESCO-sponsored event brought together representatives from over twenty human rights organisations, educational associations and professional bodies to establish a clearing house of information on academic freedom and education rights and facilitate joint action.

NEAR receives reports of academic freedom violations from its members or credible media sources, and works to increase awareness and response through its emergency action alert system, bulletins and media outreach. NEAR also works with academics and activists worldwide active on issues of academic freedom and academic rights to encourage joint action and build capacity through its series of international workshops.


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from 28 May 2013 to 28 November 2012