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Only links in bold on the Navigation Bar
currently contain content.

The Nominations Received For Election to Guild Council for the Academic Year 2004 are now online! Click here to download.

Anti-Racism Motion
Change to Circus Society name Motion
CLO Report
CO Report
Exec Report
GUO Report
ISO Report
Motion to GC Nov 04
Potential Move - briefing for Guild Council Nov 04
Presidents Report
Residences Motion
Speakers at Guild Council
Student Groups Service Consultation
Triggering Debate Motion
VPA Report
VPFS Report
VPIA report
VPS Report
VPSA Report
VPW Report
Welfare - Motion

© 2003, Guild Democracy,
Comments and feedback by email to Vice President (Internal Affairs): .
Address: The Guild of Students, The University of Birmingham, Edgbaston Park Road, Birmingham, B15 2TU, UK.