workplace, bullying, help, with, violence, office, bullies, bully, male, female, gender, issue Bullying at Work workplace bullying, help, work, female, bully, woman, women, bullies, serial
Those who can, do. Those who can't, bully.
Bully OnLine is the world's leading web site on workplace bullying and related issues which validates
the experience of workplace bullying and provides confirmation, reassurance and re-empowerment

Updated 25 March 2006

Topics covered at Bully OnLine: workplace bullying, mobbing, bullying at work, bullying help, bullying advice, work abuse, workplace abuse, abuse in the workplace, workplace violence, harassment at work, workplace harassment, discrimination at work, stress at work, stress-related illness, law on stress, emotional abuse.
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Only the best are bullied
Half the population are bullied ... most only realise it when they read this
For more free information on workplace bullying and related issues, apply here
Please link to Bully OnLine: Bully Online

Welcome to Bully OnLine, web site of the UK National Workplace Bullying Advice Line and the world's leading source of bullying help with extensive resources on workplace bullying and related issues. Bully OnLine, where Tim Field shares his unique insight into workplace bullying, gives you the knowledge to identify, understand and tackle a common cause of stress, anxiety, waste, inefficiency, dysfunction, ill health, cost, and litigation. Bully OnLine also contains pages on harassment, workplace violence, family bullying, domestic abuse, trauma, Complex PTSD, suicide, child bullying, bullying in schools, child suicide, stalking, and other related issues.

Bullying is the common denominator of harassment, discrimination, prejudice, abuse, persecution, conflict and violence. When the bullying has a focus (eg race or gender) it is expressed as racial prejudice or harassment, or sexual discrimination and harassment, and so on. Although bullying often lacks a focus, bullies are deeply prejudiced but at the same time sufficiently devious to not reveal their prejudices to the extent that they contravene laws on harassment and discrimination.

I believe bullying is the single most important social issue of today, for the study of bullying provides an opportunity to understand the behaviours which underlie almost all conflict and violence.

Most of the information on this site is derived from experience of dealing with bullying in the workplace, however, much applies to bullying in schools, in relationships (eg domestic violence and family bullying), in uniform (armed services, police, prisons etc), in crime, with neighbours, and in abuse of the elderly.

Bully OnLine
is funded by sales of the books
Bully in sight, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Bullycide: death at playtime

workplace bullying, bully in sight, work, violence, harassment, stress, ptsd        post, traumatic, stress, disorder, ptsd, workplace bullying, david, kinchin         workplace bullying, bullycide, death at playtime, school bullying
(cover prices and shipping & handling are on the order form)

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Press, TV and radio programmes of interest
ABC Radio in Australia is airing a programme on workplace psychopaths, which
you can hear online: click here for details
BBC 1 Panorama: Why Bullies Win

Tim Field on TV and radio
23 October 2002: Tim Field interviewed in conjunction with INTO seminar in Belfast
21 June 2002: feature article in the Times Educational Supplement (TES)
on workplace bullying in the education sector

11 April 2005: feature article in the Times Educational Supplement (TES)
Bullying infects the whole of education

May 2001: Bullycide: death at playtime was reviewed in the
Times Educational Supplement (TES) Friday 4 May 2001
The review concluded, "This is an excellent book"

The latest phrases and strategies to expose the serial bully ... contact us for a free copy

bully, online, forum, workplace, bullying, validation, reempowerment, support, actionJoin the Bullyonline forum for
validation, re-empowerment,
discussion, support and action to tackle workplace bullying

At Bully OnLine
Personal welcome from the webmaster
Welcome for new visitors to Bully OnLine
Biography and profile of Tim Field
Suggested pages to print
Site search | Site map | Site index | Recent major site changes

How can I recognise that I'm being bullied?
What is workplace bullying and why me? | Definitions of bullying
Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about workplace bullying
Overcoming myths, misperceptions and stereotypes about workplace bullying
The answer to Why don't you stand up for yourself?
Workplace bullying and vulnerability
Why have my colleagues deserted me?
What is harassment and discrimination?
What's the difference between bullying and mobbing?
Why grievance procedures are inappropriate for dealing with workplace bullying?
The difference between workplace bullying and management
Facts, figures, surveys, costs of bullying | Cost of workplace bullying to UK plc
UK National Workplace Bullying Advice Line statistics
Profile of the serial bully - who does this describe in your life?
Antisocial Personality Disorder | Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Paranoid Personality Disorder | Borderline Personality Disorder
Bullies and attention-seeking behaviour
Munchausen Syndrome and MSBP
Information for nurses | Information for voluntary sector employees
Information for teachers being bullied
Bullying of lecturers in further education
Bullying of academic staff in higher education
Bullying in the social services sector
Bullying in the public sector - the political dimension and
why trade unions refuse to support members

Bullying in the military | Bullying of students
Scheduled training and conferences on bullying | Other events about bullying
Articles on bullying available online
TV and radio programmes on bullying etc
Requests to take part in surveys etc | Bullying issues needing research
Tim Field's quotes on bullying | Vision for bullying
Feedback about Bully OnLine | Survivor testimonies
The Secret Tragedy of Working: Work Abuse - PTSD Chauncey Hare
Bullying resources in: Australia and New Zealand | Canada | Finland | France | Germany | Ireland | Sweden | USA

Books on bullying, PTSD and bullying-related suicide
Tim Field's book Bully in sight validates the experience of workplace bullying and
defines the injury to health caused by bullying and harassment

David Kinchin's book Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
validates and explains the psychiatric injury of PTSD

Neil Marr and Tim Field's book Bullycide: death at playtime exposes the 
levels of child suicide caused by bullying

Need to print some important pages quickly?
Search the site
Key pages for targets of bullying

Am I being bullied? | What is bullying and why me? | Serial bully profile
Why don't you stand up for yourself? | Why have my colleagues deserted me?
Overcoming myths, misperceptions and stereotypes
Stress, fatigue, depression, suicide and injury to health | Stress, trauma and PTSD
FAQs | Action to tackle bullying | Bullying and the law | Case law
Key pages for employers
What is bullying? | FAQs | Cost of bullying to employers and taxpayers
The serial bully who is causing you to incur vicarious liability
Guidance for employers on policy development
Key pages for journalists and researchers
Am I being bullied? | What is bullying and Why me? | FAQs | Action to tackle bullying
Facts, figures and costs of bullying to industry and taxpayers | Advice Line statistics
News of bullying developments and cases | Press releases
The serial bully - who does this describe?
Overcoming myths, misperceptions and stereotypes

Where now?
Top of page | Site map | Site index | Site search
Home pages
Bullying at work (this page) | School bullying | Family bullying
Bullying news | Bullying case histories
Press releases and media centre
Action to tackle bullying | Bullying resources
Stress, PTSD and psychiatric injury | Related issues
Related web pages
The Field Foundation
Bully OnLine Home Page
Success Unlimited
Books on bullying and psychiatric injury

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Bully OnLine, PO Box 67, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 9YS, UK
Bully OnLine and the UK National Workplace Bullying Advice Line, Established 1996
Site owned and managed by Tim Field & Michael Field
Copyright © Tim Field 1996-2005