With its record of criminality and crimes against humanity, Britain has no right to pontificate and brow beat Syria, Iran or any other nation about "international obligations".

There is something fundamentally wrong with a system where not being charged with a war crime keeps you locked away indefinitely and a war crime conviction is your ticket home

When we look back in a few years, Hawking's decision to respect BDS may be seen as a turning point – the moment when boycotting Israel as a stance for justice went mainstream.

Today the US military is involved in scores of countries across all five continents, and its global military facilities make it the world's largest landlord.

The nations of Syria and Iraq today are little more than political fictions, crushed underfoot by foreign military and political intervention, and devoured by sectarian hatreds.

In their seeming urgency to present a case for war, BBC reporters have neglected factual accuracy of reported events and very much taken their lead from Western governments.

The demand by Cameron and other western politicians to increase the flow of arms is reckless and cynical, and will certainly ratchet up the death toll and spread the war.

Using humanitarian strife in Syria as a pretext to fulfill future plans for US aggression against Iran should be recognized for what it is: a grave violation of international law.

Human rights groups like Amnesty International should target war and militarism itself, rather than just some of its symptoms, and should oppose escalation of war on Syria.

Few things are more ludicrous than the attempt by advocates of US and Israeli militarism to pretend that they're applying anything remotely resembling "principles".

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