
Steve Fishell explains how pedal steel guitar works
Emmylou Harris's pedal steel ace shows us how it's done Gear demos playlist: http://goo.gl...
published: 12 Aug 2013
author: GuitaristMag
Steve Fishell explains how pedal steel guitar works
Steve Fishell explains how pedal steel guitar works
Emmylou Harris's pedal steel ace shows us how it's done Gear demos playlist: http://goo.gl/30cAf Subscribe for more from Guitarist: http://goo.gl/2PRXE Watch...- published: 12 Aug 2013
- views: 2207
- author: GuitaristMag

David Hartley on the NEW Justice Steel Guitar
David Hartley Pedal Steel Guitar Date:- 16th March 2013 More at CDBABY.com and iTUNES www....
published: 17 Mar 2013
author: davepedalsteel
David Hartley on the NEW Justice Steel Guitar
David Hartley on the NEW Justice Steel Guitar
David Hartley Pedal Steel Guitar Date:- 16th March 2013 More at CDBABY.com and iTUNES www.davidhartleymusic.com www.amarillocountrymusicduo.com.- published: 17 Mar 2013
- views: 30271
- author: davepedalsteel

Legends of Steel Guitar - Part 1
It has been years in the thinking stage and this video is an important part in spreading t...
published: 20 Aug 2010
author: MrJamesmvest
Legends of Steel Guitar - Part 1
Legends of Steel Guitar - Part 1
It has been years in the thinking stage and this video is an important part in spreading the gospel of the steel guitar. You will be able to learn more about...- published: 20 Aug 2010
- views: 89761
- author: MrJamesmvest

Barbra Mandrell - Steel Guitar Rag
1976 Christmas Special I Do Not Own The Rights For This....
published: 04 May 2010
author: PeterRabbit59
Barbra Mandrell - Steel Guitar Rag
Barbra Mandrell - Steel Guitar Rag
1976 Christmas Special I Do Not Own The Rights For This.- published: 04 May 2010
- views: 274146
- author: PeterRabbit59

Crying Steel Guitar
My instrumental version of a classic Tammy Wynette song played here on the Sho~Bud....
published: 21 Jul 2013
author: Tony Browne
Crying Steel Guitar
Crying Steel Guitar
My instrumental version of a classic Tammy Wynette song played here on the Sho~Bud.- published: 21 Jul 2013
- views: 1621
- author: Tony Browne

Steel Guitar Rag
David Hartley & John Stannard Date:- 10th November 2011 More at CDBABY.com and iTUNES www....
published: 13 Nov 2011
author: davepedalsteel
Steel Guitar Rag
Steel Guitar Rag
David Hartley & John Stannard Date:- 10th November 2011 More at CDBABY.com and iTUNES www.davidhartleymusic.com www.amarillocountrymusicduo.com.- published: 13 Nov 2011
- views: 97734
- author: davepedalsteel

I Love You Because (Gary Carter on the pedal steel guitar)
Gary Carter playing I Love You Because. Don't own anything, though....
published: 18 Sep 2013
I Love You Because (Gary Carter on the pedal steel guitar)
I Love You Because (Gary Carter on the pedal steel guitar)
Gary Carter playing I Love You Because. Don't own anything, though.- published: 18 Sep 2013
- views: 358

Desperado Pedal Steel Guitar Instrumental E9
Desperado (original von den Eagles) hier als Pedal-Steel-Guitar-Instrumental Begleitet hat...
published: 30 Mar 2013
author: Freda01
Desperado Pedal Steel Guitar Instrumental E9
Desperado Pedal Steel Guitar Instrumental E9
Desperado (original von den Eagles) hier als Pedal-Steel-Guitar-Instrumental Begleitet hat mich der von mir sehr geschätzte Musiker-Kollege und Freund Herman...- published: 30 Mar 2013
- views: 14954
- author: Freda01

Ghost Riders in the Sky - Lap Steel Guitar
6-string, C6 tuning (high to low) E, C, A, G, E, C. 1950 Gibson Century 6 lap steel, Peave...
published: 04 Aug 2010
author: Doug Beaumier
Ghost Riders in the Sky - Lap Steel Guitar
Ghost Riders in the Sky - Lap Steel Guitar
6-string, C6 tuning (high to low) E, C, A, G, E, C. 1950 Gibson Century 6 lap steel, Peavey Nashville 112 amp. My web site: www.playsteelguitar.com.- published: 04 Aug 2010
- views: 123580
- author: Doug Beaumier

Sarah Jory - City Lights ( Pedal Steel Instrumental )
Recorded Live In Ireland http://www.sarahjory.co.uk/ Without a doubt one of the finest ped...
published: 30 May 2013
author: NotGeneWatsonSongs
Sarah Jory - City Lights ( Pedal Steel Instrumental )
Sarah Jory - City Lights ( Pedal Steel Instrumental )
Recorded Live In Ireland http://www.sarahjory.co.uk/ Without a doubt one of the finest pedal steel guitarists in the world, Sarah has performed and collabora...- published: 30 May 2013
- views: 9337
- author: NotGeneWatsonSongs

How Bands Use a Pedal Steel Guitar | Pedal Steel Guitar
See what you can learn on the go with the new Howcast App for iPhone and iPad: http://bit....
published: 08 Sep 2013
How Bands Use a Pedal Steel Guitar | Pedal Steel Guitar
How Bands Use a Pedal Steel Guitar | Pedal Steel Guitar
See what you can learn on the go with the new Howcast App for iPhone and iPad: http://bit.ly/11ZmFOu Watch more How to Play the Pedal Steel Guitar videos: http://www.howcast.com/guides/1096-How-to-Play-the-Pedal-Steel-Guitar Subscribe to Howcast's YouTube Channel - http://bit.ly/uLaHRS Learn how bands use a pedal steel guitar in this Howcast video. Howcast uploads the highest quality how-to videos daily! Be sure to check out our playlists for guides that interest you: http://bit.ly/ytmainplaylists Subscribe to Howcast's other YouTube Channels: Howcast Dance & Entertainment Channel - http://bit.ly/vmB86i Howcast Family Channel - http://bit.ly/16dz9oH Howcast Food & Drink Channel - http://bit.ly/umBoJX Howcast Personal Care & Style Channel - http://bit.ly/vbbNt3 Howcast Sports & Fitness Channel - http://bit.ly/vKjUjm Howcast Tech Channel - http://bit.ly/rx9FwR Howcast Video Games Channel - http://bit.ly/tYKKrk Howcast empowers people with engaging, useful how-to information wherever, whenever they need to know how. Emphasizing high-quality instructional videos, Howcast brings you experts who provide accurate information in easy-to-follow tutorials on everything from makeup, hairstyling, nail art design, and soccer to parkour, skateboarding, dancing, kissing, and much, much more. So what is the pedal steel guitars role in a lot of the stuff you might be likely to be playing on? It's chiefly associated with country music, but it's certainly not limited to that. But let's just for the sake of argument stick to country music for a second, because that's where its role is most clearly defined. It also serves as a perfect illustration of what it's really good at doing. The pedal steel is called a guitar, but it really has a very different role than a regular guitar. With a regular guitar, you can be part of the rhythm section, you can just strum along and be part of the, you know, really almost part of the drum kit, hanging out with the high hat, especially very friendly with an acoustic guitar, or any kind of strummed instrument. You don't really strum the pedal steel, it's just not how it works. It's a very declarative instrument, you've got to decide what you're going to play when you going to play it, and you don't want to be playing all the time. You want to make sure not to step on the vocalist, but you also want to try to answer or compliment the things the vocalist is doing. Another classic use it would be to kick off a song, very common to kick off and end a song, and also to introduce sections within a song in an interesting way. So you could have heard something like . . . vocalist commences here, you get the general idea. Simple intro, one, five, and one, and then back to one, and the singer starts. Okay, so you can just stop right there for awhile, let the singer sing, his generic milament . . . my dog left me, I'm so sad and blue, and now what I'm going to do with this song is up to you baby. So there you see, you're playing between the vocal and the vocal, you're trying to avoid, set him up, set her up for his next moment, get out of his way, but allude to the shape of the song. Especially useful if you're going toward the four chord, for example . . . I'm just sitting here playing this song. Aha, so what did we do there, we just did like a seventh chord, which just wants desperately to go to the four, and it just as sure as could be that you feel the tug, that that's where it wants to go. So those types of things work really well with pedal steel, taking advantage of changes in chords because it is so perfectly suited at changing chords in a very fluid and fascinating way, that's what the steel works really, really well for. Also ending legs, I mean who hasn't heard . . . there you go, what more could you ask for, right? So the sky's the limit, really. You can play any kind of music, I'd say not confined to country music at all. You can play jazz, you can play swing, you can play the hardest rock you want, it's a polyphonic instrument, it works in every key. There is absolutely no obstacle except your imagination, and really it's timely for it to be heard in other kinds of music because it's a musical instrument on its own and it doesn't need country music as its sole reason for being. Good luck finding your way.- published: 08 Sep 2013
- views: 374

http://www.nationalguitar.com/ Hi All, Here is a demo playing slide on all 3 of our HOT RO...
published: 31 Jul 2010
author: NationalGuitarMan
http://www.nationalguitar.com/ Hi All, Here is a demo playing slide on all 3 of our HOT ROD STEEL models, side by side. Great sounding and playing guitars av...- published: 31 Jul 2010
- views: 13968
- author: NationalGuitarMan

Beneath Still Waters on the Justice Steel Guitar
by David Hartley Date:- 29th May 2013 More at CDBABY.com and iTUNES www.davidhartleymusic....
published: 30 May 2013
author: davepedalsteel
Beneath Still Waters on the Justice Steel Guitar
Beneath Still Waters on the Justice Steel Guitar
by David Hartley Date:- 29th May 2013 More at CDBABY.com and iTUNES www.davidhartleymusic.com www.amarillocountrymusicduo.com.- published: 30 May 2013
- views: 4165
- author: davepedalsteel

"Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain" Steel Guitar by Zane King
This is one of the best melodies you can play on a pedal steel guitar. Here I am with my 1...
published: 02 Jul 2013
author: Zane King
"Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain" Steel Guitar by Zane King
"Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain" Steel Guitar by Zane King
This is one of the best melodies you can play on a pedal steel guitar. Here I am with my 12 string Jackson Steel Guitar playing through a Peavy 112 amp. Just...- published: 02 Jul 2013
- views: 2243
- author: Zane King
Youtube results:

The Blame by David Hartley Pedal Steel Guitar
Instrumental version of a Highway 101 song called 'The Blame'...
published: 31 Dec 2007
author: davepedalsteel
The Blame by David Hartley Pedal Steel Guitar
The Blame by David Hartley Pedal Steel Guitar
Instrumental version of a Highway 101 song called 'The Blame'- published: 31 Dec 2007
- views: 576823
- author: davepedalsteel

How to Set Up a Pedal Steel Guitar | Pedal Steel Guitar
See what you can learn on the go with the new Howcast App for iPhone and iPad: http://bit....
published: 18 Aug 2013
author: Howcast
How to Set Up a Pedal Steel Guitar | Pedal Steel Guitar
How to Set Up a Pedal Steel Guitar | Pedal Steel Guitar
See what you can learn on the go with the new Howcast App for iPhone and iPad: http://bit.ly/11ZmFOu Watch more How to Play the Pedal Steel Guitar videos: ht...- published: 18 Aug 2013
- views: 25
- author: Howcast

How its made Pedal Steel Guitar
published: 27 May 2013
author: havuz oyunları
How its made Pedal Steel Guitar

Pedal Steel Guitar... 22 mins of David Hartley
This was shot at one of our recent meetings, Fran singing for the 1st half of the footage....
published: 15 Jan 2013
author: Bob Adams
Pedal Steel Guitar... 22 mins of David Hartley
Pedal Steel Guitar... 22 mins of David Hartley
This was shot at one of our recent meetings, Fran singing for the 1st half of the footage.- published: 15 Jan 2013
- views: 8928
- author: Bob Adams