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The Interactive Fiction Database is an IF game catalog and recommendation engine. IFDB is a Wiki-style community project: members can add new game listings, write reviews, exchange game recommendations, and more. Tips & More Info

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A new listing for Informatica a Mirabilandia, by Mattia Monga May 10, 2013
This game was written for the fifth edition of "Kangourou of Informatics", a game contest aimed at popularizing informatics as a science among the pupils of secondary schools. The plot is trivial and the...
Richard Otter reviews The Legend of the Missing Hat: "Nice little diversion" May 10, 2013
"This is a small, fun little game. No complexity to it and as reported in other reviews, no real depth to either the implementation or..." - See full review
Andromache reviews Worlds Apart: "Just about perfect" May 9, 2013
"This is my second time playing "Worlds Apart" and it was an incredible, cathartic experience. It just pressed all the right buttons for..." - See full review
A new listing for Faulty Towers, by Robert C. Corbett May 9, 2013
A new listing for Father of Darkness, by S. E. Roberts May 9, 2013
Do you have what it takes to overcome the mad leader of Nazi Germany? In this two-part adventure you are sent through time by Merlin to the 20th Century to recover the fabled Excalibur from Hitler's evil...
A new listing for The Fantasy, by Simon Jones May 9, 2013

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IFDB Recommends...

Valley of the Minotaur, by Nicolas van Dyk

"Valley of the Minotaur" is an EXTREMELY obscure (effectively non-existent, I fear) 1983 IF game developed exclusively for the Apple...

Fantasia Diamond, by Kim Topley

The magnificent Fantasia Diamond, a family heirloom, has been stolen and taken to the imposing fortress across the river. Boris the...

Curse of Vengeance, by Scott McNab

Fairly typical Dungeons & Dragons meets text adventure. Includes extremely simple combat system, armor and weapon classes, and a 'Save...

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IFDB's top reviewers, as determined by Frequent Fiction scores:

#1Peter Pears
#2Emily Short
#3Wade Clarke
#4Sam Kabo Ashwell

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4833 Game Listings
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