- published: 09 Dec 2012
- views: 6981

Typhus- All Alone (OFFICIAL VIDEO)
PURCHASE "All Alone" available on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/all-alone-sing...
published: 09 Dec 2012
Typhus- All Alone (OFFICIAL VIDEO)
PURCHASE "All Alone" available on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/all-alone-single/id582657829
"All Alone" is also available on Google Play and Spotify.
"All Alone" is the Debut Single from Typhus (@Typhus_Flow) . The song was produced by Dj-120 (@laynekiffen) . Typhus is an unsigned artist from the underground roots of Houston, TX. After receiving little if any love for his debut mixtape "Sicktionary" that was released June 2012, Typhus went back to the drawing boards and is now on a quest to infect the world with greatness along with his team #TeamTyphus. This song was the first track the team had released after Sicktionary. "All Alone" was shot and directed by Ryan Pinkall (@ryan_pinkall) who also was the director for The ill Mind of Hopsin 5. Together, 19 year old Typhus and 17 year old Dj-120 team up with Ryan to create a visual masterpiece. The video is a metaphor representing the acts of betrayal Typhus has experienced. It is intended to make the viewer not understand what is going on until about half way during the song. The scenes bounce back from Typhus reflecting on old times with close friends, and eventually becoming all alone. Inspired by the darkness, Typhus sees the light. He never promises that everything will be perfect, but that no matter what situation you may be in, give GOD the glory and "keep on moving up". Enjoy!
Typhus Infects Meek Mill Intro: http://www.hotnewhiphop.com/typhus-team-typhus-song.1085349.html
Typhus Newest Songs: http://www.hotnewhiphop.com/TyphusFlow/song/popular/
Debut Mixtape "Sicktionary": http://www.datpiff.com/Typhus-Sicktionary-mixtape.358331.html
Also LIKE Typhus on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Typhus-Flow/381163428611433?fref=ts
Dj-120: https://soundcloud.com/dj-120-1
Ryan Pinkall: http://rpinkall.wordpress.com/
Contact Info:
Typhus: Typhus_Flow@yahoo.com
Dj-120: weber.layne@gmail.com
Ryan Pinkall: ryan.pinkall@gmail.com
- published: 09 Dec 2012
- views: 6981

from their studio live demo tracks, recorded in late 1980. (or early 1981)
01. titled u...
published: 25 Jun 2011
from their studio live demo tracks, recorded in late 1980. (or early 1981)
01. titled unknown
02. 香港ガール
03. ノータッチ
04. 退屈虫に犯されて
05. 万引き
06. 永遠の平和
07. ストリートホイホイボーイ
bass; SHIN
guitar; TAM
drums; TAKU
vocal; IZUMI
cho; MEENA
- published: 25 Jun 2011
- views: 852

TYPHUS "Coprophagic Communion Upon The Holy Alter" Live @ Heathen Crusade 2006
Album: Profound Blasphemous Proclamation"
Label: Dark Horizon Records
Websites: www.dar...
published: 05 Nov 2009
TYPHUS "Coprophagic Communion Upon The Holy Alter" Live @ Heathen Crusade 2006
Album: Profound Blasphemous Proclamation"
Label: Dark Horizon Records
Websites: www.darkhorizon666.com / www.myspace.com/typhus666 / www.typhus.us
- published: 05 Nov 2009
- views: 2893

1942-12-xx - Descheg-Monatsschau Nr. 10 (mit Bericht über Fleckfieberforschung (Typhus))
In der Descheg - Monatsschau Nr. 10 vom 1942-12 wird unter anderem über die Eröffnung des...
published: 15 Dec 2012
1942-12-xx - Descheg-Monatsschau Nr. 10 (mit Bericht über Fleckfieberforschung (Typhus))
In der Descheg - Monatsschau Nr. 10 vom 1942-12 wird unter anderem über die Eröffnung des Forschungsinstitutes gegen Fleckfieber in Berlin berichtet.
Wie wir wissen, gab es viele Opfer in den östlichen Arbeitslagern durch diese Krankheit.
Da dieser Verlust von Arbeitskräften zu hohen Wirtschaftsausfällen führte, versuchte das deutsche Reich die Krankheit in den Griff zu bekommen.
Auf deutschem Boden gab es keine Vernichtungslager"
(Simon Wiesenthal - Books and Bookmen, April 1975)
Die wissenschaftlichen Analysen des Rudolf-Gutachtens (Gutachten eines Diplom Chemikers, der Auschwitz untersuchte und feststellte, dass es keine Gaskammern gab) sind perfekt," sagte Hans Westra, der Direktor der jüdischen Anne-Frank-Stiftung in Amsterdam.
Kann man kritiklos davon ausgehen, das alle uns in den letzten Jahren präsentierten Tatsachen über die NS-Judenverfolgung wahr sind? Oder sollte man nicht allenthalben Vorsicht walten lassen und diese Propaganda der Feinde Deutschlands einer kritischen Untersuchung unterziehen?
Gaskammern, welche einer WISSENSCHAFTLICHEN PRÜFUNG standhalten, EXISTIEREN NICHT .
Desweiterem fehlt von 5.850.000 (!) Juden (6.000.000 wurden laut der Geschichtshistoriker vernichtet) jeglicher Existenzbeweis.
(Quelle: http://www.bundesarchiv.de/gedenkbuch/)
Daher muss der Holocaust (Völkermord an Juden während des 2. Weltkriegs) stark in Frage gestellt und Wissenschaftlich neu aufgearbeitet werden!
Reichlich Literatur zum Thema Holocaust gibt es hier.
ACHTUNG - Das sind bezahlte Desinformanten (Zionistisches Scheißpack)
Auch auf Youtube bekannt als "NAZISALLY FAKE ACCOUNTS"
ACHTUNG - So entlarvt man bezahlte Desinformanten
Auch auf Youtube bekannt als "SALLYLEIN oder DESINFO TROLLE"
- published: 15 Dec 2012
- views: 74

Typhus ft. AB Crazy "I'm That Boy"
The latest music video from American born, South African artist Typhus to his smash hit si...
published: 02 Apr 2012
Typhus ft. AB Crazy "I'm That Boy"
The latest music video from American born, South African artist Typhus to his smash hit single "I'm That Boy" ft AB Crazy!
- published: 02 Apr 2012
- views: 4922

Typhus Birthday Sickness
As promised, Typhus spits a couple bars on his 19th birthday from college in Arkansas to p...
published: 11 Nov 2012
Typhus Birthday Sickness
As promised, Typhus spits a couple bars on his 19th birthday from college in Arkansas to prove he's one of the uprising stars from Houston, TX. Follow him on Twitter @Typhus_Flow and become a fan. #TeamTyphus
Booking Info: Typhus_Flow@yahoo.com
- published: 11 Nov 2012
- views: 851

With Champion Home B-Aced Entertainment in conjunction with Kyle White TV deliver yet anot...
published: 22 Jan 2013
With Champion Home B-Aced Entertainment in conjunction with Kyle White TV deliver yet another Typhus Music master piece in the form of a genuine Hip Hop banger Champion.
This Typhus street single is a sure fire classic in which Typhus shows off his lyrical; prowess and unique flow and delivery.!
A timeless classic for all hip hop lovers , this video exemplifies the true quality that is Typhus Music.
Important links:
courtesy of Home B-Aced Entertainment
- published: 22 Jan 2013
- views: 200

DDT Use During the Typhus Epidemic in Naples, Italy 1943 to 1944
The winter of 1943 found the city of Naples, Italy in the grip of a rapidly growing typhus...
published: 01 Sep 2011
DDT Use During the Typhus Epidemic in Naples, Italy 1943 to 1944
The winter of 1943 found the city of Naples, Italy in the grip of a rapidly growing typhus epidemic that, had it gone unchecked, threatened to wipe out the entire city. The German army of occupation had fled the city the preceding autumn, destroying buildings, water and sewer systems, and food supplies prior to their departure lest the Allies use them for their own purpose. The entire population of Naples was forced to live in bomb-shelters to avoid the incessant bombings by the Allies which, along with the German scorched-earth retreat, reduced the city to smoking ruins. These overcrowded bomb shelters served as perfect foci for typhus spread among their louse infested occupants. As the winter progressed, conditions grew steadily worse and the typhus mortality rose to 700 cases in the first week of January, 1944. In December, the Allies institute proper control measures quickly, including the dusting of people with a new insecticide, DDT. The application of DDT powder to the clothing of infested individuals was speedy, economical in the amount of powder used, and eliminated the necessity for the removal of the clothing from the body of the person to be dusted. Essentially the procedure consisted of forcefully blowing powder, by handdusters or power-dusters, between the layers of clothing worn by the individual and between the innermost layer of clothing and the skin of the body. By January 10, 1944, within a month after control operations had been put into effect, the peak of the epidemic had been reached and a -sharp decrease in' the number of reported cases. For a report on this effort, read the report in trhe American Journal of Public Health, Control of Typhus in Italy 1943-1944 by Use of DDT , at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1626020/pdf/amjphnation00630-0022.pdf . The successful use of DDT in Naples was publicized by its manufacturer, the Geigy, chemical dye company in Switzerland and it was used world-wide after the war. This is clipped from the 1944 film, DDT: Weapon Against Disease, produced by the United States War Dept., Army Pictorial Service, U.S. Signal Corps. The 14 minutes film publicizes DDT - its discovery, its effectiveness against disease-carrying lice, mosquitoes, and flies, and its first applications. DDT was regarded as a revolutionary discovery that would not only help the allies win the war against "the fascists," but also a larger "war against disease." This film is marked by an exuberant technological optimism: DDT would usher in a new era in which disease would be eradicated. The entire film is available and the Internet Archive and also at the excellent digitized film webpage at the National Library of Medicine at http://www.nlm.nih.gov/hmd/digicolls/phfgtw/films.html .
- published: 01 Sep 2011
- views: 1529
Youtube results:

Typhus performance
Young Houston rapper Typhus performing at Fitzgeralds. If you're not familiar with Typhus ...
published: 08 Jan 2013
Typhus performance
Young Houston rapper Typhus performing at Fitzgeralds. If you're not familiar with Typhus you need to ASAP, he's one of the top up and coming artist out the H. Follow him on twitter @Typhus_Flow and follow me @AdamNoEve_
- published: 08 Jan 2013
- views: 161

Warhammer 40K -Typhus the Traveller, Herald of Nur
Valknut Painting
Typhus, the Herald of Nurgle
published: 18 Mar 2012
Warhammer 40K -Typhus the Traveller, Herald of Nur
Valknut Painting
Typhus, the Herald of Nurgle
- published: 18 Mar 2012
- views: 1363

Typhus Herald of Nurgle
One of the most feared of Nurgle's champions, incredibly powerful, fully funtional psyker,...
published: 12 Jun 2012
Typhus Herald of Nurgle
One of the most feared of Nurgle's champions, incredibly powerful, fully funtional psyker, awsome paint job!!!!! As said in the video, this model was painted by Mike, a GW employee, except for the face and small other little parts, which were done by me
- published: 12 Jun 2012
- views: 369