
Robert Solow: New Ideas for a New World
Three years after the global financial crisis, some of the biggest names in economics came...
published: 23 Mar 2011
Author: imf
Robert Solow: New Ideas for a New World
Three years after the global financial crisis, some of the biggest names in economics came together with the International Monetary Fund to discuss what we have learned―and what we need to do differently. Hear what Professor Solow, winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, has to say.

A Conversation with Robert M. Solow
The Annual Review of Resource Economics presents an interview with Robert M. Solow. Read R...
published: 23 Sep 2011
Author: annualreviews
A Conversation with Robert M. Solow
The Annual Review of Resource Economics presents an interview with Robert M. Solow. Read Robert Solow's autobiographical chapter online at www.annualreviews.org Or, for more Annual Reviews Conversations interviews, visit us online at www.annualreviews.org

Bailing out the bankers - Robert Solow
Why the bank bailout was necessary, why we need financial markets in the first place&mdash...;
published: 16 Dec 2009
Author: theurbaninstitute
Bailing out the bankers - Robert Solow
Why the bank bailout was necessary, why we need financial markets in the first place—and how we can prevent another breakdown.

Robert M. Solow - The Financial Crisis and Economic Policy
October 20, 2010 New York, NY Robert M. Solow is Institute Professor Emeritus at the Massa...
published: 14 Mar 2012
Author: americanacad
Robert M. Solow - The Financial Crisis and Economic Policy
October 20, 2010 New York, NY Robert M. Solow is Institute Professor Emeritus at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 1987, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics in recognition of his contributions to the theory of economic growth; in 1999 he received the National Medal of Science for his creation of the modern framework for analyzing the effects of investment and technological progress on economic growth. His publications include Capital Theory and the Rate of Return (1963); The Nature and Sources of Unemployment in the United States (1964); Growth Theory (1970); and Inflation, Unemployment and Monetary Policy (with John B. Taylor, 1998). He was elected a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences in 1956.

Is the stimulus working? - Robert Solow
A slow recovery, like ours, keeps unemployment high, which in turn, inhibits growth. Do we...
published: 16 Dec 2009
Author: theurbaninstitute
Is the stimulus working? - Robert Solow
A slow recovery, like ours, keeps unemployment high, which in turn, inhibits growth. Do we need a second stimulus to speed things up?

Open Classroom-1/14/09- #1-Barry Bluestone- What Makes Economies Grow?
"What Makes Economies Grow? New vs. Old Models of Economic Growth" Featuring: Ro...
published: 05 Feb 2009
Author: Northeastern
Open Classroom-1/14/09- #1-Barry Bluestone- What Makes Economies Grow?
"What Makes Economies Grow? New vs. Old Models of Economic Growth" Featuring: Robert Solow, 1987 Nobel Prize in Economics Professor Emeritus, MIT and Lynn Browne, Executive Vice President and Chief Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston The Open Classroom Policy Series is a graduate-level public policy seminar that is open to the public. Each semester, the the School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs selects a critical and relevant topic as the Open Classroom for that semester. www.policyschool.neu.edu The topic of this semester is Economic Growth with Equity, focusing on the historical causes and consequences of economic growth in the United States and ways to improve the financial health and equity for the future. The faculty are Barry Bluestone and Cathy Minehan, former President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Each week features 1-3 featured speakers.

A very expensive experiment - Robert Solow
Why economists disagree....
published: 16 Dec 2009
Author: theurbaninstitute
A very expensive experiment - Robert Solow
Why economists disagree.

What makes this recession different from others weve seen? - Robert Solow
How over-leveraged financial institutions turned a housing slump into a global economic cr...
published: 16 Dec 2009
Author: theurbaninstitute
What makes this recession different from others weve seen? - Robert Solow
How over-leveraged financial institutions turned a housing slump into a global economic crisis (or how a bad mortgage in Oklahoma can sink a bank in Paris).

Robert Solow and Greg Mankiw Part 1
Bob Solow and Greg Mankiw discussing the economic policies that Obama can undertake. [Part...
published: 14 Nov 2008
Author: ubikentang617
Robert Solow and Greg Mankiw Part 1
Bob Solow and Greg Mankiw discussing the economic policies that Obama can undertake. [Part 2: video.google.com [Part 3: video.google.com

Pt 1clip reel of Money Talks with Citizen Reno and guest, Robert Solow, Nobel Laureate in Economics
Alternative comedian, Reno, (Citizen Reno) hilariously collides with Wall St/Capitalist or...
published: 17 Oct 2008
Author: CitizenReno
Pt 1clip reel of Money Talks with Citizen Reno and guest, Robert Solow, Nobel Laureate in Economics
Alternative comedian, Reno, (Citizen Reno) hilariously collides with Wall St/Capitalist orthodoxy, then chats with Nobel economics laureate, Robert Solow, in a continuation of a series Reno is developing that began with a show at The Society for Ethical Culture in New York City with Princeton economist and columnist for the New York Times, Paul Krugman in June. These are excerpts from a July '08 show at "The Yard" in Chilmark, Ma. on the Vineyard of Martha island paradise.

Pt 2 clip reel of Money Talks with Citizen Reno and guest, Robert Solow, Nobel Laureate in Economics
Alternative comedian, Reno, (Citizen Reno) hilariously collides with Wall St/Capitalist or...
published: 17 Oct 2008
Author: CitizenReno
Pt 2 clip reel of Money Talks with Citizen Reno and guest, Robert Solow, Nobel Laureate in Economics
Alternative comedian, Reno, (Citizen Reno) hilariously collides with Wall St/Capitalist orthodoxy, then chats with Nobel economics laureate, Robert Solow, in a continuation of a series Reno is developing that began with a show at The Society for Ethical Culture in New York City with Princeton economist and columnist for the New York Times, Paul Krugman in June. These are excerpts from a July '08 show at "The Yard" in Chilmark, Ma. on the Vineyard of Martha island paradise.

From Poverty to Prosperity: Robert Fogel, Robert Solow, and Paul Romer
Buy Poverty to Prosperity: amzn.to Order Kling/Schulz New Book Invisible Wealth: amzn.to J...
published: 02 Jul 2011
Author: AlexMerced
From Poverty to Prosperity: Robert Fogel, Robert Solow, and Paul Romer
Buy Poverty to Prosperity: amzn.to Order Kling/Schulz New Book Invisible Wealth: amzn.to Join the Discussion at: www.HayekForums.com

Robert Solow con Thinking Heads en el Telediario de TVE
El premio nobel de economía Robert Solow comenta la medida de Barack Obama para lim...
published: 10 Feb 2009
Author: ThinkingHeads
Robert Solow con Thinking Heads en el Telediario de TVE
El premio nobel de economía Robert Solow comenta la medida de Barack Obama para limitar el sueldo de directivos de empresas que reciben ayuda pública.

open Classroom-1/14/09- #2-Robert Solow- What Makes Economies Grow?
"What Makes Economies Grow? New vs. Old Models of Economic Growth" Featuring: Ro...
published: 11 Feb 2009
Author: Northeastern
open Classroom-1/14/09- #2-Robert Solow- What Makes Economies Grow?
"What Makes Economies Grow? New vs. Old Models of Economic Growth" Featuring: Robert Solow, 1987 Nobel Prize in Economics Professor Emeritus, MIT and Lynn Browne, Executive Vice President and Chief Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston The Open Classroom Policy Series is a graduate-level public policy seminar that is open to the public. Each semester, the the School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs selects a critical and relevant topic as the Open Classroom for that semester. www.policyschool.neu.edu The topic of this semester is Economic Growth with Equity, focusing on the historical causes and consequences of economic growth in the United States and ways to improve the financial health and equity for the future. The faculty are Barry Bluestone and Cathy Minehan, former President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Each week features 1-3 featured speakers.
Youtube results:

Keen Behavioural Finance 2011 Lecture 06 Part 1: State of Macroeconomics
One year after the start of the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression, the e...
published: 07 Sep 2011
Author: ProfSteveKeen
Keen Behavioural Finance 2011 Lecture 06 Part 1: State of Macroeconomics
One year after the start of the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression, the editor of the American Economic Review: Macroeconomics claimed that "the state of macro [theory] is good". How could be be so deluded? Macroeconomics has been distorted by appalling scholarship and a misguided belief that macroeconomics and microeconomics should be consistent. The best critics of this, ironically, are given by the authors most responsible for the state of macroeconomics, John Hicks and Robert Solow

Robert Solow, investit doctor honoris causa per la UPF
Aquest economista, professor emèrit del MIT i premi Nobel d'Economia l'any ...
published: 30 Sep 2009
Author: UPF
Robert Solow, investit doctor honoris causa per la UPF
Aquest economista, professor emèrit del MIT i premi Nobel d'Economia l'any 1987,va ser distingit honoris causa per les seves aportacions decisives en diversos àmbits de les ciències econòmiques.

What Does It Take to Achieve High, Sustainable, and Inclusive Growth in Developing Countries? (Video
ORIGINALLY RECORDED May 21, 2008 Watch experts discuss the findings of the Commission on G...
published: 04 May 2011
Author: cfr
What Does It Take to Achieve High, Sustainable, and Inclusive Growth in Developing Countries? (Video
ORIGINALLY RECORDED May 21, 2008 Watch experts discuss the findings of the Commission on Growth and Development report. SPEAKERS: Han Duck-soo, Former Prime Minister and former Minister of Finance and Economy, Republic of Korea Pedro-Pablo Kuczynski, President and Chief Executive Officer, Latin America Enterprise Fund Managers, LP; Partner and Senior Adviser, Rohatyn Group; Former Prime Minister, Peru Danny M. Leipziger, Vice Chair, Commission on Growth and Development; Vice President and Head of Network, Poverty Reduction, and Economic Management, World Bank Robert M. Solow, Nobel Laureate and Professor Emeritus, Massachusetts Institute of Technology PRESIDER: John Cassidy, Staff Writer, New Yorker; Contributing Editor, Cond� Nast Portfolio www.cfr.org

Italy, Balanced-Budget to Constitution
Italy's Senate definitively approved a constitutional amendment on Tuesday that will b...
published: 19 Apr 2012
Author: fistfullproduction
Italy, Balanced-Budget to Constitution
Italy's Senate definitively approved a constitutional amendment on Tuesday that will bind governments to running balanced budgets from 2014 onwards. The new Article 81 of the Constitution stipulates that the state budget must maintain "balance between revenues and spending, keeping in mind averse and favourable phases within the economic cycle." Pareggio di Bilancio in Costituzione (17.04.2012) www.camera.it Per Vedere il Video Integrale www.tg1.rai.it USA; Nobel Laureates and Leading Economists Oppose Constitutional Balanced Budget Amendment (July 28, 2011) www.cbpp.org A group of leading economists, including five Nobel Laureates in economics, today publicly released a letter to President Obama and Congress opposing a constitutional balanced budget amendment. The letter outlines the reasons why writing a balanced budget requirement into the Constitution would be "very unsound policy" that would adversely affect the economy [...] The signatories of the letter are Nobel Laureates Kenneth Arrow, Peter Diamond, Eric Maskin, Charles Schultze, William Sharpe and Robert Solow; Alan Blinder, former Vice Chair of the Federal Reserve System's Board of Governors and former member of the Council of Economic Advisors; and Laura Tyson, former Chair of the Council of Economic Advisors and former Director of the National Economic Council. Please note that obviously I do not own the copyright of this picture nor do I have a license to distribute. Such material is used for educational <b>...</b>