- published: 07 Jan 2008
- views: 59080

Happy Feet - Glorias Heart Song (Day at School)
Happy Feet is © Warner Bros, all right reserved.
Scene from the amazing movie Happy Fee...
published: 16 Feb 2012
Happy Feet - Glorias Heart Song (Day at School)
Happy Feet is © Warner Bros, all right reserved.
Scene from the amazing movie Happy Feet (2006).
Songs using in this scene:
1:02 - Grandmaster Flash - The Message
1:17 - Earth Wind and Fire - Boogie wonderland
- published: 16 Feb 2012
- views: 35416

Happy Feet - 2006 - Happy Feet - O Pingüim - Trailer
No mundo dos pingüins, na Antártica, os animais que melhor conseguem cantar são os que arr...
published: 04 Jun 2008
Happy Feet - 2006 - Happy Feet - O Pingüim - Trailer
No mundo dos pingüins, na Antártica, os animais que melhor conseguem cantar são os que arrumam as melhores parceiras na hora do acasalamento. Mano (voz de Elijah Wood na versão original; Daniel de Oliveira na versão nacional) é um pingüim que nasceu sem a habilidade vocal, mas não desiste da dança do acasalamento, reforçando a sua habilidade, o sapateado, ao conhecer um grupo de pingüins liderado por Amoroso (Sidney Magal).
- published: 04 Jun 2008
- views: 136359

Happy Feet (2006) HD Trailer
In The World of The Emperor Penguin, a Simple Song Can Mean The Difference Between a Lifet...
published: 19 Nov 2012
Happy Feet (2006) HD Trailer
In The World of The Emperor Penguin, a Simple Song Can Mean The Difference Between a Lifetime of Happiness And An Eternity of Loneliness. When a Penguin Named Mumble Is Born Without The Ability To Sing The Romantic Song That Will Attract His Soul Mate, He'll Have To Resort To Some Fancy Footwork By Tap Dancing His Way Into The Heart of The One He Loves.
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- published: 19 Nov 2012
- views: 71

Happy Feet - Egg Time
Happy Feet is © Warner Bros, all right reserved.
Scene from the amazing movie Happy Feet ...
published: 14 Feb 2012
Happy Feet - Egg Time
Happy Feet is © Warner Bros, all right reserved.
Scene from the amazing movie Happy Feet (2006).
- published: 14 Feb 2012
- views: 6073

Happy Feet 2: O Pinguim - Trailer 3 (dublado) [HD]
Terceiro trailer (dublado) de "Happy Feet 2: O Pinguim", continuação do sucesso de 2006 "H...
published: 03 Nov 2011
Happy Feet 2: O Pinguim - Trailer 3 (dublado) [HD]
Terceiro trailer (dublado) de "Happy Feet 2: O Pinguim", continuação do sucesso de 2006 "Happy Feet: O Pinguim".
Mano, mestre do sapateado, tem um problema, pois seu pequeno filho, Erik, tem fobia a coreografias. Relutante em dançar, Erik foge e encontra Sven, um pinguim que pode voar! Mano não tem esperança de competir com esta nova e carismática habilidade.
Mas as coisas pioram quando o mundo é sacudido por forças poderosas.
Erik aprende com seu pai "garra e coragem", à medida que Mano reúne as nações pinguim e todos os tipos de fabulosas criaturas -- desde minúsculos Krill até um gigante Elefante Marinho -- para acertar as coisas.
Happy Feet 2: O Pinguim é dirigido por George Miller, que ganhou o Oscar® como o criador do original "Happy Feet: O Pinguim". O filme apresenta as vozes de Elijah Wood, Robin Williams, Hank Azaria, Alecia Moore (P!nk), Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, Sofia Vergara, Common, Hugo Weaving, Magda Szubanski, Anthony LaPaglia, Richard Carter e Benjamin "Lil P-Nut" Flores Jr.
George Miller coescreveu o roteiro com Gary Eck, Warren Coleman e Paul Livingston. Miller também é produtor do filme, juntamente com Doug Mitchell e Bill Miller. Chris deFaria, Graham Burke e Bruce Berman são os produtores executivos. O incrível sapateador Savion Glover junta-se novamente à produção para criar as danças que serão executadas pelos pinguins na tela. O diretor de fotografia é David Peers e o diretor de animação é Rob Coleman. O filme apresenta vocais de P!nk, com música de John Powell.
O filme estreia em 25 de novembro nos cinemas em 2D, 3D e IMAX 3D.
- published: 03 Nov 2011
- views: 362220

Happy Feet (HQ-Trailer-2006)
Die Kaiserpinguine Norma Jean und Memphis verliebten sich sofort ineinander - dank ihrer H...
published: 21 Jul 2010
Happy Feet (HQ-Trailer-2006)
Die Kaiserpinguine Norma Jean und Memphis verliebten sich sofort ineinander - dank ihrer Herzenslieder, das jeder Pinguin singt, um damit seine Partner zu beeindrucken. Als Mumble aus ihrem Ei schlüpft, merken die Eltern aber schnell, dass er nicht so gewöhnlich ist wie alle anderen. Er steppt unaufhörlich und sein Gesang ist alles andere als schön. Während Mumble und seine Familie von Anfang an hinter ihrem Rücken das Gespött der Pinguine sind, zeigt sich im Schulunterricht endgültig, dass es Mumble an einem Herzenslied fehlt. Die Zeit vergeht, er wird von allen anderen, abgesehen von seiner Freundin Gloria, bestmöglich gemieden und bei der Schulabschlussfeier, bei der die jungen Pinguine das erste Mal allein fischen gehen dürfen, wird er wegen seiner Stimme ausgeschlossen, woraufhin er sich plötzlich auf sich allein gestellt wiederfindet. Auf seinem Weg trifft er dann auf eine Gruppe Adeliepinguine um Ramon, die ihn sofort ins Herz schließt, als sie sieht, wie gut Mumble tanzen kann. Mit einem Plan im Gepäck begibt er sich mit seinen neuen Freunden zurück zu seiner Familie, nur um dort endgültig vom Pinguinältesten Noah verbannt zu werden, als er tatsächlich einige andere Pinguine zum Steppen animieren kann...
- published: 21 Jul 2010
- views: 5402

REVIEW: Happy Feet (2006)
My thoughts on the animated film. Please feel free to leave comments etc.
Many thanks.
published: 19 Oct 2012
REVIEW: Happy Feet (2006)
My thoughts on the animated film. Please feel free to leave comments etc.
Many thanks.
- published: 19 Oct 2012
- views: 135

Happy Feet (2006) Movie Review
This is my review of the 2006 movie Happy Feet. Please leave comments and rate this video...
published: 01 Feb 2013
Happy Feet (2006) Movie Review
This is my review of the 2006 movie Happy Feet. Please leave comments and rate this video. Please subscribe to see more great videos. My website is at http://awesomemoviework.blogspot.com
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- published: 01 Feb 2013
- views: 10
Youtube results:

Brittany Murphy interview cinepop Happy Feet 2006. Love you!!! R.I.P
Brittany Murphy, A Sweet Girl
The day this reporter met one of the sweetest girls in Holl...
published: 26 Dec 2009
Brittany Murphy interview cinepop Happy Feet 2006. Love you!!! R.I.P
Brittany Murphy, A Sweet Girl
The day this reporter met one of the sweetest girls in Hollywood.
The death of actress Brittany Murphy in this cause shock journalist, mainly because she had a personality very good, simple, humble, down to earth, radiating joy and positive energy, contagious.
This was the strong impression when he was interviewed in 2006 by launching the design, Happy Feet "in which she voiced one of the main characters.
She seemed to be one of those good people for which we will hope to win.
We feel that it deserves to be remembered and honored. The best tribute is to share with others. Our memory of the actress in one of his happy times at the peak of his career.
- published: 26 Dec 2009
- views: 6521

I Wish (From "Happy Feet" 2006) [Piano Version]
Buy now on iTunes:
published: 15 Mar 2012
I Wish (From "Happy Feet" 2006) [Piano Version]
Buy now on iTunes:
- published: 15 Mar 2012
- views: 253