Deanie Ip 神勇雙響炮(粵語)吳耀漢 岑建勛 葉德嫻 太保 鐘發 Cantonese
Deanie Ip 神勇雙響炮(粵語)吳耀漢 岑建勛 葉德嫻 太保 鐘發 Cantonese
Deanie Ip 神勇雙響炮(粵語)吳耀漢 岑建勛 葉德嫻 太保 鐘發 Cantonese
For more Classic Cantonese Movies. 觀看更多經典粵語電影。 http://alaualau.blogspot.com/ For more easily find your favorite movies. 更加容易找到您喜歡的電影。 ALAU PLEASE visit and l...
Deanie Ip 神勇雙響炮(粵語)吳耀漢 岑建勛 葉德嫻 太保 鐘發 Cantonese
Deanie Ip 神勇雙響炮(粵語)吳耀漢 岑建勛 葉德嫻 太保 鐘發 Cantonese
Deanie Ip 神勇雙響炮(粵語)吳耀漢 岑建勛 葉德嫻 太保 鐘發 Cantonese
For more Classic Cantonese Movies. 觀看更多經典粵語電影。
For more easily find your favorite movies. 更加容易找到您喜歡的電影。
老夫子 http://www.facebook.com/LaoFuZiDianYingX
如果沒有你 , 明星 - 葉德嫻 Deanie Ip [ 第31屆香港電影金像獎 HKFA 2012 ]( lyrics )
如果沒有你 , 明星 - 葉德嫻 Deanie Ip [ 第31屆香港電影金像獎 HKFA 2012 ]( lyrics )
如果沒有你 , 明星 - 葉德嫻 Deanie Ip [ 第31屆香港電影金像獎 HKFA 2012 ]( lyrics )
第三十一屆香港電影金像獎頒獎禮] [ The 31st Hong Kong Film Awards 2012 ] 當你見到光明星星, 請你想想起我, 當你見到星河燦爛, 求你在心中記住我..................... 永遠懷念梅艷芳, 張國榮[ Anita Mui and Leslie...
葉德嫻 ( Deanie Ip ) 2013 演唱會 - 倦
葉德嫻 ( Deanie Ip ) 2013 演唱會 - 倦
葉德嫻 ( Deanie Ip ) 2013 演唱會 - 倦
葉德嫻 ( Deanie Ip ) 2013 演唱會 - 赤子
葉德嫻 ( Deanie Ip ) 2013 演唱會 - 赤子
葉德嫻 ( Deanie Ip ) 2013 演唱會 - 赤子
葉德嫻 ( Deanie Ip ) 2013 演唱會 - 明星
葉德嫻 ( Deanie Ip ) 2013 演唱會 - 明星
葉德嫻 ( Deanie Ip ) 2013 演唱會 - 明星
葉德嫻 ( Deanie Ip ) - 明星 (HD)
葉德嫻 ( Deanie Ip ) - 明星 (HD)
葉德嫻 ( Deanie Ip ) - 明星 (HD)
『 葉德嫻( Deanie Ip ) 』- 明星作詞:黃沾作曲:黃沾編曲:Anthonyau 當你見到天上星星可有想起我? 可有記得當年我的臉曾為你更比星星笑得多! 當你記起當年往事你又會如何? 可會輕輕淒然歎喟懷念我在你心中照耀過! #1 我像那銀河星星讓你默默愛過更讓那柔柔光輝為...
葉德嫻 ( Deanie Ip ) - 星塵 (HD)
葉德嫻 ( Deanie Ip ) - 星塵 (HD)
葉德嫻 ( Deanie Ip ) - 星塵 (HD)
『 葉德嫻』- 星塵作詞:黃沾作曲:出門英每晚夜甜夢裡每晚如迷夢裡都見星星每晚夜甜夢裡每晚如迷夢裡添上繽紛星星的光芒夜夜亮令美夢添繽紛閃閃星輝慰我情懷令夢幻仿似真! 星呀! 星呀! 星星呀我求你每晚也陪伴讓我等到那天美夢都變真! 光輝的星塵夜...
葉德嫻 ( Deanie Ip ) - 倦 (HD)
葉德嫻 ( Deanie Ip ) - 倦 (HD)
葉德嫻 ( Deanie Ip ) - 倦 (HD)
『 葉德嫻』- 倦作詞:林振強作曲:陳永康編曲:陳永康夜星星結聚紅葉倚星半睡我在繁星夜裡曾共他共醉但星不再聚紅葉風中跌墮我問寒風葉絮誰令他別去#1 我知一切來日可淡忘淚水會漸乾我只不滿時日彷彿停頓容人偷回望夜可知我累無力忍眼淚...
葉德嫻 ( Deanie Ip ) - 幸運是我 (HD)
葉德嫻 ( Deanie Ip ) - 幸運是我 (HD)
葉德嫻 ( Deanie Ip ) - 幸運是我 (HD)
『 葉德嫻』- 幸運是我作詞:鄭國光作曲:顧家輝深信幸運是在我手裡今天我能高飛只想你也替我開心感覺樣樣都得意#1 一樣是舊日的我今天笑意甜絲絲聲音裡也帶一點光彩感覺是特別的美曾嘗遍失意時卻找到快樂匙那裡會知就是自己原來是個幸運兒誰人亦有得意時這一刻最特殊滿有信心默默...
葉德嫻:《爭氣》令我對年輕人改觀 Deanie Ip: A mind-changing journey
葉德嫻:《爭氣》令我對年輕人改觀 Deanie Ip: A mind-changing journey
葉德嫻:《爭氣》令我對年輕人改觀 Deanie Ip: A mind-changing journey
Actress Deanie Ip supports "My Voice, My Life"
Lucky Day of Deanie Ip, Award winning actress
Lucky Day of Deanie Ip, Award winning actress
Lucky Day of Deanie Ip, Award winning actress
Actress Deanie Ip tells her lucky day: "December 25th is my lucky day because it is my birthday, the day I had the chance to come to this world to experience...
Deanie Ip in Concert 2013 - 8 Mar (1st day) 何日君再來
Deanie Ip in Concert 2013 - 8 Mar (1st day) 何日君再來
Deanie Ip in Concert 2013 - 8 Mar (1st day) 何日君再來
Deanie is really a well-qualified singer to perform this song with a violinist of only 6 years old. Such a good performance!
Deanie Ip in Concert 2013 - 8 Mar (1st day) 明星
Deanie Ip in Concert 2013 - 8 Mar (1st day) 明星
Deanie Ip in Concert 2013 - 8 Mar (1st day) 明星
What a classic song from Deanie! Love it!
金馬大明星|葉德嫻 The Star|Deanie Ip
金馬大明星|葉德嫻 The Star|Deanie Ip
金馬大明星|葉德嫻 The Star|Deanie Ip
「電影、舞台劇、音樂劇,跟演戲有關的,我都喜歡」─ 葉德嫻
Films, stage play, and musicals. I love everything related to acting! - Deanie Ip
6 Days to The 50th Golden Horse Awards
She has brought to life many characters of ordinary people, and also moved us with her excellent voice. She and Andy Lau have played mother and son on screen for several times. At the 48th Golden Horse Awards, as Deanie won the Best Leading Actress Award, Andy kneeled down to present the trophy to her. In order to express her gratitude, Deani
葉德嫻 & LMF ( Deanie Ip ) - 債 24bit (HD)
葉德嫻 & LMF ( Deanie Ip ) - 債 24bit (HD)
葉德嫻 & LMF ( Deanie Ip ) - 債 24bit (HD)
『 LMF & 葉德嫻』- 債作曲:Davy Chan 編曲:Davy Chan 作詞:MC仁/ Kid Phat / Wah (葉): 當天衝動不理結果怎可分清楚你怪我我怪你難以負荷一息間的失控實在沒法躲這記耳光已無情地絕望地剩下我一個(MC仁): 究竟你系邊一種父母有句說話老...
A SIMPLE LIFE 桃姐 Trailer (Deanie Ip & Andy Lau)
A SIMPLE LIFE 桃姐 Trailer (Deanie Ip & Andy Lau)
A SIMPLE LIFE 桃姐 Trailer (Deanie Ip & Andy Lau)
A SIMPLE LIFE 桃姐, directed by Ann Hui 许鞍华and starring Andy Lau 刘德华and Deanie Ip 叶德娴. Release date: 15th March 2012 Short Synopsis: Inspired by a true stor...
Michael Fassbender e Deanie Yip vincitori della Coppa Volpi a Venezia 68.
Michael Fassbender e Deanie Yip vincitori della Coppa Volpi a Venezia 68.
Michael Fassbender e Deanie Yip vincitori della Coppa Volpi a Venezia 68.
Conferenza Stampa dopo le Premiazioni alla 68 Mostra Internazionale d'Arte Cinematografica di Venezia. Michael Fassbender vince la Coppa Volpi per la miglior...
A SIMPLE LIFE - trailer België
A SIMPLE LIFE - trailer België
A SIMPLE LIFE - trailer België
Winnaar van de Zilveren Leeuw voor Beste Actrice op het Filmfestival van Venetië 2011. In A SIMPLE LIFE vertelt Ann Hui, de leading lady van de Aziatische ci...
明星 葉德嫻 附中文和英文歌詞 Bright Stars Deanie Ip With English Lyric
明星 葉德嫻 附中文和英文歌詞 Bright Stars Deanie Ip With English Lyric
明星 葉德嫻 附中文和英文歌詞 Bright Stars Deanie Ip With English Lyric
I do not take credit for any of this music nor for any of the melodies in it.
I credit the original writers and the singers of the original song.
The sole purpose is to let people understand the meaning of Asian songs, no copyright infringement intended.
Deanie Ip Concert 2013 - 不捨也為愛
Deanie Ip Concert 2013 - 不捨也為愛
Deanie Ip Concert 2013 - 不捨也為愛
Salento Award to Deanie Ip
Salento Award to Deanie Ip
Salento Award to Deanie Ip
16 May 2012, The Grand Cinema, Hong Kong Alessandra Schiavo, Consul General of Italy in Hong Kong, presents the Salento Award to Deanie Ip for her accomplish...
Deanie Ip in Concert 2013 - 8 Mar (1st day) - Song from Edith Piaf
Deanie Ip in Concert 2013 - 8 Mar (1st day) - Song from Edith Piaf
Deanie Ip in Concert 2013 - 8 Mar (1st day) - Song from Edith Piaf
Wonderful performance from Deanie!
Deanie Ip 神勇雙響炮(粵語)吳耀漢 岑建勛 葉德嫻 太保 鐘發 Cantonese
For more Classic Cantonese Movies. 觀看更多經典粵語電影。 http://alaualau.blogspot.com/ For more easily find your favorite movies. 更加容易找到您喜歡的電影。 ALAU PLEASE visit and l...
wn.com/Deanie Ip 神勇雙響炮(粵語)吳耀漢 岑建勛 葉德嫻 太保 鐘發 Cantonese
For more Classic Cantonese Movies. 觀看更多經典粵語電影。 http://alaualau.blogspot.com/ For more easily find your favorite movies. 更加容易找到您喜歡的電影。 ALAU PLEASE visit and l...
- published: 29 May 2012
- views: 470107
alau lau
Deanie Ip 神勇雙響炮(粵語)吳耀漢 岑建勛 葉德嫻 太保 鐘發 Cantonese
For more Classic Cantonese Movies. 觀看更多經典粵語電影。
For more easily find your favorite movies. 更加容易找到您喜歡的電影。
老夫子 http://www.facebook.com/LaoFuZiDianYingXiLie
wn.com/Deanie Ip 神勇雙響炮(粵語)吳耀漢 岑建勛 葉德嫻 太保 鐘發 Cantonese
For more Classic Cantonese Movies. 觀看更多經典粵語電影。
For more easily find your favorite movies. 更加容易找到您喜歡的電影。
老夫子 http://www.facebook.com/LaoFuZiDianYingXiLie
- published: 27 Feb 2015
- views: 19
如果沒有你 , 明星 - 葉德嫻 Deanie Ip [ 第31屆香港電影金像獎 HKFA 2012 ]( lyrics )
第三十一屆香港電影金像獎頒獎禮] [ The 31st Hong Kong Film Awards 2012 ] 當你見到光明星星, 請你想想起我, 當你見到星河燦爛, 求你在心中記住我..................... 永遠懷念梅艷芳, 張國榮[ Anita Mui and Leslie...
wn.com/如果沒有你 , 明星 葉德嫻 Deanie Ip 第31屆香港電影金像獎 Hkfa 2012 ( Lyrics )
第三十一屆香港電影金像獎頒獎禮] [ The 31st Hong Kong Film Awards 2012 ] 當你見到光明星星, 請你想想起我, 當你見到星河燦爛, 求你在心中記住我..................... 永遠懷念梅艷芳, 張國榮[ Anita Mui and Leslie...
葉德嫻 ( Deanie Ip ) - 明星 (HD)
『 葉德嫻( Deanie Ip ) 』- 明星作詞:黃沾作曲:黃沾編曲:Anthonyau 當你見到天上星星可有想起我? 可有記得當年我的臉曾為你更比星星笑得多! 當你記起當年往事你又會如何? 可會輕輕淒然歎喟懷念我在你心中照耀過! #1 我像那銀河星星讓你默默愛過更讓那柔柔光輝為...
wn.com/葉德嫻 ( Deanie Ip ) 明星 (Hd)
『 葉德嫻( Deanie Ip ) 』- 明星作詞:黃沾作曲:黃沾編曲:Anthonyau 當你見到天上星星可有想起我? 可有記得當年我的臉曾為你更比星星笑得多! 當你記起當年往事你又會如何? 可會輕輕淒然歎喟懷念我在你心中照耀過! #1 我像那銀河星星讓你默默愛過更讓那柔柔光輝為...
- published: 21 Nov 2011
- views: 15413
葉德嫻 ( Deanie Ip ) - 星塵 (HD)
『 葉德嫻』- 星塵作詞:黃沾作曲:出門英每晚夜甜夢裡每晚如迷夢裡都見星星每晚夜甜夢裡每晚如迷夢裡添上繽紛星星的光芒夜夜亮令美夢添繽紛閃閃星輝慰我情懷令夢幻仿似真! 星呀! 星呀! 星星呀我求你每晚也陪伴讓我等到那天美夢都變真! 光輝的星塵夜...
wn.com/葉德嫻 ( Deanie Ip ) 星塵 (Hd)
『 葉德嫻』- 星塵作詞:黃沾作曲:出門英每晚夜甜夢裡每晚如迷夢裡都見星星每晚夜甜夢裡每晚如迷夢裡添上繽紛星星的光芒夜夜亮令美夢添繽紛閃閃星輝慰我情懷令夢幻仿似真! 星呀! 星呀! 星星呀我求你每晚也陪伴讓我等到那天美夢都變真! 光輝的星塵夜...
- published: 09 Oct 2011
- views: 7790
葉德嫻 ( Deanie Ip ) - 倦 (HD)
『 葉德嫻』- 倦作詞:林振強作曲:陳永康編曲:陳永康夜星星結聚紅葉倚星半睡我在繁星夜裡曾共他共醉但星不再聚紅葉風中跌墮我問寒風葉絮誰令他別去#1 我知一切來日可淡忘淚水會漸乾我只不滿時日彷彿停頓容人偷回望夜可知我累無力忍眼淚...
wn.com/葉德嫻 ( Deanie Ip ) 倦 (Hd)
『 葉德嫻』- 倦作詞:林振強作曲:陳永康編曲:陳永康夜星星結聚紅葉倚星半睡我在繁星夜裡曾共他共醉但星不再聚紅葉風中跌墮我問寒風葉絮誰令他別去#1 我知一切來日可淡忘淚水會漸乾我只不滿時日彷彿停頓容人偷回望夜可知我累無力忍眼淚...
- published: 09 Oct 2011
- views: 9747
葉德嫻 ( Deanie Ip ) - 幸運是我 (HD)
『 葉德嫻』- 幸運是我作詞:鄭國光作曲:顧家輝深信幸運是在我手裡今天我能高飛只想你也替我開心感覺樣樣都得意#1 一樣是舊日的我今天笑意甜絲絲聲音裡也帶一點光彩感覺是特別的美曾嘗遍失意時卻找到快樂匙那裡會知就是自己原來是個幸運兒誰人亦有得意時這一刻最特殊滿有信心默默...
wn.com/葉德嫻 ( Deanie Ip ) 幸運是我 (Hd)
『 葉德嫻』- 幸運是我作詞:鄭國光作曲:顧家輝深信幸運是在我手裡今天我能高飛只想你也替我開心感覺樣樣都得意#1 一樣是舊日的我今天笑意甜絲絲聲音裡也帶一點光彩感覺是特別的美曾嘗遍失意時卻找到快樂匙那裡會知就是自己原來是個幸運兒誰人亦有得意時這一刻最特殊滿有信心默默...
- published: 22 Nov 2011
- views: 7831
葉德嫻:《爭氣》令我對年輕人改觀 Deanie Ip: A mind-changing journey
Actress Deanie Ip supports "My Voice, My Life"
wn.com/葉德嫻:《爭氣》令我對年輕人改觀 Deanie Ip A Mind Changing Journey
Actress Deanie Ip supports "My Voice, My Life"
- published: 13 Oct 2014
- views: 1029
Lucky Day of Deanie Ip, Award winning actress
Actress Deanie Ip tells her lucky day: "December 25th is my lucky day because it is my birthday, the day I had the chance to come to this world to experience...
wn.com/Lucky Day Of Deanie Ip, Award Winning Actress
Actress Deanie Ip tells her lucky day: "December 25th is my lucky day because it is my birthday, the day I had the chance to come to this world to experience...
Deanie Ip in Concert 2013 - 8 Mar (1st day) 何日君再來
Deanie is really a well-qualified singer to perform this song with a violinist of only 6 years old. Such a good performance!
wn.com/Deanie Ip In Concert 2013 8 Mar (1St Day) 何日君再來
Deanie is really a well-qualified singer to perform this song with a violinist of only 6 years old. Such a good performance!
金馬大明星|葉德嫻 The Star|Deanie Ip
「電影、舞台劇、音樂劇,跟演戲有關的,我都喜歡」─ 葉德嫻
Films, stage play, and musicals. I love everything related to acting! - Deanie Ip
6 Days to The 50th Golden Horse Awards
She has brought to life many characters of ordinary people, and also moved us with her excellent voice. She and Andy Lau have played mother and son on screen for several times. At the 48th Golden Horse Awards, as Deanie won the Best Leading Actress Award, Andy kneeled down to present the trophy to her. In order to express her gratitude, Deanie said she'd keep the trophy in Andy's company as a gift.
wn.com/金馬大明星|葉德嫻 The Star|Deanie Ip
「電影、舞台劇、音樂劇,跟演戲有關的,我都喜歡」─ 葉德嫻
Films, stage play, and musicals. I love everything related to acting! - Deanie Ip
6 Days to The 50th Golden Horse Awards
She has brought to life many characters of ordinary people, and also moved us with her excellent voice. She and Andy Lau have played mother and son on screen for several times. At the 48th Golden Horse Awards, as Deanie won the Best Leading Actress Award, Andy kneeled down to present the trophy to her. In order to express her gratitude, Deanie said she'd keep the trophy in Andy's company as a gift.
- published: 17 Nov 2013
- views: 1216
葉德嫻 & LMF ( Deanie Ip ) - 債 24bit (HD)
『 LMF & 葉德嫻』- 債作曲:Davy Chan 編曲:Davy Chan 作詞:MC仁/ Kid Phat / Wah (葉): 當天衝動不理結果怎可分清楚你怪我我怪你難以負荷一息間的失控實在沒法躲這記耳光已無情地絕望地剩下我一個(MC仁): 究竟你系邊一種父母有句說話老...
wn.com/葉德嫻 Lmf ( Deanie Ip ) 債 24Bit (Hd)
『 LMF & 葉德嫻』- 債作曲:Davy Chan 編曲:Davy Chan 作詞:MC仁/ Kid Phat / Wah (葉): 當天衝動不理結果怎可分清楚你怪我我怪你難以負荷一息間的失控實在沒法躲這記耳光已無情地絕望地剩下我一個(MC仁): 究竟你系邊一種父母有句說話老...
- published: 22 Nov 2011
- views: 33563
A SIMPLE LIFE 桃姐 Trailer (Deanie Ip & Andy Lau)
A SIMPLE LIFE 桃姐, directed by Ann Hui 许鞍华and starring Andy Lau 刘德华and Deanie Ip 叶德娴. Release date: 15th March 2012 Short Synopsis: Inspired by a true stor...
wn.com/A Simple Life 桃姐 Trailer (Deanie Ip Andy Lau)
A SIMPLE LIFE 桃姐, directed by Ann Hui 许鞍华and starring Andy Lau 刘德华and Deanie Ip 叶德娴. Release date: 15th March 2012 Short Synopsis: Inspired by a true stor...
- published: 10 Feb 2012
- views: 55321
Michael Fassbender e Deanie Yip vincitori della Coppa Volpi a Venezia 68.
Conferenza Stampa dopo le Premiazioni alla 68 Mostra Internazionale d'Arte Cinematografica di Venezia. Michael Fassbender vince la Coppa Volpi per la miglior...
wn.com/Michael Fassbender E Deanie Yip Vincitori Della Coppa Volpi A Venezia 68.
Conferenza Stampa dopo le Premiazioni alla 68 Mostra Internazionale d'Arte Cinematografica di Venezia. Michael Fassbender vince la Coppa Volpi per la miglior...
A SIMPLE LIFE - trailer België
Winnaar van de Zilveren Leeuw voor Beste Actrice op het Filmfestival van Venetië 2011. In A SIMPLE LIFE vertelt Ann Hui, de leading lady van de Aziatische ci...
wn.com/A Simple Life Trailer België
Winnaar van de Zilveren Leeuw voor Beste Actrice op het Filmfestival van Venetië 2011. In A SIMPLE LIFE vertelt Ann Hui, de leading lady van de Aziatische ci...
- published: 30 Jul 2012
- views: 648
明星 葉德嫻 附中文和英文歌詞 Bright Stars Deanie Ip With English Lyric
I do not take credit for any of this music nor for any of the melodies in it.
I credit the original writers and the singers of the original song.
The sole purpose is to let people understand the meaning of Asian songs, no copyright infringement intended.
wn.com/明星 葉德嫻 附中文和英文歌詞 Bright Stars Deanie Ip With English Lyric
I do not take credit for any of this music nor for any of the melodies in it.
I credit the original writers and the singers of the original song.
The sole purpose is to let people understand the meaning of Asian songs, no copyright infringement intended.
- published: 05 Apr 2015
- views: 15
Salento Award to Deanie Ip
16 May 2012, The Grand Cinema, Hong Kong Alessandra Schiavo, Consul General of Italy in Hong Kong, presents the Salento Award to Deanie Ip for her accomplish...
wn.com/Salento Award To Deanie Ip
16 May 2012, The Grand Cinema, Hong Kong Alessandra Schiavo, Consul General of Italy in Hong Kong, presents the Salento Award to Deanie Ip for her accomplish...
葉德嫻 ( Deanie Ip ) - 邊緣回望 (HD)
葉德嫻 ( Deanie Ip ) - 邊緣回望 (HD)
葉德嫻 ( Deanie Ip ) - 邊緣回望 (HD)
『 葉德嫻』- 邊緣回望作詞:周禮茂作曲:Chris Babida 樹向車旁兩邊飛像昨天我已拋棄曾經想過死天將我留下了地靜悄悄我已覺得重臨實地願我可重尋趣味站到邊緣回望時視覺息間奇幻至今生怎至此天空裡無高閣地像個穀沒有理想全無憾事沒有不...
葉德嫻 ( Deanie ip ) : [ 等不到是你 ] 2002 LIVE ~ [ H - F ]
葉德嫻 ( Deanie ip ) : [ 等不到是你 ] 2002 LIVE ~ [ H - F ]
葉德嫻 ( Deanie ip ) : [ 等不到是你 ] 2002 LIVE ~ [ H - F ]
Deanie ip in concert 2002
葉德嫻 ( Deanie ip ) : [ 不再分離 ] 2002 LIVE ~ [ H - F ]
葉德嫻 ( Deanie ip ) : [ 不再分離 ] 2002 LIVE ~ [ H - F ]
葉德嫻 ( Deanie ip ) : [ 不再分離 ] 2002 LIVE ~ [ H - F ]
Deanie ip in concert 2002
葉德嫻 - Say you love me (live)
葉德嫻 - Say you love me (live)
葉德嫻 - Say you love me (live)
影后葉德嫻Deanie Ip - 不再分離的英文原曲Patti Austin - Say you love me.
倦 葉德嫻 附中文和英文歌詞 Tired Deanie Ip With English Lyric
倦 葉德嫻 附中文和英文歌詞 Tired Deanie Ip With English Lyric
倦 葉德嫻 附中文和英文歌詞 Tired Deanie Ip With English Lyric
I do not take credit for any of this music nor for any of the melodies in it.
I credit the original writers and the singers of the original song.
The sole purpose is to let people understand the meaning of Asian songs, no copyright infringement intended.
[HQ] 許志安 & 葉德嫻 - 美中不足 (Live '04)
[HQ] 許志安 & 葉德嫻 - 美中不足 (Live '04)
[HQ] 許志安 & 葉德嫻 - 美中不足 (Live '04)
Andy Hui & Deanie Ip 2004-10-16 creds: tempo.
葉德嫻 不再分離
葉德嫻 不再分離
葉德嫻 不再分離
"Deanie Ip-Bu Zai Fen Li (Include Excerpt from"The One You Love") (Live)", 錄音管理者: UMG.
The Way We Were
The Way We Were
The Way We Were
The Way We Were
Live In Hong Kong / 2002
Deanie Ip
℗ 2002 Universal Music Ltd.
Released on: 2002-01-01
Composer, Author: Alan Bergman
Composer, Author: Marilyn Bergman
Author, Composer: Marvin Hamlisch
Auto-generated by YouTube.
葉德嫻 ( Deanie Ip ) - 邊緣回望 (HD)
『 葉德嫻』- 邊緣回望作詞:周禮茂作曲:Chris Babida 樹向車旁兩邊飛像昨天我已拋棄曾經想過死天將我留下了地靜悄悄我已覺得重臨實地願我可重尋趣味站到邊緣回望時視覺息間奇幻至今生怎至此天空裡無高閣地像個穀沒有理想全無憾事沒有不...
wn.com/葉德嫻 ( Deanie Ip ) 邊緣回望 (Hd)
『 葉德嫻』- 邊緣回望作詞:周禮茂作曲:Chris Babida 樹向車旁兩邊飛像昨天我已拋棄曾經想過死天將我留下了地靜悄悄我已覺得重臨實地願我可重尋趣味站到邊緣回望時視覺息間奇幻至今生怎至此天空裡無高閣地像個穀沒有理想全無憾事沒有不...
- published: 09 Oct 2011
- views: 8086
葉德嫻 - Say you love me (live)
影后葉德嫻Deanie Ip - 不再分離的英文原曲Patti Austin - Say you love me.
wn.com/葉德嫻 Say You Love Me (Live)
影后葉德嫻Deanie Ip - 不再分離的英文原曲Patti Austin - Say you love me.
倦 葉德嫻 附中文和英文歌詞 Tired Deanie Ip With English Lyric
I do not take credit for any of this music nor for any of the melodies in it.
I credit the original writers and the singers of the original song.
The sole purpose is to let people understand the meaning of Asian songs, no copyright infringement intended.
wn.com/倦 葉德嫻 附中文和英文歌詞 Tired Deanie Ip With English Lyric
I do not take credit for any of this music nor for any of the melodies in it.
I credit the original writers and the singers of the original song.
The sole purpose is to let people understand the meaning of Asian songs, no copyright infringement intended.
- published: 08 Apr 2015
- views: 8
wn.com/美中不足 許志安 葉德嫻
- published: 09 Sep 2011
- views: 141920
葉德嫻 不再分離
"Deanie Ip-Bu Zai Fen Li (Include Excerpt from"The One You Love") (Live)", 錄音管理者: UMG.
wn.com/葉德嫻 不再分離
"Deanie Ip-Bu Zai Fen Li (Include Excerpt from"The One You Love") (Live)", 錄音管理者: UMG.
- published: 01 Sep 2012
- views: 1332
The Way We Were
The Way We Were
Live In Hong Kong / 2002
Deanie Ip
℗ 2002 Universal Music Ltd.
Released on: 2002-01-01
Composer, Author: Alan Bergman
Composer, Author: Marilyn Bergman
Author, Composer: Marvin Hamlisch
Auto-generated by YouTube.
wn.com/The Way We Were
The Way We Were
Live In Hong Kong / 2002
Deanie Ip
℗ 2002 Universal Music Ltd.
Released on: 2002-01-01
Composer, Author: Alan Bergman
Composer, Author: Marilyn Bergman
Author, Composer: Marvin Hamlisch
Auto-generated by YouTube.
- published: 03 Dec 2014
- views: 0
葉德嫻 2013 演唱會
葉德嫻 2013 演唱會
葉德嫻 2013 演唱會
Deanie Ip Sing for your music concert in Hong Kong March 8,9,10.
纵横四海(粤语) 06
纵横四海(粤语) 06
纵横四海(粤语) 06
zt剧评《纵横四海》且诉张扬这是一部让积弱已久的亚视扬眉吐气的剧集,播出时收视率大幅上升,力撼同时期的无线剧集。本剧不仅让亚视十多年来首次打败无线,更获得当年“电视节目欣赏指数调查”的第二位,其支持率更是远远抛离当时对垒的“无线”剧集《刑事侦缉当年IV》达19个百分点。 除了豪门恩怨以及牵涉到部分娱乐圈生活据...
纵横四海(粤语) 26
纵横四海(粤语) 26
纵横四海(粤语) 26
纵横四海(粤语) 27
纵横四海(粤语) 27
纵横四海(粤语) 27
陶大宇 葉德嫻 譚耀文 楊恭如 田蕊妮 石修
纵横四海(粤语) 28
纵横四海(粤语) 28
纵横四海(粤语) 28
《縱橫四海》 陶大宇 葉德嫻 譚耀文 楊恭如 田蕊妮 石修 李兆基 劉錫賢
插曲《不歸路》(13:28) 词:许常德 曲:林进璋 唱:迪克牛仔
我没有退路 尽管你也千辛万苦 不愿认输 是良心让爱坚固 剩下由老天做主
爱你是一条不归路 一度我非常孤独 但是我更怕漂浮 不知道身在何处
有时候绝路也是人生一条路 爱让人全意付出忘记有结束 一心只想你幸福 疏忽了自己痛苦
有時候错误也是人生一条路 谁不是跌到谷底才有点觉悟 只要你不想退出 我不怕命运残酷
纵横四海(粤语) 29
纵横四海(粤语) 29
纵横四海(粤语) 29
陶大宇 叶德娴 谭耀文 杨恭如 田蕊妮 石修 李兆基 林伟健 张文慈
Flaming Brothers
Artist Name : Michael Tao | Patrick Tam Yiu Man | Deanie Ip | Law Ka Ying | Kristy Yang | Kathy Chow | Stephen Au | Pinky Cheung | Shek Sau | Kenneth Chan | Annie Man | Kristal Tin | Wong Mi
纵横四海(粤语) 30
纵横四海(粤语) 30
纵横四海(粤语) 30
陶大宇 葉德嫻 譚耀文 楊恭如 石修 田蕊妮 張文慈 劉錫賢
Flaming Brothers
Artist Name : Michael Tao | Patrick Tam Yiu Man | Deanie Ip | Law Ka Ying | Kristy Yang | Kathy Chow | Stephen Au | Pinky Cheung | Shek Sau | Kenneth Chan | Annie Man | Kristal Tin | Wong Mi
纵横四海(粤语) 31
纵横四海(粤语) 31
纵横四海(粤语) 31
陶大宇 叶德娴 谭耀文 杨恭如 田蕊妮 石修 李兆基
Flaming Brothers
Artist Name : Michael Tao | Patrick Tam Yiu Man | Deanie Ip | Law Ka Ying | Kristy Yang | Kathy Chow | Stephen Au | Pinky Cheung | Shek Sau | Kenneth Chan | Annie Man | Kristal Tin | Wong Mi
纵横四海(粤语) 38
纵横四海(粤语) 38
纵横四海(粤语) 38
陶大宇 葉德嫻 楊恭如 譚耀文 田蕊妮 王天林 李兆基 劉錫賢 雷宇扬
Flaming Brothers
Artist Name : Michael Tao | Patrick Tam Yiu Man | Deanie Ip | Kristy Yang | Kathy Chow | Pinky Cheung | Shek Sau
纵横四海(粤语) 40
纵横四海(粤语) 40
纵横四海(粤语) 40
ATV《縱橫四海》Flaming Brothers 陶大宇葉德嫻譚耀文楊恭如李兆基劉錫賢雷宇揚文隽:《纵横四海》再回首http://ent.sina.com.cn/r/m/2005-08-24/1655820055.html 亚洲电视近日深宵重播电视剧《纵横四海》,一晚连播两集,这几天应该进入尾声...
1. 《將冰山劈開》—— Anita Mui 2. 《遙遠的她》—— Jacky Cheung 3. 《當年情》—— Leslie cheung 4. 《千個太陽》—— Deanie Ip 5. 《千億個夜晚》—— George Lam 6. 《幾許風雨》—— Roman Tam 7. 《無言感激》—— Alan...
【高清 HD】劉德華 葉德嫻《法內情》粵語版 (中文字幕) 1988年 香港經典電影 倫理悲劇片 | Andy Lau The Truth 1988 720p
【高清 HD】劉德華 葉德嫻《法內情》粵語版 (中文字幕) 1988年 香港經典電影 倫理悲劇片 | Andy Lau The Truth 1988 720p
【高清 HD】劉德華 葉德嫻《法內情》粵語版 (中文字幕) 1988年 香港經典電影 倫理悲劇片 | Andy Lau The Truth 1988 720p
法內情三部曲 / 法外情三部曲 粵語中字高清HD 720p
法外情1985 (The Unwritten Law) 劉德華 葉德嫻
法內情1988 (The Truth): https://youtu.be/h-7fiA5MNXA
法內情大結局1989 (The Truth: Final Episode): https://youtu.be/zFj9iMl3PMs
主演: 刘德华, 葉德嫻, 周海媚, 劉兆銘, 秦沛, 韋基舜, 成奎安, 黃智強
Andy Lau, Deanie Ip - The Truth (Hong Kong Movie) 1988 HD
Kathy Chow, Lau Siu Ming, Paul Chun, Wai Kei Shun, Shing Fui-On, Kirk Wong, Ng Man Ling, Sita Yeung, Ng Hoi Tin, Chan Ging, Lee Ying Kit, Mantic Yiu, Tsang Cho Lam, Wong Hung, Ho Chi Moon
《法內情》(英文:The Truth)是一部1988年上映的香港剧情片,黃泰來执导,刘德华和葉德嫻主演。它是1985年《法外情》的续集,续集为1989年上映的《法內情大結局》。
The Truth is a 1988 Hong Kong trial film directed by Taylor Wong and starring Andy La
【高清 1/3】劉德華 葉德嫻《法外情》粵語HD版 (中文字幕) 1985年 香港經典電影 倫理悲劇片 | Andy Lau The Unwritten Law
【高清 1/3】劉德華 葉德嫻《法外情》粵語HD版 (中文字幕) 1985年 香港經典電影 倫理悲劇片 | Andy Lau The Unwritten Law
【高清 1/3】劉德華 葉德嫻《法外情》粵語HD版 (中文字幕) 1985年 香港經典電影 倫理悲劇片 | Andy Lau The Unwritten Law
法內情三部曲 / 法外情三部曲 劉德華 葉德嫻 粵語中字高清HD 720p
法外情1985 (The Unwritten Law): https://youtu.be/WDdxXSa6diQ
法內情1988 (The Truth): https://youtu.be/h-7fiA5MNXA
法內情大結局1989 (The Truth: Final Episode): https://youtu.be/zFj9iMl3PMs
主演: 刘德华, 葉德嫻, 蓝洁瑛, 邓丽盈, 刘兆铭, 秦沛, 黎萱
Andy Lau, Deanie Ip - The Unwritten Law (Hong Kong Movie) 1985 HD
Yammie Lam, Joann Tang, Lau Siu Ming, Paul Chun, Lai Suen, Staurt Ong, Andy Tai, Peter Macintosh, Elainor Johnson, Felix Lok, Joseph Lee, Wong Wai, Chan Yau Hau, Hon Lai Fan
5th Hong Kong Film Awards
Nominated: Best Screenplay (Ng See-yuen)
Nominated: Best Actress (Deanie Ip)
《法外情》(英文:The Unwritten Law)是一部1985年上映的香港电影,导演为吴思远,由
縱橫四海(粵語) 01 陶大宇周海媚譚耀文葉德嫻楊恭如石修
縱橫四海(粵語) 01 陶大宇周海媚譚耀文葉德嫻楊恭如石修
縱橫四海(粵語) 01 陶大宇周海媚譚耀文葉德嫻楊恭如石修
版权归亚视或原制作相关公司所有,如果有侵权请告知移除) 主演:陶大宇叶德娴谭耀文周海媚杨恭如石修鲍起静李兆基刘锡贤欧锦棠林伟健田蕊妮黄瑷瑶王天林陈启泰ATV的《纵横四海》到现在看也蛮经典的,据说此剧在播出时一改亚视本土剧收视率上的颓势,力压TVB同时段的《刑事侦缉档案IV》,有趣的...
【高清 HD】劉德華 葉德嫻《法內情大結局》粵語版 (中文字幕) 1989年 香港經典電影 倫理悲劇片 | Andy Lau The Truth: Final Episode
【高清 HD】劉德華 葉德嫻《法內情大結局》粵語版 (中文字幕) 1989年 香港經典電影 倫理悲劇片 | Andy Lau The Truth: Final Episode
【高清 HD】劉德華 葉德嫻《法內情大結局》粵語版 (中文字幕) 1989年 香港經典電影 倫理悲劇片 | Andy Lau The Truth: Final Episode
法內情三部曲 / 法外情三部曲 粵語中字高清HD 720p
法外情1985 (The Unwritten Law) 劉德華 葉德嫻
法內情1988 (The Truth): https://youtu.be/h-7fiA5MNXA
法內情大結局1989 (The Truth: Final Episode): https://youtu.be/zFj9iMl3PMs
主演: 刘德华, 葉德嫻, 羅烈, 劉兆銘, 秦沛, 楊澤霖, 吳海添, 陳敬, 吳廷燁, 駱達華
Andy Lau, Deanie Ip - The Truth: Final Episode (Hong Kong Movie) 1989 HD
Paul Chun, Sek-Ming Gan, Sandra Lang
《法內情大結局》(英文:The Truth: Final Episode)是一部1989年上映的香港剧情片,麥當傑执导,刘德华和葉德嫻主演。它是1988年《法内情》续集,为该系列的最后一部。
The film was a critical and commercial success and was followed by two sequels. The Truth (1988) and The Truth Final Episode (1989). Because the film and its subsequent two sequels has displayed a touc
纵横四海(粤语) 42(END)
纵横四海(粤语) 42(END)
纵横四海(粤语) 42(END)
亚视縱橫四海(大結局) (版权归亚视或原制作相关公司所有,如果有侵权请告知移除) 主演:陶大宇叶德娴谭耀文周海媚杨恭如石修鲍起静李兆基刘锡贤欧锦棠林伟健田蕊妮黄瑷瑶王天林陈启泰张文慈《纵横四海》是王晶在电视剧制作里面的诚意和成功之作。据说此剧播出后,很多观众对它的开放式结局不满意...
Leslie Cheung In Concert - Concert In Bangkok 27-28 Aug 1983 №1
Leslie Cheung In Concert - Concert In Bangkok 27-28 Aug 1983 №1
Leslie Cheung In Concert - Concert In Bangkok 27-28 Aug 1983 №1
01、Opening/讓我飛 (Cantonese)
02、Casablanca/片段 (English/Cantonese)
03、你的眼神 (Mandarin/Cantonese)-[Chin Tsai/Samantha Lam original singers]
04、身體語言 (Cantonese)-[Roman Tam original singer]
05、隨想曲 (Cantonese)-[Paula Tsui original singer]
06、倦 (Cantonese)-[Deanie Ip original singer]
07、You drive me crazy -[Wynners original singer]
08、風繼續吹/さよならの向う侧 (Cantonese/Japanese)
09、白金升降機 (Cantonese)-[Elisa Chan original singer]
10、Subaru [Tanimura Shinji original singer]/星 [Kenneth Kwan original singer] (Japanese/Cantonese)
11、激光中 (Cantonese) - [Roman Tam original singer]
12、OH CAROL (English) - [Neil Sedaka original singer]
13、恰似你的溫柔 (Mandarin) - [Chin Tsai or
"爭氣" 電影的啟動禮 My Voice My Life kickoff Sept 12th 2014
"爭氣" 電影的啟動禮 My Voice My Life kickoff Sept 12th 2014
"爭氣" 電影的啟動禮 My Voice My Life kickoff Sept 12th 2014
Missed the "My Voice My Life" kick off event at Hysan Place on September 12? See for yourself what director Ruby Yang, superstars Andy Lau and Deanie Ip had to say in this video!!!
A Healthy Mind: Weight Management
A Healthy Mind: Weight Management
A Healthy Mind: Weight Management
Dr. Sislena Grocer Ledbetter, Director of Counseling and Student Development at the University of the District of Columbia interviews Deanie Jennings is a li...
[粵語] 香港經典電影 《鉄板燒》 許冠文 葉倩文 領銜主演
[粵語] 香港經典電影 《鉄板燒》 許冠文 葉倩文 領銜主演
[粵語] 香港經典電影 《鉄板燒》 許冠文 葉倩文 領銜主演
Anthony Wong 人肉叉燒包2之天誅地滅(粵語)黃秋生 羅蘭 陸劍明 Cantonese
Anthony Wong 人肉叉燒包2之天誅地滅(粵語)黃秋生 羅蘭 陸劍明 Cantonese
Anthony Wong 人肉叉燒包2之天誅地滅(粵語)黃秋生 羅蘭 陸劍明 Cantonese
For more Classic Cantonese Movies. 觀看更多經典粵語電影。 http://alaualau.blogspot.com/ For more easily find your favorite movies. 更加容易找到您喜歡的電影。 ALAU PLEASE visit and l...
葉德嫻 2013 演唱會
Deanie Ip Sing for your music concert in Hong Kong March 8,9,10.
wn.com/葉德嫻 2013 演唱會
Deanie Ip Sing for your music concert in Hong Kong March 8,9,10.
纵横四海(粤语) 06
zt剧评《纵横四海》且诉张扬这是一部让积弱已久的亚视扬眉吐气的剧集,播出时收视率大幅上升,力撼同时期的无线剧集。本剧不仅让亚视十多年来首次打败无线,更获得当年“电视节目欣赏指数调查”的第二位,其支持率更是远远抛离当时对垒的“无线”剧集《刑事侦缉当年IV》达19个百分点。 除了豪门恩怨以及牵涉到部分娱乐圈生活据...
wn.com/纵横四海(粤语) 06
zt剧评《纵横四海》且诉张扬这是一部让积弱已久的亚视扬眉吐气的剧集,播出时收视率大幅上升,力撼同时期的无线剧集。本剧不仅让亚视十多年来首次打败无线,更获得当年“电视节目欣赏指数调查”的第二位,其支持率更是远远抛离当时对垒的“无线”剧集《刑事侦缉当年IV》达19个百分点。 除了豪门恩怨以及牵涉到部分娱乐圈生活据...
- published: 27 Jul 2014
- views: 1142
纵横四海(粤语) 27
陶大宇 葉德嫻 譚耀文 楊恭如 田蕊妮 石修
wn.com/纵横四海(粤语) 27
陶大宇 葉德嫻 譚耀文 楊恭如 田蕊妮 石修
- published: 04 Aug 2014
- views: 10
纵横四海(粤语) 28
《縱橫四海》 陶大宇 葉德嫻 譚耀文 楊恭如 田蕊妮 石修 李兆基 劉錫賢
插曲《不歸路》(13:28) 词:许常德 曲:林进璋 唱:迪克牛仔
我没有退路 尽管你也千辛万苦 不愿认输 是良心让爱坚固 剩下由老天做主
爱你是一条不归路 一度我非常孤独 但是我更怕漂浮 不知道身在何处
有时候绝路也是人生一条路 爱让人全意付出忘记有结束 一心只想你幸福 疏忽了自己痛苦
有時候错误也是人生一条路 谁不是跌到谷底才有点觉悟 只要你不想退出 我不怕命运残酷
wn.com/纵横四海(粤语) 28
《縱橫四海》 陶大宇 葉德嫻 譚耀文 楊恭如 田蕊妮 石修 李兆基 劉錫賢
插曲《不歸路》(13:28) 词:许常德 曲:林进璋 唱:迪克牛仔
我没有退路 尽管你也千辛万苦 不愿认输 是良心让爱坚固 剩下由老天做主
爱你是一条不归路 一度我非常孤独 但是我更怕漂浮 不知道身在何处
有时候绝路也是人生一条路 爱让人全意付出忘记有结束 一心只想你幸福 疏忽了自己痛苦
有時候错误也是人生一条路 谁不是跌到谷底才有点觉悟 只要你不想退出 我不怕命运残酷
- published: 04 Aug 2014
- views: 492
纵横四海(粤语) 29
陶大宇 叶德娴 谭耀文 杨恭如 田蕊妮 石修 李兆基 林伟健 张文慈
Flaming Brothers
Artist Name : Michael Tao | Patrick Tam Yiu Man | Deanie Ip | Law Ka Ying | Kristy Yang | Kathy Chow | Stephen Au | Pinky Cheung | Shek Sau | Kenneth Chan | Annie Man | Kristal Tin | Wong Mi
wn.com/纵横四海(粤语) 29
陶大宇 叶德娴 谭耀文 杨恭如 田蕊妮 石修 李兆基 林伟健 张文慈
Flaming Brothers
Artist Name : Michael Tao | Patrick Tam Yiu Man | Deanie Ip | Law Ka Ying | Kristy Yang | Kathy Chow | Stephen Au | Pinky Cheung | Shek Sau | Kenneth Chan | Annie Man | Kristal Tin | Wong Mi
- published: 10 Aug 2014
- views: 7359
纵横四海(粤语) 30
陶大宇 葉德嫻 譚耀文 楊恭如 石修 田蕊妮 張文慈 劉錫賢
Flaming Brothers
Artist Name : Michael Tao | Patrick Tam Yiu Man | Deanie Ip | Law Ka Ying | Kristy Yang | Kathy Chow | Stephen Au | Pinky Cheung | Shek Sau | Kenneth Chan | Annie Man | Kristal Tin | Wong Mi
wn.com/纵横四海(粤语) 30
陶大宇 葉德嫻 譚耀文 楊恭如 石修 田蕊妮 張文慈 劉錫賢
Flaming Brothers
Artist Name : Michael Tao | Patrick Tam Yiu Man | Deanie Ip | Law Ka Ying | Kristy Yang | Kathy Chow | Stephen Au | Pinky Cheung | Shek Sau | Kenneth Chan | Annie Man | Kristal Tin | Wong Mi
- published: 04 Aug 2014
- views: 9777
纵横四海(粤语) 31
陶大宇 叶德娴 谭耀文 杨恭如 田蕊妮 石修 李兆基
Flaming Brothers
Artist Name : Michael Tao | Patrick Tam Yiu Man | Deanie Ip | Law Ka Ying | Kristy Yang | Kathy Chow | Stephen Au | Pinky Cheung | Shek Sau | Kenneth Chan | Annie Man | Kristal Tin | Wong Mi
wn.com/纵横四海(粤语) 31
陶大宇 叶德娴 谭耀文 杨恭如 田蕊妮 石修 李兆基
Flaming Brothers
Artist Name : Michael Tao | Patrick Tam Yiu Man | Deanie Ip | Law Ka Ying | Kristy Yang | Kathy Chow | Stephen Au | Pinky Cheung | Shek Sau | Kenneth Chan | Annie Man | Kristal Tin | Wong Mi
- published: 05 Aug 2014
- views: 8457
纵横四海(粤语) 38
陶大宇 葉德嫻 楊恭如 譚耀文 田蕊妮 王天林 李兆基 劉錫賢 雷宇扬
Flaming Brothers
Artist Name : Michael Tao | Patrick Tam Yiu Man | Deanie Ip | Kristy Yang | Kathy Chow | Pinky Cheung | Shek Sau
wn.com/纵横四海(粤语) 38
陶大宇 葉德嫻 楊恭如 譚耀文 田蕊妮 王天林 李兆基 劉錫賢 雷宇扬
Flaming Brothers
Artist Name : Michael Tao | Patrick Tam Yiu Man | Deanie Ip | Kristy Yang | Kathy Chow | Pinky Cheung | Shek Sau
- published: 06 Aug 2014
- views: 160
纵横四海(粤语) 40
ATV《縱橫四海》Flaming Brothers 陶大宇葉德嫻譚耀文楊恭如李兆基劉錫賢雷宇揚文隽:《纵横四海》再回首http://ent.sina.com.cn/r/m/2005-08-24/1655820055.html 亚洲电视近日深宵重播电视剧《纵横四海》,一晚连播两集,这几天应该进入尾声...
wn.com/纵横四海(粤语) 40
ATV《縱橫四海》Flaming Brothers 陶大宇葉德嫻譚耀文楊恭如李兆基劉錫賢雷宇揚文隽:《纵横四海》再回首http://ent.sina.com.cn/r/m/2005-08-24/1655820055.html 亚洲电视近日深宵重播电视剧《纵横四海》,一晚连播两集,这几天应该进入尾声...
- published: 07 Aug 2014
- views: 1338
1. 《將冰山劈開》—— Anita Mui 2. 《遙遠的她》—— Jacky Cheung 3. 《當年情》—— Leslie cheung 4. 《千個太陽》—— Deanie Ip 5. 《千億個夜晚》—— George Lam 6. 《幾許風雨》—— Roman Tam 7. 《無言感激》—— Alan...
1. 《將冰山劈開》—— Anita Mui 2. 《遙遠的她》—— Jacky Cheung 3. 《當年情》—— Leslie cheung 4. 《千個太陽》—— Deanie Ip 5. 《千億個夜晚》—— George Lam 6. 《幾許風雨》—— Roman Tam 7. 《無言感激》—— Alan...
【高清 HD】劉德華 葉德嫻《法內情》粵語版 (中文字幕) 1988年 香港經典電影 倫理悲劇片 | Andy Lau The Truth 1988 720p
法內情三部曲 / 法外情三部曲 粵語中字高清HD 720p
法外情1985 (The Unwritten Law) 劉德華 葉德嫻
法內情1988 (The Truth): https://youtu.be/h-7fiA5MNXA
法內情大結局1989 (The Truth: Final Episode): https://youtu.be/zFj9iMl3PMs
主演: 刘德华, 葉德嫻, 周海媚, 劉兆銘, 秦沛, 韋基舜, 成奎安, 黃智強
Andy Lau, Deanie Ip - The Truth (Hong Kong Movie) 1988 HD
Kathy Chow, Lau Siu Ming, Paul Chun, Wai Kei Shun, Shing Fui-On, Kirk Wong, Ng Man Ling, Sita Yeung, Ng Hoi Tin, Chan Ging, Lee Ying Kit, Mantic Yiu, Tsang Cho Lam, Wong Hung, Ho Chi Moon
《法內情》(英文:The Truth)是一部1988年上映的香港剧情片,黃泰來执导,刘德华和葉德嫻主演。它是1985年《法外情》的续集,续集为1989年上映的《法內情大結局》。
The Truth is a 1988 Hong Kong trial film directed by Taylor Wong and starring Andy Lau and Deanie Ip. This film is a sequel to the 1985 film The Unwritten Law. It is followed by a sequel The Truth Final Episode released the following year and is the last film of the film series.
前情提要:劉志鵬(劉德華 飾)是一位在孤兒院長大的青年律師,曾為一位被控謀殺的妓女劉惠蘭(葉德嫻 飾)打贏官司,但他始終不知劉惠蘭原來是自己的母親。
劉惠蘭仍操皮肉生涯,平日被雜差收黑錢敲詐,生活相當悲苦,不幸律師兒子的出世紙(出生證明),又落入惡劣警員王發(黃志強 飾)手中,王發勒索葉鉅款,迫得她到麻雀(麻將)館賭博出千,被捉毒打。在同為妓女的姊妹們幫助下,籌得鉅款,然而王發卻出爾反爾,走投無路之下,劉惠蘭殺死了王發,被捕候審。孤兒院修女瑪利亞知悉此事,找志鵬再次為劉惠蘭辯護. 劉惠蘭為了不想讓兒子知道身世,寧可自殺作了結,幸而獲救。在醫院,修女瑪修亞忍不住向志鵬講出秘密,謂劉惠蘭不僅是那位供給他到外國留學的無名叔叔,更是他的生母。
志鵬與法官及檢察官(秦沛 飾)早有摩擦,積怨甚深,這使他為母親辯護處於弱勢。而志鵬為了母親,不惜更收買證人,教唆作假口供敗露,面臨知法犯法的懲罰。但志鵬卻在公堂上講出自己的真正身世,更讚頌劉惠蘭的偉大,最後陪審團一致同意謀殺罪名不成立,同時指責法官審判的態度不公正,並指法官如果不能從輕量刑,人格顯然有問題。最後法官判決劉惠蘭有期徒刑三年,緩刑五年,並得當庭釋放。
刘德华 饰 劉志鵬
葉德嫻 饰 劉惠蘭,劉志鵬生母
周海媚 饰 劉志鵬女友
劉兆銘 饰 老關,劉志鵬助理兼老友
秦沛 饰 秦檢察官
韋基舜 飾 劉志鵬女友之父
成奎安 飾 傻哥,放高利貸者
黃智強 饰 王發,素行不良的警員
Raymond Lau (Andy Lau) is a young lawyer who grew up in an orphanage who fought a lawsuit for a prostitute Lau Wai Lan (Deanie Ip), but he still did not know that Wai Lan is his mother.
Lau Wai Lan still lives a harsh life, often being extorted by CID officers, she leads a quite miserable life. Unfortunately, his son's birth certificate falls into the hands of the harsh police officer Wong Fat (Kirk Wong), who extorts a large sum of money from Wai Lan, and forces her to cheat in a mahjong game, and was caught and beaten. With help from her prostitute sisters, they raise a large sum of money, however, Wong Fat has gone back on its words, and out of desperation, Wai Lan killed Wong Fat and was arrested for pending trial. When Sister Mary of the orphanage was aware of the matter, she finds Raymond again to defend Wai Lan. Wai Lan does not want to let his son know about their relationship, she rather commit suicide to end it. Fortunately, she was rescued. In the hospital, Sister Mary could not help but to tell Raymond the secret, telling him Wai Lan is the unknown uncle who paid for his studies abroad, and that she is his mother.
警察的过分 母亲的隐忍 对儿子的爱都表现的非常好 相信所有人都想杀了那警察吧 终于被杀后大快人心啊。 母子相认的情节 由于刘德华演技过于青涩而爆发力表现力不足 但是足够感动所有人。最后庭证时 秦沛演的律师和法官沆瀣一气好贱啊。 最后结局狗血的大团圆 音乐響起。我也很想说 妈妈。
wn.com/【高清 Hd】劉德華 葉德嫻《法內情》粵語版 (中文字幕) 1988年 香港經典電影 倫理悲劇片 | Andy Lau The Truth 1988 720P
法內情三部曲 / 法外情三部曲 粵語中字高清HD 720p
法外情1985 (The Unwritten Law) 劉德華 葉德嫻
法內情1988 (The Truth): https://youtu.be/h-7fiA5MNXA
法內情大結局1989 (The Truth: Final Episode): https://youtu.be/zFj9iMl3PMs
主演: 刘德华, 葉德嫻, 周海媚, 劉兆銘, 秦沛, 韋基舜, 成奎安, 黃智強
Andy Lau, Deanie Ip - The Truth (Hong Kong Movie) 1988 HD
Kathy Chow, Lau Siu Ming, Paul Chun, Wai Kei Shun, Shing Fui-On, Kirk Wong, Ng Man Ling, Sita Yeung, Ng Hoi Tin, Chan Ging, Lee Ying Kit, Mantic Yiu, Tsang Cho Lam, Wong Hung, Ho Chi Moon
《法內情》(英文:The Truth)是一部1988年上映的香港剧情片,黃泰來执导,刘德华和葉德嫻主演。它是1985年《法外情》的续集,续集为1989年上映的《法內情大結局》。
The Truth is a 1988 Hong Kong trial film directed by Taylor Wong and starring Andy Lau and Deanie Ip. This film is a sequel to the 1985 film The Unwritten Law. It is followed by a sequel The Truth Final Episode released the following year and is the last film of the film series.
前情提要:劉志鵬(劉德華 飾)是一位在孤兒院長大的青年律師,曾為一位被控謀殺的妓女劉惠蘭(葉德嫻 飾)打贏官司,但他始終不知劉惠蘭原來是自己的母親。
劉惠蘭仍操皮肉生涯,平日被雜差收黑錢敲詐,生活相當悲苦,不幸律師兒子的出世紙(出生證明),又落入惡劣警員王發(黃志強 飾)手中,王發勒索葉鉅款,迫得她到麻雀(麻將)館賭博出千,被捉毒打。在同為妓女的姊妹們幫助下,籌得鉅款,然而王發卻出爾反爾,走投無路之下,劉惠蘭殺死了王發,被捕候審。孤兒院修女瑪利亞知悉此事,找志鵬再次為劉惠蘭辯護. 劉惠蘭為了不想讓兒子知道身世,寧可自殺作了結,幸而獲救。在醫院,修女瑪修亞忍不住向志鵬講出秘密,謂劉惠蘭不僅是那位供給他到外國留學的無名叔叔,更是他的生母。
志鵬與法官及檢察官(秦沛 飾)早有摩擦,積怨甚深,這使他為母親辯護處於弱勢。而志鵬為了母親,不惜更收買證人,教唆作假口供敗露,面臨知法犯法的懲罰。但志鵬卻在公堂上講出自己的真正身世,更讚頌劉惠蘭的偉大,最後陪審團一致同意謀殺罪名不成立,同時指責法官審判的態度不公正,並指法官如果不能從輕量刑,人格顯然有問題。最後法官判決劉惠蘭有期徒刑三年,緩刑五年,並得當庭釋放。
刘德华 饰 劉志鵬
葉德嫻 饰 劉惠蘭,劉志鵬生母
周海媚 饰 劉志鵬女友
劉兆銘 饰 老關,劉志鵬助理兼老友
秦沛 饰 秦檢察官
韋基舜 飾 劉志鵬女友之父
成奎安 飾 傻哥,放高利貸者
黃智強 饰 王發,素行不良的警員
Raymond Lau (Andy Lau) is a young lawyer who grew up in an orphanage who fought a lawsuit for a prostitute Lau Wai Lan (Deanie Ip), but he still did not know that Wai Lan is his mother.
Lau Wai Lan still lives a harsh life, often being extorted by CID officers, she leads a quite miserable life. Unfortunately, his son's birth certificate falls into the hands of the harsh police officer Wong Fat (Kirk Wong), who extorts a large sum of money from Wai Lan, and forces her to cheat in a mahjong game, and was caught and beaten. With help from her prostitute sisters, they raise a large sum of money, however, Wong Fat has gone back on its words, and out of desperation, Wai Lan killed Wong Fat and was arrested for pending trial. When Sister Mary of the orphanage was aware of the matter, she finds Raymond again to defend Wai Lan. Wai Lan does not want to let his son know about their relationship, she rather commit suicide to end it. Fortunately, she was rescued. In the hospital, Sister Mary could not help but to tell Raymond the secret, telling him Wai Lan is the unknown uncle who paid for his studies abroad, and that she is his mother.
警察的过分 母亲的隐忍 对儿子的爱都表现的非常好 相信所有人都想杀了那警察吧 终于被杀后大快人心啊。 母子相认的情节 由于刘德华演技过于青涩而爆发力表现力不足 但是足够感动所有人。最后庭证时 秦沛演的律师和法官沆瀣一气好贱啊。 最后结局狗血的大团圆 音乐響起。我也很想说 妈妈。
- published: 16 Sep 2015
- views: 2
【高清 1/3】劉德華 葉德嫻《法外情》粵語HD版 (中文字幕) 1985年 香港經典電影 倫理悲劇片 | Andy Lau The Unwritten Law
法內情三部曲 / 法外情三部曲 劉德華 葉德嫻 粵語中字高清HD 720p
法外情1985 (The Unwritten Law): https://youtu.be/WDdxXSa6diQ
法內情1988 (The Truth): https://youtu.be/h-7fiA5MNXA
法內情大結局1989 (The Truth: Final Episode): https://youtu.be/zFj9iMl3PMs
主演: 刘德华, 葉德嫻, 蓝洁瑛, 邓丽盈, 刘兆铭, 秦沛, 黎萱
Andy Lau, Deanie Ip - The Unwritten Law (Hong Kong Movie) 1985 HD
Yammie Lam, Joann Tang, Lau Siu Ming, Paul Chun, Lai Suen, Staurt Ong, Andy Tai, Peter Macintosh, Elainor Johnson, Felix Lok, Joseph Lee, Wong Wai, Chan Yau Hau, Hon Lai Fan
5th Hong Kong Film Awards
Nominated: Best Screenplay (Ng See-yuen)
Nominated: Best Actress (Deanie Ip)
《法外情》(英文:The Unwritten Law)是一部1985年上映的香港电影,导演为吴思远,由叶德娴与刘德华主演。该片当年的香港票房達1100多万港幣,倍受好评。由于它和后来的两部续集成功地表现出了一段感人至深、赚人热泪的母子情,所以叶德娴有了「刘德华妈妈」之称谓。
The Unwritten Law is a 1985 Hong Kong trial drama film directed by written, produced and directed by Ng See-yuen and starring Andy Lau and Deanie Ip. The film was a critical and commercial success and was followed by two sequels. The Truth (1988) and The Truth Final Episode (1989). Because the film and its subsequent two sequels has displayed a touching mother and son love, Deanie Ip had the title of "Andy Lau's mother".
劉志鵬(劉德華 飾)自幼在孤兒院長大,於英國倫敦大學法學院以榮譽畢業生畢業,專攻刑法,剛取得律師執照返港執業。志鵬少年得意,未婚妻一家有著法律界背景,志鵬得以接觸法政商界名人。這時發生了一個案子:一名50多歲的老妓女劉惠蘭(葉德嫺 飾)涉嫌殺死了一名富人之子,而死者死時正在歡場作嫖客。當時無人願意為她辯護,而她也只想一死來了結自己。在眾人不看好下,職業道德和正義感驅使劉志鵬接下了這個案子。
初為律師的志鵬在老關(劉兆銘 飾)的幫助下,四處查訪證據,逐漸抽絲剝繭案件的真相,同時卻受到未婚妻父親的反對,並也因忙著尋覓證據,與未婚妻關係逐漸形同陌路。惠蘭在意外之下,看見志鵬有自己當年贈與兒子刻有「鵬程萬里」的懷表,發現志鵬就是自己親生兒子:當志鵬出生時,惠蘭把他送給孤兒院院長瑪利亞,但惠蘭並未對志鵬棄置不理,一直從事舞女工作,以無名氏叔叔的身分,供養著志鵬,更籌得錢,讓志鵬赴倫敦大學法學院就讀。惠蘭擔心這份關係如果曝光,會對志鵬的名譽、身分造成損害,護子心切下便隱瞞這個真相,並拒絕讓志鵬替自己辯護。
而檢察官(秦沛 飾)託人至歐洲找到已經退休的孤兒院院長瑪利亞,出庭作證志鵬與惠蘭是母子關係。根據英國律例規定律師與委託人之間不得有這樣的親屬關係,要求法官立即撤銷訴訟。然而瑪利亞手按著十字架,堅決地否認志鵬與惠蘭的母子關係。在陪審團的同意之下,法官判決惠蘭是遭死者嫖客虐待,出於自衛之下的正當防衛而當庭釋放。劇終時,志鵬始終不知道自己與生母惠蘭的關係。
刘德华 飾 刘志鹏
叶德娴 飾 刘惠兰
蓝洁瑛 飾 刘志鹏女朋友
邓丽盈 飾 殷小萍(護士證人,劉志鵬孤兒院的同學)
刘兆铭 飾 老關(刘志鹏的師爺)
秦沛 飾 控方檢察官
黎萱 飾 蓉姐(妓女)
wn.com/【高清 1 3】劉德華 葉德嫻《法外情》粵語Hd版 (中文字幕) 1985年 香港經典電影 倫理悲劇片 | Andy Lau The Unwritten Law
法內情三部曲 / 法外情三部曲 劉德華 葉德嫻 粵語中字高清HD 720p
法外情1985 (The Unwritten Law): https://youtu.be/WDdxXSa6diQ
法內情1988 (The Truth): https://youtu.be/h-7fiA5MNXA
法內情大結局1989 (The Truth: Final Episode): https://youtu.be/zFj9iMl3PMs
主演: 刘德华, 葉德嫻, 蓝洁瑛, 邓丽盈, 刘兆铭, 秦沛, 黎萱
Andy Lau, Deanie Ip - The Unwritten Law (Hong Kong Movie) 1985 HD
Yammie Lam, Joann Tang, Lau Siu Ming, Paul Chun, Lai Suen, Staurt Ong, Andy Tai, Peter Macintosh, Elainor Johnson, Felix Lok, Joseph Lee, Wong Wai, Chan Yau Hau, Hon Lai Fan
5th Hong Kong Film Awards
Nominated: Best Screenplay (Ng See-yuen)
Nominated: Best Actress (Deanie Ip)
《法外情》(英文:The Unwritten Law)是一部1985年上映的香港电影,导演为吴思远,由叶德娴与刘德华主演。该片当年的香港票房達1100多万港幣,倍受好评。由于它和后来的两部续集成功地表现出了一段感人至深、赚人热泪的母子情,所以叶德娴有了「刘德华妈妈」之称谓。
The Unwritten Law is a 1985 Hong Kong trial drama film directed by written, produced and directed by Ng See-yuen and starring Andy Lau and Deanie Ip. The film was a critical and commercial success and was followed by two sequels. The Truth (1988) and The Truth Final Episode (1989). Because the film and its subsequent two sequels has displayed a touching mother and son love, Deanie Ip had the title of "Andy Lau's mother".
劉志鵬(劉德華 飾)自幼在孤兒院長大,於英國倫敦大學法學院以榮譽畢業生畢業,專攻刑法,剛取得律師執照返港執業。志鵬少年得意,未婚妻一家有著法律界背景,志鵬得以接觸法政商界名人。這時發生了一個案子:一名50多歲的老妓女劉惠蘭(葉德嫺 飾)涉嫌殺死了一名富人之子,而死者死時正在歡場作嫖客。當時無人願意為她辯護,而她也只想一死來了結自己。在眾人不看好下,職業道德和正義感驅使劉志鵬接下了這個案子。
初為律師的志鵬在老關(劉兆銘 飾)的幫助下,四處查訪證據,逐漸抽絲剝繭案件的真相,同時卻受到未婚妻父親的反對,並也因忙著尋覓證據,與未婚妻關係逐漸形同陌路。惠蘭在意外之下,看見志鵬有自己當年贈與兒子刻有「鵬程萬里」的懷表,發現志鵬就是自己親生兒子:當志鵬出生時,惠蘭把他送給孤兒院院長瑪利亞,但惠蘭並未對志鵬棄置不理,一直從事舞女工作,以無名氏叔叔的身分,供養著志鵬,更籌得錢,讓志鵬赴倫敦大學法學院就讀。惠蘭擔心這份關係如果曝光,會對志鵬的名譽、身分造成損害,護子心切下便隱瞞這個真相,並拒絕讓志鵬替自己辯護。
而檢察官(秦沛 飾)託人至歐洲找到已經退休的孤兒院院長瑪利亞,出庭作證志鵬與惠蘭是母子關係。根據英國律例規定律師與委託人之間不得有這樣的親屬關係,要求法官立即撤銷訴訟。然而瑪利亞手按著十字架,堅決地否認志鵬與惠蘭的母子關係。在陪審團的同意之下,法官判決惠蘭是遭死者嫖客虐待,出於自衛之下的正當防衛而當庭釋放。劇終時,志鵬始終不知道自己與生母惠蘭的關係。
刘德华 飾 刘志鹏
叶德娴 飾 刘惠兰
蓝洁瑛 飾 刘志鹏女朋友
邓丽盈 飾 殷小萍(護士證人,劉志鵬孤兒院的同學)
刘兆铭 飾 老關(刘志鹏的師爺)
秦沛 飾 控方檢察官
黎萱 飾 蓉姐(妓女)
- published: 22 Sep 2015
- views: 20
縱橫四海(粵語) 01 陶大宇周海媚譚耀文葉德嫻楊恭如石修
版权归亚视或原制作相关公司所有,如果有侵权请告知移除) 主演:陶大宇叶德娴谭耀文周海媚杨恭如石修鲍起静李兆基刘锡贤欧锦棠林伟健田蕊妮黄瑷瑶王天林陈启泰ATV的《纵横四海》到现在看也蛮经典的,据说此剧在播出时一改亚视本土剧收视率上的颓势,力压TVB同时段的《刑事侦缉档案IV》,有趣的...
wn.com/縱橫四海(粵語) 01 陶大宇周海媚譚耀文葉德嫻楊恭如石修
版权归亚视或原制作相关公司所有,如果有侵权请告知移除) 主演:陶大宇叶德娴谭耀文周海媚杨恭如石修鲍起静李兆基刘锡贤欧锦棠林伟健田蕊妮黄瑷瑶王天林陈启泰ATV的《纵横四海》到现在看也蛮经典的,据说此剧在播出时一改亚视本土剧收视率上的颓势,力压TVB同时段的《刑事侦缉档案IV》,有趣的...
- published: 19 Jul 2014
- views: 3094
【高清 HD】劉德華 葉德嫻《法內情大結局》粵語版 (中文字幕) 1989年 香港經典電影 倫理悲劇片 | Andy Lau The Truth: Final Episode
法內情三部曲 / 法外情三部曲 粵語中字高清HD 720p
法外情1985 (The Unwritten Law) 劉德華 葉德嫻
法內情1988 (The Truth): https://youtu.be/h-7fiA5MNXA
法內情大結局1989 (The Truth: Final Episode): https://youtu.be/zFj9iMl3PMs
主演: 刘德华, 葉德嫻, 羅烈, 劉兆銘, 秦沛, 楊澤霖, 吳海添, 陳敬, 吳廷燁, 駱達華
Andy Lau, Deanie Ip - The Truth: Final Episode (Hong Kong Movie) 1989 HD
Paul Chun, Sek-Ming Gan, Sandra Lang
《法內情大結局》(英文:The Truth: Final Episode)是一部1989年上映的香港剧情片,麥當傑执导,刘德华和葉德嫻主演。它是1988年《法内情》续集,为该系列的最后一部。
The film was a critical and commercial success and was followed by two sequels. The Truth (1988) and The Truth Final Episode (1989). Because the film and its subsequent two sequels has displayed a touching mother and son love, Deanie Ip had the title of "Andy Lau's mother".
刘德华 饰 劉志鵬
葉德嫻 饰 劉惠蘭,劉志鵬生母
羅烈 饰 陳興,劉志鵬失散多年的生父
劉兆銘 饰 老關,劉志鵬助理兼老友
秦沛 饰 秦檢察官
楊澤霖 飾 洪探長,殺死山雞的真兇
陳敬 飾 警員山雞
In the film, Andy plays Raymond Lau, who grew up in an orphanage because his mother (Deannie Yip) was a prostitute and could not take care of him. Despite this, Raymond still grows up to become an accomplished lawyer and patches up the relationship with his mom, despite her now being a drug addict. Raymond's record of justice doesn't sit well with a crooked cop, who frames him for murder. Forced to provide his own defense, Raymond must try to stay away from the hangman's noose while helping his terminally ill mother.
Perhaps it was because I have never seen the previous movies or TV series, but everything with The Truth: Final Episode just fell flat. None of the characters had any sort of resonance or weight to them, just being more of cardboard cutout stereotypes than fleshed-out unique creations. Some of this is undoubtedly due to the lackluster direction by Michael Mak. Mak has shown flashes of creativity a couple of times in his filmography, such as with Sex and Zen and especially Long Arm of the Law II, but more often than not, his films feel like he's just going through the motions, leaning too heavily on genre tropes to create any true cinematic identity of his own.
As it stands, The Truth: Final Episode does things well enough for a 1980's courtroom drama, but, again, this is a sub-genre that has not aged all that well and can't really hold up against more modern fare in the realm that project either a more realistic and sharp aesthetic or cheeseball tech-fueled detective fun. This film is neither realistic or fun, being devoid of really anything of note, unless you're a die-hard Andy Lau fan and want to see some of the foundation of his long acting career, which thankfully has matured so that he is appearing in much better product than this.
wn.com/【高清 Hd】劉德華 葉德嫻《法內情大結局》粵語版 (中文字幕) 1989年 香港經典電影 倫理悲劇片 | Andy Lau The Truth Final Episode
法內情三部曲 / 法外情三部曲 粵語中字高清HD 720p
法外情1985 (The Unwritten Law) 劉德華 葉德嫻
法內情1988 (The Truth): https://youtu.be/h-7fiA5MNXA
法內情大結局1989 (The Truth: Final Episode): https://youtu.be/zFj9iMl3PMs
主演: 刘德华, 葉德嫻, 羅烈, 劉兆銘, 秦沛, 楊澤霖, 吳海添, 陳敬, 吳廷燁, 駱達華
Andy Lau, Deanie Ip - The Truth: Final Episode (Hong Kong Movie) 1989 HD
Paul Chun, Sek-Ming Gan, Sandra Lang
《法內情大結局》(英文:The Truth: Final Episode)是一部1989年上映的香港剧情片,麥當傑执导,刘德华和葉德嫻主演。它是1988年《法内情》续集,为该系列的最后一部。
The film was a critical and commercial success and was followed by two sequels. The Truth (1988) and The Truth Final Episode (1989). Because the film and its subsequent two sequels has displayed a touching mother and son love, Deanie Ip had the title of "Andy Lau's mother".
刘德华 饰 劉志鵬
葉德嫻 饰 劉惠蘭,劉志鵬生母
羅烈 饰 陳興,劉志鵬失散多年的生父
劉兆銘 饰 老關,劉志鵬助理兼老友
秦沛 饰 秦檢察官
楊澤霖 飾 洪探長,殺死山雞的真兇
陳敬 飾 警員山雞
In the film, Andy plays Raymond Lau, who grew up in an orphanage because his mother (Deannie Yip) was a prostitute and could not take care of him. Despite this, Raymond still grows up to become an accomplished lawyer and patches up the relationship with his mom, despite her now being a drug addict. Raymond's record of justice doesn't sit well with a crooked cop, who frames him for murder. Forced to provide his own defense, Raymond must try to stay away from the hangman's noose while helping his terminally ill mother.
Perhaps it was because I have never seen the previous movies or TV series, but everything with The Truth: Final Episode just fell flat. None of the characters had any sort of resonance or weight to them, just being more of cardboard cutout stereotypes than fleshed-out unique creations. Some of this is undoubtedly due to the lackluster direction by Michael Mak. Mak has shown flashes of creativity a couple of times in his filmography, such as with Sex and Zen and especially Long Arm of the Law II, but more often than not, his films feel like he's just going through the motions, leaning too heavily on genre tropes to create any true cinematic identity of his own.
As it stands, The Truth: Final Episode does things well enough for a 1980's courtroom drama, but, again, this is a sub-genre that has not aged all that well and can't really hold up against more modern fare in the realm that project either a more realistic and sharp aesthetic or cheeseball tech-fueled detective fun. This film is neither realistic or fun, being devoid of really anything of note, unless you're a die-hard Andy Lau fan and want to see some of the foundation of his long acting career, which thankfully has matured so that he is appearing in much better product than this.
- published: 16 Sep 2015
- views: 9
纵横四海(粤语) 42(END)
亚视縱橫四海(大結局) (版权归亚视或原制作相关公司所有,如果有侵权请告知移除) 主演:陶大宇叶德娴谭耀文周海媚杨恭如石修鲍起静李兆基刘锡贤欧锦棠林伟健田蕊妮黄瑷瑶王天林陈启泰张文慈《纵横四海》是王晶在电视剧制作里面的诚意和成功之作。据说此剧播出后,很多观众对它的开放式结局不满意...
wn.com/纵横四海(粤语) 42(End)
亚视縱橫四海(大結局) (版权归亚视或原制作相关公司所有,如果有侵权请告知移除) 主演:陶大宇叶德娴谭耀文周海媚杨恭如石修鲍起静李兆基刘锡贤欧锦棠林伟健田蕊妮黄瑷瑶王天林陈启泰张文慈《纵横四海》是王晶在电视剧制作里面的诚意和成功之作。据说此剧播出后,很多观众对它的开放式结局不满意...
- published: 10 Aug 2014
- views: 633
Leslie Cheung In Concert - Concert In Bangkok 27-28 Aug 1983 №1
01、Opening/讓我飛 (Cantonese)
02、Casablanca/片段 (English/Cantonese)
03、你的眼神 (Mandarin/Cantonese)-[Chin Tsai/Samantha Lam original singers]
04、身體語言 (Cantonese)-[Roman Tam original singer]
05、隨想曲 (Cantonese)-[Paula Tsui original singer]
06、倦 (Cantonese)-[Deanie Ip original singer]
07、You drive me crazy -[Wynners original singer]
08、風繼續吹/さよならの向う侧 (Cantonese/Japanese)
09、白金升降機 (Cantonese)-[Elisa Chan original singer]
10、Subaru [Tanimura Shinji original singer]/星 [Kenneth Kwan original singer] (Japanese/Cantonese)
11、激光中 (Cantonese) - [Roman Tam original singer]
12、OH CAROL (English) - [Neil Sedaka original singer]
13、恰似你的溫柔 (Mandarin) - [Chin Tsai original singers]
14、那一記耳光 (Cantonese) - [Leslie Cheung's hits]
15、讓我奔放 (Cantonese) -[Roman Tam original singer]
16、心裡有個謎 (Cantonese)- [Roman Tam original singer]
17、浣花洗劍錄 (Cantonese) - [Lung Kee Lee original singer]
18、We're all alone (English) - [Boz Scaggs' hits]
19、Endless love (English) - [Lionel Richie's hits]
20、偏偏喜歡你 (Cantonese) - [Danny Chan original singer]
21、勇敢的中國人 (Cantonese) - [Liza Wang original singer]
Total Length: 95 mins
wn.com/Leslie Cheung In Concert Concert In Bangkok 27 28 Aug 1983 №1
01、Opening/讓我飛 (Cantonese)
02、Casablanca/片段 (English/Cantonese)
03、你的眼神 (Mandarin/Cantonese)-[Chin Tsai/Samantha Lam original singers]
04、身體語言 (Cantonese)-[Roman Tam original singer]
05、隨想曲 (Cantonese)-[Paula Tsui original singer]
06、倦 (Cantonese)-[Deanie Ip original singer]
07、You drive me crazy -[Wynners original singer]
08、風繼續吹/さよならの向う侧 (Cantonese/Japanese)
09、白金升降機 (Cantonese)-[Elisa Chan original singer]
10、Subaru [Tanimura Shinji original singer]/星 [Kenneth Kwan original singer] (Japanese/Cantonese)
11、激光中 (Cantonese) - [Roman Tam original singer]
12、OH CAROL (English) - [Neil Sedaka original singer]
13、恰似你的溫柔 (Mandarin) - [Chin Tsai original singers]
14、那一記耳光 (Cantonese) - [Leslie Cheung's hits]
15、讓我奔放 (Cantonese) -[Roman Tam original singer]
16、心裡有個謎 (Cantonese)- [Roman Tam original singer]
17、浣花洗劍錄 (Cantonese) - [Lung Kee Lee original singer]
18、We're all alone (English) - [Boz Scaggs' hits]
19、Endless love (English) - [Lionel Richie's hits]
20、偏偏喜歡你 (Cantonese) - [Danny Chan original singer]
21、勇敢的中國人 (Cantonese) - [Liza Wang original singer]
Total Length: 95 mins
- published: 19 Sep 2014
- views: 37
"爭氣" 電影的啟動禮 My Voice My Life kickoff Sept 12th 2014
Missed the "My Voice My Life" kick off event at Hysan Place on September 12? See for yourself what director Ruby Yang, superstars Andy Lau and Deanie Ip had to say in this video!!!
wn.com/爭氣 電影的啟動禮 My Voice My Life Kickoff Sept 12Th 2014
Missed the "My Voice My Life" kick off event at Hysan Place on September 12? See for yourself what director Ruby Yang, superstars Andy Lau and Deanie Ip had to say in this video!!!
- published: 13 Sep 2014
- views: 268
A Healthy Mind: Weight Management
Dr. Sislena Grocer Ledbetter, Director of Counseling and Student Development at the University of the District of Columbia interviews Deanie Jennings is a li...
wn.com/A Healthy Mind Weight Management
Dr. Sislena Grocer Ledbetter, Director of Counseling and Student Development at the University of the District of Columbia interviews Deanie Jennings is a li...
- published: 01 Apr 2013
- views: 108
[粵語] 香港經典電影 《鉄板燒》 許冠文 葉倩文 領銜主演
wn.com/粵語 香港經典電影 《鉄板燒》 許冠文 葉倩文 領銜主演
- published: 22 Jul 2013
- views: 184414
Ken Yip
Anthony Wong 人肉叉燒包2之天誅地滅(粵語)黃秋生 羅蘭 陸劍明 Cantonese
For more Classic Cantonese Movies. 觀看更多經典粵語電影。 http://alaualau.blogspot.com/ For more easily find your favorite movies. 更加容易找到您喜歡的電影。 ALAU PLEASE visit and l...
wn.com/Anthony Wong 人肉叉燒包2之天誅地滅(粵語)黃秋生 羅蘭 陸劍明 Cantonese
For more Classic Cantonese Movies. 觀看更多經典粵語電影。 http://alaualau.blogspot.com/ For more easily find your favorite movies. 更加容易找到您喜歡的電影。 ALAU PLEASE visit and l...
- published: 01 Jun 2012
- views: 3417614
alau lau
Deanie Ip 葉德嫻 - Best Actress again!! 訪問 At the 6th Asian Film Awards 2012 (HD)
Deanie Ip 葉德嫻 - Best Actress again!! 訪問 At the 6th Asian Film Awards 2012 (HD)
Deanie Ip 葉德嫻 - Best Actress again!! 訪問 At the 6th Asian Film Awards 2012 (HD)
Asian Film Awards Best Actress Winner Deannie Ip discusses life in the HK Film Industry along with her special relationship with Andy Lau and her future plan...
Ann Hui 許鞍華 Interview 訪問 and backstage after winning the lifetime achievement award
Ann Hui 許鞍華 Interview 訪問 and backstage after winning the lifetime achievement award
Ann Hui 許鞍華 Interview 訪問 and backstage after winning the lifetime achievement award
Ann Hui Interview and backstage after winning the lifetime achievement award at the 6th Asian Film award 2012. She is overwhelmed and then we meet her the following day when she's had some time to process it all.
Interview with Deanie Ip that happened at the same time coming soon, please subscribe so you won't miss it!
Our playlist of the whole evening:
And follow us on twitter or like us on facebook if that's your style:
Interviewed by Ran
Deanie ip, Best Actress at 5th Asia Film Awards 2012
Deanie ip, Best Actress at 5th Asia Film Awards 2012
Deanie ip, Best Actress at 5th Asia Film Awards 2012
Videographer: tim fan A simple life by Ann Hui.
Hong Kong Film Festival (HKFF) 2012
Hong Kong Film Festival (HKFF) 2012
Hong Kong Film Festival (HKFF) 2012
Press Conference for Hong Kong Film Festival 2012
Media Interview with Miss Ann Hui, Director of "A Simple Life"
Media Interview with Miss Deanie Ip, Cast of "A Simple Life"
Workshop with Miss Ann Hui, Director of "A Simple Life"
Gala and Premier Screening of "A Simple Life"
About Hong Kong Film Festival 2012
Klang Valley
Date: 15 - 18 March, 2012
Venue: GSC Mid Valley, 1 Utama, Pavilion KL
Date: 22 - 25 March, 2012
Venue: GSC Gurney Plaza, Penang
A Simple Life (at Prevailing Ticket Price)
Big Blue Lake (RM5)
Merry Go Round (RM5)
Frozen (RM5)
The Road Less Traveled (RM5)
Mr & Mrs Single (RM5)
Quattro Hong Kong (RM5)
Hong Kong pop singer Denise Ho: Occupy Central students inspire me (何韻詩 HOCC)
Hong Kong pop singer Denise Ho: Occupy Central students inspire me (何韻詩 HOCC)
Hong Kong pop singer Denise Ho: Occupy Central students inspire me (何韻詩 HOCC)
Hong Kong pop singer Denise Ho: Occupy Central students inspire me
SCMP | FRI, 7 NOV 2014
For more than a month, the Canto-pop singer and celebrity Denise Ho Wan-see has joined thousands of Hongkongers camping outside government headquarters in Admiralty to call for an open election of their next leader. She vows to stay until the end, even if her singing career suffers as a result.
Video and news copyrights belong to South China Morning Post. http://www.scmp.com/video/scmp-originals/1626638/hong-kong-pop-singer-denise-ho-occupy-central-students-inspire-me
Canto-pop star Denise Ho vows to fight on for democracy despite main
Priscilla Chan 陳慧嫻 - 幸運是我
Priscilla Chan 陳慧嫻 - 幸運是我
Priscilla Chan 陳慧嫻 - 幸運是我
Priscilla`s part of the short movie "Singer" (歌者).
She sings Deanie Ip`s (葉德嫻) song "Fortune is Me".
第十五集: 光影我城 III: 溫馨集: 歌者. Year: 1984.
6th Asian Film Awards Backstage - Best Actress
6th Asian Film Awards Backstage - Best Actress
6th Asian Film Awards Backstage - Best Actress
6th Asian Film Awards Backstage - Best Actress - Deanie Ip, A Simple Life (Hong Kong) http://anutshellreview.blogspot.com.
Deanie's Living Past: Tuesday Feb 5 at 6PM
Deanie's Living Past: Tuesday Feb 5 at 6PM
Deanie's Living Past: Tuesday Feb 5 at 6PM
On February 5th at 6PM, WZZM 13's Brent Ashcroft brings you an exclusive interview with Deanie's mother and never-before-seen footage of Deanie's preserved b...
Andy Lau 刘德华 carol 4month pregnant
Andy Lau 刘德华 carol 4month pregnant
Andy Lau 刘德华 carol 4month pregnant
5 Januari 2012 Untuk pertama kalinya ketika Andy Lau dan Deanie Ip mempromosikan "A Simple Life" di Kowloon Bay. Saat diwawancarai, Andy ditanya tentang bayi...
旭茉JESSICA 2012年3月號 - 劉德華、葉德嫻 - 封面拍攝幕後花絮
旭茉JESSICA 2012年3月號 - 劉德華、葉德嫻 - 封面拍攝幕後花絮
旭茉JESSICA 2012年3月號 - 劉德華、葉德嫻 - 封面拍攝幕後花絮
Behind the scenes footage of singer and actress Andy Lau and Deanie Ip for 旭茉JESSICA Magazine March 2012 issue cover shoot.
Dazee-C - Nothing short of amazing Ft Deanie new.
Dazee-C - Nothing short of amazing Ft Deanie new.
Dazee-C - Nothing short of amazing Ft Deanie new.
lIFTED From Dazee's Debut Album, " The Definition of ... "
Una vida sencilla - Trailer español HD
Una vida sencilla - Trailer español HD
Una vida sencilla - Trailer español HD
Recomiendo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPGUSfLIniw Título original: Tao jie (A Simple Life) Año: 2011 Duración: 117 min. País: Hong Kong Director: Ann H...
Road To AFA: The charisma from Chinese Actress 華語電影女演員的光芒
Road To AFA: The charisma from Chinese Actress 華語電影女演員的光芒
Road To AFA: The charisma from Chinese Actress 華語電影女演員的光芒
Interviewees 受訪者: Deanie IP 葉德嫻,GUA Ah-leh 歸亞蕾,Michelle CHEN 陳妍希,Peggy CHIAO 焦雄屏.
68° Mostra del Cinema di Venezia red carpet Ann Hui Andy Lau con film TAO JIE - SIMPLE LIFE
68° Mostra del Cinema di Venezia red carpet Ann Hui Andy Lau con film TAO JIE - SIMPLE LIFE
68° Mostra del Cinema di Venezia red carpet Ann Hui Andy Lau con film TAO JIE - SIMPLE LIFE
68° Mostra del Cinema di Venezia red carpet Ann Hui film "TAO JIE" Simple Life
con Andy Lau, Deanie Yip, Anthony Wong, Tsui Hark
Il film ispirato a fatti e persone reali, narra la storia di Chung Chun-Tao, detta Ah Tao, nata a Taishan, in Cina e che per 60 anni ha fatto la domestica sempre nella stessa famiglia.
TAO JIE - EIN EINFACHES LEBEN | Trailer german deutsch [HD]
TAO JIE - EIN EINFACHES LEBEN | Trailer german deutsch [HD]
TAO JIE - EIN EINFACHES LEBEN | Trailer german deutsch [HD]
http://facebook.com/vipmagazin1 ... Tao Jie - Ein einfaches Leben (deutscher Trailer / Trailer deutsch german HD) - Kinostart: 24.04.2014 --- Bitte ABONNIERE...
Official trailer A Simple Life (NL)
Official trailer A Simple Life (NL)
Official trailer A Simple Life (NL)
A Simple Life is een prachtig verhaal over een jonge man (Andy Lau) en zijn huishoudster (Deanie Ip), die al generaties lang voor zijn familie werkt. Als hij...
TAO JIE | Dtora. Ann Hui [V.O.S.]
TAO JIE | Dtora. Ann Hui [V.O.S.]
TAO JIE | Dtora. Ann Hui [V.O.S.]
Centro Municipal Integrado Pumarín "Gijón Sur | Sábado 29 de marzo - 20.30h
UNA VIDA SENCILLA / Hong Kong / 2011 / 117'
Dirección Ann Hui Guión Susan Chan, Robert Lee Fotografía Nelson Yu Lik-Wai Música Law Wing-Fai Intérpretes
Andy Lau, Deanie Ip, Wang Fuli, Qin Hailu, Eman Lam, Anthony Wong Chau-Sang, Elena Kong...
Chun Tao-Chung ha trabajado como amah --sirvienta-- para la familia Leung durante sesenta años. Ahora cuida de Roger,
que trabaja en la industria cinematográfica y es el único miembro de la familia Leung que aún vive en Hong Kong. Un día
al volver del trabajo, Roger descubre que Tao ha sufrido un derrame cerebral. Al dedicar cad
葉德嫻、何韻詩、黃耀明獻唱《獅子山下》催涙滿月 金鐘雨傘廣場 Umbrella Square
何韻詩 HOCC指在演藝界大膽說話是困難的,要負上代價,但最重要的是不是只有自己一人,作為成年人要出來告訴大家做的是正確的。
Photo credit: 香港獨立媒體網 https://www.facebook.com/inmediahk/photos/a.470741732962870.94741.200954406608272/768791433157897/?type=1&theater;
Making of album 張敬軒《Pink Dahlia》粉色大理花
Making of album 張敬軒《Pink Dahlia》粉色大理花
Making of album 張敬軒《Pink Dahlia》粉色大理花
Hins Cheung reinterprets pop hits by ten divas in his latest album Pink Dahlia! His cover selection includes Anita Mui's "Intimate Lover," Kelly Chen's "Wind...
(何韻詩訪問) 葉德嫻現身示威區勸學生勿生氣
(何韻詩訪問) 葉德嫻現身示威區勸學生勿生氣
(何韻詩訪問) 葉德嫻現身示威區勸學生勿生氣
葉德嫻現身示威區勸學生勿生氣 2014/10/17
佔領行動持續,早前有份參與錄製支持佔領行動歌曲的葉德嫻 (Deanie 姐)現身金鐘示威區,支持學生,勸籲學生堅持信念,勿生氣。對於王晶高調宣佈與支持佔領行動的黃秋生、杜汶澤 (阿澤) 和何韻詩 (阿詩) 絕交,Deanie 姐盼互相尊重發表意見的權利。
撐起雨傘 Umbrella Revolution (Chinese + English subtitles)
撐起雨傘 Umbrella Revolution (Chinese + English subtitles)
撐起雨傘 Umbrella Revolution (Chinese + English subtitles)
A song written for protesters of the "umbrella revolution" in Hong Kong. This video was created and subtitled for both the Chinese and English-speaking audiences. Some of the pictures are from online sources but most were taken by myself. I'm hoping to spread the word and offer my own visual account of the protests for democracy and universal suffrage in Hong Kong that began on September 27, 2014. I apologise if the translation is not perfect, as this was done within a day.
Composer: pan
Lyricist: pan/Albert Leung (Lin Xi)
Singers: Denise Ho, Anthony Wong, Deanie Ip, Kay Tse, Endy Chow, Ellen Joyce Loo
Photo credit: Bloomberg, Mashable, Inte
Deanie Ip 葉德嫻 - Best Actress again!! 訪問 At the 6th Asian Film Awards 2012 (HD)
Asian Film Awards Best Actress Winner Deannie Ip discusses life in the HK Film Industry along with her special relationship with Andy Lau and her future plan...
wn.com/Deanie Ip 葉德嫻 Best Actress Again 訪問 At The 6Th Asian Film Awards 2012 (Hd)
Asian Film Awards Best Actress Winner Deannie Ip discusses life in the HK Film Industry along with her special relationship with Andy Lau and her future plan...
- published: 22 Mar 2012
- views: 2693
Ann Hui 許鞍華 Interview 訪問 and backstage after winning the lifetime achievement award
Ann Hui Interview and backstage after winning the lifetime achievement award at the 6th Asian Film award 2012. She is overwhelmed and then we meet her the following day when she's had some time to process it all.
Interview with Deanie Ip that happened at the same time coming soon, please subscribe so you won't miss it!
Our playlist of the whole evening:
And follow us on twitter or like us on facebook if that's your style:
Interviewed by Rani Samtani:
Trailer for "A Simple LIfe" if you haven't seen it yet:
Trailer for "All about Love" her film from 2010:
wn.com/Ann Hui 許鞍華 Interview 訪問 And Backstage After Winning The Lifetime Achievement Award
Ann Hui Interview and backstage after winning the lifetime achievement award at the 6th Asian Film award 2012. She is overwhelmed and then we meet her the following day when she's had some time to process it all.
Interview with Deanie Ip that happened at the same time coming soon, please subscribe so you won't miss it!
Our playlist of the whole evening:
And follow us on twitter or like us on facebook if that's your style:
Interviewed by Rani Samtani:
Trailer for "A Simple LIfe" if you haven't seen it yet:
Trailer for "All about Love" her film from 2010:
- published: 20 Mar 2012
- views: 1213
Hong Kong Film Festival (HKFF) 2012
Press Conference for Hong Kong Film Festival 2012
Media Interview with Miss Ann Hui, Director of "A Simple Life"
Media Interview with Miss Deanie Ip, Cast of "A Simple Life"
Workshop with Miss Ann Hui, Director of "A Simple Life"
Gala and Premier Screening of "A Simple Life"
About Hong Kong Film Festival 2012
Klang Valley
Date: 15 - 18 March, 2012
Venue: GSC Mid Valley, 1 Utama, Pavilion KL
Date: 22 - 25 March, 2012
Venue: GSC Gurney Plaza, Penang
A Simple Life (at Prevailing Ticket Price)
Big Blue Lake (RM5)
Merry Go Round (RM5)
Frozen (RM5)
The Road Less Traveled (RM5)
Mr & Mrs Single (RM5)
Quattro Hong Kong (RM5)
wn.com/Hong Kong Film Festival (Hkff) 2012
Press Conference for Hong Kong Film Festival 2012
Media Interview with Miss Ann Hui, Director of "A Simple Life"
Media Interview with Miss Deanie Ip, Cast of "A Simple Life"
Workshop with Miss Ann Hui, Director of "A Simple Life"
Gala and Premier Screening of "A Simple Life"
About Hong Kong Film Festival 2012
Klang Valley
Date: 15 - 18 March, 2012
Venue: GSC Mid Valley, 1 Utama, Pavilion KL
Date: 22 - 25 March, 2012
Venue: GSC Gurney Plaza, Penang
A Simple Life (at Prevailing Ticket Price)
Big Blue Lake (RM5)
Merry Go Round (RM5)
Frozen (RM5)
The Road Less Traveled (RM5)
Mr & Mrs Single (RM5)
Quattro Hong Kong (RM5)
- published: 15 Mar 2012
- views: 19857
Hong Kong pop singer Denise Ho: Occupy Central students inspire me (何韻詩 HOCC)
Hong Kong pop singer Denise Ho: Occupy Central students inspire me
SCMP | FRI, 7 NOV 2014
For more than a month, the Canto-pop singer and celebrity Denise Ho Wan-see has joined thousands of Hongkongers camping outside government headquarters in Admiralty to call for an open election of their next leader. She vows to stay until the end, even if her singing career suffers as a result.
Video and news copyrights belong to South China Morning Post. http://www.scmp.com/video/scmp-originals/1626638/hong-kong-pop-singer-denise-ho-occupy-central-students-inspire-me
Canto-pop star Denise Ho vows to fight on for democracy despite mainland backlash
Artists face a dilemma in deciding whether to back the student protests for real universal suffrage - whether to follow their conscience or bow to Beijing, which can exclude them from the lucrative mainland market
Wearing a black T-shirt and minimal make-up, Denise Ho Wan-see blends right in among thousands of protesters on Harcourt Road in Admiralty. For more than a month, the Canto-pop singer and celebrity has joined students camped outside government headquarters to call for an open election of Hong Kong’s next leader.
Despite the risks for her career, she vows to stay until the end.
“Students are fighting for genuine democracy, which is what Hong Kong has been fighting for many years for,” says Ho, 37. “As adults...we must fight for them.”
Ho’s vocal support for the Umbrella Movement might turn out to be career suicide. Over the past weeks, there have been repeated calls for pro-Occupy celebrities to be banned from the mainland – including a commentary in Beijing mouthpiece Xinhua which condemned Ho as well as actors Anthony Wong Chau-sang and Chapman To Man-chak for “betraying” their motherland.
Recently Wong’s face and name were removed from a mainland promotional poster for new movie Gangster Payday, despite Wong playing the lead role.
Sources at three TV stations and a newspaper on the mainland told the Post that their companies had received orders banning them from producing content featuring listed celebrities. One list contained 47 names.
Musician Anthony Wong Yiu-ming, who performed for students at Admiralty alongside Ho and actress Deanie Ip, is also allegedly facing a ban from performing on the mainland.
"It’s all about money,” said critic Jimmy Pang Chi-ming.
China is a major entertainment market and celebrities have no choice but to remain either politically silent or pro-China in order to survive, Pang said...(deleted)
Ho has enjoyed growing success in the Mando-pop market in recent years, with reportedly 80 per cent of her income coming from the mainland. But the Canadian-educated singer says she values democracy and social justice far higher than money.
“As a singer and a public figure, my first priority is not money or fame. Those are just a bonus. If I lose the materialistic success, so be it,” she says.
She could still make a living out of opening a café or becoming a farmer, Ho says. Running for Legco might be a possibility in future.
“At the very least, I’m very happy now to be with the students and the public.”
Ho’s path echoes that of her mentor, the late Canto-pop queen Anita Mui Yim-fong.
In 1989, Mui called on Hong Kong celebrities to support students’ pro-democracy protests in Tiananmen Square, staging a 12-hour fund-raising Concert for Democracy in China at the Happy Valley racecourse.
... (read original text for deleted parts)
Mui’s support for students in Beijing earned her a ban from China.
Twenty-five years later, Ho formed Hong Kong Shield, an alliance of artists, academics and media professionals to support the student movement. Politics aside, Ho wants Hong Kong to reconsider how much its cultural and creative industries now defer to the mainland.
“There’s been an excessive emphasis on China. If we only fulfil the needs of one market, that is not healthy,” Ho said.
Mainland narratives that dominate Hong Kong-China movie co-productions are an example.
“[Those movies] have lost the characteristics of Hong Kong,” she said. “We are losing our local spirit, which is the problem.”
But focusing only on the Hong Kong market is not possible, said sports and culture lawmaker Ma Fung-kwok. Ma said this would mean Hong Kong cutting itself off from China.
Ho said the explosion of creativity demonstrated at the month-long protests could offer a new chance for the city’s cultural development. Mainstream show-business has long been out of sync with the real world, full of cynical money-making ventures.
“To create means to express, we need to go back to the original motive,” she said.
“Over these past decade, Hong Kong people have placed freedom and democracy as low priorities. But now is the time to reconsider our priorities.”
wn.com/Hong Kong Pop Singer Denise Ho Occupy Central Students Inspire Me (何韻詩 Hocc)
Hong Kong pop singer Denise Ho: Occupy Central students inspire me
SCMP | FRI, 7 NOV 2014
For more than a month, the Canto-pop singer and celebrity Denise Ho Wan-see has joined thousands of Hongkongers camping outside government headquarters in Admiralty to call for an open election of their next leader. She vows to stay until the end, even if her singing career suffers as a result.
Video and news copyrights belong to South China Morning Post. http://www.scmp.com/video/scmp-originals/1626638/hong-kong-pop-singer-denise-ho-occupy-central-students-inspire-me
Canto-pop star Denise Ho vows to fight on for democracy despite mainland backlash
Artists face a dilemma in deciding whether to back the student protests for real universal suffrage - whether to follow their conscience or bow to Beijing, which can exclude them from the lucrative mainland market
Wearing a black T-shirt and minimal make-up, Denise Ho Wan-see blends right in among thousands of protesters on Harcourt Road in Admiralty. For more than a month, the Canto-pop singer and celebrity has joined students camped outside government headquarters to call for an open election of Hong Kong’s next leader.
Despite the risks for her career, she vows to stay until the end.
“Students are fighting for genuine democracy, which is what Hong Kong has been fighting for many years for,” says Ho, 37. “As adults...we must fight for them.”
Ho’s vocal support for the Umbrella Movement might turn out to be career suicide. Over the past weeks, there have been repeated calls for pro-Occupy celebrities to be banned from the mainland – including a commentary in Beijing mouthpiece Xinhua which condemned Ho as well as actors Anthony Wong Chau-sang and Chapman To Man-chak for “betraying” their motherland.
Recently Wong’s face and name were removed from a mainland promotional poster for new movie Gangster Payday, despite Wong playing the lead role.
Sources at three TV stations and a newspaper on the mainland told the Post that their companies had received orders banning them from producing content featuring listed celebrities. One list contained 47 names.
Musician Anthony Wong Yiu-ming, who performed for students at Admiralty alongside Ho and actress Deanie Ip, is also allegedly facing a ban from performing on the mainland.
"It’s all about money,” said critic Jimmy Pang Chi-ming.
China is a major entertainment market and celebrities have no choice but to remain either politically silent or pro-China in order to survive, Pang said...(deleted)
Ho has enjoyed growing success in the Mando-pop market in recent years, with reportedly 80 per cent of her income coming from the mainland. But the Canadian-educated singer says she values democracy and social justice far higher than money.
“As a singer and a public figure, my first priority is not money or fame. Those are just a bonus. If I lose the materialistic success, so be it,” she says.
She could still make a living out of opening a café or becoming a farmer, Ho says. Running for Legco might be a possibility in future.
“At the very least, I’m very happy now to be with the students and the public.”
Ho’s path echoes that of her mentor, the late Canto-pop queen Anita Mui Yim-fong.
In 1989, Mui called on Hong Kong celebrities to support students’ pro-democracy protests in Tiananmen Square, staging a 12-hour fund-raising Concert for Democracy in China at the Happy Valley racecourse.
... (read original text for deleted parts)
Mui’s support for students in Beijing earned her a ban from China.
Twenty-five years later, Ho formed Hong Kong Shield, an alliance of artists, academics and media professionals to support the student movement. Politics aside, Ho wants Hong Kong to reconsider how much its cultural and creative industries now defer to the mainland.
“There’s been an excessive emphasis on China. If we only fulfil the needs of one market, that is not healthy,” Ho said.
Mainland narratives that dominate Hong Kong-China movie co-productions are an example.
“[Those movies] have lost the characteristics of Hong Kong,” she said. “We are losing our local spirit, which is the problem.”
But focusing only on the Hong Kong market is not possible, said sports and culture lawmaker Ma Fung-kwok. Ma said this would mean Hong Kong cutting itself off from China.
Ho said the explosion of creativity demonstrated at the month-long protests could offer a new chance for the city’s cultural development. Mainstream show-business has long been out of sync with the real world, full of cynical money-making ventures.
“To create means to express, we need to go back to the original motive,” she said.
“Over these past decade, Hong Kong people have placed freedom and democracy as low priorities. But now is the time to reconsider our priorities.”
- published: 10 Nov 2014
- views: 15
Priscilla Chan 陳慧嫻 - 幸運是我
Priscilla`s part of the short movie "Singer" (歌者).
She sings Deanie Ip`s (葉德嫻) song "Fortune is Me".
第十五集: 光影我城 III: 溫馨集: 歌者. Year: 1984.
wn.com/Priscilla Chan 陳慧嫻 幸運是我
Priscilla`s part of the short movie "Singer" (歌者).
She sings Deanie Ip`s (葉德嫻) song "Fortune is Me".
第十五集: 光影我城 III: 溫馨集: 歌者. Year: 1984.
- published: 05 Sep 2015
- views: 605
6th Asian Film Awards Backstage - Best Actress
6th Asian Film Awards Backstage - Best Actress - Deanie Ip, A Simple Life (Hong Kong) http://anutshellreview.blogspot.com.
wn.com/6Th Asian Film Awards Backstage Best Actress
6th Asian Film Awards Backstage - Best Actress - Deanie Ip, A Simple Life (Hong Kong) http://anutshellreview.blogspot.com.
- published: 20 Mar 2012
- views: 1000
Deanie's Living Past: Tuesday Feb 5 at 6PM
On February 5th at 6PM, WZZM 13's Brent Ashcroft brings you an exclusive interview with Deanie's mother and never-before-seen footage of Deanie's preserved b...
wn.com/Deanie's Living Past Tuesday Feb 5 At 6Pm
On February 5th at 6PM, WZZM 13's Brent Ashcroft brings you an exclusive interview with Deanie's mother and never-before-seen footage of Deanie's preserved b...
- published: 31 Jan 2013
- views: 148
Andy Lau 刘德华 carol 4month pregnant
5 Januari 2012 Untuk pertama kalinya ketika Andy Lau dan Deanie Ip mempromosikan "A Simple Life" di Kowloon Bay. Saat diwawancarai, Andy ditanya tentang bayi...
wn.com/Andy Lau 刘德华 Carol 4Month Pregnant
5 Januari 2012 Untuk pertama kalinya ketika Andy Lau dan Deanie Ip mempromosikan "A Simple Life" di Kowloon Bay. Saat diwawancarai, Andy ditanya tentang bayi...
- published: 11 Jan 2012
- views: 17268
旭茉JESSICA 2012年3月號 - 劉德華、葉德嫻 - 封面拍攝幕後花絮
Behind the scenes footage of singer and actress Andy Lau and Deanie Ip for 旭茉JESSICA Magazine March 2012 issue cover shoot.
wn.com/旭茉Jessica 2012年3月號 劉德華、葉德嫻 封面拍攝幕後花絮
Behind the scenes footage of singer and actress Andy Lau and Deanie Ip for 旭茉JESSICA Magazine March 2012 issue cover shoot.
Una vida sencilla - Trailer español HD
Recomiendo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPGUSfLIniw Título original: Tao jie (A Simple Life) Año: 2011 Duración: 117 min. País: Hong Kong Director: Ann H...
wn.com/Una Vida Sencilla Trailer Español Hd
Recomiendo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPGUSfLIniw Título original: Tao jie (A Simple Life) Año: 2011 Duración: 117 min. País: Hong Kong Director: Ann H...
68° Mostra del Cinema di Venezia red carpet Ann Hui Andy Lau con film TAO JIE - SIMPLE LIFE
68° Mostra del Cinema di Venezia red carpet Ann Hui film "TAO JIE" Simple Life
con Andy Lau, Deanie Yip, Anthony Wong, Tsui Hark
Il film ispirato a fatti e persone reali, narra la storia di Chung Chun-Tao, detta Ah Tao, nata a Taishan, in Cina e che per 60 anni ha fatto la domestica sempre nella stessa famiglia.
wn.com/68° Mostra Del Cinema Di Venezia Red Carpet Ann Hui Andy Lau Con Film Tao Jie Simple Life
68° Mostra del Cinema di Venezia red carpet Ann Hui film "TAO JIE" Simple Life
con Andy Lau, Deanie Yip, Anthony Wong, Tsui Hark
Il film ispirato a fatti e persone reali, narra la storia di Chung Chun-Tao, detta Ah Tao, nata a Taishan, in Cina e che per 60 anni ha fatto la domestica sempre nella stessa famiglia.
- published: 06 Sep 2011
- views: 2657
TAO JIE - EIN EINFACHES LEBEN | Trailer german deutsch [HD]
http://facebook.com/vipmagazin1 ... Tao Jie - Ein einfaches Leben (deutscher Trailer / Trailer deutsch german HD) - Kinostart: 24.04.2014 --- Bitte ABONNIERE...
wn.com/Tao Jie Ein Einfaches Leben | Trailer German Deutsch Hd
http://facebook.com/vipmagazin1 ... Tao Jie - Ein einfaches Leben (deutscher Trailer / Trailer deutsch german HD) - Kinostart: 24.04.2014 --- Bitte ABONNIERE...
- published: 23 Apr 2014
- views: 4898
Official trailer A Simple Life (NL)
A Simple Life is een prachtig verhaal over een jonge man (Andy Lau) en zijn huishoudster (Deanie Ip), die al generaties lang voor zijn familie werkt. Als hij...
wn.com/Official Trailer A Simple Life (Nl)
A Simple Life is een prachtig verhaal over een jonge man (Andy Lau) en zijn huishoudster (Deanie Ip), die al generaties lang voor zijn familie werkt. Als hij...
TAO JIE | Dtora. Ann Hui [V.O.S.]
Centro Municipal Integrado Pumarín "Gijón Sur | Sábado 29 de marzo - 20.30h
UNA VIDA SENCILLA / Hong Kong / 2011 / 117'
Dirección Ann Hui Guión Susan Chan, Robert Lee Fotografía Nelson Yu Lik-Wai Música Law Wing-Fai Intérpretes
Andy Lau, Deanie Ip, Wang Fuli, Qin Hailu, Eman Lam, Anthony Wong Chau-Sang, Elena Kong...
Chun Tao-Chung ha trabajado como amah --sirvienta-- para la familia Leung durante sesenta años. Ahora cuida de Roger,
que trabaja en la industria cinematográfica y es el único miembro de la familia Leung que aún vive en Hong Kong. Un día
al volver del trabajo, Roger descubre que Tao ha sufrido un derrame cerebral. Al dedicar cada vez más tiempo y atención
a las necesidades y antojos de Tao, Roger descubre todo lo que ella significa para él...
wn.com/Tao Jie | Dtora. Ann Hui V.O.S.
Centro Municipal Integrado Pumarín "Gijón Sur | Sábado 29 de marzo - 20.30h
UNA VIDA SENCILLA / Hong Kong / 2011 / 117'
Dirección Ann Hui Guión Susan Chan, Robert Lee Fotografía Nelson Yu Lik-Wai Música Law Wing-Fai Intérpretes
Andy Lau, Deanie Ip, Wang Fuli, Qin Hailu, Eman Lam, Anthony Wong Chau-Sang, Elena Kong...
Chun Tao-Chung ha trabajado como amah --sirvienta-- para la familia Leung durante sesenta años. Ahora cuida de Roger,
que trabaja en la industria cinematográfica y es el único miembro de la familia Leung que aún vive en Hong Kong. Un día
al volver del trabajo, Roger descubre que Tao ha sufrido un derrame cerebral. Al dedicar cada vez más tiempo y atención
a las necesidades y antojos de Tao, Roger descubre todo lo que ella significa para él...
- published: 22 Jan 2014
- views: 100
葉德嫻、何韻詩、黃耀明獻唱《獅子山下》催涙滿月 金鐘雨傘廣場 Umbrella Square
何韻詩 HOCC指在演藝界大膽說話是困難的,要負上代價,但最重要的是不是只有自己一人,作為成年人要出來告訴大家做的是正確的。
Photo credit: 香港獨立媒體網 https://www.facebook.com/inmediahk/photos/a.470741732962870.94741.200954406608272/768791433157897/?type=1&theater;
葉德嫻、何韻詩、黃耀明獻唱《獅子山下》催涙滿月 金鐘雨傘廣場 Umbrella Square
何韻詩 HOCC指在演藝界大膽說話是困難的,要負上代價,但最重要的是不是只有自己一人,作為成年人要出來告訴大家做的是正確的。
Photo credit: 香港獨立媒體網 https://www.facebook.com/inmediahk/photos/a.470741732962870.94741.200954406608272/768791433157897/?type=1&theater;
- published: 28 Oct 2014
- views: 955
Making of album 張敬軒《Pink Dahlia》粉色大理花
Hins Cheung reinterprets pop hits by ten divas in his latest album Pink Dahlia! His cover selection includes Anita Mui's "Intimate Lover," Kelly Chen's "Wind...
wn.com/Making Of Album 張敬軒《Pink Dahlia》粉色大理花
Hins Cheung reinterprets pop hits by ten divas in his latest album Pink Dahlia! His cover selection includes Anita Mui's "Intimate Lover," Kelly Chen's "Wind...
(何韻詩訪問) 葉德嫻現身示威區勸學生勿生氣
葉德嫻現身示威區勸學生勿生氣 2014/10/17
佔領行動持續,早前有份參與錄製支持佔領行動歌曲的葉德嫻 (Deanie 姐)現身金鐘示威區,支持學生,勸籲學生堅持信念,勿生氣。對於王晶高調宣佈與支持佔領行動的黃秋生、杜汶澤 (阿澤) 和何韻詩 (阿詩) 絕交,Deanie 姐盼互相尊重發表意見的權利。
wn.com/(何韻詩訪問) 葉德嫻現身示威區勸學生勿生氣
葉德嫻現身示威區勸學生勿生氣 2014/10/17
佔領行動持續,早前有份參與錄製支持佔領行動歌曲的葉德嫻 (Deanie 姐)現身金鐘示威區,支持學生,勸籲學生堅持信念,勿生氣。對於王晶高調宣佈與支持佔領行動的黃秋生、杜汶澤 (阿澤) 和何韻詩 (阿詩) 絕交,Deanie 姐盼互相尊重發表意見的權利。
- published: 26 Oct 2014
- views: 220
撐起雨傘 Umbrella Revolution (Chinese + English subtitles)
A song written for protesters of the "umbrella revolution" in Hong Kong. This video was created and subtitled for both the Chinese and English-speaking audiences. Some of the pictures are from online sources but most were taken by myself. I'm hoping to spread the word and offer my own visual account of the protests for democracy and universal suffrage in Hong Kong that began on September 27, 2014. I apologise if the translation is not perfect, as this was done within a day.
Composer: pan
Lyricist: pan/Albert Leung (Lin Xi)
Singers: Denise Ho, Anthony Wong, Deanie Ip, Kay Tse, Endy Chow, Ellen Joyce Loo
Photo credit: Bloomberg, Mashable, International Business Times, New York Times, imediahk, Quartz
《撐起雨傘》--- 雨傘革命主題曲
靜坐人海 你我非不怕
但是人生 到了這一晚
站在前方 勇氣驅不散
但是誰想 要看穿荒誕
一起舉傘 一起的撐
一起儘管不安卻不孤單 對嗎
一起舉傘 舉起手撐
一起為應得的放膽爭取 怕嗎
任暴雨下 志向未倒下
為著明天 要記得今晚
若是人生 錯過這一晚
特別鳴謝 Special Thanks:
馮翰銘、謝安琪、周國賢、盧凱彤、方皓玟、黃靖、黃馨、6號、阿偉、泥鯭、Yellow、雞蛋蒸肉餅、Tim Lui、yukilovey、苦榮、何丙、何山、Yamanyamo、Goro、Frankie、Kamkin
wn.com/撐起雨傘 Umbrella Revolution (Chinese English Subtitles)
A song written for protesters of the "umbrella revolution" in Hong Kong. This video was created and subtitled for both the Chinese and English-speaking audiences. Some of the pictures are from online sources but most were taken by myself. I'm hoping to spread the word and offer my own visual account of the protests for democracy and universal suffrage in Hong Kong that began on September 27, 2014. I apologise if the translation is not perfect, as this was done within a day.
Composer: pan
Lyricist: pan/Albert Leung (Lin Xi)
Singers: Denise Ho, Anthony Wong, Deanie Ip, Kay Tse, Endy Chow, Ellen Joyce Loo
Photo credit: Bloomberg, Mashable, International Business Times, New York Times, imediahk, Quartz
《撐起雨傘》--- 雨傘革命主題曲
靜坐人海 你我非不怕
但是人生 到了這一晚
站在前方 勇氣驅不散
但是誰想 要看穿荒誕
一起舉傘 一起的撐
一起儘管不安卻不孤單 對嗎
一起舉傘 舉起手撐
一起為應得的放膽爭取 怕嗎
任暴雨下 志向未倒下
為著明天 要記得今晚
若是人生 錯過這一晚
特別鳴謝 Special Thanks:
馮翰銘、謝安琪、周國賢、盧凱彤、方皓玟、黃靖、黃馨、6號、阿偉、泥鯭、Yellow、雞蛋蒸肉餅、Tim Lui、yukilovey、苦榮、何丙、何山、Yamanyamo、Goro、Frankie、Kamkin
- published: 05 Oct 2014
- views: 154