Michelle gets a new hairdo for Harry: First Lady beats hundreds of adoring women to get closest to Britain's most eligible bachelor as he arrives in Washington to begin week-long tour of U.S.

michelle obama

The 28-year-old flew to Dulles International Airport in Virginia by commercial airline, touching down this afternoon before heading to Washington D.C. for the first of his many engagements. As well as meeting Sen. John McCain at Capitol Hill, he was met by a bevvy of grinning female staffers - who were promptly ushered back inside by police. In the course of his visit that will take Harry of Wales from coast to coast, the high-born guest will meet with wounded veterans, take part in charity events benefiting inner-city youths and promote British business and tourism.

The net closes in on super rich tax dodgers: Spies expose how hundreds of Britons are 'hiding billions' in foreign tax havens

Ultra-wealthy Britons are being investigated over claims they are hiding cash in secret offshore accounts in places like the Cayman Islands (pictured)

International spy agencies are thought to have helped obtain a 'goldmine' of data that names high-profile multi-millionaires and their financial advisers. The files show how the rich have hidden billions in Singapore, the British Virgin Islands and the Caymans (pictured). More than 100 individuals have been identified so far – and have already been sent warning letters by HM Revenue & Customs.

Lower the exam pass mark for children born in August because of 'large and significant difference' between pupils' performance

The Institute for Fiscal Studies think-tank said younger pupils should be able to pass tests at seven, 14 and their GCSEs at 16 with lower marks set on a sliding scale according to the month in which they were born

The Institute for Fiscal Studies think-tank said younger pupils should be able to pass tests at 7, 14 and their GCSEs at 16 with lower marks set on a sliding scale according to the month in which they were born.

Name the lead singer or you don't get in: Police deny fans entry to Vaccines gig unless they pass band quiz to flush out pickpockets

Come Of Age is one of the albums by the indie rockers, which police expected fans to know

Six people waiting to see indie rockers The Vaccines at Venue Cymru in Llandudno, north Wales, were unable to answer some of the questions, so had their £18.50 tickets confiscated.

Four in 10 women don't tell their husbands how much they REALLY spend on clothes

Four in 10 women lie to their other halves about how much they spend on clothes

While 37 per cent of women won’t confess to buying a new dress or pair of shoes, only 9 per cent of men fib about their clothes shopping.

Drivers who kill a friend or loved one could be spared prosecution 'because they have already suffered enough'

Keir Starmer QC, the director of public prosecutions, said it can be 'oppressive and insensitive' for the courts to hear cases against people who have already suffered enough

Director of Public Prosecutions Keir Starmer said it can be 'oppressive and insensitive' for the courts to hear cases against people who have already suffered enough.

Would you drink sewage? What millions will be asked as suppliers desperately try to beat water shortages

Millions of families are being asked if they would drink water from recycled sewage to avoid shortages

Thames Water, which supplies more than 3.5million homes in London and the Thames Valley, will face a deficit of 125million litres a day by the end of the decade if no action is taken.

British Olympic champion killed after sailboat capsizes while practising for America's Cup in San Francisco Bay


The victim was identified as Andrew Simpson, (right) a British Olympic medallist who won a gold in men's sailing at the 2008 Beijing Olympics and silver during the 2012 London Games. Simpson, 36, had been looking forward to participating in the America's Cup, tweeting in March: 'Moving the family to San Fran for 6 months is pretty hectic!!! The cup should be fun though!!' An accomplished sailor, he was taken to a nearby hospital, where he was pronounced dead. The 72ft-long Artemis Racing catamaran carrying a Swedish flag capsized near Treasure Island, the former naval station located in the bay, Coast Guard Lt Jeannie Crump said. The 11 other people on board were transferred to a support boat operated by Oracle Racing, which is defending its America's Cup title from last year in San Francisco this summer.

Civil servants' £1,000 bonus for good typing: Perks budget of £7.5m shared by staff 'just for doing their job'

Civil servants can receive more than £1,000 for 'proficient typing' under a raft of extra Whitehall allowances

The award is one of a string of perks worth £7.5million available annually at the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) and related quangos.

Is UK plc finally back to recovery? Experts say the economy is bouncing back with its best performance since Olympics

The Bank of England set interest rates at just 0.5 per cent again as experts say the recovery has finally gained pace

The National Institute of Economic and Social Research said output rose by 0.8 per cent between February and April – the most since the Olympics.

Chancellor accused of celebrating pension pain that will force millions to work until they drop

'Fantasy land': George Osborne came under fire yesterday for celebrating the 'absolutely enormous savings' from his controversial increases to the State pension age

Campaigners accused the Chancellor of 'living in a fantasy land' after he said that raising the state pension age was one of the least controversial things the government had done.

Rattled Cameron gives MPs free vote on Europe: Tory ministers could vote against their own Queen's Speech

Prime Minister David Cameron today took aim at 'pessimists' about his Europe strategy

The Prime Minister is coming under increased pressure to offer an early vote on severing ties with Brussels, after it emerged that Lady Thatcher backed withdrawal form the EU.

The only person who gives Fergie the hairdryer treatment: Why Sir Alex Ferguson's wife is even more formidable than he is

Sir Alex Ferguson's 'formidable' wife Cathy keeps him in check

Lady Ferguson (pictured in recent years and in 1968 with her husband) is the one person in the world who Sir Alex - the famously bullying, rude, intimidating manager of Manchester United, who retired this week after 26 years at the club - does not answer back to. A few years ago, sick of looking at her husband's trophies and medals on display all over the walls of their house, ordered him to take them down. He is also banned from talking 'shop' when he comes home from work to their £2million mock Tudor mansion in Wilmslow, Cheshire.

The 636 council officials who now earn more than the Prime Minister

John Sharkey, chief Executive of the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre in Glasgow, received £314,553

John Sharkey (pictured), chief Executive of the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre in Glasgow, who received £314,553.

Imagine Hitler as one of the Mr Men: Michael Gove slams history teaching in scathing attack on 'play-based' lessons

Students were told to imagine Adolf Hitler as a Mr Men character

Education Secretary tears into Labour's national curriculum, which including using Mr Men to learn about World War Two and studying Disney films for lessons on the Middle Ages.

How one in ten drivers have nodded off at the wheel

Nearly half (48 per cent) of the drowsy drivers blamed monotonous roads while a quarter (25 per cent) said they were lacking sleep overnight

Some 3.4 million motorists - 9 per cent of the total - have fallen asleep while driving in the past 12 months Often this is just a ‘micro-sleep’ that can last for a second or so but long enough to cause a tragedy.

MPs urge ministers to reject Boris Island airport plans in favour of Heathrow expansion

Boris Island

The Transport Select committee concluded that a new airport in the Thames Estuary would be too expensive, impractical, harmful to wildlife and 'not commercially viable without huge public subsidies'.

Devastated father discovered his son, 13, had been killed in car crash when £30,000-a-year boarding school posted tragic news on its website

Christopher Avery-Wright

William Avery-Wright's father Christopher (pictured left with his son) was racing to hospital from his office when he started receiving calls, texts and emails of condolence after his death outside Worth School (inset) near Crawley in West Sussex. Friends had seen the school's announcement which had been made before police had formally informed Mr Avery-Wright of his talented son's death. The tragic detail emerged as Mr Avery-Wright, 48, and his wife Lisa (top left), 43, decided to sue the school for alleged failures in their duty of care to their son.

Why living near a busy road could be dangerous for your child's health: Traffic pollution linked to diabetes risk in children

The children studied will be monitored over the next 15 years to see if they develop diabetes

Living near a busy road and increased levels of pollution from cars and lorries significantly raised the risk of insulin resistance in ten-year-olds, scientists found.

Women have £2,000 worth of beauty products in their bathroom cabinets - but only use £327 worth (and one in five is never even opened)

Nearly three per cent of women have over £5,000 worth of cosmetics stored in their bathroom cabinet

A new study reveals that most women own 65 beauty products, which cost on average £30.22 each - but most said they use just 11 favourite items every day.

Owning a dog can make you healthier: Walking your pet and companionship from them can 'decrease risk of heart disease'

Dog owners have healthier hearts than people who donżt have pets, research suggests

The American Heart Association reviewed studies from around the world and concluded pet ownership, particularly dog ownership, 'is probably associated with a decreased risk of heart disease'.

Sunday? It's not the day of rest, it's the day of stress: Two thirds now say Sabbath is busiest time of the week

Many adults now spend their Sundays stressing over chores or arguing

Mounting domestic chores, work worries and arguments at family get-togethers are all factors which have combined to make the second half of the weekend just as frenetic as a working day for most.

EXCLUSIVE: How Cleveland 'kidnapper' told his wife what to eat, how to wear her skirts, even ordered her into a cardboard box and eventually he 'killed her'

Ariel Castro

Ariel Castro, pictured bottom right with his bandmates in 1998, was 'obsessive' about ordering around his first wife Grimilda Figueroa, left, to the point where he once ordered her to get into a cardboard box and only come out when he said so. Speaking to MailOnline, Grimilda's sister Elida Caraballo, top right, 44, said: 'My sister would be alive today if it wasn't for him.

Ariel Castro claims he was abused by his parents as a child and raped by an uncle in 'confession' letter found in his home

Ariel Castro

A letter purportedly written by Cleveland kidnapping suspect Ariel Castro in 2004 has been revealed in which he admits that he is a sexual predator who 'needs help.'

EXCLUSIVE: Kidnapping victims can't be left alone because they’re so brainwashed into being around their fellow captives

The DeJesus family are trying to figure out the best way for reintegrate her into society

The three girls who were held captive for a decade can't be left on their own because they were so 'brainwashed' they thought they the others would always be around, MailOnline can reveal.

EXCLUSIVE: Castro kept a dark-skinned mannequin with a blonde wig which he used to drive around with in the passenger seat of his car - and used it to shove ex-wife down the stairs

Ariel Castro was reportedly obsessive over his wife and abused her, one time pushing her down the stairs with the mannequin

Ariel Castro would take a nude dark-skinned mannequin with a blonde wig everywhere he went with him to get attention and because he liked it by his side, relatives told MailOnline.

'I'm sorry for what my son has done': Tearful apology of Ariel Castro's mother who says she's 'a mother in a lot of pain'

Apology: Lillian Rodriguez spoke to reporters as she left her home to says she was sorry for her son's actions

Lillian Rodriguez spoke to reporters from the window of her car as she left her Cleveland home on Thursday. 'I am a mother in a lot of pain,' she said in Spanish. 'I am sorry for what my son has done.'

Will Ohio 'kidnapper' face the death penalty? Prosecutors set to charge Castro with aggravated murder after he 'terminated captives' pregnancies'

Ariel Castro

As Ariel Castro's charges were read out, the prosecutor said the tables were now turned on the alleged abductor who was now the one being held in captivity. His brothers Pedro and Onil appeared along side him for outstanding misdemeanor warrants on unrelated cases. Police said yesterday that there was no evidence to tie them to the abduction of the three girls.

Vantastic! Head-turning camper opens up to reveal secret compartment at the flick of a switch

Impressive: This camper van is guaranteed to turn heads after engineers used Thunderbirds-style technology to double living space at the touch of a button

The new invention transforms the T5 Doubleback into a 26ft long home on wheels and doubles the living space. The inside of the 'pod' reveals luxurious seating for five people which can be rearranged to make a huge bed, with a foldaway table.

70 MPs to repay thousands made in profit on homes bought with Commons expenses

Tory MP Stewart Jackson claims he is being 'bullied' by the expenses watchdog

The Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority is to release details of 70 politicians who have returned cash gains on taxpayer-funded mortgages.

Tory to be sued by expenses watchdog over £54,000 profit on taxpayer-funded home as it is revealed MPs made £1m profit through selling property

Tory MP Stewart Jackson claims he is being 'bullied' by the expenses watchdog

Stewart Jackson vowed he will not pay £54,000 – the amount the watchdog said represents his constituency home’s increase in value while he was claiming mortgage interest on his expenses.

'Harry shoved off knowing his ancient parents were here': Prince Charles jokes as soldier son misses out on service medal by flying to US for royal tour

Prince Charles told the troops: 'I think we owe the families here an enormous debt of gratitude'

As the 28-year-old prince was en route to Washington DC, Prince Charles, was visiting his son’s airbase at Wattisham in Suffolk to honour Harry’s unit, 662 Squadron.

Police officer wins £5,000 claim for hurting thumb removing cannabis from drug den - and taxpayers have to foot the £150,000 legal bill

Compensation claim: Kerry Ann Taylor, 34, won just under £5,000 compensation from her employers at Hampshire Police

Kerry Ann Taylor, a Hampshire Police officer, will receive £4,837 damages after her employers today lost a bid to overturn the compensation order in the Court of Appeal.

A red rose and a kiss from soldier's pregnant widow: Mourning wife says goodbye to husband killed in Afghanistan

Lyndsey Savage

Lyndsey Savage (left), 27, had been looking forward to the birth of her first child with husband Corporal William Savage (inset), 30, a British soldier serving in Afghanistan. Yesterday she planted a tender kiss on the hearse (right) carrying his body after he died when he was hit by an IED in Helmand Province.

Clegg's 'treacherous' U-turn on childcare condemned by MPs: Deputy PM publicly attacks plans to help cut costs for working families

Nick Clegg

Nick Clegg (pictured) plunged Coalition relations to a new low after publicly attacking proposals to relax the rules on the number of toddlers that nurseries and childminders can supervise.

Old lags to be paid to stop new generation of criminals reoffending when they leave prison in new bid to cut crime

Justice Secretary Chris Grayling, pictured earlier this year on a visit to Pentonville Prison, wants ex-inmates to mentor other criminals

Justice Secretary Chris Grayling today defended the idea of giving public money to ex-offenders to work as mentors under plans to open up probation services to private firms and charities.

SIR MARTIN NAREY: Nick Clegg is wrong to rubbish Elizabeth Truss's brave childcare reforms which will help the poorest families

Sir Martin Narey, former head of Barnardo's, said government childcare reforms would help give poor children the best start in life

There must be a renewed focus on improving the quality of nurseries. And relaxing ratios would help them do just that, argues the former Barnardo's chief executive.

QUENTIN LETTS: If there's one child who needs one-to-one nannying, it's Clegg

Nick Clegg

We awoke to news that Mr Clegg wanted to block the Government’s long-agreed policy on pre-school nurseries. He no longer liked the idea of saying that nursery nannies could look after a few more children.

Is UK economy now out of the woods? Leading think tank forecasts growth of 0.8% for the last three months

Graph showing how the current economic downturn compares to the previous five recessions (Source: NIESR)

The boost to the outlook for gross domestic product follows official figures that showed growth of 0.3 per cent in the three months to the end of March.

Manager who stole £160,000 to take her boyfriend on holidays and stop him dumping her has to pay back only £10,000

Case: 'Broken woman' Caroline Woollen stole nearly £160,00 from her employers to bankroll a series of expensive holidays for her boyfriend

Caroline Woollen, 33, tricked her Danish employer, Nordic Offshore, into believing she had secured lucrative contracts for them with Shell and Siemens, Hull Crown Court heard.

Olympic security shambles firm G4S handed contract to guard world's most powerful leaders during G8 summit in Northern Ireland

G4S security staff have been drafted in by the government to protect the G8 summit in Northern Ireland, despite last year's fiasco where it failed to provide enough guards for the London Olympics

UK government defends using the company which failed to recruit enough guards for the London Olympics to provide security at next month's G8 summit in Northern Ireland.

Carer, 29, who dismembered paralysed ex-boxing champ with chainsaw before storing body parts in freezers and stealing £25,000 is jailed for life

Guilty: Thomas Dunkley has been found guilty of murdering ex-WBA light-middleweight boxer Shaun Cummins

Thomas Dunkley, 29, of Leicester, was told he must serve at least 34 years for the gruesopme murder of ex WBA light-middleweight champion Shaun Cummins.

Fantasist posed as policeman to subject Travelodge staff and guests to six-hour ordeal in which he handcuffed man to lift and made receptionist bend over desk

Sick: Fantasist Miley Byrne, 25, posed as a policeman, handcuffed a hotel guest to a lift then offered the receptionist £50 to remove her knickers

Miley Byrne, 25, handcuffed a hotel guest to a lift and then offered the receptionist £50 to remove her knickers during the bizarre ordeal at a Travelodge in Chelmsford, Essex.

Hop it! You could be a criminal: What police told girl, 10, who chalked hopscotch grid on the pavement outside her home

Lilly-May Allen was playing with a friend on a grid she had chalked on the pavement in front of her home when a marked police van pulled up to warn he she could be arrested

Lilly-May Allen had marked out a grid in chalk - which washes away in the rain - when she was apparently approached by two officers outside her home in Ramsgate, Kent. Her father Bob said: 'I rang up the police and asked if chalking up a hopscotch grid was an offence and they wouldn’t say yes or no and said it was a grey area. I’m angry and upset and if it was against the law then the policeman should have knocked on our door and said something.’

BT kicks off price war with Sky TV as broadband customers get premier League football for 'free'


Clare Balding and Jake Humphrey (pictured left) are to anchor the new channel that was launched today. Tottenham midfielder Gareth Bale (pictured right) showed his support at the launch. He will be joined by Joe Hart and Daniel Sturridge as the channel's promotional faces. Despite paying £736million for the rights, in a shock announcement BT broadband customers will get them free through their set top boxes, computers, phones and tablets. Non-broadband subscribers will have to pay up to £15 to access its three sports channels.

DOUGLAS MURRAY: How can a man as brilliant as Hawking boycott Israel when it makes the microchip that enables him to talk?

Admirable beyond words: And all his adult life, Stephen Hawking has had to cope with the devastating motor neurone disease, which has consigned him to a wheelchair and deprives him of even the use of his own voice

As though to show that even the brightest people can make fools of themselves, Professor Stephen Hawking has now done something which is beyond stupid.

RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: We're riding along the crest of a rave: How far is Julie Bentley prepared to go in order to make the Guides more 'relevant' to 21st-century Britain?

A working class girl: Julie Bentley, the new chief executive, says she wants to shed The Girl Guides' 'middle-class reputation' and attract recruits from more diverse backgrounds

This column has been sent a copy of a newsletter and mission statement from a recently established, inner-city, combined Guides and Brownies group.

'Where winners eat'? Subway meals can be UNHEALTHIER than those from McDonald's

Meals bought from Subway contain nearly as many calories as those from McDonaldżs

The chain may promote itself as the ‘healthy’ fast food restaurant but the new study, carried out by UCLA, suggests that it is not much healthier than McDonald’s, and in terms of salt it is worse.

The streets of 'Britain's Atlantis' seen for the first time in centuries: 3D scans reveal the 'drowned' medieval town of Dunwich

Chapel of St Katherine

University of Southampton researchers used ultrasound scanning to create a 3D map of the area - and found the underwater town is as big as the City of London, and contains several churches including St Katherine's (pictured). Although Present day Dunwich is a village 14 miles south of Lowestoft in Suffolk, it was a thriving port until coastal erosion and flooding left it 10M underwater.

Forecasters warn drivers of fierce cross-winds as 60mph gale sweeps in from the Atlantic battering coastlines

Fascinating: This satellite photo taken by NASA shows today's enormous storm battering the UK

As this satellite image clearly shows, Britain's weather took a dramatic turn for the worst today. Much of the UK has been affected by the unseasonable weather, with western parts of England hit hardest.

How sexist advertising causes men to adopt 'violent and sexually aggressive behavior' as they aspire to the macho ideal

Hidden impact: Men's adverts could trigger anti-social behavior in young males, according to a new study

Researchers at the University of Manitoba in Canada analyzed 527 adverts pulled from a slate of popular U.S. men's magazines, including Wired, Maxim and Golf Digest.



Dental surgery receptionist, 28, was threatened with the sack for eating an APPLE at her desk

Dental nurse

Rachel Carr, 28, (pictured left) was disciplined by managers at the Smile By Smile dental surgery (right) in Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, for snacking on the fruit while she worked. She claimed that she was hounded out of her job, leaving last September after her health deteriorated as a result of 'double standards' at the practice where she said that her manager would snack on chocolate nearby.

'Exemplary' postmistress who stole £114,000 to keep struggling store afloat rather than lay off staff is jailed

Scam: Anne Manger, 55, carried out the fraud so she did not have to lay off her staff in Oakham, Leicestershire

Anne Manger, 55, whose father was a postmaster, was a well-respected member of the community but turned to fraud when money worries hit, Leicester Crown Court heard.

Holiday couple 'threw themselves overboard' as luxury cruise liner prepared to dock in Australia

Search: Police arrive at Sydney's Circular Quay - the alarm was raised when the couple did not disembark and a search of the ship failed to find them

Paul Rossington, 30 and Kristen Schroder, 27 were discovered missing when the Carnival Spirit liner arrived in Sydney today.

Man accused of abducting April Jones 'spotted carrying a black bin bag "with something in it" on morning after she vanished'

April vanished while playing with her friend near their homes in Machynlleth, Powys, Mid Wales, on October 1 last year.

A witness told Mold Crown Court that Mark Bridger, accused of abducting and murdering April Jones, was spotted clutching a black bin bag on a hill the day after the cerebral palsy-suffering youngster disappeared.

Woman, 34, who claims she was raped by newspaper tycoon Eddy Shah as a teenager says she was asked to have his baby

On trial: Eddy Shah is accused of repeatedly raping a teenage girl in luxury hotels

Shah's alleged victim, who says she was just 14 when the abuse began, said that escort Susan Davies told her she should get pregnant with Shah's child in order to get money from the businessman.

Killed by a mushroom picked from the garden: Wife's fatal death cap error

Killer: A British woman died after eating death cap mushrooms from her garden (file photo)

Christina Hale, 57, picked mushrooms from her garden in Bridgwater, Somerset to add to a shop-bought soup she planned to share with her husband on November 15 last year, West Somerset Coroner's Court heard.

Outrage at barrister who called Stuart Hall's crimes 'low level'

Top barrister Barbara Hewson has claimed the age of consent should be lowered to 13 to protect older men in the wake of the Jimmy Savile sex scandal

Barbara Hewson, a barrister at Hardwicke chambers in London, described the arrests of celebrities in the wake of the Jimmy Savile sex abuse scandal as a 'grotesque spectacle'.

The day I was saved by SuperEd! Labour leader flies to rescue of cyclist who had fallen off her bike

ed miliband

Labour leader was hailed as a hero after 'appearing out of nowhere' to help Ella Phillips in Kentish Town after she fell over the handlebars, and then 'vanished into thin air' in true superhero fashion before she could thank him. Miss Phillips, who fractured her arm in the incident, wondered if she might be concussed because Mr Miliband appeared 'actually attractive' and more 'suave' in person than she had expected.

Farewell to hedgehogs? Numbers plummet from 36million in 1950 to just one million

In decline: Hedgehog numbers have dropped from 36million in 1950 to just one million today

The number of birds and hedgehogs in the UK has fallen dramatically as a result of climate change and extreme weather, according to a new report.

Bird music to booksellers ears: Tweet of the Day has bird books flying off the shelves

Veteran: Wildlife expert David Attenborough is one of the show's hosts

David Attenborough's Tweet of the Day programme - a radio broadcast of birdsong - has proved such a hit with listeners that retailers are reporting a surge in sales of bird-related items.

As a UK newspaper boss faces jail in Russia... A TV punch and the show trial that proves Putin will stop at nothing to silence critics of his gangster state

TV Scuffle: Millions of Russian viewers saw the moment Alexander Lebedev lunged at Sergei Polonsky

At the Ostankinsky district court on Tuesday, the trial began of a man who threw a punch. Nothing more than pride was really hurt in the scuffle, which lasted mere seconds.

Boost for Press plan for a new regulator after papers drop call for veto over appointments

Lord Justice Leveson

Newspaper groups said they would no longer insist on the power to block appointments to a proposed Press regulator.

Disgraced police chief's detective wife quits after being arrested on drunk and disorderly charge

Cleveland Police Detective Chief Inspector Heather Eastwood's husband Sean Price was the first chief constable to be sacked in 35 years last year.

Cleveland Police Detective Chief Inspector Heather Eastwood's husband Sean Price was the first chief constable to be sacked in 35 years last year.

Arctic heroes honoured at last in ceremony by the sea: Veterans gather to collect medals and lay wreaths at memorial

Proud: Bill Bannerman, 89, served on four Arctic Convoys in 1944

Described by Winston Churchill as the 'worst journey in the world', the heroes who risked their lives running a gauntlet of German warplanes and U-boats to keep the Red Army fighting on the Eastern Front were honoured at Loch Ewe, Scotland, yesterday.

Smirk of teenage thug moments before killing an OAP for her handbag: Pair of 15-year-olds including father-of-two jailed

aula Castle

Jiervon Bartlett (top right) and Nayed Hoque (bottom right), both 15, knocked Paula Castle, 85, to the ground and snatched her bank cards in Greenford, west London. The pair then used her bank cards to buy takeaways, mobile phone top-ups and Nike trainers. They were initially charged with murder but pleaded guilty to manslaughter shortly before they were due to go on trial. Mrs Castle is pictured centre and left, on CCTV moments before the attack.

The end of stitches? Surgeons pioneer 'human welding' technique using lasers and gold

Welding wounds together using lasers improves the healing time and reduces the chances of permanent scarring.

American scientists have successfully tested a gold-based solder that can be welded onto surgical wounds using lasers. It could provide an alternative to stitches and sutures.

Man who put the hang in gliding: I felt the current going through me says pilot tangled in 11,000-volt line

Dramatic moment a paraglider miraculously survives after crashing into electric cables and feels the charge through his body

Arms and legs flailing helplessly, this paraglider might have felt like dying of embarrassment...if it hadn’t been for a far more realistic threat to his life.

Candace Bushnell targeted by 'Guccifer': Cyber-attacker leaks 50 pages of Sex And The City writer's new novel

Targeted: Candace Bushnell has been hacked by the cyber-attacker 'Guccifer' who leaked details of her new novel online

The Sex And The City writer was targeted when the first page of her book was posted and a series of frantic messages appeared on her Twitter account. Ms Bushnell, 54, is the latest high profile figure to be hacked Guccifer.

Eastern European gang who stole £200,000 worth of gadgets in John Lewis warehouse iPad raid are jailed for more than 15 years

John Lewis robbery

A gang of four Eastern European men have been jailed for more than 15 years for robbing £200,000 worth of electronic goods from a John Lewis warehouse in Brackmills, Northampton.

Could eating WALNUTS be the key to cutting cholesterol?


Scientists found 'significant' improvement in cholesterol levels and blood vessel flexibility, which helps blood flow smoothly, just four hours after people consumed either the shelled nuts or walnut oil.

The vampire treatment that 'rejuvenates' ageing hearts: Dose of young blood can reverse life-threatening thickening of organ

Scientists have discovered a protein that reverses the symptoms of ageing in the heart

Scientists have used a dose of young blood to reverse the life-threatening thickening and stiffening of the heart that occurs with age. The work was done on mice but the researchers believe it will lead to the first drug to mend ‘broken hearts’ in elderly men and women.

Is man descended from the king of the swimmers? Experts now say our earliest ancestors were apes who loved to monkey around in the water

Making a splash: A bonobo male chimp wading through water to forage

According to a highly controversial scientific theory being debated in London this week, we should imagine our ancestors up to their necks in water, splashing after fish and clams, their primitive lives spent entirely amid wetlands, lakes and rivers. So says the 'aquatic ape' theory which puts forward the idea that our distant ancestors spent a million years swimming and paddling in water. It argues that this perpetually damp experience shaped us into the hugely successful species that we are today.

Mother's fury as council refuse to give back her runaway dog because they had already rehomed it just six weeks after it went missing

Mother's fury as council refuse to give back her runaway dog because they had already rehomed it with a new family

Deborah Parrott was told she could not get her pet dog Rocko back even though only six weeks had passed since he vanished from their garden in Norwich, Norfolk.

Can how well we read and count at seven REALLY predict how successful we will be in later life?

Researchers saying being good at maths age seven could add £5,000 to your salary in later life - and claim success could be genetic

British researchers analysed data from over 17,000 people in England, Scotland, and Wales over a span of 50 years - and say being good at maths and reading at seven could add £5,000 to our salary in later life.

Zipwire warning: Why can anybody build and run a ride without a licence, asks coroner after boy, 11, plunges to death

A coroner has called for permanent zip-wires to be regulated after Bailey Sumner, 11, died in a fall from one at a children's adventure park

Bailey Sumner (pictured), of Blackpool, plunged 30ft from a 500ft-long ride at GreenWood Forest Park near Caernarfon, Gwynedd, north-west Wales in April 2011.

A massage, a take-away and a quiet pint: Modern life's little luxuries revealed

bubble bath

A survey into life's luxuries shows that having a bubble bath (pictured) a pint after work or a weekly take-away are considered important treats. People indulges in these luxuries twice a month.

Boston bomber buried at midnight in secret ceremony after mystery benefactor claims his body

Tamerlan Tsarnaev has finally been buried at an undisclosed location outside of the city of Worcester, Massachusetts

The elder Boston marathon suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev has been secretly buried under cover of darkness at an undisclosed location outside of the city of Worcester, Massachusetts.

Forty-year fight for justice by British woman whose brother was killed by Pinochet's thugs ends in victory as officers are jailed

Missing: Michael Woodward is presumed to have been murdered by Pinochet men in 1973

Michael Woodward, a 41-year-old Roman Catholic priest, disappeared days after Pinochet seized power Chile through a military coup in September 1973.

'I'm not like Ian Huntley': What man accused of killing schoolgirl Tia Sharp is said to have told prison officer from his cell

Tia Sharp murder

Stuart Hazell (bottom right), 37, denied that 'anything sexual' had happened between himself and Tia Sharp (top right), whose mother Natalie, 32, and grandmother Christine Bicknell, 46, are pictured left outside court today. He also apparently tried to pin the blame on his Somali neighbours after the schoolgirl's body was found in Hazell's attic which stretches across their row of terrace houses. He also accused them of being sex offenders, the Old Bailey jury heard.

Jemima Khan helped bankroll Hacked Off campaign with £5,000 donation

Jemima Khan, pictured outside Westminster Magistrates' Court, has made a £5,000 donation to Hacked Off

The pressure group, which sat in on late-night talks at Ed Miliband's Commons office when the Royal charter on newspaper regulation was agreed by the three political parties, refuses to reveal its donors.

Cardinal reveals 'shock' at declining health of Pope Emeritus Benedict that has left him 'half his previous size'

This picture taken last week shows Pope emeritus Benedict, left, being welcomed by Pope Francis as he returns at the Vatican from the pontifical summer residence of Castel Gandolfo

A German cardinal who visited him said he was 'shocked' at how his state of health had deteriorated.

Police launch crackdown on pension scams which have fleeced pensioners of £400MIILION and become Britain's fastest growing fraud

Dozens of officers swooped on a dingy rented office in the City where 40 people were working 12 hours a day to rip off unsuspected clients

Dozens of officers swooped on a dingy rented office in the City where 40 people were working 12 hours a day to rip off unsuspecting clients.

Father who went begging with a 'homeless and hungry' sign was actually living in a terraced house while claiming £370 a week in benefits

Andrew Dawick

Andrew Dawick (pictured), who lives at his home in Blackpool with his family, was targeted by authorities who wanted to remove 'professional' beggars from the seaside resort.

Family of boy killed in Boston bombings reveal heartbreaking moment they told daughter, 7, she had lost her leg and that her brother was dead

Torn apart: The Richard family has revealed that Jane, 7, (pictured front) has awoken from surgery and was told that her brother Martin (right) was killed in the Boston bombings on April 15

Jane Richard (pictured), who lost her leg in the attack in the April 15 attack, awoke to learn that her brother Martin had been killed and that her parents had suffered injuries in the April 15 blast.

Blueprints for 3D-plastic gun downloaded 100,000 times in two days before US State Department orders the site to take down the weapon designs


Blueprints for the first-ever plastic gun produced on a 3-D printer have been downloaded over 100,000 times but the State Department ordered the site to take down the plans on Thursday.

Bear down! Fireman in fancy dress suffers injury after he is run over by colleagues


Justin Matthews, a retained firefighter from Torrington, Devon, was walking in front of the vehicle dressed as a bear during the town's carnival when he was hit by its front wheel. The procession was stopped while ambulances treated the firefighter, who has broken his tibia in his left leg, at the scene.

Facebook and Apple in billion dollar battle to buy satnav start-up Waze

Waze uses satellite signals from members' smartphones to 'crowdsource' maps and traffic data, and can run on Apple or Android handsets and tablets

Waze uses satellite signals from members' smartphones to 'crowdsource' maps and traffic data, and can run on Apple or Apndroid handsets and tablets.

Lloyds axes Southend office - taking total of jobs lost from banking industry this year to 5,500

Jobs axe: Lloyds Banking Group has cut a further 850 jobs today, mainly in Southend-on-Sea

Lloyds Banking Group has axed 850 staff, mainly in Southend-on-Sea, Essex, meaning it has cut 2,750 jobs since the start of the year.

Mortgage costs in Scotland will soar if country breaks away from UK, Treasury will warn as support for independence slumps again

As Alex Salmond's referendum on independence draws closer, more people say they want to stay in the UK

The Westminster government is to step up its warnings about the impact on Scots of voting Yes in next year's referendum, focusing on housing, energy and pensions.

Ten months in prison for police sergeant who tried to sell a story about Katie Price's daughter to the News of the World

Jailed: Former Sussex Police sergeant James Bowes arrives at the Old Bailey today where he was sentenced to 10 months behind bars

James Bowes, 30, contacted the now defunct Sunday tabloid newspaper and told a journalist that police child protection officers had gone to the home of Price's former husband Peter Andre in Brighton.

Nature's time capsule: Museum unveils the incredible history of amber and how it is still helping us learn about the past

Honey hue: Esme Haigh from National Museum Scotland holds a 15-20million year old piece of Mexican amber with a wasp

Visitors to the National Museum of Scotland will be able to marvel at real-life pieces of history in the Amazing Amber exhibition. The fossilised tree resin sometimes contains prehistoric insects and plant life caught in the sticky fluid millions of years ago.

First case of SARS-like virus confirmed in France

A 65-year-old French man who recently returned from Dubai has the virus. It has also spread to Britain, Germany, Jordan, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates

A 65-year-old French man who recently returned from Dubai is in a critical condition in hospital suffering from coronavirus, a disease that has killed 18 people worldwide.

Greece's youth unemployment rate hits a terrifying 60%


Greece's jobless rate has almost tripled since the country's debt crisis emerged in 2009 and was more than twice the euro zone's average unemployment reading of 12.1 percent in March.

Teenagers with HIGH blood pressure are happier and more successful at school

German scientists found a correlation between blood pressure and academic achievement. Those who had high pressure performed better at school and were happier

Researchers at the University of Gottingen also found that pupils with hypertension were more emotionally balanced and less likely to behave badly.

Urban Outfitters under fire for selling shot glasses and flasks made to look like prescription pill medication

Critics say hip flasks like this one sold by Urban Outfitters are trivialising prescription drug abuse

An anti-drug group says the products belittle abuse of prescription drugs which is the leading cause of accidental death in the U.S.

Drug dealer, 25, killed new bride and her unborn child in high-speed police chase when he smashed into her car


Javad Malik was trying to escape police in his Renault Megane which was full of class A and B drugs when he crashed into 28-year-old Ahtia Tabisim's Ford Fiesta in Birmingham in January.

Could he be the first man on Mars? Buzz Aldrin reveals scheme to colonise the red planet by 2035

The second man to walk on the moon, Buzz Aldrin, wants the US to colonise Mars and believes there will be a settlement on the red planet by by 2040

Buzz Aldrin, the 83-year-old astronaut who was the second man to walk on the moon, has said he wants the US to permanently 'settle and colonise Mars.'

Mother left with SEVEN-INCH forceps inside her body for three months in shocking toll of 750 NHS blunders

Donna Bowett, 42, went to Alexandra Hospital in Worcestershire to have her gallbladder removed, but suffered 'excruciating' pain afterwards, not knowing doctors left an instrument behind

Donna Bowett (left), 42, went to Alexandra Hospital in Worcestershire to have her gallbladder removed, but suffered 'excruciating' pain afterwards, not knowing doctors left an instrument behind (right). New data shows Ms Bowett was one of hundreds who suffered because of 'basic' mistakes by the NHS since 2009, which included having surgical instruments left inside them or operations being carried out on the wrong body part.

Eating peppers twice a week could reduce the risk of Parkinson's Disease by a THIRD

Eating peppers twice a week could help reduce the risk of developing Parkinson's disease by up to a third

Researchers at the University of Washington in Seattle, U.S., found that foods that contain an edible form of nicotine give some protection against the condition.

Could the Cinnamon Craze give you LIVER damage?


The study, published in journal ACS’ Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, discovered that a compound found in the cinnamon could inflict damage of those with sensitive livers.

The ultimate baby snap? Hologram that shows unborn child's first smile from INSIDE the womb set to be offered to expectant parents

The holograms show an unborn baby in 3D, and are created from ultrasound scans taken in hospitals. Currently they are only available in Japan

Japanese firm Pioneer has shown off the prototype system in Tokyo which can print a wallet-sized holographic card from a 3D ultrasound scan.

Accident and emergency services have 'deteriorated significantly', NHS officials have conceded as they set out plans to improve the service

NHS England said the number of organisations failing to meet waiting time targets has doubled over the last year

NHS England said the number of hospitals failing to meet waiting time targets has doubled over the last year. In the first part of this year two thirds of hospitals failed to meet the targets.

Revealed: What it's really like to look through Google Glass

Google Glass

A new first-person video has surfaced which gives viewers an opportunity to actually see what it's like to wear Google Glass, the new gadget hotly tipped as the future of computing. Initial images of what users can see have been distinctly underwhelming, but tech expert Rob Jackson shows how the glasses can do a broad range of tasks including getting directions and calling a friend.

Green 'fireball' meteor spotted shooting across the UK at 150,000 miles per hour


A green-tinged meteor was spotted shooting across England and Wales Wednesday night. Experts believe the meteor may have been formed from debris from Halley’s Comet.

Morning, world! Breathtaking image of the first light of dawn over the South Pacific captured from the International Space Station

The sun is about to come up over the South Pacific Ocean

The stunning shot was captured by one of the crew of the space station as they passed a few hundred miles east of Easter Island.

Benetton admits it made clothes in illegal Bangladesh factory that collapsed killing 900 workers

Benetton, Primark, Matalan and Mango all had connections to the unsafe eight-storey factory

Biagio Chiarolanza, chief executive of the label, said the company bought shirts from New Wave Style, which was based at the building in capital Dhaka that collapsed two weeks ago (pictured).

Eight killed in fresh Bangladesh clothing factory tragedy

At least eight people have died in the fire that swept through a garment factory in Dhaka, Bangladesh

Fire brigade officials said the blaze at the building in Dhaka broke out last night and crews found eight people dead, including a police officer and the factory's managing director.

'Please catch the coward who scarred me': Acid attack victim, 28, reveals dreadful injuries as police release e-fit of doorstep attacker


Tara Quigley, 28, (above and bottom right) opened her door (top right) in Romford, London, to a man who threw the corrosive chemical in her face before running away. Speaking for the first time today Miss Quigley, who is being treated in a specialist burns unit said: 'I don't understand why this has happened to me'. Her dog, which she was carrying at the time, was blinded and may have to be put down. Scotland Yard has today also released an efit of the suspect (bottom left) they are hunting for. They say he is white, short and about 20 years old. He was wearing black clothing.

Two-year-old boy with cerebral palsy takes first steps after parents raise £50,000 for life-changing operation

Abe Astur, 2, (pictured with his sister, Thea, 4, and parents Leigh and Gavin) was born with spastic diplegia which tightens his leg muscles and restricts his movement

Abe Astur, from Winchester, had surgery in America to sever the nerves in his spine that sent messages to paralyse his leg muscles.

Factory worker murdered wannabe Essex gangster in brutal pick-axe attack

Murder victim: William 'Billy Boy' Martindale, 39, who was knocked unconscious before being bludgeoned with a pick-axe

Paul Groves, 34, was today found guilty of murdering William 'Billy Boy' Martindale, 39, (pictured) in a savage attack on his remote smallholding in High Ongar, Essex.

Terrorists kidnap son of former Pakistan prime minister in middle of campaign rally, killing one and wounding five

Ali Haider Gilani

A police official, Abdul Rehman, said gunmen stormed the rally in the town of Multan, opened fire and seized Ali Haider Gilani.

Electioneered to its death: Rare white tiger used as Pakistani campaign mascot dies of dehydration in 30C heat

The white tiger has been a frequent sight at rallies for the political party Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz - but died following 30C heat

The tiger, a mascot of the conservative Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz party, often appeared at events led by the party chief's daughter Maryam Nawaz.

Top Chinese director investigated by authorities for breaking country's one-child policy by having SEVEN children

Zhang Yimou is accused of fathering seven children with four women and is under investigation by Chinese authorities

Online gossip that he has fathered children with four women led to the investigation of Zhang Yimou, who directed the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

Council paints double yellow lines down a cycle path which is too narrow for a car to drive through

You definitely can't park here! Council paint double yellow lines down a cycle path which is too narrow for a car to get down

The cycle lane in Nottingham is just over four feet wide - so even the smallest cars are unable to squeeze down there and park. However, the council say the lines are needed to protect cyclists.

A bright idea: The astonishing glow-in-the-dark GM plants that could one day replace street lamps

A bright idea: The astonishing glow-in-the-dark GM plants that could one day replace street lamps

Scientists from California have developed bacteria than can make plants glow-in-the dark. The doctors are hoping that luminescent trees could one day replace electric street lighting.

Isn't she supposed to be a communist? Mao Zedong's granddaughter appears at 242 on Chinese rich list with fortune of £525MILLION

Rich legacy: Kong Dongmei, right, granddaughter of the father of Communist China, Mao Zedong, is the 242nd richest person in China - a country with a population of nearly 1.4 billion

Kong Dongmei, 41, the granddaughter of Chairman Mao, is believed to have made part of her fortune selling publications about her famous grandfather.

The £55 phone designed for FOUR YEAR OLDS - and designed so they won't get mugged or be cyberbullied

The 1stFone, from manufacturer OwnFone, has been specifically designed for four to nine-year-olds. It doesn't have a screen.

The 1stFone, designed specifically for four to nine-year-olds, can only make and receive calls to preprogrammed numbers, and has no screen. The credit card-sized gadget is designed to reduce the risks of text or cyber bulling, finding inappropriate material online, 'sexting' or being mugged.

Inside Marks and Spencer's mega e-commerce HQ which is the size of 11 football pitches (and with enough space to store 2.3billion Percy Pigs)

Giant storage space: Marks & Spencer opened its new 900,000 sq ft distribution centre in Leicestershire yesterday

Marks & Spencer opened its new 900,000 sq ft distribution centre yesterday in Castle Donington, Leicestershire, to handle all of the company's online orders and store deliveries. Eventually the centre's neck-achingly high floor to ceiling storage system will be packed with around 16million items of clothing and food. Fully automated 'robots' will collect goods from the vast shelving stack, which stands at 25 metres high, as it is ordered. The first customer orders were shipped out from the warehouse last week and it is hoped that the centre will process up to a million items every day.

Russia's show of strength: Vladimir Putin flexes military muscle with massive army display to marks 68th anniversary of victory over Nazis


Fighter jets screamed over Red Square and heavy tanks rumbled over its cobblestones as Russia flexed today its military muscle on the anniversary of its costly victory over Nazi Germany in the Second War War.

Amazing moment U.S. soldier is sucked out of plane when parachute accidentally opens

Amazing footage shows the U.S. paratrooper being sucked out of the plane but he survives unhurt

Footage has emerged of the U.S. paratrooper kneeling on the open ramp when he is suddenly pulled from the back of the plane. Amazingly, the man landed safely and was not injured.

Mummified human head discovered by Californian recycling plant workers in pile of debris


Workers at the California Waste Solutions in West Oakland discovered a mummified head on Wednesday, as police now search for more body parts.

Job seekers in Denmark who literally put themselves in the shop window

Window seat: One of the 15 unemployed academics have taken his place in the window for project 'Exhibit? Too clever to sit in a window?'

The display allows 15 job seekers to take a seat in a shopfront on a busy Copenhagen in the hopes that potential employers will walk by.





We had a dream stop-over in Abu Dhabi: Airport unveils cocoon-like sleep pods where passengers can nap for £8 an hour

Abu Dhabi Airports Company

Travellers and tourists finding themselves stuck in the departure lounge at Abu Dhabi International Airport are now able to catch up on some shut-eye in a futuristic-looking 'sleeping pod'. Unveiled this week, the 'GoSleep' pod offers time away from noise, light and crowds of the airport and only costs £8 for one hour's alone-time.

Clinging on for dear life: Desperate workers hang from windows as giant blaze sweeps through 13-storey government building in Pakistan leaving at least four dead

The blaze is believed to have originated around the seventh or eighth floor of the 13-storey building

A huge blaze has engulfed the LDA Plaza building in Lahore after originating on the seventh or eighth floor.

Cracking deal Gromit! Wallace and co-star spearhead £4m ad campaign to boost British tourism

Wallace & Gromit's 'Great Adventure'

Wallace and Gromit are to star in a £4 million ad campaign to show off the best of Britain this Summer. The campaign shows the beloved animated characters at top UK holiday destinations. We see the pair find fun at Blackpool Pleasure Beach (pictured)

Mac on... Chris Grayling's plans to tackle prisoners reoffending

'Hello. Progress report on Government's

'Hello. Progress report on Government's "mentor an ex-con for a year" scheme...day one...'

Beyond wigs and makeup: Photographer spends 35 years capturing cross-dressers on camera in a mission to 'de-freakify' them

Exploring a community: Allen has photographed and interviewed both female-to-male and male-to-female cross-dresses in the course of her career spanning more than three decades and counting

For the past three decades, Marietta Pathy Allen in her role as an unofficial chronicler of the cross-dressing community has been working to capture the essence of transgender people beyond the wigs, makeup and outfits to reveal their humanity to the world. Allen's works are striking in their range, focusing on people of different genders, ages and races. Some images are sparse and black-and-white, while others are colorful and vibrant. Some of the photographs feature the families of transgender people, among them several strikingly intimate portraits, like a scene in a hospital room, or a couple's bedroom.


 A man is seen perched at the window on an elevated floor moments before being overcome by fumes and falling out of a window        

Thanks mum! Embarrassing photos of mothers and their VERY awkward kids

Awkward Moms Preview

With Mother' s Day in the US fast approaching, it seems appropriate to celebrate the most awkward mom-and-family photos we can find. Some are candid while others are creatively staged, such as one photo where a mother dressed in white karate fatigues pretends to kick her son in the face while he holds his fists up in defense in a scene that is inexplicably set against a cartoon background of flowers and unicorns.

The British engineer who really HAS reinvented the wheel: Loopwheels system abandons spokes for springs to give a smoother ride

The Loopwheels will go on sale in September for £600, and their inventor claims they can make riding on a bumpy road 'like riding on velvet'

The £600 Loopwheel is set to go on sale in September. 44 year-old Nottingham engineer Sam Pearce came up with the idea after watching a pushchair struggle to get over a kerb.

India's missing children: Haunting portraits of 'disappeared' generation as government reveals child of FOUR has been raped

Seven-year-old Mansi poses with a photograph of her missing three-year-old sister Muskaan

Photographer Mansi Thapliyal met families of missing children in Delhi to highlight the issue facing the country. This year alone 725 children have disappeared in the city.

Doga: The Costa Rican yoga for dogs and their owners where everyone can do the downward facing dog

Working out: A doga devotee holds her dog in the air as she stretches

Marcela Castro, 29, from San Jose, Costa Rica, has been running Doga classes for 3 years after taking one of her six dogs to a yoga class with her.

Rare albino seal shunned by her mother for being 'too ugly' nursed back to health at rescue centre

Seal pup

An albino seal pup who was made an outcast and abandoned by her mother because of her looks, is now the main attraction at a Linconshire sanctuary. Junior has an unusual milky coat and blood-red eyes.

Pink elephant on parade: Rare albino spotted among herd in Thailand national park

A rare Asian albino elephant was spotted having a drink at a stream in Kaeng Krachan National Park

The baby was pictured drinking from a stream at the Kaeng Krachan National Park in Phetchaburi province with a herd of common Asian elephants.

Do you mind, we're trying to wash here! Elephant gives leopard a good hosing-down

The leopard was spotted by Swiss photographer Mark Müller, in Etosha National Park in Namibia

The big cat tried its luck against the herd of 15 elephants by stalking the group and sipping from the same water hole in the Etosha National Park, Namibia. But one of the herd decided the leopard was being far too bold and squirted a stream of water in its direction to shoo it away.