Michelle Obama gets a new hairdo for Harry: She beats hundreds of adoring women to get closest to Britain's most eligible bachelor as he arrives on Capitol Hill to begin week-long tour of U.S.


First Lady Michelle Obama surprised a luncheon of military families by having Prince Harry turn up and speak to them, where he connected very well with the small children. Earlier in the day, he visited an anti-landmine exhibit on Capitol Hill where hoards of femal staffers gathered to sneak a peak of the prince (right) on the first day of his visit to the United States.

EXCLUSIVE: 'Execute him': Ohio kidnapping suspect's own daughter - who is also the best friend of one of his victims - calls for him to be given the death penalty


One of the daughters of the man who allegedly kidnapped three girls for 10 years - including her best friend - has called for him to be given the death penalty, MailOnline can reveal. Arlene Castro said that dad Ariel should be executed for what he did to the women. The revelations of her father's alleged involvement in Gina DeJesus' disappearance were particularly devastating, as Arlene and Gina were classmates and close friends before she vanished.

EXCLUSIVE: Castro kept a dark-skinned mannequin with a blonde wig which he used to drive around with in the passenger seat of his car - and used it to shove ex-wife down the stairs

Ariel Castro was reportedly obsessive over his wife and abused her, one time pushing her down the stairs with the mannequin

Ariel Castro would take a nude dark-skinned mannequin with a blonde wig everywhere he went with him to get attention and because he liked it by his side, relatives told MailOnline.

International Space Station leaking vital coolant – situation described as 'serious, but not life-threatening'

Crew noticed white flakes of ammonia leaking out of the station on Thursday

Astronauts have discovered a leak of ammonia coolant in the power system which appears to be coming from where there had previously been a leak in 2007.

Blueprints for 3D-plastic gun downloaded 100,000 times in 2 days before the State Department orders the site to take down the weapon designs


Blueprints for the first-ever plastic gun produced on a 3-D printer have been downloaded over 100,000 times but the State Department ordered the site to take down the plans on Thursday.

CIA's new top clandestine spy outed on Twitter just hours after being chosen

Professional: The CIA maintains director John Brennan chose Archibald over G for reasons apart from G's 'counter terrorism' ties

Hours after reports emerged that a spy code-named 'G' was bypassed for a top CIA post, possibly due to torture ties, the chosen agent's name leaked on Twitter.

Why living near a busy road could be dangerous for your child's health: Traffic pollution linked to diabetes risk in children

The children studied will be monitored over the next 15 years to see if they develop diabetes

Living near a busy road and increased levels of pollution from cars and lorries significantly raised the risk of insulin resistance in ten-year-olds, scientists found.

Real Housewives of Miami star and plastic surgeon husband do battle with neighbors over their plans to demolish historic $9m mansion

Housewives of Miami

Real Housewife of Miami star Lisa Hochstein and her plastic surgeon husband are facing opposition from Miami Beach preservationists over there plans for their Star Island dream home. The couple claims the 1920 house is falling apart and should have been demolished decades ago. They want to build a new 14,000-square-foot mansion including a wine cellar and five-car garage.

Surfer's naked body washes up on San Diego beach covered in shark bites after mystery drowning

Aggressor? Shark experts say that the surfer was likely bitten by a sevengill shark after he drowned

Authorities have yet to release the identity of the 42-year-old Pacific Beach resident whose disappearance on Wednesday night prompted a search by lifeguards.

Reddit GoneWild: The disturbing amateur porn site where 'girls next door' pose nude in exchange for Bitcoins and upvotes

Rewards for nudity: Some of the women putting their bodies on display are paid in the digital currency Bitcoin, or in Reddit Gold, which is a $30 subscription package with enhanced features

The Reddit forum GoneWild has emerged as a place for 'normal' women of all shapes and sizes, some of them married, to upload nude photos of themselves in what is described as a largely supportive environment.

Tragedy as man, 62, dies skydiving with friends when his parachute malfunctions


Santiago Rosell, 62, died when his parachute malfunctioned during a jump on Wednesday with two friends in DeLand, Florida.

Jodi Arias' death sentence hearing is delayed after convicted murderer is put on suicide watch

Jodi Arias gave an interview to a local news station just minutes after the verdict and she said that she hopes she gets the death penalty

Jodi Arias' sentencing was postponed Thursday and will continue next week as she is believed to be on suicide watch in the prison psychiatric ward after being found guilty of first degree murder.

Cleveland captive Michelle Knight 'was gang-raped by a group of boys and had a child from the assault BEFORE her 2002 abduction,' her great aunt claims


NEW Michelle Knight, pictured left, was gang-raped and impregnated in junior high - a year before she suffered more than 10 years of abuse under a kidnapper, an alarming report has revealed. Michelle was the first alleged victim of Ariel Castro, abducted off a Cleveland street in 2002. She was not seen again until this past Monday, when the 32-year-old was freed from captivity along with two other women and a child. Her great-aunt Deborah Knight, right, says that three male classmates grabbed Michelle at school and raped her.

EXCLUSIVE: Kidnapping victims can't be left alone because they’re so brainwashed into being around their fellow captives

The DeJesus family are trying to figure out the best way for reintegrate her into society

The three girls who were held captive for a decade can't be left on their own because they were so 'brainwashed' they thought they the others would always be around, MailOnline can reveal.

Cleveland 'kidnapper' Ariel Castro on suicide watch in prison as it emerges that prosecutors will seek the death penalty if charges of murder are brought for the unborn babies of the victims

Locked up: Brothers Onil, Pedro and Ariel Castro (l-r) were all arrested on kidnapping charges after it is believed that they held three young women at a Cleveland home for ten years

As Ariel Castro's charges were read out, the prosecutor said the tables were now turned on the alleged abductor who was now the one being held in captivity.

'What kind of monster does this?' Video of Ariel Castro being heckled and led from police station wearing handcuffs

Locked up: Brothers Onil, Pedro and Ariel Castro (l-r) were all arrested on kidnapping charges after it is believed that they held three young women at a Cleveland home for ten years

Ariel Castro hid his face with his blue prison jump suit as he was led out of the police station in cuffs yesterday.

'It made me the man I am today': Ohio kidnap hero speaks about domestic violence arrests

Criminal history: Charles Ramsey, pictured in a 2003 mugshot, was arrested several times for domestic violence

Charles Ramsey, pictured in a 2003 mugshot, said: 'I've made amends with the people involved and we've all moved on and grown up.'

EXCLUSIVE: How Cleveland 'kidnapper' told his wife what to eat, how to wear her skirts, even ordered her into a cardboard box and eventually 'killed her'

Ariel Castro

Ariel Castro, pictured bottom right with his bandmates in 1998, was 'obsessive' about ordering around his first wife Grimilda Figueroa, left, to the point where he once ordered her to get into a cardboard box and only come out when he said so. Speaking to MailOnline, Grimilda's sister Elida Caraballo, top right, 44, said: 'My sister would be alive today if it wasn't for him.

Ariel Castro claims he was abused by his parents as a child and raped by an uncle in 'confession' letter found in his home

Ariel Castro

A letter purportedly written by Cleveland kidnapping suspect Ariel Castro in 2004 has been revealed in which he admits that he is a sexual predator who 'needs help.'

'I'm sorry for what my son has done': Tearful apology of Ariel Castro's mother who says she's 'a mother in a lot of pain'

Apology: Lillian Rodriguez spoke to reporters as she left her home to says she was sorry for her son's actions

Lillian Rodriguez spoke to reporters from the window of her car as she left her Cleveland home on Thursday. 'I am a mother in a lot of pain,' she said in Spanish. 'I am sorry for what my son has done.'

Beneath the wigs and makeup: Photographer spends 35 years capturing cross-dressers on camera in a mission to 'de-freakify' them

For the past three decades, Marietta Pathy Allen in her role as an unofficial chronicler of the cross-dressing community has been working to capture the essence of transgender people beyond the wigs, makeup and outfits.

For the past three decades, Marietta Pathy Allen in her role as an unofficial chronicler of the cross-dressing community has been working to capture the essence of transgender people beyond the wigs, makeup and outfits to reveal their humanity to the world. Allen's works are striking in their range, focusing on people of different genders, ages and races. Some images are sparse and black-and-white, while others are colorful and vibrant. Some of the photographs feature the families of transgender people, among them several strikingly intimate portraits, like a scene in a hospital room, or a couple's bedroom.

AT&T; drops price of Facebook phone from $99 to $9 in just a month in worrying sign for social media giant's success

Flop: HTC CEO Peter Chou holds an HTC First phone showing the new app Facebook Home for Android during a press event in California on April 4. The First phone launched on April 12 and has already been slashed in price by AT&T from $99.99 to 99 cents

Following a much hyped debut, AT&T;, America's second largest mobile service provider, confirmed that the price cut on the smart phone took effect on Wednesday.

The rise of 'Pinterest stress': How image-sharing site's 'perfect' photos of cakes and crafts make mothers feel inadequate


Forty-two per cent said that surfing the photo-sharing site made them feel depressed about the fact that their own lives did not reflect the same picture-perfect standards.

Olympic champion killed after sailboat capsizes while practicing for America's Cup in San Francisco Bay


Decorated British Olympian Andrew Simpson has died after a 72-foot-long sailboat capsized in San Francisco Bay while he and 11 teammates were practicing for the upcoming America's Cup. The Artemis Racing catamaran carrying a Swedish flag capsized just after 1pm near Treasure Island, the former naval station located in the bay. Simpson, 36 - the team's strategist - was rushed to a nearby hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

Michael Jackson producer reveals he feared for singer's life days before overdose when he said he was speaking to God

Sad: Drawing shows Alif Sankey, who testified Wednesday in the suit pitting the Jackson's against AEG that Jackson was gaunt and said he was speaking to God days before overdose

Alif Sankey, an associate producer for the tour’s London concerts, told the court that Jackson was extremely thin and telling people he was talking to God and she was fearful he would soon die but that she felt helpless.

Man flees long arm of the law... and falls straight into the jaws of an alligator

Snapped up: An alligator bitemark can be seen on Bryan Zuniga's chin in his police mug shot. The 20-year-old is also pictured with his arm in a sling

Several hours after Tampa Bay's Bryan Zuniga ran from police, he was found in hospital being treated for an alligator attack (pictured with bite marks).

The dog who came back from the dead: Students save adorable pit bull puppy horrifically injured after being used as bait in dogfights

A pit bull that was rescued from the streets of Brooklyn met schoolkids who helped raised funds to nurse her back to health. Misty was rescued by city students after suffering serious injuries while being used as a bait dog to train other dogs to fight

A pit bull that was rescued from the streets of Brooklyn got to meet the children who helped raised funds to nurse her back to health. Misty was rescued by city students after suffering serious injuries while being used as a bait dog to train other pit bulls to fight. Students at Stephen Gaynor School started following the progress of the sweet, severely hurt pit bull on the Misty's Journey Facebook page. Before and after photos show the extent of Misty's injuries and how far she has come.

Boston bomber buried at midnight in secret ceremony after mystery benefactor claims his body

Tamerlan Tsarnaev has finally been buried at an undisclosed location outside of the city of Worcester, Massachusetts

The elder Boston marathon suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev has been secretly buried under cover of darkness at an undisclosed location outside of the city of Worcester, Massachusetts.

Secret Boston intelligence report flagged 'increased vulnerability' of marathon finish line FIVE DAYS before fatal bombings

BOSTON, MA - APRIL 15: A runner reacts near Kenmore Square after two bombs exploded during the 117th Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013 in Boston, Massachusetts

'Joint Special Event Assessment' claimed there was 'no credible, specific information indicating an imminent threat' - and the FBI never shared intelligence with Boston police

Widow of Boston bomber hires criminal attorney who defended Guantanamo detainees

Katherine Russell, right, wife of Boston Marathon bomber suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev, leaves the law office of DeLuca and Weizenbaum with Amato DeLuca in Providence, R.I.

Boston bombing widow Katherine Russell added attorney Joshua Dratel, who has represented several high level terror suspects, to her legal team on Wednesday.

Former girlfriend of Boston bomber reveals he slapped her and beat her head against a car for wearing shorts

Nadine Ascencao called police after he beat her head against a car

Nadine Ascencao, 25, of Cambridge, Massachusetts, said she and Tamerlan Tsarnaev split up soon after he grabbed her face and hit her because she was wearing shots and a tank top.

Terrifying moment a pod of TWENTY killer whales follows boat of couple on wedding anniversary trip

Killer whales follow boat

Rich and Laura Howard from Lutz, Florida were diving off the coast of Mexico when their dive instructor saw the 5ft dorsal fins and signalled for them to return to their boat. Obeying his instructions, the keen ocean photographer and his wife discovered to their disbelief that they were fast being approached by a group of huge killer whales. Mrs Howard filmed the incredible sighting on her Flip Cam.

Kobe Bryant's mother STOPPED (for now) from selling $1.5M worth of his sports memorabilia 'without his permission'

For sale: An advertisement for an auction of items belonging to Los Angeles Lakers star Kobe Bryant is seen just before the basketball star ordered the auction house to stop

A judge issued a temporary restraining order against a New Jersey auction house barring it from selling hundreds of Kobe Bryant's basketball jerseys, jackets, championship rings, trophies and other collectibles pending a full hearing.

Machete-wielding brothers 'raped woman and then threw bleach on her to destroy evidence as her family was forced to watch in brutal home invasion'

Richard Delgado Cruz,

Richard Delgado Cruz, 33, from Kissimmee, Florida, was arrested for the Monday night attack at a home in Poinciana. A warrant has been issued for his brother Danny Delgado Cruz, 29.

Texas congressman's re-election campaign will give away a Bushmaster AR-15 rifle - the same model Adam Lanza used to kill in Newtown

While gun control advocates cite the safety of children as a primary reason to restrict the availability of high-powered rifles and large-capacity ammunition magazines, the NRA mad the same equipment available for children to hold

'Want to win a FREE AR-15? Congressman Steve Stockman is giving one away!' the Texas Republican's re-election campaign tweeted. 'Grab this gun before Obama does!'

Evacuation at Miami International Airport concourse after suspicious package found

Miami airport

There was chaos at Miami International Airport on Thursday afternoon after one of it's busiest concourses had to be evacuated as authorities investigated a suspicious package.

Revealed: What it's really like to look through Google Glass... and it is a little underwhelming

Google Glass

A new first-person video has surfaced which gives viewers an opportunity to actually see what it's like to wear Google Glass, the new gadget hotly tipped as the future of computing. Initial images of what users can see have been distinctly underwhelming, but tech expert Rob Jackson shows how the glasses can do a broad range of tasks including getting directions and calling a friend.


Femail Today

Family of boy, 8, killed in Boston bombings reveal the heartbreaking moment they told daughter, 7, she had lost her leg and that her brother was dead when she awoke two weeks after attack

Jane Richard (pictured), who lost her leg in the attack in the April 15 attack, awoke to learn that her brother Martin had been killed and that her parents had suffered injuries in the April 15 blast.

Jane Richard (pictured left and circled right), a young dancer, lost her leg in the attack in the April 15 attack, while her mother Denise suffered head injuries, her father Bill was hit by shrapnel and her brother Martin (pictured right in the family image and circled right) lost his life. Only her oldest brother, 12-year-old Henry, escaped without injury. In a statement released on Thursday, the family revealed that Jane awoke two weeks after the bombings with questions that needed to be answered. 'There are not words to describe how hard sharing this heartbreaking news was on all of us,' the family said. The image right also shows one of the alleged bombers and the device, circled red.

Heavy metal singer who 'plotted to kill wife was obsessed with bodybuilding, spent too much on tattoos and fell asleep while watching children in pool'

Murder for hire: Tim Lambesis, 32, the lead singer of of As I Lay Dying has been arrested after police say he tried to hire an undercover detective to kill his estranged wife

Tim Lambesis, who was arrested in Southern California, had changed during the past several months, according to his ex Meggan Lambesis.

U.S. soldier called Hosan forced to change her name after comrades in Iraq nicknamed her 'Sgt Hussain'

Shamed: Army sergeant Naida Hosan is Catholic but says she was taunted by felow servicemen because her named sounded Islamic

Sergeant 1st Class Naida Hosan says she was nicknamed 'Sgt. Hussein' and quizzed about what god she prayed to while serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Gun lobby accuses Sandy Hook father of 'profiting off the tragedy' after his court appearance for 'writing bad checks'

Gun control advocate: Neil Heslin, father of Sandy Hook shooting victim Jesse Lewis, holds a picture of him with Jesse as he testifies during a hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee in February

Pro-gun lobbyists Connecticut Carry issued a press release on Wednesday that focused on Neil Heslin, who lost his son Jesse in the Connecticut shootings.

High school student suspended for posting principal's mugshot on Instagram saying she'd been arrested for DUI... when it was speeding

A high school student who posted a mugshot of his principal on Instagram has been suspended. Keandre Varner told people she had been arrested for DUI when it was in fact a speeding ticket.

Keandre Varner, a senior from Atlanta, told students Principal Miller-Brown had been arrested for DUI. It was in fact for a speeding ticket.

'Where winners eat'? Subway meals can be UNHEALTHIER than those from McDonald's

Meals bought from Subway contain nearly as many calories as those from McDonaldżs

The chain may promote itself as the ‘healthy’ fast food restaurant but the new study, carried out by UCLA, suggests that it is not much healthier than McDonald’s, and in terms of salt it is worse.

Coin with corners goes into circulation in Australia... and its worth $80 more than its $5 face value

The coin's shape mimics the building's flag mast and has a flagpole design on its back

The $5 coin mimics the shape of the triangular flag mast on top of the Canberra building and shows a view of the flagpole in the design on its reverse.

Fifteen California farm workers sacked for leaving their field despite it being on FIRE

15 fired farm workers

Fifteen farm workers in California who flee the fields to escape smoke and ash from the massive wildfire burning nearby were fired for putting their personal safety above their job. The Crisalida Berry Farms in Oxnard, California later offered the workers their jobs back but only one has returned.

Teen dies playing Russian roulette with friends amid fears deadly game of chance has become terrifying craze


Antonio O'Neill, 16, was killed playing Russian roulette on May 7, at a home in East Detroit, with a group of friends who had skipped school.

Scientists create sensor that can be placed INSIDE the body to monitor every aspect of your health

The implant could also monitor a patient's heart rate and send an alert if they become unwell

Scientists at the Universities of Bristol, Southampton and Reading have created the device which they say can pick up changes in movements, habits, diet, weight and heart rate.

Top U.S. baby names inspired by. . . the Queen? Elizabeth creeps back onto list, while Jacob and Sophia remain number one

Baby names

It appears the Queen's visibility has had an influence on American parents, since Elizabeth crept back into the top ten baby names for girls, knocking Chloe out of the running.

Mummified human head discovered by recycling plant workers in pile of debris


Workers at the California Waste Solutions in West Oakland discovered a mummified head on Wednesday, as police now search for more body parts.

Former college football star and one-time NFL hopeful comes out as gay as he compares lying about sexuality to a 'cancer'


Kevin Grayson, 25, who played for the University of Richmond and at one time was married to a woman, said that he has witnessed expressions of intolerance in locker rooms countless times, with coaches peppering their speech with words like 'faggot' and 'homo.' But despite the persisting culture of homophobia in American sports, the former player said he has 'no doubt' there are gay players in the NFL, adding that he knows and has met some of them personally.

Photos only a mom could love: A collection of embarrassing matriarchs and their awkward kids in celebration of Mother's Day

Awkward Moms Preview

With Mother' s Day fast approaching, it seems appropriate to celebrate the most awkward mom-and-family photos we can find. Some are candid while others are creatively staged, such as one photo where a mother dressed in white karate fatigues pretends to kick her son in the face while he holds his fists up in defense in a scene that is inexplicably set against a cartoon background of flowers and unicorns.

Morning, world! Breathtaking image of the first light of dawn over the South Pacific captured from the International Space Station

The sun is about to come up over the South Pacific Ocean

The stunning shot was captured by one of the crew of the space station as they passed a few hundred miles east of Easter Island.

Autistic children see movement TWICE as quickly as those without condition

Autistic children see movement twice as quick

Researchers at the University of Rochester and Yale University think the findings may explain why some people suffering with autism are sensitive to bright lights and loud noises.

Seven cyber hackers 'caught stealing $45 million in 10 hours in the second biggest bank robbery in the history of New York'

U.S. charges eight in $45 million cyber crime scheme

The New York-based cyber criminals used hacked debit-card data to make 40,500 transactions in 27 countries, U.S. prosecutors said today. The cards were issued by National Bank of Ras Al-Khaimah RAKB.AD in the United Arab Emirates and Bank of Muscat in Oman, prosecutors said.

Late rapper's family denied headstone inscribed with his song lyrics because they included the F-word

Life cut short: Rapper Sonny Santiago, 23, was killed in a car accident in February in Lynn, Massachusetts

NEW Sonny 'Uno' Santiago, 23, from Lynn, Mass., died in a car crash in February, and the company hired to inscribed his 3-foot tall memorial submitted drawings to a cemetery commissioner that featured a profanity-laced lyric. The design of the headstone was rejected, and the deceased man's family were forced to choose another song from his repertoire, this one free of curse words and dedicated to Santiago's mother.

Daughter of Alzheimer's sufferer who walked off flight to her death reveals how her mom walked past her just as she had back turned

Victoria Kong who suffers from dementia walked past airline representatives and then members of her own family out of the airport. They had come to meet her as she got off a plane from Barbados on Friday. Her body was found in woodland a few days later.

The daughter of Victoria Kong, 83, who walked out of the Reagan airport on Friday say she feels 'torn apart by the stupidity' at not seeing her grandma walk by whilst he back was turned.

King of campy horror, kickboxing, and Sesame Street among first of Youtube's new 30 paid-for channels

Campy: Roger Corman, whose credits included the cult camp classics Piranha and Little Shop of Horrors, will also have his own paid channel

Youtube joined the ranks of Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon as it unveiled around 30 channels where subscribers can watch premium content starting at 99 cents a month.

Man who was WRONGLY told he had terminal cancer wins $60k after he quit his job and spent all his cash

U.S. District Judge Donald Molloy wrote that the distress Mark Templin and his family suffered was caused by Dr. Patrick Morrowżs żnegligent failure to meet the standard of careż in delivering the diagnosis in 2009

Montana man, Mark Templin has been awarded $60,000 damages after wrongly being told he had brain cancer and six months to live - leading him to sell up his possessions and even contemplate suicide

Heartbreak as body believed to be that of missing 'perfectionist' college tennis captain washes up off the Hudson River

Paige Aiello

Medical examiners are awaiting dental report before identifying the body discovered by NYPD Harbor Patrol on the shore near West 158th Street as that of Paige Aiello.

Army major appears in full uniform hand-in-hand with wife as they face trial for 'abusing foster children by breaking their bones and force-feeding them hot pepper'

Accused: John Jackson and his wife Carolyn Jackson walk out of the courthouse today in Newark after they pleaded not guilty to abusing their foster children

Dressed in full military uniform, John Jackson appeared with his wife Carolyn Jackson (pictured) in federal court in Newark, New Jersey on 17 counts of endangerment, assault and conspiracy. A trial date was set for July 8, and each of the Jacksons was allowed to remain free on $250,000 bail.

Statue of Liberty to reopen for Fourth of July celebrations after island was flooded by Superstorm Sandy

Beacon of hope: The Statue of Liberty has been closed since Sandy hit in October, but the iconic attraction is due to reopen on July 4

Tickets are now available to visit the statue, which has been closed since Sandy struck the region on October 29 and damaged much of Liberty Island's infrastructure.

Climber stung to death by killer bees along with his faithful dog is mourned by friends as an 'all round good guy'

The Santa Cruz County Sheriff's Office says 55-year-old Steven Johnson was found in the Santa Rita Mountains south of Tucson late Monday

Mountaineer Steven Johnson's cause of death was confirmed on Thursday as 'mass envenomation'. The 55-year-old, was found dead, hanging 70-feet from the ground in his climbing gear in Arizona's Santa Rita Mountains on Monday night.

Electioneered to its death: Rare white tiger used as Pakistani campaign mascot dies of dehydration in 30C heat

The white tiger has been a frequent sight at rallies for the political party Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz - but died following 30C heat

The tiger, a mascot of the conservative Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz party, often appeared at events led by the party chief's daughter Maryam Nawaz.

Candace Bushnell targeted by 'Guccifer': Cyber-attacker leaks 50 pages of Sex And The City writer's new novel and takes over her Twitter account

Targeted: Candace Bushnell has been hacked by the cyber-attacker 'Guccifer' who leaked details of her new novel online

The Sex And The City writer was targeted when the first page of her book was posted and a series of frantic messages appeared on her Twitter account. Ms Bushnell, 54, is the latest high profile figure to be hacked Guccifer.

Plastic surgeon 'waterboarded' his mistress and 'stuffed her head down a toilet over offensive Facebook post'

FB Attack

Dr Orlando Llorente, 41, from Miami, allegedly pushed Leanne Sauma's head down a toilet and then forced a rag into the mouth of while pouring water over her head. According to the affidavit, Dr Llorente subjected the victim, 36, to almost 16 hours of abuse and torture in an apartment before driving her to a CVS where she escaped from his car.

Columbia football player charged with hate crime for racial slurs and threatening to beat up fellow student

Defence: Footballer Washington is a defensive linesman for Columbia Lions

Chad Washington (pictured), who attends the prestigious New York university, was charged with misdemeanor aggravated harassment as a hate crime for the attack.

Benetton admits it made clothes in illegal Bangladesh factory that collapsed killing 900 workers

Benetton, Primark, Matalan and Mango all had connections to the unsafe eight-storey factory

Biagio Chiarolanza, chief executive of the label, said the company bought shirts from New Wave Style, which was based at the building in capital Dhaka that collapsed two weeks ago (pictured).

German opera featuring Nazi uniforms and massacre of Jewish family is cancelled after audience stages walk-out and requires treatment for 'psychological trauma'

Anger: Many members of the audience walked out in disgust at the interpretation of Wagner's 'Tannhaeuser'

Audience members began leaving director Burkhard C. Kosminki's interpretation of Wagner's classic 'Tannhaeuser' after only 30 minutes.

Owning a dog can make you healthier: Walking your pet and companionship from them can 'decrease risk of heart disease'

Dog owners have healthier hearts than people who donżt have pets, research suggests

The American Heart Association reviewed studies from around the world and concluded pet ownership, particularly dog ownership, 'is probably associated with a decreased risk of heart disease'.

Is man descended from the king of the swimmers? Forget about swinging in trees. Experts now say our earliest ancestors were apes who loved to monkey around in the water

Making a splash: A bonobo male chimp wading through water to forage

According to a highly controversial scientific theory being debated in London this week, we should imagine our ancestors up to their necks in water, splashing after fish and clams, their primitive lives spent entirely amid wetlands, lakes and rivers. So says the 'aquatic ape' theory which puts forward the idea that our distant ancestors spent a million years swimming and paddling in water. It argues that this perpetually damp experience shaped us into the hugely successful species that we are today.

Two elderly women in Zimbabwe accused of being witches die after drinking poison to 'cleanse their souls'

The women collapsed within moments of drinking the poison in a rural village in Zimbabwe's Midlands province (file photo)

Jersey Mutero, 83, and Erita Bhebhe, 73, collapsed moments after swallowing the poisonous drink during a ceremony near their homes in Zimbabwe's Midlands province (file photo).

Sex education teacher had sex with two students after one of the boys told her that 'he had a problem with his manhood... and she asked to see it'

A teacher who taught sex education lessons at a school in Texas has been suspended from her job after allegedly having a sexual relationship with two students. Marlene Mints was a health and sex education teacher at a middle school outside Dallas.

A teacher who taught sex education lessons at a school in Texas has been suspended from her job after allegedly having a sexual relationship with two students.

American WWII veteran, 90, receives lost dog tags from Cory Booker, 69 YEARS after losing them in France

Long haul: Wilkins is now 90. Asked if he thought he'd see his dog tags again, he replied 'I never did.'

New Jersey native Corporal Willie Wilkins, 90, lost his dog tag in 1944 while hauling American bodies off a battlefield in southern France. He got it back Wednesday.

Missing Michigan's mom's blood found outside gas station where she was last seen

State police lab DNA analysis have confirmed it was the blood of Jessica Heeringa. They said the discovery heightened concerns about her well-being but said they retained hope she will be found alive

Police are hoping the discovery of a small amount of blood outside the Michigan gas station where young mother Jessica Heeringa vanished last month could lead to a breakthrough in the case.

Skygazers flock to Outback to watch 'ring of fire' eclipse as it crosses Australia and the Pacific


The celestial spectacle, known as a 'ring of fire' eclipse, is the second solar eclipse visible from northern Australia in six months. In November, a total solar eclipse plunged the country's northeast into darkness, delighting astronomers and tourists who flocked to the region from across the globe to witness it.

Private moments of the last Russian Tsar and his family captured on camera before they were executed by the Bolsheviks

The photographs show the royals in the months and years before Nicholas II was forced to abdicate

The photographs of the Romanovs include Nicholas II teaching his daughter, Grand Duchess Anastasia, to smoke and his heir Alexei in naval regalia.

Boy, 16, nearly dies after swallowing bristle from BBQ brush

Boy nearly dies after swallowing part of a grill brush

After Tristin Beck, 16 of Edmonds, Seattle unknowingly swallowed one of the metal bristles earlier this week, severe stomach pains sent him to hospital.

Judge convicted of corruption is ordered to send a photo of herself with a signed apology to all 500 judges in Pennsylvania

Former state Supreme Court Justice Joan Orie Melvin,

Former Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice Joan Orie Melvin (pictured) was sentenced on Tuesday in Pittsburgh for her corruption conviction.

'Don't be a blockhead': Judge delivers hilarious warning to Charlie Brown actor as he jails him for a year for stalking his ex-girlfriend and her plastic surgeon

You're jailed, Charlie Brown: Peter Robbins was sentenced to a year in jail for threatening his former girlfriend and stalking her plastic surgeon

Peter Robbins, 56, was handed a 12-month jail term and five years on probation followed by a stern Peanuts-related warning from the judge to ‘not be a blockhead’.

Townhouse facing Central Park once owned by Walt Disney's grandniece goes up for $37 million - and it has an indoor swimming pool


The 12,000-square-foot, six-story home is one of the few remaining townhouses facing the park, as most others have been mowed over to make room for massive apartment buildings. Built in 1887 by developer William Noble for his private residence, the home has historical charm along with many modern luxuries, including a movie theater and indoor lap pool, according to Sotheby's, the reality company that is managing the listing.

Chicago international airport to hire a herd of goats, some sheep and a shepherd to keep weeds under control

Weed cleaners: The goats will be supervised by a herder while they graze during the week and housed overnight in a nearby transport trailer (Stock photo)

The city of Chicago is getting ready to hire a herd of 25 goats, a shepherd and possibly some sheep, to clear weeds at one of its major international airports.

Wyoming and North Dakota top list of states with fastest-growing suicide rates

Sad: Over the course of a decade, suicide rates in middle aged Americans soared by 28 percent

Shocking new data has found that suicide rates in several states have increased dramatically in the past decade, with Wyoming and North Dakota showing the most troubling rise.

Woman pilot crash-lands helicopter on Hawaii street after engines fail... but amazingly no one is injured

The small helicopter was flying over Hawaii's capital Honolulu when it lost power at 3,000ft

Julia Link, 30, was piloting the light aircraft with 71-year-old passenger Karl Hedburg when the light aircraft lost power at 3,000ft above Honolulu.

Search for slain woman's missing 18-month-old daughter after decomposing bodies found on Kansas farm are revealed as young mother, her boyfriend and a roommate


Kansas officials say victim Kaylie Bailey (pictured), 21, was last seen with her baby daughter, Lana, May 1 on her way to visit her boyfriend, Andrew Stout, 30, on a farm in Ottawa, where he lived with several roommates.

Just vantastic! Head-turning campervan opens up to reveal secret compartment at the flick of a switch

Impressive: This camper van is guaranteed to turn heads after engineers used Thunderbirds-style technology to double living space at the touch of a button

The new invention transforms the T5 Doubleback into a 26ft long home on wheels and doubles the living space. The inside of the ‘pod’ reveals luxurious seating for five people which can be rearranged to make a huge bed, with a foldaway table. Made from cutting edge aluminum composite used by the airline industry, the insulated rear extension weighs less than 300lbs but is strong enough to take the weight of a family of four.

Why the Atkins Diet will make you sleepy but a plate of fries will wake you up

Carbohydrate-rich foods such as crisps were shown to boost alertness in the American study

Researchers at Penn State College of Medicine in the U.S. found that eating fatty foods will make you sleepy while eating lots of carbohydrates will increase your alertness.

The vampire treatment that 'rejuvenates' ageing hearts: Dose of young blood can reverse life-threatening thickening of organ

Scientists have discovered a protein that reverses the symptoms of ageing in the heart

Scientists have used a dose of young blood to reverse the life-threatening thickening and stiffening of the heart that occurs with age. The work was done on mice but the researchers believe it will lead to the first drug to mend ‘broken hearts’ in elderly men and women.

'Friends and fun' reduce the PHYSICAL pain of breast cancer

The study found that women with a number of good friends experienced less pain - both physical and emotional - when undergoing treatment for breast cancer

The study, carried out by the Kaiser Permanente Division of Research, is among the first to examine exactly how social relationships influence quality of life in breast cancer patients.

Can how well we read and count at seven REALLY predict how successful we will be in later life?

Researchers saying being good at maths age seven could add £5,000 to your salary in later life - and claim success could be genetic

British researchers analysed data from over 17,000 people in England, Scotland, and Wales over a span of 50 years - and say being good at maths and reading at seven could add £5,000 to our salary in later life.

Watch the hilarious reactions of people on the street as Jimmy Kimmel fools them into thinking Judge Judy has been appointed to Supreme Court

Jimmy Kimmel's 'Lie Witnness News' tested the reaction of people on the street to the staggeringly unlikely news that Judge Judy Sheindlin

Jimmy Kimmel's 'Lie Witnness News' tested the reaction of people on the street to the staggeringly unlikely news that Judge Judy Sheindlin (center) of daytime television fame is to be appointed to the United States Supreme Court by President Obama.

Facebook and Apple in billion dollar battle to buy satnav startup Waze

Waze uses satellite signals from members' smartphones to 'crowdsource' maps and traffic data, and can run on Apple or Android handsets and tablets

Waze uses satellite signals from members' smartphones to 'crowdsource' maps and traffic data, and can run on Apple or Apndroid handsets and tablets.

Job seekers in Denmark who literally put themselves in the shop window

Window seat: One of the 15 unemployed academics have taken his place in the window for project 'Exhibit? Too clever to sit in a window?'

The display allows 15 job seekers to take a seat in a shopfront on a busy Copenhagen in the hopes that potential employers will walk by.

Terrorists kidnap son of former Pakistan prime minister in middle of campaign rally, killing one and wounding five

Ali Haider Gilani

A police official, Abdul Rehman, said gunmen stormed the rally in the town of Multan, opened fire and seized Ali Haider Gilani.

The streets of 'Britain's Atlantis' seen for the first time in centuries: 3D scans reveal the 'drowned' medieval town of Dunwich

A 3D visualisation of the Chapel of St Katherine:

University of Southampton researchers used ultrasound scanning to create a 3D map of the area - and found the underwater town is as big as the City of London.

Five arrested after savage high school fight video THEY posted to YouTube goes viral

Five teenage students have been charged as adults and taken into police custody after a shocking beating inside a Pennsylvania high school recorded and posted online by the assailants went viral.

Five teenage students have been charged as adults and taken into police custody after a shocking beating inside a Pennsylvania high school recorded and posted online by the assailants went viral. The footage, which surfaced on Youtube this week, shows Jordan Morales, 16, Clayton Newman, 18, Citerrah Gomillon, 16, Edward Stanley and Omar Davis, 18, viciously beating an unidentified 16-year-old in the library of Chester High School.

Could the Cinnamon Craze give you LIVER damage?


The study, published in journal ACS’ Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, discovered that a compound found in the cinnamon could inflict damage of those with sensitive livers.

Average woman spends $22k in her lifetime replacing make-up she has lost

One in ten ladies - 11 per cent - would prefer to lose their coat than their makeup bag

Almost half have lost makeup in the back of a cab, a quarter has dropped some down the toilet and a third waved it goodbye after leaving it at an ex-partner's house.

The engineer who really HAS reinvented the wheel: Loopwheels system abandons spokes for springs to give a smoother ride

The Loopwheels will go on sale in September for £600, and their inventor claims they can make riding on a bumpy road 'like riding on velvet'

The £600 Loopwheel is set to go on sale in September. 44 year-old Nottingham engineer Sam Pearce came up with the idea after watching a pushchair struggle to get over a kerb.

'Why not make it a better day?' Aurora shooting survivors to marry on anniversary of movie theater massacre

Aurora survivors Davis and Han are due to marry on the anniversary of the movie theater massacre

Kristin Davis and Eugene Han, pictured left, were among the 58 people wounded when a gunman opened fire 18 minutes into the screening of the new Batman film. The childhood friends, pictured right in hospital after the July 20, 2012 shooting, have vowed to not let the attack, inset, which killed 12 people, ruin their future lives together.



Cutest flash mob ever: second graders surprise moms with Boyz II Men's song for Mama

A group of second graders in Ohio put on an early Mother's Day performance for their moms

The second graders at Pathway School of Discovery in Dayton told their moms to come into school for a mystery reason and serenaded them with a Boyz II Men song. It didn't matter that the children in the room- who are all seven or eight years old- were not alive when the R&B; group were in their early Nineties heyday: the point was still clear.

UK Opera lover hanged himself aged 100 when his eyesight failed and he could no longer enjoy music on his laptop

Opera: A music lover has hanged himself after his eyesight became too bad to watch online videos (file photo)

Gordon Crisp's relatives bought him a laptop when he was struggling to cope with his wife's death in 2007, an inquest in Somerset has heard.

The bizarre 'semisub' boat with an underwater cabin that lets you explore the ocean floor without getting wet

A South Korean manufacturer has designed a compact semi-submarine called 'Penguin'

A South Korean manufacturer has designed a compact semi-submarine called 'Penguin' which has floating hulls and an underwater viewing cabin.

Do you mind, we're trying to have a wash! Elephant blasts leopard with jet of water after the fearsome predator came too close to the herd

The leopard was spotted by Swiss photographer Mark Müller, in Etosha National Park in Namibia

The big cat tried its luck against the herd of 15 elephants by stalking the group and sipping from the same water hole in the Etosha National Park, Namibia. But one of the herd decided the leopard was being far too bold and squirted a stream of water in its direction to shoo it away.


 A man is seen perched at the window on an elevated floor moments before being overcome by fumes and falling out of a window        

We had a dream stop-over in Abu Dhabi! Airport unveils cocoon-like sleep pods where you can nap for £8 an hour

Pod night's sleep? Weary travellers looking to tackle jet-lag and catch up on some sleep can now take to these futuristic-looking sleep pods

Travellers and tourists finding themselves stuck in the departure lounge at Abu Dhabi International Airport are now able to catch up on some shut-eye in a futuristic-looking 'sleeping pod'. Unveiled this week, the 'GoSleep' pod offers time away from noise, light and crowds of the airport and only costs £8 for one hour's alone-time.

Russia's show of strength: Vladimir Putin flexes military muscle with massive army display to marks 68th anniversary of victory over Nazis


Fighter jets screamed over Red Square and heavy tanks rumbled over its cobblestones as Russia flexed today its military muscle on the anniversary of its costly victory over Nazi Germany in the Second War War.

The Ministry of Silly Squawks! Owl's bizarre stroll as it walks around looking for food


Images capture the moments owls march through a Lancashire farm to find food for their newly-born young in scenes reminiscent of Grand Old Duke of York nursery rhyme. The owls march and hop through the air on their mission, at times looking like they belong in an army display.


