- published: 02 Nov 2012
- views: 418
Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak (alternative spelling: Samuil Yakovlevich Marchak) Russian: Самуи́л Я́ковлевич Марша́к; 3 November [O.S. 22 October] 1887 – 4 July 1964) was a Russian and Soviet writer, translator and children's poet. He translated the sonnets and some other of the works of William Shakespeare, English poetry (including poems for children), and poetry from other languages. Maxim Gorky proclaimed Marshak to be "the founder of Russia's (Soviet) children's literature."
Marshak was born to a Jewish family on November 3, 1887 in Voronezh. His father was a foreman at a soap-making plant. He had a good home education and later studied at the gymnasium (secondary school) of Ostrogozhsk, a suburb of Voronezh. He started to write poetry during his childhood years in Voronezh. His brother Ilya (who wrote under the pseudonym M. Ilin) (1896—1953) and sister Liya (who wrote as Elena Ilina) (1901—1964) also both became Soviet authors.
In 1902, the Marshak family moved to Saint Petersburg. There was a complication: as a Jew, Marshak could not legally live outside the Pale of Settlement, thus he could not attend school while living in the city. Philanthropist and scholar Baron David Gunzburg took an interest in Marshak and introduced him to the influential critic Vladimir Stasov. Stasov was so impressed by the schoolboy's literary talent that he arranged an exception from the Pale laws for Samuil and his family. He also introduced Marshak to Maxim Gorky and Feodor Chaliapin.
Samuel (also Samuil, representing Bulgarian Самуил, pronounced [samuˈil]) was the Tsar (Emperor) of the First Bulgarian Empire from 997 to 6 October 1014. From 977 to 997, he was a general under Roman I of Bulgaria, the second surviving son of Emperor Peter I of Bulgaria, and co-ruled with him, as Roman bestowed upon him the command of the army and the effective royal authority. As Samuel struggled to preserve his country's independence from the Byzantine Empire, his rule was characterized by constant warfare against the Byzantines and their equally ambitious ruler Basil II.
In his early years Samuel managed to inflict several major defeats on the Byzantines and to launch offensive campaigns into their territory. In the late 10th century, the Bulgarian armies conquered the principality of Duklja and led campaigns against the Kingdoms of Croatia and Hungary. But from 1001, he was forced mainly to defend the Empire against the superior Byzantine armies. Samuel died of a heart attack on 6 October 1014, two months after the catastrophic battle of Kleidion. His successors failed to organize a resistance, and in 1018, four years after Samuel's death, the country capitulated, ending the five decades-long Byzantine–Bulgarian conflict.
( Самуи́лЯ́ковлевичМарша́к) Samuil Marshak (1887 — 1964) was a Russian and Soviet writer, translator and children's poet. Among his Russian translations are William Shakespeare's sonnets, poems by William Blake and Robert Burns, and Rudyard Kipling's stories. Maxim Gorky proclaimed Marshak to be "the founder of Russia's (Soviet) children's literature." More too Marshak: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samuil_Marshak http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9C%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%88%D0%B0%D0%BA,_%D0%A1%D0%B0%D0%BC%D1%83%D0%B8%D0%BB_%D0%AF%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87 Musik: Four Beers Polka © 2006 Kevin MacLeod http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?keywords=+USUAN1100225&Search=Search
Говорила мышка мышке: - До чего люблю я книжки! Не могу я их прочесть, Но зато могу их съесть. The mouse spoke to a mouse: - To what I love books! I can't read them, But I can eat them.
Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak (Russian: Самуи́л Я́ковлевич Марша́к; November 3 1887 -- June 4, 1964) was a Russian and Soviet writer, translator and children's poet. Among his Russian translations are William Shakespeare's sonnets, poems by William Blake and Robert Burns, and Rudyard Kipling's stories. Maxim Gorky proclaimed Marshak to be "the founder of Russia's (Soviet) children's literature. Marshak was born on November 3, 1887 in Voronezh. In 1904, he published his first works in the magazine Jewish Life and in mid- to late 1900s, Marshak created a body of Zionist verse, some of which appeared in such periodicals as Young Judea. In 1907, he returned to Saint Petersburg, and subsequently published numerous works in the popular magazine Satyricon. In 1937, Marshak moved to Moscow, where he ...
19-03-2017, Tarragona, IV Festival de arte infantil y juvenil “Rusia vista a través de los ojos de los niños del mundo” Centro de lengua y cultura rusa Dostoievski (Tarragona-Salou), familia Amorós-Korotkova y Claudia Torruella, escena “Balada sobre el bocadillo real”, Samuil Marshak
Сказки Маршака Кот и лодыри Мультфильм Кот и лодыри Самуила Маршака. Говорящие животные для детей. Говорящая Панда читает стихотворение С. Маршака Кот и лодыри. Озвучил Игорь Ильинский. Стихотворение Маршака Кот и лодыри из сборника лучших стихов Маршака. Послушайте , как читает стихотворение С. Маршака - Кот и лодыри говорящая большая Панда. Развивающее видео для детей. На канале Золотой ключик деткам говорящие животные для детей, говорящие домашние животные для детей, говорящие куклы и говорящие игрушки для детей. Смотрите, как очень забавно, говорящие животные, куклы, игрушки поют и рассказывают сказки, юмористические рассказы. Смотрите развивающее видео для детей с говорящими животными, куклами, игрушками. На канале Золотой ключик деткам говорящие КУКЛЫ и ЖИВОТНЫЕ. Не верите? Захо...
Постановка летнего лагеря Школы Плюс
A humorous children's poem "A Forgetful Man" by a famous Russian children's poet and literary translator Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak (1887-1964). Versos chistosos para los niños en ruso por Samuil Marshak, el poeta y traductor literario famoso quien vivíá en el tiempo soviético.
Постановка сказки Самуила Яковлевича Маршака - "Кошкин Дом". Исполнители воспитанники ГБОУЦРР - детский сад № 856 г. Москвы "Солнышко" (2014 г.) Staging tales Samuil Marshak - "Cat House." Artists GBOUTSRR students - kindergarten № 856 Moscow "Sunshine" (2014)
Samuil Marshak LILY OF THE VALLEY Wood, heat woken blackens, With spring dampness it is filled. And on pearl threads From a wind of everyone shiver. Buds round jingles Are still closed and dense, But the sun opens nimbuses At hand bells of spring. The nature carefully спеленатый, Wrapped in wide sheet, The flower grows in a solitude untouched, It is cool, fragile and fragrant. Wood весною раннею pines, And all happy melancholy, And all fragrance It has given to a bitter flower.
"The Forest Is Alive". Based on the fairy tale of the same name written by Samuil Marshak. A young queen requests a bouquet of snowdrop flowers for New Year's Day in exchange for a reward. История о девочке, живущей с мачехой и её ленивой дочерью. Девочку отправляют в холодный, зимний лес за подснежниками и велят с пустыми руками не возвращаться. События происходят в Богемии, тогда части Австрийской империи на рубеже XVIII—XIX вв.
"Bagazh" ("Luggage") is a famous poem by Soviet writer Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak, who's best known as an author of children's literature. The plot is simple: a lady goes on a train trip and checks in 7 items of luggage, one of which is a small pet dog. The wee l'il bow-wow escapes en route, and the railway employees try to pull a fast one by substituting a huge, shaggy mutt...
Маршак Samuil Marshak - Темноты боялся Петя Olga Vasiliev
Мистер Твистер Музыкальное представление по стихотворению Самуила Яковлевича Маршака Проект Димы Кольцова на сцене театра "Ю" www.theatre-you.org en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samuil_Marshak
A Buzaszemek Színjátszók előadása a XIX. Weöres Sándor Országos Gyermekszínjátszó Találkozón. Samuil Marshak: 12 hónap Csoportvezető-rendező: Buza Tímea Az előadás ARANY minősítésben részesült
Классика юмористического жанра — стихотворение Самуила Маршака "Багаж". Багаж (Самуил Маршак) — https://youtu.be/Uj8aRajuyRA Мы очень верим в то, что детям нужно читать качественную интересную литературу! Присоединяйтесь, если мы с вами единомышленники! Для подписки на канал перейдите по ссылке — https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn_1WDSaexFbFLbjyCok5LQ?sub_confirmation=1 Нас также можно найти: — вконтакте — https://vk.com/warm_tale — фейсбук — https://www.facebook.com/groups/warmtale — инстаграм — https://www.instagram.com/warm_tale/ — блоггере — http://sunsolvita.blogspot.com/ Багаж Дама сдавала в багаж: Диван, Чемодан, Саквояж, Картину, Корзину, Картонку И маленькую собачонку. Выдали даме на станции Четыре зелёных квитанции О том, что получен багаж: Диван, Чемодан, Саквояж, Картина...