- published: 01 May 2013
- views: 266
- author: wPShowcase

wP RxM: Syn Vicey Entry.
Hey guys! First upload onto wP Showcase. Enjoy! LINKS FOR SPEED ART: wP RxM: http://www.yo...
published: 01 May 2013
author: wPShowcase
wP RxM: Syn Vicey Entry.
wP RxM: Syn Vicey Entry.
Hey guys! First upload onto wP Showcase. Enjoy! LINKS FOR SPEED ART: wP RxM: http://www.youtube.com/user/OfficialRxM) Song: JWalk - Bank on me (feat. Sam Lac...- published: 01 May 2013
- views: 266
- author: wPShowcase

wP TQN | Horizon | Youtube Banner
Artist : wP TQN ( www.youtube.com/user/TeqnGraphics)
EnterThePack: htt...
published: 01 Oct 2013
wP TQN | Horizon | Youtube Banner
wP TQN | Horizon | Youtube Banner
Artist : wP TQN ( www.youtube.com/user/TeqnGraphics) ADDITIONAL LINKS: EnterThePack: http://www.youtube.com/user/EnterThePack wP Lead Designer http://www.youtube.com/lMAGlNEy0 wP Lead Designer: http://www.youtube.com/user/dznSitrik Enjoy. :)- published: 01 Oct 2013
- views: 47

wP Viking: Dare Speed Art.
Hey guys! Third graphics upload onto wP Showcase. Enjoy! LINKS FOR SPEED ART: wP Viking: h...
published: 15 May 2013
author: wPShowcase
wP Viking: Dare Speed Art.
wP Viking: Dare Speed Art.
Hey guys! Third graphics upload onto wP Showcase. Enjoy! LINKS FOR SPEED ART: wP Viking: http://www.youtube.com/user/Vikingx360 Song: Krewella - Alive (Steph...- published: 15 May 2013
- views: 301
- author: wPShowcase

Speedart 2013: wP Showcase
This is a bg for the rc of wP :) Just doing it for fun but if I do make it that would be s...
published: 11 Jun 2013
author: iAustn
Speedart 2013: wP Showcase
Speedart 2013: wP Showcase
This is a bg for the rc of wP :) Just doing it for fun but if I do make it that would be swell ;) Final Image: http://gyazo.com/26fbbe9f213609603f186a835ef74532.- published: 11 Jun 2013
- views: 195
- author: iAustn

wP Editing Recruitment Entry / wP Zoko [LOST]
there editing mistake at about 00:49 secs for got to mute audio. please don't forget to li...
published: 27 Sep 2012
author: TehZokoHD
wP Editing Recruitment Entry / wP Zoko [LOST]
wP Editing Recruitment Entry / wP Zoko [LOST]
there editing mistake at about 00:49 secs for got to mute audio. please don't forget to like:) If i get 10 likes ill probably start to edit peoples Ep for fr...- published: 27 Sep 2012
- views: 268
- author: TehZokoHD

Slanq - GOML Ep.1
Hey guys this is my new episode name GOML (get on my level) :D If u guys have any other aw...
published: 13 Aug 2012
author: Syn Slanq
Slanq - GOML Ep.1
Slanq - GOML Ep.1
Hey guys this is my new episode name GOML (get on my level) :D If u guys have any other awesome episode names feel free to write them in the comments ;) Plea...- published: 13 Aug 2012
- views: 224
- author: Syn Slanq

Synergy Contest Entry| Rogue Impact [Joined Rogue & Impulse]
Yow here's another graphics speed art with my new style, havent uploaded ...
published: 13 Nov 2013
Synergy Contest Entry| Rogue Impact [Joined Rogue & Impulse]
Synergy Contest Entry| Rogue Impact [Joined Rogue & Impulse]
-ImpactConcepts- Yow here's another graphics speed art with my new style, havent uploaded for a while but expect a few more in the next week. Hope you like it and make sure you like/comment/sub. P.S I am now co-lead of wP! Final Image(s) Syn: http://prntscr.com/23xnj6 Exo: http://prntscr.com/23xo89 Time Taken: A lot. Bacon Sandwich's Taken: 4 Portfolio: http://impactarts.carbonmade.com Current Teams: Impulse: http://www.youtube.com/user/ImpulseShowcase wP: http://www.youtube.com/user/wPShowcase Rogue: http://www.youtube.com/user/RogueVisuals Devotion:http://www.youtube.com/user/DevotionArtistry- published: 13 Nov 2013
- views: 287

Speed Art#7 Dare WP
Song:HALO 4 NUEVO SOUNDTRACK [HD] Game:Halo 4 Genero:Orchesta Donwload This Wallpaper:http...
published: 07 Jan 2013
author: TroneGFX
Speed Art#7 Dare WP
Speed Art#7 Dare WP
Song:HALO 4 NUEVO SOUNDTRACK [HD] Game:Halo 4 Genero:Orchesta Donwload This Wallpaper:http://prntscr.com/ogg0j.- published: 07 Jan 2013
- views: 113
- author: TroneGFX

Syn RC Response | Syn Prieto?(Lost)
Hey guys here is my Syn RC and i think this shit came out pretty insane.I had a lot of fun...
published: 28 Feb 2013
author: ZvPrieto
Syn RC Response | Syn Prieto?(Lost)
Syn RC Response | Syn Prieto?(Lost)
Hey guys here is my Syn RC and i think this shit came out pretty insane.I had a lot of fun doing it, i pretty much made an episode out of it. used S because ...- published: 28 Feb 2013
- views: 278
- author: ZvPrieto

Młody następca Cristiano Ronaldo Dawid Hanc 10 lat
Montaż Krzysiek98201209 Dawid Hanc 10 lat Polska (Poland) Gryf Świdnica. email: bogdanhanc...
published: 23 Sep 2012
author: Bogdan Hanc
Młody następca Cristiano Ronaldo Dawid Hanc 10 lat
Młody następca Cristiano Ronaldo Dawid Hanc 10 lat
Montaż Krzysiek98201209 Dawid Hanc 10 lat Polska (Poland) Gryf Świdnica. email: bogdanhanc8@wp.pl The young heir Cristiano Ronaldo Der junge Erbe Cristiano R...- published: 23 Sep 2012
- views: 1786066
- author: Bogdan Hanc

Ch.7,WP.UG.Q6 - Alkene from Alkyl Halide, E2 Elimination, Bulky Base
TheFateOfTime's Webcam Video from May 17, 2012 10:45 AM....
published: 17 May 2012
author: Vincent Bruno
Ch.7,WP.UG.Q6 - Alkene from Alkyl Halide, E2 Elimination, Bulky Base
Ch.7,WP.UG.Q6 - Alkene from Alkyl Halide, E2 Elimination, Bulky Base
TheFateOfTime's Webcam Video from May 17, 2012 10:45 AM.- published: 17 May 2012
- views: 28
- author: Vincent Bruno

Synergy Chriz | Black Ops 2 Minitage 5 ft. Syn Slanq
Hope you guys enjoyed this dual minitage with my good mate Slanq:) 1K video should be out ...
published: 19 Jun 2013
author: ChrizyyyHD
Synergy Chriz | Black Ops 2 Minitage 5 ft. Syn Slanq
Synergy Chriz | Black Ops 2 Minitage 5 ft. Syn Slanq
Hope you guys enjoyed this dual minitage with my good mate Slanq:) 1K video should be out this weekend:!))!)!)! Editor: http://www.youtube.com/user/xEdwaR...- published: 19 Jun 2013
- views: 285
- author: ChrizyyyHD
Vimeo results:

Loza Szydercow 2 by Malga Kubiak part3 at Le Madame in Warsaw 2005
http://egotriplabel.blogspot.com/2011/03/lion-royal-gap-reviews-masks-of-love.htmlLoza Szy...
published: 13 Mar 2010
author: missmess film
Loza Szydercow 2 by Malga Kubiak part3 at Le Madame in Warsaw 2005
http://egotriplabel.blogspot.com/2011/03/lion-royal-gap-reviews-masks-of-love.htmlLoza Szydercow 2 by Malga Kubiak part3 at Le Madame in Warsaw 2005
script cut ups from Federico Garcia Lorca, Antonin Artaud, Georges Bataille, Sartre, Stanislawsky, Majakowskij, OMS by Malga Kubiak
Malga Kubiak, Agata Mocarska, Jacek & Natalia Andrzejewski, Marta Boros, Mariusz, Ania Tomczynska, Katarzyna Jaskiewicz, Maciek Poreba, Natalia & Wojtek Sowka, Krystian Legierski, Marta Mroz
camera Janusz Cegielo, back ground camera Zosia Jocz
lightxxx Wolfram
back ground music Martinez
drum Wojtek Sowka
make up Agata Piasecka
interview by Bolo Butler, corrections Anna Kowalska-Petrie, lay out Auto Matt, photos Game Girl, COK, & private
How can the actress work for so long with the director who doesn't pay?
A: Art is not only about money.
Whats the deal about Malga? What skills are required to get on her team?
A: She likes people I think. These kind of persona surround themselves by lots of people they find interesting in some ways. She gives space for people to be themselves.
How did u meet Malga Kubiak?
A: We met in a cult club in Warsaw Le Madame
How did u see her? What was your first impression?
A: The first time I saw her in that club on some party I thought ,what a bitch she must be, But that was before talking to her. After some conversation about the workshop I was surprised that she is very sweet person indeed.
How did it all begun?
A: Malga who just came from Sweden started organizing actor,s workshops in that club for a few of my friends. I talked to her and joined that program. It was fascinating and engaged a lot of emotions. At that time our friendship began.
What was your relation at the very start?
A:There was a lot talking about life and art, exchanging of ideas, opinions etc. Malga has very curious mind and I enjoyed spending time in her company. We used to walk in parks and discuss discuss.. She asked me sometimes to imagine some situation and act it in that public area. I liked her looks which was not typical for a Polish woman. Also I considered her a very gentle and sensitive person. I thought that she was an extraordinary person living an untypical kind of life, like someone you would meet in New York rather than Warsaw.
How come she asked u to join her team, her art work?
A:Probably she felt good about me.
What was your own situation at this point?
A:I was just doing my art, which was painting mostly at that time.
Did she train u?
A:Yes, this workshop was about that.
What was your actress experience?
A:I played in some short movies in my friends projects, mostly in Maksym Matuszewski,s ones.
What did u do on the workshop? And for how long?
A: We were practicing some behavior joining the team together, which looked like some witch rituals, some kind of putting together of energies. But mostly it was acting various emotional situations from our lives. Without Malga it was 3 of us, which made it quite an intimate story.
How come u traveled together in a very quick car trip to Paris and back?
A:Malga wanted to sing in clubs in Berlin, Amsterdam and Paris with DJ Martinez. Actually one more driver was necessary, as only one person had a driving license. But seriously I thing we just liked each other and enjoyed the company.
Did u ever hear about her before u met her?
How did u see her when u finally met?
A:Very interesting, unusual, witchy, arty..
What was this project game/girl movie about?
A:Maybe about mixing ,reality, and the imaginative world. About living fast in a community, about bands, romance, hitting the road. Like ,everything is possible,.
How was the Denmark excursion?
A:Oh it was great, summertime, an interesting project, a great group of people with a plan to spend creative time together. Malga payed our petrol bills and arranged a house on the seashore, where a lot of scenes were shot, as well as on the beach. The water was cold but pleasant, refreshing. We swam a lot in the waves, wandered at night in the forest.
Why did she ask just u?
A:I,m not sure what it means ,just you,. There were plenty of people engaged somehow in that project. There were about 11 actors, as everybody played, cameramen also and assistants. Some girl cooked us delicious dinners, and did make-up and blood effects too. It was like filming and living in a crazy community at the same time. A lot of people didn't know each other before, and then we spent over a week in the same house, acting, eating, partying, sleeping. There was some flirting actions, arguments and stuff. Which probably is unavoidable in a group of people intensively doing such a thing. There were moments of great laughter and fun and also days when some tension was hanging around.
Did u really shoot 58 scenes in 1 week?
A:Probably, I wasn't counting.
Who kept the tempo?
A:The director o

'HERMENEIA' reż. Tomasz Bazan Teatr Praga
Teatr Praga przedstawia premierę 2011 roku: HERMENEIĘ. Spektakl to wydarzenie lokujące się...
published: 10 May 2011
author: Teatr_Praga
'HERMENEIA' reż. Tomasz Bazan Teatr Praga
Teatr Praga przedstawia premierę 2011 roku: HERMENEIĘ. Spektakl to wydarzenie lokujące się na przecięciu teatru dramatycznego i teatru tańca. Twórcy spektaklu bazują na "Czekając na Godota" Samuela Becketta, a także na twórczości Harolda Pintera, Jona Fosse, Virginii Woolf i Franka Herberta. Reżyser i choreograf spektaklu, Tomasz Bazan, podejmuje wysiłek performatywnego rozczytania sytuacji z najważniejszego dzieła
irlandzkiego noblisty.
Spektakl opowiada o społeczności, która osiągnęła kres i nie pozostaje jej nic innego jak czekać na cud. Społeczność ta naznaczona jest Wielką Nieobecnością i przeżywa swoją własną obsesję Mesjasza, który kiedyś zapełni puste miejsce w ich sercach i umysłach. Wreszcie ktoś się zjawia. To wygnaniec, syn marnotrawny śniący swoją własną wersję mitu Powrotu. Spotkanie, którego obie strony wyczekują z napięciem, okazuje się ostatnim aktem Zagłady, którą wszyscy nosili w sobie od samego początku.
W spektaklu zatańczy najlepsza polska niezależna tancerka, Anita Wach. Podobnie jak Tomasz Bazan, była stypendystką Kulczyk Foundation, a także stypendystką Pro Helvetii (projektu improwizacyjnego z Thomasem Hauertem, 2003) oraz rezydentką Centrum Choreograficznego Zollwerein w Essen (jesień 2005). W rolach głównych zobaczymy m.in. Piotra Trojana, laureata pierwszej nagrody aktorskiej podczas XXVII Międzynarodowego Festiwalu Szkół Teatralnych w Łodzi, i Justynę Wasilewską, zdobywczynię Złotego Tukana podczas XXX Przeglądu Piosenki Aktorskiej we Wrocławiu.
Teatrowi tańca przyprawiono w Polsce gębę stechnicyzowanego rzemiosła, pozostającego pod dwuznacznym wpływem baletu. Tomasz Bazan radykalnie zrywa ze stylizacją ciała, eksploruje granice doświadczenia wewnętrznego i nie boi się pokazywać ograniczeń materii i tkanki. Taniec staje się narzędziem i celem pracy artystycznej. Lecz punktem wyjścia pozostaje literatura - teksty kultury, w których zawiera się europejska duchowość.
reżyseria i choreografia TOMASZ BAZAN | dramaturgia TOMASZ BAZAN | muzyka MARCIN JANUS | realizacje video PATRYCJA PŁANIK | realizacja światła i dźwięku MACIEJ POŁYNKO | koncepcja przestrzeni TOMASZ BAZAN przy współpracy z MACIEJEM POŁYNKO | obsada PIOTR TROJAN, ANITA WACH, JUSTYNA WASILEWSKA, NATALIA KALITA, EWA PAJĄK
Youtube results:

Wolf Pack Recruitment Challenge
Final image: http://gyazo.com/1300a77bb4caf51a89d7c58b0582de89 I hope I make wP but I migh...
published: 20 Sep 2012
author: AlloyDEZN
Wolf Pack Recruitment Challenge
Wolf Pack Recruitment Challenge
Final image: http://gyazo.com/1300a77bb4caf51a89d7c58b0582de89 I hope I make wP but I might be doing more entry's.- published: 20 Sep 2012
- views: 14
- author: AlloyDEZN

Wyrodny syn - Marian Załucki.wmv
Marian Załucki (ur. 5 maja 1920 w Kołomyi, zm. 13 kwietnia 1979 w Warszawie) - poeta, saty...
published: 09 Mar 2011
author: LeibowitzMr
Wyrodny syn - Marian Załucki.wmv
Wyrodny syn - Marian Załucki.wmv
Marian Załucki (ur. 5 maja 1920 w Kołomyi, zm. 13 kwietnia 1979 w Warszawie) - poeta, satyryk i pisarz. Dzieciństwo spędził we Lwowie, po wojnie mieszkał w K...- published: 09 Mar 2011
- views: 15206
- author: LeibowitzMr

Synergy RC (xbox)// Syn WMB?
Well I wasn't trying to sound cocky/ a dick sorry if I did. Leftovers will be uploaded....
published: 24 Aug 2013
Synergy RC (xbox)// Syn WMB?
Synergy RC (xbox)// Syn WMB?
Well I wasn't trying to sound cocky/ a dick sorry if I did. Leftovers will be uploaded.- published: 24 Aug 2013
- views: 205