- published: 17 Jun 2011
- views: 38501
- author: laubeatz

AFP Australian Federal Police: S01E01 (1/2)
AFP Australian Federal Police S01E01 People Smuggling / Advanced Warrant Training Property...
published: 17 Jun 2011
author: laubeatz
AFP Australian Federal Police: S01E01 (1/2)
AFP Australian Federal Police S01E01 People Smuggling / Advanced Warrant Training Property of Channel 9.
- published: 17 Jun 2011
- views: 38501
- author: laubeatz

¿Qué comisión elegir? ¿Flujo o saldo? - AFP - Miguel Palomino - IPE
Miguel Palomino explica las condiciones de cada comisión. ▻ Visítanos en: http://ipe.org.p...
published: 06 Mar 2013
author: IPEopinion
¿Qué comisión elegir? ¿Flujo o saldo? - AFP - Miguel Palomino - IPE
Miguel Palomino explica las condiciones de cada comisión. ▻ Visítanos en: http://ipe.org.pe/ ▻ Síguenos en Twitter: @IPEopinion ▻ En Facebook: https://www.fa...
- published: 06 Mar 2013
- views: 6588
- author: IPEopinion

Jaime Delgado debate con Carlos Bruces sobre reforma AFP Canal 2
http://www.partidonacionalistaperuano.net https://www.facebook.com/BancadaNacionalistaGana...
published: 13 Mar 2013
author: NacionalistaTV
Jaime Delgado debate con Carlos Bruces sobre reforma AFP Canal 2
http://www.partidonacionalistaperuano.net https://www.facebook.com/BancadaNacionalistaGanaPeru Jaime Delgado/ Abre los Ojos A la mayoría de personas le convi...
- published: 13 Mar 2013
- views: 2062
- author: NacionalistaTV

AFP Hora cero: Yonhy Lescano explicó las ventajas de la comisión por flujo
Políticos y especialistas se pronunciaron sobre la inscripción de afiliados a las AFP. Ing...
published: 21 Mar 2013
author: enemigospublicostv
AFP Hora cero: Yonhy Lescano explicó las ventajas de la comisión por flujo
Políticos y especialistas se pronunciaron sobre la inscripción de afiliados a las AFP. Ingresa a http://ptv.pe/124145 para más información Emitido en el prog...
- published: 21 Mar 2013
- views: 5740
- author: enemigospublicostv

Armed Forces of the Philippines AFP
This is a video that I made for our Country and the AFP. "Love your country and your prote...
published: 02 Jan 2009
author: Jerome Sta. Maria
Armed Forces of the Philippines AFP
This is a video that I made for our Country and the AFP. "Love your country and your protectors..=)"
- published: 02 Jan 2009
- views: 60198
- author: Jerome Sta. Maria

Cambio de comisión AFP - Como elegir- Cortesia de Panamericana Televisión
published: 20 Mar 2013
Cambio de comisión AFP - Como elegir- Cortesia de Panamericana Televisión
- published: 20 Mar 2013
- views: 694

Comisión por saldo sería la más conveniente para cualquier AFP
Ante la discusión sobre las comisiones de AFP que deben elegir los casi 5 millones de afil...
published: 20 Feb 2013
author: 24HorasPTV
Comisión por saldo sería la más conveniente para cualquier AFP
Ante la discusión sobre las comisiones de AFP que deben elegir los casi 5 millones de afiliados, Melvin Escudero, ex intendente de AFP, recomienda comisión p...
- published: 20 Feb 2013
- views: 9107
- author: 24HorasPTV

Elección de Tipo de Comisión de AFP
Lorena Masías, ex intendenta adjunta de AFP en la Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP...
published: 21 Mar 2013
author: CENTRUMCatolica
Elección de Tipo de Comisión de AFP
Lorena Masías, ex intendenta adjunta de AFP en la Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP y profesora de CENTRUM Católica Business School, mencionó que los ...
- published: 21 Mar 2013
- views: 475
- author: CENTRUMCatolica

AFP - Le JT 1ère édition
AFP - Le JT 1ère édition. Durée: 01:30-Enquête: le tueur d'Istres avait fait part de son p...
published: 27 Apr 2013
author: afpfr
AFP - Le JT 1ère édition
AFP - Le JT 1ère édition. Durée: 01:30-Enquête: le tueur d'Istres avait fait part de son projet meurtrier à un ami -Bangladesh: plusieurs interpellations apr...
- published: 27 Apr 2013
- views: 19
- author: afpfr

Iceland votes with EU talks hanging in the balance
Icelanders vote Saturday in a general election likely to mark the end of the nation's acce...
published: 28 Apr 2013
author: AFP
Iceland votes with EU talks hanging in the balance
Icelanders vote Saturday in a general election likely to mark the end of the nation's accession talks with the EU, following a campaign focused on voter disc...
- published: 28 Apr 2013
- views: 348
- author: AFP

Old Sanaa: An endangered UNESCO heritage site
Since Yemen's Arab-Spring style uprising in 2011, authorities have been absorbed with the ...
published: 28 Apr 2013
author: AFP
Old Sanaa: An endangered UNESCO heritage site
Since Yemen's Arab-Spring style uprising in 2011, authorities have been absorbed with the political crisis and security concerns, having little time to spare...
- published: 28 Apr 2013
- views: 327
- author: AFP

Profuturo AFP - Esquemas de cobro de comisión
En Profuturo AFP queremos que estés bien informado para que puedas tomar la mejor decisión...
published: 22 Jan 2013
author: ProfuturoPeru
Profuturo AFP - Esquemas de cobro de comisión
En Profuturo AFP queremos que estés bien informado para que puedas tomar la mejor decisión, por eso ponemos a tu disposición un video que te explicará de man...
- published: 22 Jan 2013
- views: 32688
- author: ProfuturoPeru

Boeing says Dreamliners now safe to fly
Boeing doesn't know the root cause of battery failures on its Dreamliner fleet but insists...
published: 27 Apr 2013
author: AFP
Boeing says Dreamliners now safe to fly
Boeing doesn't know the root cause of battery failures on its Dreamliner fleet but insists the airplanes are safe after addressing "over 80 potential causal ...
- published: 27 Apr 2013
- views: 378
- author: AFP

Economista advierte que comisión mixta de AFP´s traerá serios problemas
El especialista, Jorge Gonzales Izquierdo, se presentó en nuestros estudios para hablarnos...
published: 24 Dec 2012
author: BuenosDiasPeruPTV
Economista advierte que comisión mixta de AFP´s traerá serios problemas
El especialista, Jorge Gonzales Izquierdo, se presentó en nuestros estudios para hablarnos sobre las implicancias del ingreso de la AFP Hábitat al Perú. Ingr...
- published: 24 Dec 2012
- views: 15300
- author: BuenosDiasPeruPTV
Vimeo results:

Evelyn Evelyn "Have You Seen My Sister Evelyn" Music Video
"Have You Seen My Sister Evelyn"
© 2010 by Evelyn Evelyn
Produced by Amanda Palmer & Jason...
published: 02 Oct 2011
author: Amanda Palmer
Evelyn Evelyn "Have You Seen My Sister Evelyn" Music Video
"Have You Seen My Sister Evelyn"
© 2010 by Evelyn Evelyn
Produced by Amanda Palmer & Jason Webley
Director: Hoku Uchiyama - http://hokuuchiyama.com
Produced by: Erich Lochner, Matt Miller, and Adam Bolt
Lead Animator: Adam Bolt
Executive Producers: Jason Webley & Amanda Palmer
Director of Photography: Adam David Meltzer
Evelyn Evelyn played by: Lexi Ibrahim & Nikki Ibrahim
Composite Work: Travis Gorman & Michael Scott
Additional Composite Work: Caleb Clark & Geronimo Moralez
Skeleton-Dance Animator: Julian Birchman
Additional Animation: David Johnston
Character Design: Adam Bolt
Additional Character Design: Odessa Sawyer
Wardrobe Designer: Jessica Huang
Production Design: David A. Novak
1st Assistant Camera: Louis Normandin
Gaffer/Dolly Grip: Rex Kinney
Sound Design: Mike Weinstein
VFX Consultants: Dan Blank & Arvin Bautista
Hair & Makeup: Stephanie Bravo
Skeleton-Dance Performance & Choreography: Shaheed Qaasim & Joanna Meinl
Production Manager: Sky Prendergast
Special Thanks:
Melissa Malandrakis, Steven Ritz-Barr, Daniela Meltzer, Robert Snyder, Brie Ford, Sanghee Oh, Scott Jones, Kent & Ruth Uchiyama, Mahea Uchiyama, Kevin Farey, and Karen Criswell
Video ©2011 Eleven Records
A Vanishing Angle Production - http://vanishingangle.com

World's First 3D Porn?
(An AFP TV report by Ed Jones - shot with the 5d mkII)
A group of Hong Kong filmmakers hav...
published: 17 Aug 2010
author: Ed Jones
World's First 3D Porn?
(An AFP TV report by Ed Jones - shot with the 5d mkII)
A group of Hong Kong filmmakers have started shooting what they claim will be the world's first 3D pornographic film. The 3.2 million-US-dollar '3-D Sex and Zen: Extreme Ecstasy', set for release in May, has already generated interest in a host of Asian film markets, as well as Europe and the US. AFP / ED JONES

Amanda Palmer & The Grand Theft Orchestra “Do It With a Rockstar” (FULL UNCENSORED - NSFW)
DIRECTED BY: Amanda Palmer, Wayne Coyne, George Salisbury, and Michael McQuilken
published: 19 Oct 2012
author: Amanda Palmer
Amanda Palmer & The Grand Theft Orchestra “Do It With a Rockstar” (FULL UNCENSORED - NSFW)
DIRECTED BY: Amanda Palmer, Wayne Coyne, George Salisbury, and Michael McQuilken
SCRIPT WRITTEN BY: Amanda Palmer (with improv/dialogue input from everyone on the shoot)
"Do It With a Rockstar"
From "Theatre Is Evil" - available NOW on CD/vinyl/pay-what-you-want digital download: http://bit.ly/AFPshop
Read Amanda's blog - complete with backstory and TONS of photos - at http://bit.ly/blog110912
-The Grand Theft Orchestra-
AMANDA FUCKING PALMER (@amandapalmer): vocals, piano, intimacy issues
CHAD RAINES (@radchaines): guitar, vocals, spear
MICHAEL MCQUILKEN (@quilken): drums, vocals, sausage
JHEREK BISCHOFF (@jherekbischoff): bass, vocals, socks
-Very Special Appearances by Wayne Coyne (@waynecoyne), Stoya Doll (@stoya, as Hipster Girl #2), and a little cameo by the amazing SuperKate (@_SuperKate_)-
VIDEO PRODUCERS: George Salisbury & Leslie Hensley
CINEMATOGRAPHY: Tate James & Alan Novey
• KIZSHA - Tarren Clarke
• ROSA - Dan Helm
-Drag Queens-
• Che MF Lucci
• Bebe Adams
• Renee Hilton
• Michael Davis
• Stephen Elmore
• Adina Verson
• Stoya Doll
This massive chaos-fest of a video was co-created and directed by Wayne Coyne, Amanda Palmer, George Salisbury, and Michael McQuilken. Everybody did shit, art happened! It was filmed over two 105-degree days in Oklahoma City in the summer of 2012, in five locations: Kamps, The Conservatory, The Boom, Wayne's house, and The Colcord Hotel. Massive thanks to the awesome video extras of Oklahoma City (and many lands beyond!) who gave their time shouting, dancing, getting glittered, and giving us their beautiful faces. YOU ARE AMAZING...OKLAHOMA CITY FTW!!!!! And an extra special thank you to Wayne Coyne for opening up his house, his crew, his brain, and his extra boxes of gold glitter to our band of freaks. ROCK.
© 2012 8ft. records

Amanda Palmer "Oasis" Music Video
From the debut solo album "Who Killed Amanda Palmer", produced by Ben Folds - Available no...
published: 05 Jan 2009
author: Amanda Palmer
Amanda Palmer "Oasis" Music Video
From the debut solo album "Who Killed Amanda Palmer", produced by Ben Folds - Available now at http://music.amandapalmer.net
For info on new videos and songs coming ALL year long, please visit http://www.amandapalmer.net
Directed by Michael Pope
Produced by BriAnna Olson & MediaVox
Youtube results:

Compra de AFP Horizonte
LIMA.- Para el economista Jorge Guillén, la reciente compra de la AFP Horizonte por parte ...
published: 26 Apr 2013
author: WillaxTV
Compra de AFP Horizonte
LIMA.- Para el economista Jorge Guillén, la reciente compra de la AFP Horizonte por parte de las financieras Integra y Profuturo, no traerá cambios positivos...
- published: 26 Apr 2013
- views: 4
- author: WillaxTV

Los supuestos clave para saber qué tipo de comisión de AFP le conviene
Cómo será mi sueldo en unos años? ¿Qué probabilidad tengo de perder el trabajo? ¿Cuál es l...
published: 03 Jan 2013
author: Diario Gestión
Los supuestos clave para saber qué tipo de comisión de AFP le conviene
Cómo será mi sueldo en unos años? ¿Qué probabilidad tengo de perder el trabajo? ¿Cuál es la rentabilidad que espero de mi AFP? Estas son las preguntas clave...
- published: 03 Jan 2013
- views: 4738
- author: Diario Gestión

Madagascar's artists rapping to a different beat
A group of rappers in Madagascar is trying to modernise their island's music by blending t...
published: 26 Apr 2013
author: AFP
Madagascar's artists rapping to a different beat
A group of rappers in Madagascar is trying to modernise their island's music by blending traditional genres with Western-style rapping, slamming and beat box...
- published: 26 Apr 2013
- views: 456
- author: AFP

29 pulled alive from collapsed Bangladesh building
Twenty-nine people were pulled alive on Saturday from the ruins of the eight-storey Rana P...
published: 28 Apr 2013
author: AFP
29 pulled alive from collapsed Bangladesh building
Twenty-nine people were pulled alive on Saturday from the ruins of the eight-storey Rana Plaza compound which caved in on Wednesday while thousands of garmen...
- published: 28 Apr 2013
- views: 739
- author: AFP