
Fram Wikiquote
Gā tō: þurhfōr, sēċan

frēo onlīnan gesamnung cwida on ǣlcre sprǣce, ēac mid frumum (hwonne cūþ), wendunga unengliscra cwida, and bendas tō Wikipedia for māran gefrǣge! Þēos Englisce fassung Wicicwides hæfþ 27 gewrita oþ nū mid manigum þūsendum cwida and bīspella. Nēos þone helptramet oþþ onfind in þǣm sandboxe tō leornienne hū þū canst ādihtan æthwōn ǣnig tramet gīet; oþþ gā tō þǣm Inmeldunge tramet tō settene Brūcendtramet. Hæfst þu sume cwidas namcūðra lēoda, þā þu findest weorþ ealra manna gīeman? Gif hīe ne sind ǣr ongemang þǣm Cwide þæs Dæges hordum þonne þu canst stellan hīe on þǣm Cwide þæs Dæges gerǣdenna tramete.

Cwide þæs Dæges


Gecorene Trametas



Níwe trametas

Bram Stoker's Dracula - Smallville - Batman Begins - Gladiator - Se Patriot - Spy Game - Opinion - Sheets of sound - John Coltrane - Abdul Kalam - Mr Death: The Rise & Fall of Fred A Leuchter Jr. - Fast, Cheap and Out of Control - The Thin Blue Line - Gates of Heaven - Raising Arizona


Aristotle - Emily Brontë - Leo Burnett - Rodney Dangerfield - Albert Einstein - Federico Fellini - Jean-Luc Godard - John Keats - Helen Keller - Timothy Leary - John F. Kennedy - Larry Page - Martin Luther King - William Shakespeare - Anonymous


Architects - Comedians - Economists - Journalists - Philosophers - Scientists

Literary Works

Dune - Fahrenheit 451 - Leaves of Grass - The Little Prince - The Lord of the Rings - 1984 - Principia Discordia - The Prophet - Pride and Prejudice - A Tale of Two Cities


Arabisc - Azerbaijanian - Bulgarian - Chinese - Corsisc - Cypriot - Niðerlendisc - Egyptian - Englisc - Finnisc - Filipino - Frencisc - Galician - Þéodisc - Haitian - Hungarisc - Īslendisc - India - Indonesian - Īrisc - Italian - Japanese - Lǣden - Malay - Native American - Persisc - Polisc - Portuguese - Romanisc - Russisc - Scanian - Scottisc - Serbisc - Spanish - Tamil - Turkish - Wielisc


Fight Club - Groundhog Day - Harvey - The Hours - It's a Wonderful Life - Life of Brian - Looney Tunes: Back in Action - Magnolia - The Matrix - Memento - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - Star Wars - Taxi Driver - Three Days of the Condor

TV Shows

Andromeda - Babylon 5 - Blackadder - Buffy - The Daily Show - Gilmore Girls - Monty Python's Flying Circus - MST3K - Red Dwarf - Simpsons - Seinfeld - Smallville - Star Trek - Twin Peaks - Wonderfalls


Abortion - Art - Circolwyrdas - Courage - Sealm - Drugs - Education - Film - Frēodōm - Frēondscipe - Homosexuality - Hope - Iraqi War - Lufu - Politics - Quotations - Religion - Science - Television - War


Epitaphs - Famous Last Words - Favorites - Misquotations - Mnemonics - Slogans - Famous Tongue Twisters - Theatrical Plays and Musicals

Wrítung Gewrita

Policy - Hú tó ádihtenne tramet - Guide to layout and style - Public domain and shared - Requested entries

About the Project

Ymbe tramet - Templates - Spellings - Announcements - Hwæt Wicicwide nis - Village pump - Wikiquotians - Utilities - Issues - FAQ - Stǽr Wicicwides - Wicicwide - Oðera Sprǽca Wicicwidas - Current Voting - Bots - Software - Wikimedia

In Óðrum Sprǽcum

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