The secret to strong messaging for your union: focus

Because unions are democratic organisations, accountable to members and with a leadership elected by members, as organisations they face considerable challenges in messaging. Add to this the fact that many unions have a diverse membership covering distinct and structurally different industries. It’s no wonder that many unions struggle to develop strong, consistent messaging. The key to [...]

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Tips to help you choose the right activist & delegate database

Activists, delegates and volunteers are the lifeblood of campaigning organisations like unions. Effective campaigning means keeping a track of your activists and delegates, and to do that, you need a proper database. There are myriad databases out there, some purpose built for membership organisations and others built for campaigns with beginnings and ends. Selecting the right [...]

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Obama 2012 Campaign Report

In 2012, I spent over two and a half months working full-time as an Organizing Fellow with the Obama for America campaign. Based in Boston Massachusetts, the campaign’s focus was winning the next-door battleground state of New Hampshire. Working full-time on the campaign gave me an incredible opportunity to experience first-hand how the famed Obama [...]

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Do polls shape public opinion?

Opinion polls in Australia, like in the USA and England, exercise a powerful influence upon our elected leaders and the media. The weekly and fortnightly polls shape the media landscape, as journalists breathlessly report on the horse-race: are they up this week or down? And there’s no doubt that consistently poor opinion polls have been [...]

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Political brands: just a buzzword or a real thing?

Read any number of journalist or blogger commentaries over the last several years and you will have seen the infiltration of marketing terms like “brand”, “positioning”, public relations, image management and more. Obama is the most recognisable example of this “political brand” phenomenon, but we’ve seen it elsewhere: New Labour under Tony Blair (Gordon Brown [...]

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Seven behavioral biases progressive campaigns should know about

Every decision we make is influenced by countless different external factors. But some of the most powerful influences on our decisions, attitudes and behaviours are internal. These influences can be major roadblocks for progressive organisations and causes, especially unions, as they can affect our judgements and actions in subtle and not so subtle ways. It’s important [...]

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How to identify your motivated supporters

You’re a campaigner, or organiser. You know intuitively that some of your members or supporters are more active than others. They encourage other people to get involved, join, volunteer or sign up. They’re enthusiastic, loyal advocates of your organisation or union and sing your praises to their colleagues, friends and family. They’re promoters. Here’s the [...]

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Australian climate outlook remains bleak with Tony Abbott out for revenge

Here’s my article at The Guardian Environment, about what Australian climate groups face and what environment groups can learn from the “Say Yes” campaign and the “No KXL” / “No Tar Sands” campaign In Australia, decades of hard-fought conservation gains are at risk of being wiped out after 14 September. That’s when the incumbent Labor government [...]

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Yes, personal contact really does make a difference (but it needs to be targeted)

Despite the (still) prevailing orthodoxy that election strategies are a matter of well-timed policy announcements, media management and “feeding the chooks”, and focus-grouped television ads, the fact is that personal contact is the most effective way to change someone’s voting intention. A while back, I had a discussion with someone who posited that political campaigns [...]

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Campaigners must mobilise their committed supporters

Mobilising and motivating your committed supporters is the key to winning campaigns. The upcoming Federal Election is focusing minds amongst unions and campaigning NGOs. The reality of an Abbott Government looks like an increasingly likely risk. Many hard-fought gains across a number of policy areas could be wiped out. The seductive trap for campaigners in [...]

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The “thank you” card: Campaign opportunities from resignations

This weekend, two Federal Ministers, Chris Evans and Nicola Roxon, announced their resignation from politics. While pundits will write hundreds of column inches about the significance of these resignations and what it means for an election over seven months away, there are some immediate consequences for campaigning organisations. In the US, when Hillary Clinton resigned [...]

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How Labor can win in 2013

An article I wrote for New Matilda has been published. It examines what lessons Labor could learn from the Obama 2012 campaign to win this year’s Federal election. You can read the article here, and I’ve reproduced it below. This month’s Newspoll boosted Labor’s hopes about the next election. The commentators and Twitterati who got [...]

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Media blackout on heatwave climate change link

With Australia experiencing one of its longest, hottest heatwaves in history, you’d have thought there would be a resurgence in stories in the mainstream media about climate change and global warming. Alas, no. A cursory Google News check reveals only one story linking climate change and the heatwaves (the same story, repeated in the ABC, [...]

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It’s global warming, stupid

We’re less than two weeks into 2013 and four of Australia’s ten hottest days in history have happened this year. On Monday, Australia’s average high temperature reached a scorching 40.33°C – our hottest day on record. Unreported in Australia, The Bureau of Meteorology said: “There’s little doubt that this is a very, very extreme heatwave event,” [...]

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