
forgotten king juba II of numidia by Dr. Craig Johnson
forgotten king juba II of numidia by Dr. Craig Johnson
Raised and educated in Rome, Juba II (48BC - AD 23) was sent to uphold Roman interests in northwest Africa as ruler of the new client kingdom of Mauretania. Together with his wife cleopatra Selene, daughter of Mark Anthony and Kleopatra VII, he established a rich, multi-cultural environment at their capital, renamed Caesarea, where Egyptian, Hellenistic Greek and indigenous elements came together. Juba combined a reign of more than half a century with a career as a distinguished scholar and writer, producing an extensive collection of works and shaping Roman knowledge of the southern half of the known world, from the Atlantic coast of northwest Africa to India. The World of Juba II and Kleopatra Selene explores the complex culture and legacy of the kingdom, with emphasis on Juba's scholarship and the world created by these two remarkable monarchs. link to book about king Juba II www.amazon.com

JUBA II , THE GREAT KING AND SCHOLAR OF NUMIDIA( English with french subtitles=moddyloc clip)
JUBA II , THE GREAT KING AND SCHOLAR OF NUMIDIA( English with french subtitles=moddyloc clip)
JUBA II , THE GREAT KING AND SCHOLAR OF NUMIDIA AND MAURITANIA ( English with french subtitles=moddyloc clip) JUBA II , UN GRAND CHAOUI (NUMIDE) ET AMAZIGH PAR DR C.JOHNSON SOUS-TITRE EN FRANCAIS PAR DJ ZEUS Z source:moddyloc forgotten king juba II of numidia by Dr. Craig Johnson

Massinissa, Micipsa, Jugurtha, Juba I , Juba II, Takfarinas
Massinissa, Micipsa, Jugurtha, Juba I , Juba II, Takfarinas
Au IIIe siècle avant J.-C., l'Afrique du Nord est divisée en plusieurs royaumes : sur l'un d'eux, près de Carthage, règne un prince berbère, Gaïa. Après lui, vont se succéder cinq grands rois dont la vie, les actions remarquables, les batailles fabuleuses, les luttes contre l'envahisseur romain ont forgé le mythe des " rois berbères ". Personnages de légende, mais aussi hommes déterminés, Massinissa,Micipsa, Jugurtha, Juba 1er, Juba II et Ptolémée, Takfarinas n'eurent d'autre désir, d'autre ambition, que de s'affranchir de l'occupant et de donner, au fil des siècles, une identité à leur peuple. Copyright@Glambre www.glamber.spaces.live.com

Antique Algeria:Kingdom of Numidia مملكة نوميديا أول أمة جزائرية
Antique Algeria:Kingdom of Numidia مملكة نوميديا أول أمة جزائرية
ALGERIAN EMPIRE , amazigh (berber) civilisation , masinissa established the first Algerian Nation , the kingdom of Numidia, cezayir, historia argelia great Algeria 3000 years of History mauritania amazigh imazighen berber algeria tarikh masinissa "juba I" "juba II" jughurtha rome zama carthage tunisie maghreb "algerie vs maroc" "algeria vs morocco" "numidian cavalry" "cavalrie numidien" "algerie etat nation" "les algerien" algerian "algerian civilisation" "syphax", "la numidie" rois numides"numidian kings" "الأمازيغية

MSX - Usas (1987) - Juba Ruins 2-2
MSX - Usas (1987) - Juba Ruins 2-2
OK, hold on. I keep messing up here. This extravaganza of moving platforms and pitfalls drives me crazy!! Enter Game Master 2; it's a cheating ROM that was issued by Konami. You can combine it with lots of Konami games and manipulate lives, what level to start from, etcetera. What I am interested in is saving a game and loading it from it's last saved position in case anything goes wrong. Put Game Master 2 in ROM slot 1, Usas in ROM slot 2 and make sure you have a disk (or .dsk image) ready. After GM starts up, go to your game. Pause it into GM mode by hitting the stop key. CTRL-stop brings up a menu from where you can save and load your game data. That's about all the cheating I will be doing, but if you want more, why not try out some Konami rom combinations. For instance: Usas in slot 1, F1 Spirit in slot 2: every emotion you play with has the special properties of the happy emotion (double jump, walking through air). Usas in slot 1, Nemesis II in slot 2: you can continue the game with the F5 key after a game over. Usas in slot 1, Maze Of Galious in slot 2: you start the game with 100 coins. Usas in slot 1, Metal Gear I in slot 2: enemy hits take only half damage.

Mauretania Tingitana was a Roman province located in northwestern Africa, coinciding roughly with the northern part of modern Morocco and spanish cities of Ceuta and Melilla. The province extended from the northern peninsula, opposite Gibraltar, to Chellah (or Sala) and Volubilis to the south, and as far east as the Oued Laou river. Its capital city was the city of Tingis, modern Tangier, after which it was named. The major cities of the province included, Volubilis, Lixus, and Tamuda. In Antiquity, Mauretania was originally an independent Berber kingdom on the Mediterranean coast of north Africa (named after the Maure tribe, after whom the Moors were named), corresponding to western Algeria, and northern Morocco. The kingdom of Mauretania was not sited where modern Mauritania lies, on the Atlantic coast south of Western Sahara. (môr'ətā'nēə) , ancient district of Africa in Roman times. In a vague sense it meant only "the land of the Moors" and lay W of Numidia, but more specifically it usually included most of present-day N Morocco and W Algeria. The district was not the same as modern Mauritania. It was a complex of native tribal units, but by the 2d cent. BC when Jugurtha of Numidia was rebelling against Rome, Jugurtha's father-in-law, Bocchus, had most of Mauretania under his control. The Roman influence became paramount, and Augustus, having met opposition in restoring Juba II (see under Juba I) to the throne of Numidia, placed him instead (25 BC) as ruler of <b>...</b>

Messias & Juba's II
Messias & Juba's II
A galera, a viola, a praia ea fogueira... Village Dunas - 2010

EALA-SUDAN Referendum Fact Finding Mission
EALA-SUDAN Referendum Fact Finding Mission
At the invitation of the Southern Sudan Youth Forum for Referendum (SSYFR), the Rt. Hon Speaker for the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) appointed a Fact-Finding Mission to observe the state of preparedness of the people of Southern Sudan in the forthcoming referendum due to take place on January 9, 2011. The Mission arrived in Juba on 10th December, 2010 and departed on December 12th 2010. The Mission was led by Hon. Abdul Karim Harelimana, Chairperson of the Regional Affairs and Conflict Resolution (RACR) and Member of EALA. Other Members of the Mission were: 1. Hon. Yves Nsabimana Member 2. Hon. Frederic Ngenzebuhoro Member 3. Hon. Manasse Nzobonimpa Member 4. Hon. Georgette Nibitanga Member 5. Hon. Pierre D. Habumuremyi Member 6. Hon. Dr. Aman W. Kabourou Member 7. Hon. Dr. F.Lwanyantika Masha Member 8. Hon. Kate Kamba Member 9. Hon. Sarah Bonaya Member 10. Hon. Christopher Nakuleu Member 11. Hon. Augustine LC Lotodo Member 12. Hon. Mike Sebalu Member 13. Hon. Rtd. Maj. Gen Mugisha Muntu Member 14. Hon. Margaret Zziwa Member 15. Ho. Dora C. K Byamukama Member 16. Hon. Reuben Oyondi Member 17. Hon. Leonce Ndarubagiye Member 18. Hon. Jacqueline Muhongayire Member 19. Hon. Clarkson O. Karan Member 20. Mr. Charles N. Kadonya SRO & Mission Clerk 21. Mr. Mukhtar Abdul Bolyao Videographer The Fact-Finding Mission had the following objectives: (i) To appraise itself of the state of preparedness of the people of Southern Sudan and the arrangements in place for the <b>...</b>

Archaeological research shows that Essaouira has been occupied since prehistoric times. The bay at Essaouira is partially sheltered by the island of Mogador, making it a peaceful harbour protected against strong marine winds. Essaouira has long been considered as one of the best anchorages of the Moroccan coast. During the 5th century BC, she was visited by the Carthaginian navigator Hanno, who established a trading post there. Around the end of the 1st century BC or early 1st century AD, Juba II established a Tyrian purple factory, processing the murex and purpura shells found in the intertidal rocks at Essaouira and the Iles Purpuraires. This dye was used to colour the purple stripe in Imperial Roman Senatorial togas.

[Arena JUBA] Imagen II vs SuperBoy (15/Nov/2009)
[Arena JUBA] Imagen II vs SuperBoy (15/Nov/2009)
Fragmento del programa "Está de 10" Multicable - Reynosa Tamaulipas Lucha Mascara vs Mascara Imagen II vs SuperBoy

"Cleopatra Selene-Legacy of the Sun an Moon" By Sharon M. Desruisseaux
"Cleopatra Selene-Legacy of the Sun an Moon" By Sharon M. Desruisseaux
This is a video I made for my first novel that I started writing in 1996. It is about Cleopatra Selene, the daughter of Cleopatra VII-the last pharaoh of Egypt. She was born a princess to Egypt, to become a captive of Rome. She was married to Juba II, King of Mauretania. Her life lead her to Rome and Brittania trying to forge a future for her children. You can purchase the book at www.publishamerica.com or on my author website at: sharond-authorsite.weebly.com The release date for this novel is October 6, 2010. My next novel, "Au Set" will be coming out soon after that one. Let me know what you think of this video please.

bakar bakar baabuurka ii jooji
bakar bakar baabuurka ii jooji
aboow batiiqoow bocor iiga keen, beertii jacerlkaa balanteen ahee, baardheere ii, baay ii bakool, buuntii biyooleey ee, aa kuula buubee, .... i saar,\ bakar bakar baabuurka ii jooji, beertii jacaylkaa ballanteen ehee, bitow bitow baabuurka soo fuule ..., CLASSIC WAAYE SIIDDAA.... MORE ON bartamaha.com

Essaouira, الصويرة, Morocco Mogador
Essaouira, الصويرة, Morocco Mogador
Archaeological research shows that Essaouira has been occupied since prehistoric times. The bay at Essaouira is partially sheltered by the island of Mogador, making it a peaceful harbor protected against strong marine winds. Essaouira has long been considered as one of the best anchorages of the Moroccan coast. The Carthaginian navigator Hanno visited and established a trading post there in the 5th century BC. Around the end of the 1st century BC or early 1st century AD, Juba II established a Tyrian purple factory, processing the murex and purpura shells found in the intertidal rocks at Essaouira and the Iles Purpuraires. This dye colored the purple stripe in Imperial Roman Senatorial togas. During the Middle Ages, a Muslim saint named Sidi Mogdoul was buried in Essaouira. In 1506, the king of Portugal, D. Manuel I ordered a fortress to be built there, named "Castelo Real de Mogador". The fortress fell to the local resistance of the Regraga fraternity four years later. During the 16th century, various powers including Spain, England, the Netherlands and France tried in vain to conquer the locality. Essaouira remained a haven for the export of sugar, molasses and the anchoring of pirates. The present city of Essaouira was only built during the 18th century. Mohammed III, wishing to reorient his kingdom towards the Atlantic for increased exchanges with European powers, chose Mogador as his key location. He directed his slave, a French engineer, Théodore Cornut, who had been <b>...</b>

Kabylie,Hommage a Apulee (Apuleius),Les ruines de la maison d'Apulee
Kabylie,Hommage a Apulee (Apuleius),Les ruines de la maison d'Apulee
We cannot talk about Berber literature without referring to Apuleius who belongs to an era where literature was at the dawn of its expansion before the Renaissance comes to the world. The fact that all his work is essentially bundled in one book, does not deny his importance in the Berber literature growth. Some even consider him as the father of the novel. His novel " the Golden Ass " is believed to be the first novel in the history, but that's not our focus in here, we just want to show our readers through this article that the Berber literature is not from today as some malicious evil-intentioned authors pretend, but actually goes back to many centuries ago, thus the Berber intellectuals have existed through all the ages in the history, although in the language of the others some performed an outstanding work of genius. The different successive military occupations in North Africa had a negative effect on the Berbers attempts to push ahead their written language. Despite the vicissitudes of the history, Berber authors had offered their culture and people the greatest service ever done, through their outstanding achievements and writings. As a Nobel Prize winner said, "The best way to help others is to write". Isn't a pride for the Amazighs (Berbers) when talking about Saint Augustin, Apuleius, Juba II...? Around 123 AD, Apuleius was born from local aristocratic Berber parents. Thus unlike the children of his age and race, he received a roman education. His elementary <b>...</b>

Time/Money = Change - Part II
Time/Money = Change - Part II
This film examines the multifaceted phenomenon of post-conflict 'development' in the new nation of South Sudan, where the majority of the population are now returned refugees. In contrast to the last fifty years of civil war, the massive NGO (non government organisation) presence is widely regarded as an unquestionable good. However, those with more insight into the western world are beginning to articulate some of the hidden cultural effects of capitalist development.

Visite du Tombeau royal de Cléopâtre Séléné II (Cléopâtre VIII), Tipaza (Algérie) 07/07/11
Visite du Tombeau royal de Cléopâtre Séléné II (Cléopâtre VIII), Tipaza (Algérie) 07/07/11
Cléopâtre Séléné II (Cléopâtre VIII) épouse du grand Roi berbère JUBA II, fille de Cléopâtre VII et Marc Antoine et la sœur jumelle d'Alexandre Hélios. Le tombeau royal ce situe près de Tipaza en Algérie à une soixantaine de kilomètres à l'ouest d'Alger. Afrique du Nord, Algérie, Maroc, Tunisie, Libye, Égypte,Amazigh, Berbères, Phéniciens, Romains, Grecs, byzantins, Arabes, Turques, Français, Histoire, Origine, Kabyles, Chaouis, Chenouas, Mozabites, Touaregs, Chleuhs, Rifains, Zenagas, Siwi, Berbère du Gourara, Guanches Canariens, Imazighen brabers, Nefoussas

new song 2011 dawadii la ii qoray by Amina Afrik
new song 2011 dawadii la ii qoray by Amina Afrik
new song 2011 dawadii la ii qoray by aamina afriik

Querida Alejandría: Cleopatra Selene
Querida Alejandría: Cleopatra Selene
Novela de María García Esperón en torno a la vida de Cleopatra Selene, hija de Cleopatra y el general romano Marco Antonio. Está construida como una serie de cartas que Selene le envía a su ciudad, donde le da cuenta de su nuevo destino de princesa vencida, sobre la que pende siempre la amenaza de la muerte, si no se somete a la voluntad de Roma. Y paradójicamente, la voluntad de Roma puede conducirla a la felicidad: su boda con el príncipe Juba de Numidia, a quien Augusto piensa convertir en rey del estado vasallo de Mauritania. ¿Accederá Cleopatra Selene a ser su reina? Novel by María García Esperón about the life of Cleopatra Selene, daughter of Cleopatra VII and Marc Antony. "Dear Alexandria" is written as a long letter that Selene addresses to her city, talking about her destiny of defeated princess, threatened by death if she doesn't accept the will of Rome. But Rome's will can lead her towards happiness: her wedding with prince Juba II of Numidia, whom Augustus plans to make king of Mauritania. Would Cleopatra Selene accept to be her queen?

BEST DANCE HINDI SONG - main teri dushman
BEST DANCE HINDI SONG - main teri dushman
LYRICS BELOW sridevi amrish puri rishi kapoor NAGINA 1986 (Main Teri Dushman Dushman Tu Mera (main Nagan Tu Safera) - 2) - 2 Janam Janam Se Tera Mera Bair O Rabba Khair Main Teri Dushman Dushman Tu Mera (main Nagan Tu Safera) - 2) Aaj Ka Badala Main Bas Lungi Chhed Naa Mujhako Main Das Lungi - 2 Jantar Mantar Jadu Tone Ye To Mere Khel Khilone Mujhapar Chalega Naa Jor Tera - 2 (main Nagan Tu Safera) - 2 Chhed Ke Apani Bean Kaa Lehra - 2 Tune Bithaya Mujhapar Pehara Basame Nahi Main Anewali Main Nahi Dhokha Khanewali Aya Hai Jogi Banake Lutera (main Nagan Tu Safera) - 2 Sabaki Juba Par Meri Kahani Mera Dasa Hua Mange Na Pani - 2 Tera Tamasha Sab Dekhenge Kya Hota Hai Aab Dekhenge Dekhega Tu Na Kal Ka Savera (main Nagan Tu Safera) - 2 Main Teri Dushman Dushman Tu Mera (main Nagan Tu Safera) - 2 Janam Janam Se Tera Mera Bair O Rabba Khair Main Teri Dushman Dushman Tu Mera (main Nagan Tu Safera) - 2

DBoy The King Chi-Boyz Ent. Present Yung Melo Young Sudanes Rapper Singer sudanese music Ethiopian performing 10 D-boy 249 boyz ent. Sudanese Music video: Queen Zee Juba Boys Ana Indi Biniya (Sudanese Rap)..(Bangz) Madi home SteVe-0 shufta taab ketir Rapper) hiphop /247ADAYREMIX South Girls Best NEW )! Beautiful Sudan Ladies... Miss 2008 Atlanta USA Habibi Video-Nor Triple after Yaba /D-boy / 249 boyz South Sudan Stand up Queen Zee YABA ANGELOSI Shamarrat Miss South Sudan

The Beverly Hillbillies: Jethro's First Love - Season 2, Episode 6 - Sharon Tate (1963)
The Beverly Hillbillies: Jethro's First Love - Season 2, Episode 6 - Sharon Tate (1963)
thefilmarchive.org DVD: www.amazon.com October 30, 1963 Jethro develops feelings for an exotic dancer named Chickadee, and brings her home to meet the folks. Sharon Marie Tate (January 24, 1943 -- August 9, 1969) was an American actress. During the 1960s she played small television roles before appearing in several films. After receiving positive reviews for her comedic performances, she was hailed as one of Hollywood's promising newcomers and was nominated for a Golden Globe Award for her performance in Valley of the Dolls (1967). She also appeared regularly in fashion magazines as a model and cover girl. Married to film director Roman Polanski in 1968, Tate was eight and a half months pregnant when she and her unborn child were murdered in her home, along with four others, by followers of Charles Manson. A decade after the murders, Tate's mother, Doris, in response to the growing cult status of the killers and the possibility that any of them might be granted parole, organized a public campaign against what she considered shortcomings in the state's corrections system. It resulted in amendments to the California criminal law in 1982, which allowed crime victims and their families to make victim impact statements during sentencing and at parole hearings. Doris Tate was the first person to make such an impact statement under the new law, when she spoke at the parole hearing of one of her daughter's killers, Charles "Tex" Watson. She believed changes in the law had <b>...</b>