Hodge-podge or hotchpotch describes a confused or disorderly mass or collection of things; a "mess" or a "jumble".
Hodge-podge may refer to:
Hodge-Podge is a soup made of a mixture of various ingredients. According to the 1903 The Steward's Handbook and Guide to Party Catering, it is "common English for Hotch-Potch, a mixture; mutton soup thick with pieces of meat and all sorts of vegetables, also Hot-Pot."
In Nova Scotia, it is a particular stew prepared in August consisting of new baby vegetables (potatoes, carrots, and beans notably). The vegetables are boiled in enough water to cover them and when the baby potatoes are soft; heavy cream, butter and salt/pepper are added. Locally, the addition of meat or older vegetables would be considered inconsistent to the tradition.
In nearby New Brunswick the recipe is similar to that of the Nova Scotia version except peas are used instead of carrots. This has led to an alternate name for the dish being "Peas, beans & potatoes". Older vegetables will be used but baby vegetables are preferred.
Hodge-Podge is a fictional character from Berke Breathed's comic strip Bloom County. His best friends are Portnoy and Cutter John.
Hodge is extremely politically conservative and fanatical about most things, though often ignorant and naive about just what those things are. When he found out that Portnoy was a Groundhog, Hodge stopped speaking with him because he did not associate with "pigs". The two eventually made up. Hodge was also part of Steve Dallas's short lived Heavy Metal Band originally called Deathtöngue. Hodge played the drums.
Hodge later has an affair with Rosebud the Basselope, resulting in Rosebud's pregnancy and the birth of 64 jackabasselopes, who mature and leave in seven days.