Saturday, 6 August 2011

Rioting in Tottenham

A community in Tottenham has taken to the streets after a man was shot dead by police on Friday. Two police cars have been set on fire, and a police station has reportedly been "attacked." According to the BBC, dozens of protesters have gathered and missiles have been thrown at police.

Hopefully, full reports will emerge tomorrow. Various sources say 200 riot police and the Met's Territorial Support Group have been deployed to meet the protest. It will be worth watching to see how the police handle the situation, particularly as this situation has arisen in response to police violence. Only four months after the battle of Stokescroft, and thirty years after riots hit Brixton, Handsworth, Chapeltown, and Toxteth, this event has a clear significance amidst rising social tensions across Britain.

Earlier today, via @Comfort75
via @teakay09
via @teakay09

via @MarioUhuru
Rolling updates on the situation can be found under the #tottenhamriots hashtag on Twitter.