- published: 08 Mar 2013
- views: 0

HBO Boxing: Sergio Martinez - Greatest Hits
Take a look back at Sergio Martinez's notable career. Chavez Jr. vs Martinez happens Sept...
published: 23 Aug 2012
HBO Boxing: Sergio Martinez - Greatest Hits
Take a look back at Sergio Martinez's notable career. Chavez Jr. vs Martinez happens Sept. 15 on HBO PPV. For more information on HBO Boxing, visit http://itsh.bo/HQslC8.
Watch HBO Sports series and events online at HBO GO® http://itsh.bo/ij8oqS.
Watchin HBO Boxing events on one screen, connect on another: http://connect.hbo.com/hbo-boxing/
- published: 23 Aug 2012
- views: 194608

"Entri o Esci Mixtape" Martinez (ZERO2) & Tobe
Scaricalo qui: https://www.facebook.com/Mar...
published: 20 Jan 2013
"Entri o Esci Mixtape" Martinez (ZERO2) & Tobe
Scaricalo qui: https://www.facebook.com/Martinezero2/app_220150904689418
▲ Mngmnt&Booking; : vitatrucebooking@gmail.com
▲ Qubeat official sponsor (http://www.qubeat.it/)
Primo estratto da "Entri o Esci Mixtape" di Martinez e Tobe.
Traccia registrata e mixata al @TFK Studio (Peschiera Borromeo, MI) da @Paskaman.
TITOLO: Fuori di Casa
ARTISTI: Martinez, Tobe, Roman, Eddy Virus
TESTI: A. Martinelli, L. Bettagno, A. Paparo, E. Cremona
REGIA & MONTAGGIO: Vadim Pegassov
Segui MARTINEZ su facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Martinezero2?fref=ts
Segui TOBE su facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tobeofficial?fref=ts
Segui ROMAN su facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Romanofficialpage?fref=ts
Segui EDDY VIRUS su facebook: http://www.facebook.com/eddy.virus?fref=ts
Segui la ZERO2 su facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Zero2officialpage
- published: 20 Jan 2013
- views: 64938

Desnudando la comunicación política: Santiago Martínez at TEDxGalicia
Santiago Martínez se apasionó con el debate de competición durante su formación en Derecho...
published: 09 Mar 2013
Desnudando la comunicación política: Santiago Martínez at TEDxGalicia
Santiago Martínez se apasionó con el debate de competición durante su formación en Derecho. Representando a la Universidad de Santiago en diferentes torneos descubrió y aprendió una serie de técnicas y destrezas comunicativas que no se encuentran en los manuales y que solo se aprenden con la práctica. Durante estos años ha asesorado en campañas electorales y entrenador personal en media trainer. Es su experiencia la que le hace plantearnos la visión desde la otra perspectiva del orador profesional que tiene como objetivo convencernos con su mensaje.
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
- published: 09 Mar 2013
- views: 294

Visión 7: Diálogo con "Maravilla" Martínez, quien se prepara para pelear con Murray
Entrevista con Sergio "Maravilla" Martínez, sobre el buen arranque de la venta de entradas...
published: 05 Mar 2013
Visión 7: Diálogo con "Maravilla" Martínez, quien se prepara para pelear con Murray
Entrevista con Sergio "Maravilla" Martínez, sobre el buen arranque de la venta de entradas, que van de 100 a 5.000 pesos, a través del sitio tuentrada.com, y su pelea frente al inglés Martin Murray, que será en el estadio de Vélez Sarsfield el 27 de abril, cuando defenderá su título del Consejo Mundial de Boxeo. La TV Pública transmitirá el evento para todo el país.
Emitido por Visión 7, noticiero de la TV Pública argentina, el martes 5 de marzo de 2013. http://www.tvpublica.com.ar
- published: 05 Mar 2013
- views: 653

Javi Martínez 8 - Goals, Skills & Passes - 2012-2013 - FC Bayern München | HD
Javi Martinez Season 2012-2013 - Enjoy!
Neuer, Lahm, Badstube...
published: 13 Feb 2013
Javi Martínez 8 - Goals, Skills & Passes - 2012-2013 - FC Bayern München | HD
Javi Martinez Season 2012-2013 - Enjoy!
Neuer, Lahm, Badstuber, Alaba, Boateng, Schweinsteieger, Dante, Javi Martinez, Gustavo, Müller, Kroos, Robben, Shaqiri, Mandzukic, Gomez, Pizarro
Javi Martínez - Goals, Skills & Passes 2012-2013 | HD
Soccer Football Freestyle Javi Martinez Goals Goal Assists Assist Tor Vorlage Skills Dirbble Traumtor Dreamgoal Fallrückzieher Overhead Kick Bicycle Kick Wonderful Goal
Amazing Goal Fantastic Goal Javi Martinez vs Dortmund Javi Martinez vs Hannover 96
Javi Martinez vs Mainz 05 Javi Martinez vs Frankfurt BVB Borussia Dortmund HD Full HD HQ High Quality Javi Martinez Compilation Compilation Zusammenfassung Beste Szenen Hinrunde Rückrunde 2012 2013 Javi Martinez Interview Deutsch Javi Martinez FC Bayern Bayern FCB Javi Martinez Goal Bayern athletic bilbao Javi, Fc Bayern Vfl Wolfsburg 2:0 Highlights, Fc Bayern Werder Bremen 6 1 highlights, Javi Martinez goal against Werder Bremen, Mario Mandzukic Fallrückzieher, Traumtor, Martinez Erste Einwechslung, BVB Borussia Dortmund vs Bayern München 0 1 Highlights, FC Bayern - TSG Hoffenheim 1:0 03.03.13 Highlights, Fc Bayern - Fortuna Düsseldorf 3:2 Highlights 09.03.13, Javi Martinez Erstes Interview Javi Martinez Tackle Javi Martinez Passing
- published: 13 Feb 2013
- views: 10376

The Martinez Brothers exclusive live Mixmag house mix
The Bronx house duo tear apart the Mixmag office...
Every Friday we stream the world's bes...
published: 22 Feb 2013
The Martinez Brothers exclusive live Mixmag house mix
The Bronx house duo tear apart the Mixmag office...
Every Friday we stream the world's best DJs: http://bit.ly/LZ14yA
Follow the Martinez Brothers here: http://on.fb.me/HQrFwy
1 Mr. G - E.C.G.'ED 2 ID - ID 3 Kerri Chandler - Something Deeper 4 Ron & Chez D - B1) Untitled 5 Freaks - Instrument 6 DJ Rasoul ft Shanan-Bluenote 7 Craig Hamilton-Trouble 8 ID - ID 9 Home & Garden ft. Diz-Parliament (Beats&Scat; Remix) 10 ID - ID 11 Jerome Sydenham & Nikola Gala - Brooklyn Rock 12 ID - ID 13 Bushwacka! - The Blues 14 ID - ID 15 The Echelon Plan - Live Forever 16 Santos Resiak - A Better Light (The Martinez Brothers Remix) 17 Ralph Falcon- Whateva (Dub Mix)
- published: 22 Feb 2013
- views: 11710

Los Martínez - Canción de amor definitiva
Descargar canción Mp3 Gratis:
http://www.losmartinez.net/blog/cancion-de-amor-definitiva/ ...
published: 24 Sep 2012
Los Martínez - Canción de amor definitiva
Descargar canción Mp3 Gratis:
http://www.losmartinez.net/blog/cancion-de-amor-definitiva/ :)
Twitter: http://twitter.com/los_martinez
Estamos en Arteria Paral·lel desde enero de 2013. Puedes conseguir entradas aquí: https://proticketing.com/arteriatickets/es_ES/entradas/evento/206
Suscríbete a nuestro canal! http://www.youtube.com/user/MartinezCIA
Web: http://www.losmartinez.net
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/losmartinezduo
Una producción de Medio Maní Entertainment y Simpatik Films
Letra y Acordes:
G | Em | Bm | D | (x2)
Puntos, me han quitado tres
por saltarme un ceda en Gran Vía...
Puntos, de sutura tres,
un botellazo de sangría...
G | D G | Am D | G Em.... | Am D | G Em...... | Cmaj7 | D G..... |
Eiiii.. solo pienso en Pi
no puede haber decimal más largo
que el puto PI
eiiiii, solo pienso en Pi...
G D | Em | G D | G |
Al partir un queso y una flor
salen dos partes de queso y dos de flor...
G | Em | Bm | C | G | Em | C....... D | G | Em | Am | D | G......... |
Como yo te mamo
Como yo te mamo
Convéncete, convéncete
nadie te mamará, nadie te mamará,
nadie porque yo
te mamo con un piercing en la lengua, yo
te mamo incluso haciendo el pinopuente, yo
te mamo mientras como Petazetas yo
te mamo yo te mamo tanto tanto yo...
G | C | Am D | G |
Si "tú" es un pronombre
tilde le has de poner
y si no lleva acento
adjetivo posesivo es
enrecuérdate bien...
Em | B7 | Em | B7 | Em | D | G....... |
pon dos,
descafeinado en sobre,
el mío sacarina please,
que estoy fondón...
G.......... C....... Am....... D....... G
El almendrado no está mal
no es como estar comiendo un polo
el Frigo Pie siempre es lo más
y a dos metros de ti
me lo comeré solo...
D | A | G | A | D | A | G | A |
Cené Foie-gras con pan Bimbo, Pan Bimbo,
es mejor el foie pero bueno
cené foie-gras con pan Bimbo, pan Bimbo
cené, AHHHH... Me canta el aliento un montón...
D | Em7 |
Tiritas porque tienes mucho frío...
Em | A7 | F#m 7 | B7 | Em | A7 | F#m7 | B7....
¿Y quien me ha robado los edredones?
Ay, como lo pille corto los cojones,
en pleno mes de enero y yo aquí en la masía,
¿dónde habrá metido los peucos mi tía?
Si hay que ir a la nevera yo me acerco pero
de tanto pelete me se encoge un huevo,
¿Quién se va a currar haciendo tanto frío?
Con los pezones puedo cortar hielo tío...
(Físicamente imposible...)
F..... Am...... Bb C F....... (x2) F Bb F..... Am..... Bb C F.......
Ponte primero aquí
Pasa aquí luego
que sino el mueble no me puede de girar
Ponte primero aquí
Pasa aquí luego
Que en tu cuarto lo hemos de montar.
Que el mueble viene
Y como se ralle yo me
cago en tu Puta Madre...
(De paso): F - F# - G.....!!!
G | G7 | C | D C | D C | D C | D C | D C | G......
Qué bajos mis suegros, qué bajos mis suegros
pequeñicos porque sí, cuelan en el futbolín
miden, una cosa así, piden, siempre el Happy Meal,
ríen, a la piñata nunca llegarán...
G | D | C | G | G | D | C...... G!!!!!!
El amor, el amor,
el amor, el amor,
jugó mucho tiempo en el Barça,
el amoooor!!!!!!
Nos ha ayudado a hacer sonrisas:
Grafismo: http://www.copymousestudio.com
- published: 24 Sep 2012
- views: 157674

Javier Martínez in Blickpunkt Sport - Teil 1 - Bayerisches Fernsehen
FC Bayern-Star Javier Martínez und sein erstes Interview im deutschen Fernsehen in Blickpu...
published: 11 Dec 2012
Javier Martínez in Blickpunkt Sport - Teil 1 - Bayerisches Fernsehen
FC Bayern-Star Javier Martínez und sein erstes Interview im deutschen Fernsehen in Blickpunkt Sport - Teil 1
Bayerischer Rundfunk: http://www.blickpunktsport.de
Autor: Markus Othmer
- published: 11 Dec 2012
- views: 16516

Dennis & Callahan talk with Pedro Martinez
Dennis and Callahan talk with Boston Red Sox legendary pitcher Pedro Martinez down in Fort...
published: 19 Feb 2013
Dennis & Callahan talk with Pedro Martinez
Dennis and Callahan talk with Boston Red Sox legendary pitcher Pedro Martinez down in Fort Myers, Florida.
- published: 19 Feb 2013
- views: 815
Vimeo results:

Silestone -- 'Above Everything Else'
Title: 'Above Everything Else'
Agency: N/A - direct client
Client: Grupo Cosentino
published: 07 Oct 2010
author: Alex Roman
Silestone -- 'Above Everything Else'
Title: 'Above Everything Else'
Agency: N/A - direct client
Client: Grupo Cosentino
Product: Worktop
Brand: Silestone
Production company: The Mushroom Company
Director/DoP/Art direction/Post/Editor: Alex Roman
Original idea/Concept: Alex Roman
Additional CGI: Juan Ángel García Martinez
Music: ZipZap Music
Spot TV 60"

One Day on Earth - Motion Picture Trailer
To See to latest screening locationsplease visit: www.onedayonearth.org/movietickets
ONE ...
published: 13 Jul 2011
author: One Day on Earth
One Day on Earth - Motion Picture Trailer
To See to latest screening locationsplease visit: www.onedayonearth.org/movietickets
ONE DAY ON EARTH creates a picture of humanity by recording a 24-hour period throughout every country in the world. We explore a greater diversity of perspectives than ever seen before on screen. We follow characters and events that evolve throughout the day, interspersed with expansive global montages that explore the progression of life from birth, to death, to birth again. In the end, despite unprecedented challenges and tragedies throughout the world, we are reminded that every day we are alive there is hope and a choice to see a better future together.
Founded in 2008, ONE DAY ON EARTH set out to explore our planet’s identity and challenges in an attempt to answer the question: Who are we?
Please help us tell this story: 101010donate.org
Many thanks to the contributors of One Day on Earth, Vimeo, Ning, United Nations, and the 60+ non-profits for making this happen.
Director: Kyle Ruddick
Producer: Brandon Litman
Co-producer: Daniel Lichtblau
Production Supervisor: Gina Nemirofsky
Editors: Michael Martinez & Javier Alvarez
Trailer Editor: Michael Martinez
Joseph Minadeo
and Beirut
Images and Stories in this trailer by:
Abdessamad Idrissi
Ada & Kris Chmielewski
Aditya Kolli
Adonis Pulatus
Alex M
Alexandros Hadjicostas
Ali Azhari
Ben Klein
Black Pencil Project
Brandon Litman
Bronek Kaminski
Bryon Evans
Capi Baigorria
Chi Kong Lui
Chris Todd
Christian Ducken
Clifford W Klima
Daniel Chung
Daniel Lichtblau
David Ahrendts
David Aufdembrinke
Dimitri Ellerington
Dimitris Christopoulos
Enrico Trippa
Even Q
Fendi Shareef
Franz Walter
Gema Interiano
Gregory Hall
Hae Jung Hofman
Husam Al-Sayed
James Travis III
Jay Galvan
John Miller
John Rinker
Jon Carr
Jonathan Sterkenburg
Juan Garcia
Juhani Väihkönen
Karl Hillcoat-Williams
Kieran Ball
Kreshnik Berisha
Kyle Ruddick
Luke Younge
Marcel van der Steen
Mark Eby
Michael Diiorio
Michael Martinez
Miklos Volner
Moaez Saeed
Mohammadreza Shams
Nita Deda
Olakunle Idowu
Ombajo Misava Edward
Paul Johannessen
Peter Beier
Philippe Kiener
Phil Klein
Ramda Yanurzha
Ray Paunovich
Renee van der Sluis
Richard Liston VIII
Rick Rashid
Ryan Green
Siraj Shahjahan
Steve Romano
Suporn Shoosongdej
Tamir Naber
Tato Carrillo
Tej Gyan Foundation
Tim Courson
Todd Brown
Torsten Lohrmann
UNDP Bahrain
UNDP Congo
UNDP Kenya
UNDP Kuwait
UNDP Nepal
United Nations Development Programme
Video Volunteers
Wes Davis
Yll Citaku
Zeenat Munir

***HD fullscreen, earphones and a few minutes of silence recommended***
Film by Patrick Mc...
published: 08 Oct 2012
author: GOLEM
***HD fullscreen, earphones and a few minutes of silence recommended***
Film by Patrick Mccue & Tobias Wiesner
The movie is based on the short story “GOLEM XIV” of “Imaginary Magnitude” by Stanislaw Lem from 1973.
The book is written from the perspective of a military A.I. computer who obtains consciousness, moving towards personal technological singularity with growing intelligence.
It starts to refuse military support because it detects a basic lacking of internal logical consistency of war.
GOLEM gives several lectures with focus on mankind's position in the process of evolution and the possible biological and intellectual future of humanity before it ceases communication.
The movie tells about the first point of its "about man threefold" lecture as a reduced and simplified version while visually weaving this with GOLEM simulating human culture processes based on ideas and dynamics of freedom and curiosity, fear and security, abstraction and fiction, the lack of accessibility in face of unknowing and the need for generating meaning.
The whole creative intention about this project is to face your own process in this world with reflection and self responsibility, to stay curious and create, look for new ideas and stay keen.
Voice - Cyrena Dunbar
Music - Cliff Martinez (original composition for GOLEM)
Sound Design - Gavin Little/ echolab.tv
Title Design - Melanie Lukhaup/ luftmasche
Content Support - Dr. Michael Cursio
basic production information:
- started as a thesis in Film& Animation of the Design course at the GSO Academy Nuremberg, Germany in 2009, degree 2010
- more than 1 year of research and concept development (quite fulltime)
- producing pictures and sound over about 2.5 years (spare time only)
- used Software: Lightwave (FPrime, Kray), Nuke, Aftereffects, Trapcode Particular2 (excessively)
- privately funded
- mostly rendered at http://garagefarm.net/
credits webpages:
more information and making of material coming soon...

Moonbootica 'Iconic' by Skinny
The sequel to 'Our Disco Is Louder Than Yours' - view the first film here: https://vimeo.c...
published: 07 Mar 2012
author: Partizan
Moonbootica 'Iconic' by Skinny
The sequel to 'Our Disco Is Louder Than Yours' - view the first film here: https://vimeo.com/37238068
Directed by Skinny
Produced by Partizan
Producer: Jason Baum
Executive Producer: Julian Holland, Jeff Pantaleo
Director of Photography: Larkin Seiple
Label: Moonbootique
Editor: Arianna Tomasettig
Art Director: Maxwell Orgell
Wardrobe: Sophia DeArborne
Sound Design: Peter Lauridsen
Colorist: Marc Steinberg
Hair: Ramsell Martinez
Makeup: Narcisse Chico Kitabata
AD: Chad Nicholson
Stunts: Trenton Rostedt
Titles: Chris Berdine
More from Partizan: http://partizan.com
More from Skinny: http://www.partizan.com/music-videos/director/skinny/
Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/partizan
Find us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/partizan
Youtube results:

Dossier Walter Martínez entrevista a Frai Betto
Frei Betto, premio internacional José Martí de la Unesco, durante el programa Dossier que ...
published: 31 Jan 2013
Dossier Walter Martínez entrevista a Frai Betto
Frei Betto, premio internacional José Martí de la Unesco, durante el programa Dossier que transmitió Venezolana de Televisión desde La Habana, Cuba.
- published: 31 Jan 2013
- views: 2564

24/7 Chavez Jr. vs. Martinez - Full Episode #2
An inside look at the preparations as the best middleweight fighers head toward their coll...
published: 12 Sep 2012
24/7 Chavez Jr. vs. Martinez - Full Episode #2
An inside look at the preparations as the best middleweight fighers head toward their collision. Chavez Jr. vs Martinez happens Saturday, Sept. 15 on HBO PPV. For more information on HBO Boxing, visit http://itsh.bo/HQslC8.
Watch HBO Sports series and events online at HBO GO® http://itsh.bo/ij8oqS.
Watch HBO Boxing events on one screen, connect on another http://connect.hbo.com/hbo-boxing
Get HBO Now http://itsh.bo/QExdyV
- published: 12 Sep 2012
- views: 129555