Metron Plus

San Francisco

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Films, Movies, Photography, Cinematography, Travel

"Instrument or Machine for the Improvement of all Musical Performance is called a Metronome, invented by Johann Mälzel, patent granted on December, 5, 1815"

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  1. Spy Films
  3. Sean Pecknold
  4. Carlos Lascano
  5. Dominic
  6. Shawn Reeder
  7. Victoria Taylor-Gore
  8. Laurent Tixhon
  9. Vincent Laforet
  10. Christine Schmitthenner
  11. Tiny Inventions
  12. Chris Mierzwinski
  13. Dustin Kukuk
  14. Dan Eckert
  15. Short of the Week
  16. Renaud Duval
  17. renan ozturk
  18. Sunchaser Pictures

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