- published: 02 Aug 2012
- views: 2182
Giotto: la radice della pittura moderna
Giotto di Bondone, forse diminutivo di Ambrogio o Angiolo, conosciuto semplicemente come G...
published: 02 Aug 2012
Giotto: la radice della pittura moderna
Giotto di Bondone, forse diminutivo di Ambrogio o Angiolo, conosciuto semplicemente come Giotto (Vespignano, 1267 circa - Firenze, 8 gennaio 1337) è stato un pittore e architetto italiano.
- published: 02 Aug 2012
- views: 2182
Giotto, Dante and the Arena Chapel
Ohlone College Art 103B
Professor Kenney Mencher
(Art History Early Renaissance to Contemp...
published: 12 Jan 2012
Giotto, Dante and the Arena Chapel
Ohlone College Art 103B
Professor Kenney Mencher
(Art History Early Renaissance to Contemporary)
- published: 12 Jan 2012
- views: 3702
[Appunti Video] - Giotto di Bondone
Giotto di Bondone, pittore e architetto italiano che visse a cavallo tra il 1200 ed il 130...
published: 29 Mar 2011
[Appunti Video] - Giotto di Bondone
Giotto di Bondone, pittore e architetto italiano che visse a cavallo tra il 1200 ed il 1300, con la sua opera segnò una svolta fondamentale nello sviluppo dell'arte occidentale. Nelle sue imprese pittoriche Giotto restituì volume alla figura umana e diede un solido impianto spaziale alla composizione; superò in tal modo la pittura bidimensionale tipica dello stile bizantino e diede impulso a un nuovo orientamento realistico
- published: 29 Mar 2011
- views: 3353
Giotto, maestro de la pintura 1/3
Giotto di Bondone, mejor conocido solo por su nombre de pila fue un notable pintor, escult...
published: 04 Jan 2011
Giotto, maestro de la pintura 1/3
Giotto di Bondone, mejor conocido solo por su nombre de pila fue un notable pintor, escultor y arquitecto italiano del Trecento. Se lo considera el primer artista de los muchos que contribuyeron a la creación del Renacimiento italiano y uno de los primeros en romper las limitaciones del arte y los conceptos medievales.
- published: 04 Jan 2011
- views: 6342
giotto and cimabue part one
an introduction to cimabue and giotto, also addresses the spark of the renaissance and the...
published: 11 Mar 2007
giotto and cimabue part one
an introduction to cimabue and giotto, also addresses the spark of the renaissance and the end of the crusader/ gothic era.
- published: 11 Mar 2007
- views: 27393
Passepartout - Philippe Daverio - Giotto di Bondone e Francesco d Assisi
Viaggi nella storia e nell'arte. Un progr...
published: 22 Jan 2013
Passepartout - Philippe Daverio - Giotto di Bondone e Francesco d Assisi
Viaggi nella storia e nell'arte. Un programma caratterizzato da uno stile immediato e non accademico. Scritto e condotto da Philippe Daverio."
- published: 22 Jan 2013
- views: 1380
MUSIC: Mozart's Symphony #40- from "50...
published: 06 Nov 2011
MUSIC: Mozart's Symphony #40- from "50 Classical Music Essentials"
Giotto was born in Italy around 1266. He was an artist, architect, and generally a pretty accomplished fellow with a penchant for ugly head-ware.
According to the biography by Giorgio Vasari, Giotto started out as just a humble shepherd boy, who liked to draw sheep... on rocks. A really awesome painter from Florence, named Cimabue, found his rock drawings to be awesome, and took him on as an apprentice. From then on, Giotto was a total tool.
One time he painted such a lifelike fly on the face of the painting that Cimabue was working on, and that the poor guy was trying to brush the fly off the painting for who knows how long.
One time the pope sent a messenger to Giotto, asking him to send a drawing to demonstrate his skill. Giotto drew, in red paint, a circle so perfect that it seemed as though it was drawn using a compass and instructed the messenger to give that to the Pope. You know... Like tools do.
Like just about everyone else, he liked to paint religious stuff.
Jesus was definitely a favorite.
What made Giotto so cool was that his Frescos (or wall paintings), were in a style that dramatically departed from the works we associate with Byzantine art.
Byzantine art started back around the time of Constantine. He was a Roman emperor who was really jazzed up about christianity. He wanted christian art to be everywhere, and what Constantine wants, Constantine gets.
Art from that time was more abstract, and all was either about the emperor- or something religious.
Everyone was really creepy looking- they loved gold adornment, and weren't really into realism in their art.
So, for about 900 years, art was still being made, but it was kept pretty iconoclastic.
Around Giotto's time, people started digging more realistic art, and Giotto was very very good at this.
Sure, he didn't really use a vanishing point, but that's ok. At least he was trying to get realistic textures, skin, and architecture.
Check out his Madonna and how beautifully rendered she is next to some of these beasts.
Also, look at how Jesus almost looks like a human child! :D
His works were really ahead of their time, and the people were less creepy - well, sometimes they were.
Recently Giotto made the news again when an art restorer found an image of Satan in one of Giotto's most famous works- the Basicilica of St Francis in Assisi. Check it out!
Now, I don't believe he painted the devil in this panel. I don't think that Giotto would paint a Devil staring at an angel's crotch.
His works have been damaged over the years, because 1 they're old and two a lot of them have suffered through earthquakes and things like that. so there are lots of inconsistencies in the pigments now.it's very easy for, what was once just a cloud with subtle variations of color to become darker, and then silly images like this are 'discovered.' He is not known for hidden images in his panels, really.
I'm very happy for an early master to getingt attention, though, cause he's awesome! Even though he's kind of a tool.
The devil isn't in that cloud. And jesus isn't burnt onto your toast.
- published: 06 Nov 2011
- views: 3031
La Cappela degli Scrovegni - Giotto
La Cappella degli Scrovegni di Giotto. E' un capolavoro della pittura del Trecento italian...
published: 27 Apr 2009
La Cappela degli Scrovegni - Giotto
La Cappella degli Scrovegni di Giotto. E' un capolavoro della pittura del Trecento italiano ed europeo, considerato il ciclo più completo di affreschi realizzato dal grande maestro toscano nella sua maturità. Giotto termina gli affreschi della Cappella entro i primi mesi del 1306. Il restauro e' iniziato 12 giugno 2001.
- published: 27 Apr 2009
- views: 43670
Assisi - Gli affreschi di Giotto nella Basilica Superiore di S. Francesco
Nella basilica superiore di San Francesco in Assisi (1228-1253) le grandi scene con le Sto...
published: 12 Oct 2011
Assisi - Gli affreschi di Giotto nella Basilica Superiore di S. Francesco
Nella basilica superiore di San Francesco in Assisi (1228-1253) le grandi scene con le Storie del Santo, dipinte fra il 1290 e il 1300, riempiono tutta la fascia centrale della navata. Ciascuna delle scene misura 230 x 270 cm ed è dipinta ad affresco con ritocchi a secco quasi inesistenti (o perduti). La lettura delle scene inizia vicino all'altare lungo la parete destra, poi prosegue nella controfacciata e infine nella parete sinistra fino a tornare vicino all'altare. Vi sono raffigurati episodi della vita di San Francesco, dalla giovinezza alla morte e ai presunti miracoli postumi, con un'alternanza tra episodi storici ufficiali e leggende agiografiche.
Secondo i più recenti studi, il ciclo di Assisi si può suddividere in tre gruppi distinti: il primo e l'ultimo di sette quadri ciascuno, il mediano di sette coppie: 28 scene in tutto. Nel primo gruppo San Francesco è senza l'Ordine, nel secondo è insieme all'Ordine, nel terzo è l'Ordine che prosegue l'opera del Santo.
Con questo ciclo pittorico Giotto ruppe drasticamente con la pittura bizantina: niente più preziosismi fini a sé stessi, niente più oro, niente fissità da icona, niente arcane simbologie incomprensibili per la gente comune. La vita quotidiana tornò al centro delle attenzioni della pittura dopo essere stata esclusa dai cicli decorativi per secoli.
- published: 12 Oct 2011
- views: 11021
Giotto Torte selber machen - Torten Rezept
Giotto Torte selber machen, ist mit diesem Rezept ganz einfach. Als Zutaten benötigt ihr v...
published: 15 Aug 2012
Giotto Torte selber machen - Torten Rezept
Giotto Torte selber machen, ist mit diesem Rezept ganz einfach. Als Zutaten benötigt ihr vor allem Giotto, Butter / Margarine, Eier, gemahlene Nüsse, Mehl, Zucker, Vanillezucker, Sahnesteif und Schlagsahne. Die Torte hat einige Kalorien, aber der Geschmack ist köstlich.
Weitere interessante Rezepte sowie Tipps und Tricks rund ums Essen und Trinken findet ihr in unserem Kanal http://www.youtube.com/user/kochschuletv/
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- published: 15 Aug 2012
- views: 16992
Silvia Kowollik -- Planetenfotografie mit Webcam und Giotto (1 / 6)
Ein Vortrag von Silvia Kowollik am Tag der offenen Tür 2010 bei http://www.astroshop.de - ...
published: 13 Jun 2011
Silvia Kowollik -- Planetenfotografie mit Webcam und Giotto (1 / 6)
Ein Vortrag von Silvia Kowollik am Tag der offenen Tür 2010 bei http://www.astroshop.de - Teil 1 von 6
Dieser Vortrag zeigt Neueinsteigern, wie man mit einer Farbwebcam erste brauchbare Bilder von Sonne, Mond und Planeten gewinnen kann. Es wird der Anschluß der Kamera am Teleskop gezeigt, das Gesichtsfeld der Webcam bei verschiedenen Brennweiten simuliert, Hilfsmittel zur Brennweitenverlängerung besprochen sowie die Aufnahme und anschließende Bildbearbeitung mit dem Programm Giotto gezeigt.
Silvia Kowollik zählt seit vielen Jahren zu den kreativsten und vielseitigsten Aktivisten der deutschen Planetenszene. Bei zahlreichen Tagungen war sie mit Vorträgen vertreten. Ihre detailierten Analysen der Bewegung und Entwicklung von Saturnstürmen fanden auch bei den Profis Beachtung. Besondere Verdienste erwarb Sie sich bei der Popularisierung der Webcamastronomie. Auf ihren Internetseiten finden sich viele Hintergrundinfos, Anleitungen und Beispielfotos zur Verwendung von Video und Webcam bei der Planetenfotografie.
- published: 13 Jun 2011
- views: 1746
Youtube results:
RFHD1080p | Giotto - Geniessen auf Italienische Art | Werbespot, Mai / Juni 2011
Detailliertere Informationen zum Werbespot findest du hier:
published: 19 Jun 2011
RFHD1080p | Giotto - Geniessen auf Italienische Art | Werbespot, Mai / Juni 2011
Detailliertere Informationen zum Werbespot findest du hier:
( Originalwerbespot, mit deutschem Untertitel, deutsche Version | Laufzeit: 25,26 (520 Frames) | Rechteinhaber / Rechtehalter: Ferrero )
Echt lecker. Die Frau und auch das geworbene Produkt.
Wortlaut: "Ich habe alles probiert. Caffe mit Paolo. Caffe mit Francesco. Caffe mit Giacomo. Aber wirklich perfekt ist Caffe nur.. ..mit Giotto."
"Giotto. Genießen auf italienische Art."
- published: 19 Jun 2011
- views: 77037
Namikawa Daisuke - Stay In My Heart (Giotto)
คนที่ร้องเพลงนี้เป็นผู้พากย์ Vongola Primo (Giotto) วองโกเล่รุ่นที่ 1 (จิอ๊อตโต้) ประกอบอน...
published: 18 Apr 2012
Namikawa Daisuke - Stay In My Heart (Giotto)
คนที่ร้องเพลงนี้เป็นผู้พากย์ Vongola Primo (Giotto) วองโกเล่รุ่นที่ 1 (จิอ๊อตโต้) ประกอบอนิเมชั่นเรื่อง Katekyo Hitman REBORN! ครูพิเศษจอมป่วนรีบอร์น! ผู้พากย์หรือผู้ที่ร้องเพลงนี้มีชื่อว่า Namikawa Daisuke ไดซุเกะ นะมิกะวะ
- published: 18 Apr 2012
- views: 12930
Giotto sconosciuto
Le figure sbiadite della cappella Peruzzi restituiscono a secoli di distanza la grandezza ...
published: 31 Aug 2010
Giotto sconosciuto
Le figure sbiadite della cappella Peruzzi restituiscono a secoli di distanza la grandezza della pittura di Giotto. Altra scienza è su http://www.rai.tv/dl/RaiTV/diretta.html?cid=PublishingBlock-9aefbf21-9f87-4ae2-ab11-7997d84f7b40&channel;=Science&Tech.;
- published: 31 Aug 2010
- views: 1307