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  • RAW FOOTAGE: Terrorism Strikes Boston Marathon As Bombs Explode 2013...8:54
  • India News: Chaudhry Zulfiqar prosecutor of Benazir murder gunned down...2:35
  • As U.S. Moves to Arm Syrian Rebels, Questions Raised About Reports of Chemical Weapons Attack...17:24
  • US state of Maryland abolishes death penalty...2:16
  • Gunmen surround Libya foreign ministry...1:43
  • Pope welcomes Benedict XVI to the Vatican...2:22
  • UN says Somalia famine killed nearly 260,000...1:57
  • Chad Foils Coup Attempt...0:41
  • Complete News - Scores killed in two days of Iraq clashes...2:55
  • North Korea sentences US citizen to jail...3:35
  • Bangladesh building collapse kills more than 340 people...4:24
  • Obama vows to close Guantánamo Bay...1:24
  • Bangladesh: factory victims buried, EU threatens sanctions...1:11
  • Inhuldiging Willem-Alexander - Deel 2 - Inhuldigingsceremonie...3:43:26
add video playlist Two bombs struck near the finish line of the Boston Marathon on Monday, turning a celebration into a bloody scene of destruction. The blasts threw people to the ground, killing two and injuring dozens. The Boston Globe reported that at least 90 people were being treated at area hospitals. White House area on lockdown after blasts CNN producer: Heard big boom, saw smoke Blasts near Boston Marathon finish line Eyewitness: People 'very badly hurt' The terrorist attack, near the marathon's finish line, triggered widespread screaming and chaos, shattered windows and barricades and sent smoke billowing into the air at Copley Square. They were about 50 to 100 yards apart, officials said. "It felt like a huge cannon," a witness told CNN about one of the blasts. Photos from the scene showed people being carried away on stretchers. One man in a wheelchair had blood all over his face and legs. The bombs shook buildings, sending people to seek shelter under tables, witnesses said. Explosions kill at least 2 at Boston Marathon; dozens injured: "CHECK OUT MY TWITTER AND FACEBOOK FOR UPDATES ON THIS STORY" ADG Facebook: Follow ADG on Twitter:
Two bombs struck near the finish line of the Boston Marathon on Monday, turning a celebration into a bloody scene of destruction.

The blasts threw people to the ground, killing two and injuring dozens.

The Boston Globe reported that at least 90 people were being treated at area hospitals.

White House area on lockdown after blasts CNN producer: Heard big boom, saw smoke Blasts near Boston Marathon finish line Eyewitness: People \'very badly hurt\'

The terrorist attack, near the marathon\'s finish line, triggered widespread screaming and chaos, shattered windows and barricades and sent smoke billowing into the air at Copley Square.

They were about 50 to 100 yards apart, officials said.
RAW FOOTAGE: Ter­ror­ism Strikes Boston Marathon As Bombs Ex­plode 2013
India News: Chaudhary Zulfiqar, prosecutor of Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) in Benazir Bhutto murder case, was shot dead by unidentified armed men here on Friday morning, Geo News reported.
State prosecutor Chaudhry Zulfiqar was shot multiple times by gunmen as he was driving to the next hearing in the murder case of the former prime minister, who was assassinated more than five years ago.
India News: Chaudhry Zul­fiqar pros­e­cu­tor of Be­nazir mur­der gunned down
2:35 - The Obama administration is reportedly close to begin arming Syrian rebels with \
As U.S. Moves to Arm Syr­i­an Rebels, Ques­tions Raised About Re­ports of Chem­i­cal Weapons At­tack
The death penalty has been banned in Maryland, making it the eighteenth US state to outlaw capital punishment.  

State governor Martin O\'Malley signed the abolition of capital punishment into law on Thursday. 

The change is a personal victory for one native of the state, and former death row inmate.

Al Jazeera\'s Kristen Saloomey reports from Annapolis.
US state of Mary­land abol­ish­es death penal­ty
In the Libyan capital Tripoli, about 200 gunmen have surrounded the foreign ministry building. They are demanding the resignation of officials from Muammar Gaddafi\'s era.   The military says negotiations are underway.  Al Jazeera\'s Charles Stratford reports.
Gun­men sur­round Libya for­eign min­istry
1:43 It has been two months since Benedict XVI left the Vatican by helicopter. In the last few hours of his pontificate Pope Benedict XVI traveled to the summer residence of Castel Gandolfo. Now he comes back to the Vatican as Pope emeritus.
Pope wel­comes Bene­dict XVI to the Vat­i­can
More than 250,000 people died in a famine in Somalia that ended in February, 2012, and half of them were children.
The figure released by the UN is almost double the previous estimate of deaths.
Aid agencies say thousands of people died needlessly, because the international community was slow to respond.

Al Jazeera\'s Peter Greste reports.
UN says So­ma­lia famine killed near­ly 260,000
Vidyo Depo

Chad Foils Coup Attempt
Voice of America  - ‎12 minutes ago‎ 
Security forces in Chad say they have arrested a group of people for allegedly plotting a coup in the central African country. The government says the \
Chad Foils Coup At­tempt
More than 100 people have been killed in two days of violence across Iraq after a raid on a camp of mostly Sunni Muslim protesters on Tuesday ignited the fiercest clashes since US troops left.
Com­plete News - Scores killed in two days of Iraq clash­es
Pae Jun-Ho, known in the US as Kenneth Bae, sentenced to 15 years hard labour for \
North Korea sen­tences US cit­i­zen to jail
Dhaka/ New Delhi, April 27 (ANI): A horrific accident occurred in an eight-story building on the outskirts of the capital, Dhaka. The building caved on April 24 resulting in the death of almost 340 people. Dhaka city development authority has meanwhile filed a case against the building\'s owner for the poor construction. Police said they filed another case against the absconding owner and the five garments factories for causing unlawful death. In the meantime, Bangladesh has been caught up in turmoil since the war crimes tribunal sentenced some Jamaat party leaders for atrocities committed during the Liberation War of 1971. Bearing the brunt of the Jamaat\'s anger has been the minority Hindu community.
Bangladesh build­ing col­lapse kills more than 340 peo­ple
Obama vows to close Guantánamo Bay

Subscribe to the Guardian HERE:

Barack Obama vows on Tuesday to make a push towards closing the detention centre at Guantánamo Bay. At least 100 of the prisoners at the US military base in Cuba are on hunger strike with 21 being force fed. President Obama says he does not want any inmates to die of starvation, and reiterates his intention to close the base.
Obama vows to close Guantánamo Bay
1:24 In the Bangladeshi capital Dhaka, volunteers buried 18 unidentified factory workers - victims of the country\'s worst-ever industrial disaster.

At least 400 people were killed when the Rana Plaza, which housed a textile factory, collapsed last week.

Thousands of people took part in a May Day demonstration in central Dhaka, protesting against poor safety standards and low wages.

At the rally, union leader Nazma Akhtar said: \
Bangladesh: fac­to­ry vic­tims buried, EU threat­ens sanc­tions
0:12:12 - 0:33:55 -- Documentaire Koningspaar
1:31:00 -- Opening vergadering
1:46:29 -- Arrivering Koningspaar
1:57:36 -- Afleggen Eed Koning Willem-Alexander (2:09:33)
2:11:55 -- Inhuldigingsverklaring Staten-Generaal
2:34:27 -- Voltooiing Inhuldigingsceremonie
2:54:10 -- Afsluiting vergadering
3:05:54 -- Einde Ceremonie

Diep respect voor de NOS voor het maken van deze beelden.

All trademarks and copyrights in this video are property of their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended.

Troonswisseling, 2013, Inhuldiging, Inhuldigingsceremonie, Abdicatie, Eed, Koning, Koningin, Prinses, Documentaire, Boot, Boottocht, Vaartocht,
Throne Exchange, Inauguration, Inauguration Ceremony, Abdication, Oath, King, Queen, Princess, Documentary, Boat, Boat Trip,
Willem-Alexander, Beatrix, Maxima, Zorreguieta, Armin van Buuren, Nederland, Netherlands, Amsterdam, Dam, Nieuwe Kerk, Het IJ, Holland, Oranje, Orange, Nassau
In­huldig­ing Willem-Alexan­der - Deel 2 - In­huldig­ingscer­e­monie
President Barack Obama suggested Tuesday he\'d consider military action against Syria if it can be confirmed that President Bashar Assad\'s government used chemical weapons in the two-year-old civil war. At a White House news conference, the president also defended the FBI\'s work in monitoring the activities in recent years of one of the men accused in the deadly bombing at the Boston Marathon. In addition he took questions on health care, the closing of Guantanamo Bay detention center and immigration and also commented on the strength of NBA center Jason Collins for coming out as the first gay athlete in a major U.S. men\'s sports league.
Watch Pres­i­dent Obama on Syria, Clos­ing Guan­tanamo, Boston, Health Care and Jason Collins

updated 15 Apr 2013; published 15 Apr 2013
RAW FOOTAGE: Ter­ror­ism Strikes Boston Marathon As Bombs Ex­plode 2013
The Independent 03 May 2013, The two brothers suspected of carrying out the deadly attacks on the Boston Marathon had originally planned to set off their bombs on 4 July, a law enforcement official said. The official said the suspects, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, advanced the date of their attack because they completed building bombs more quickly then they originally...
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updated 03 May 2013; published 03 May 2013
India News: Chaudhry Zul­fiqar pros­e­cu­tor of Be­nazir mur­der gunned down
Orange News 03 May 2013, 3 May 2013, 5:12 Bhutto Case Prosecutor Gunned Down Tweet A Pakistani prosecutor working on the murder case of former prime minister Benazir Bhutto has been shot dead, police say. An unidentified gunmen intercepted the car of state prosecutor Chaudhry Zulfiqar in a busy street in Islamabad and sprayed it with bullets, local police said. Mr Zulfiqar...
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updated 02 May 2013; published 02 May 2013
As U.S. Moves to Arm Syr­i­an Rebels, Ques­tions Raised About Re­ports of Chem­i­cal Weapons At­tack
Khaleej Times 03 May 2013, The United States said on Thursday it was taking a fresh look at whether to arm Syria’s rebels as the Damascus regime pressed an assault on opposition forces in the embattled city of Homs. After having rejected the idea previously, President Barack Obama’s deputies were weighing the option of providing weapons to Syria’s outgunned...
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updated 02 May 2013; published 02 May 2013
US state of Mary­land abol­ish­es death penal­ty
The New York Times 03 May 2013, Maryland on Thursday became the first state south of the Mason-Dixon line to abolish the death penalty. Passage of a bill repealing capital punishment was a significant victory for Gov. Martin O’Malley, who is considering seeking the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination. Death penalty opponents said the governor had helped to maintain a...
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updated 28 Apr 2013; published 28 Apr 2013
Gun­men sur­round Libya for­eign min­istry
Voa News 02 May 2013, TRIPOLI — Militiamen besieging key Libyan ministries say they won’t release their chokehold on the government of Prime Minister Ali Zeidan until it fires anyone who worked for the regime of the late Moammar Gadhafi. If the militias succeed in forcing the General National Council (GNC) to pass a law barring Gaddafi-era officials from...
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updated 02 May 2013; published 02 May 2013
Pope wel­comes Bene­dict XVI to the Vat­i­can
Voa News 02 May 2013, VATICAN CITYBenedict XVI moved back to the Vatican on Thursday, opening an uncertain era in Catholic Church history where an "emeritus pope" and a ruling pontiff will live as neighbors for the first time. Benedict, the first pope to abdicate in 600 years, will live out his retirement in a restored convent in the Vatican gardens with a...
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updated 02 May 2013; published 02 May 2013
UN says So­ma­lia famine killed near­ly 260,000
The Los Angeles Times 02 May 2013, JOHANNESBURG, South Africa -- It was the catastrophe everyone knew was coming, yet no-one seemed able to stop. Nearly 260,000 people died in Somalia’s food crisis from 2010 to 2012, double the worst estimates at the time, according to a report released Thursday by the U.S.-funded Famine Early Warning System (FEWS NET) and the U.N. Food...
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updated 02 May 2013; published 02 May 2013
Chad Foils Coup At­tempt
Voa News 02 May 2013, N'DJAMENA — At least four people were killed in a gunfight in the Chadian capital in what authorities said was a plot against President Idriss Deby's government, security sources said on Thursday. Chad has a long history of political instability and Deby himself led rebel troops into the capital N';Djamena in 1990 to seize power. The...
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updated 27 Apr 2013; published 27 Apr 2013
Com­plete News - Scores killed in two days of Iraq clash­es
The Star 02 May 2013, BAGHDAD (Reuters) - April was Iraq's bloodiest month for almost five years, with 712 people killed in bomb attacks and other violence, the United Nations Iraq mission said on Thursday. Iraq has grown more volatile as the civil war in neighbouring Syria strains fragile relations between Sunni and Shi'ite Muslims....
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updated 02 May 2013; published 02 May 2013
North Korea sen­tences US cit­i­zen to jail
Herald Tribune 02 May 2013, SEOUL, South Korea - An American detained for nearly six months in North Korea has been sentenced to 15 years of labor for crimes against the state, the North's state media said Thursday, a development that further complicates already strained ties between Pyongyang and Washington. The sentencing of Kenneth Bae, described by friends as a devout...
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updated 27 Apr 2013; published 27 Apr 2013
Bangladesh build­ing col­lapse kills more than 340 peo­ple
Al Jazeera 02 May 2013, Pope Francis has condemned the conditions of workers who died in a Bangladesh factory collapse last week as "slave labour," saying unjust salaries and the unbridled quest for profits were "against God". The pope's words were his toughest yet on workers' rights since his election on March 13, and another indication that the former...
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updated 01 May 2013; published 01 May 2013
Obama vows to close Guantánamo Bay
The New York Times 01 May 2013, MIAMI (AP) — The Guantanamo Bay hunger strike is apparently still on despite President Barack Obama's renewed vow on closing the prison on the U.S. base in Cuba. A U.S. military spokesman says there are still 100 prisoners refusing to eat as of Wednesday. Lt. Col. Samuel House says 23 are being force fed to prevent starvation. House said the...
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updated 01 May 2013; published 01 May 2013
Bangladesh: fac­to­ry vic­tims buried, EU threat­ens sanc­tions
Al Jazeera 01 May 2013, The EU has said it is concerned about labour conditions in Bangladesh and is considering action to encourage improvements in the country after a factory building collapsed near Dhaka, killing nearly 400 people. In a statement issued by Catherine Ashton, the EU foreign affairs chief, and Karel de Gucht, the trade commissioner, the bloc...
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updated 30 Apr 2013; published 30 Apr 2013
In­huldig­ing Willem-Alexan­der - Deel 2 - In­huldig­ingscer­e­monie
Detroit news 01 May 2013, By Mike Corderand Toby Sterling Associated Press Comments King Willem-Alexander, 46, arrives with his wife, Queen Maxima, for his inauguration in Amsterdam. He is the youngest monarch in Europe. (Frank Van Beek / Getty Images) Amsterdam — Millions of Dutch people dressed in orange flocked to celebrations around the Netherlands Tuesday in...
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Boston brothers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev had planned 4 July attack, says official
Full Article The Independent
03 May 2013

The two brothers suspected of carrying out the deadly attacks on the Boston Marathon had originally planned to set off their bombs on 4 July, a law enforcement official said. The official said the suspects, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, advanced the date of their attack because they completed building bombs more quickly then they originally...
A Department of Homeland Security police officer patrols with his dog outside the Moakley Federal Courthouse in Boston, Mass., Wednesday, May 1, 2013.
photo: AP / Charles Krupa

Bhutto Case Prosecutor Gunned Down
Full Article Orange News
03 May 2013

3 May 2013, 5:12 Bhutto Case Prosecutor Gunned Down Tweet A Pakistani prosecutor working on the murder case of former prime minister Benazir Bhutto has been shot dead, police say. An unidentified gunmen intercepted the car of state prosecutor Chaudhry Zulfiqar in a busy street in Islamabad and sprayed it with bullets, local police said. Mr Zulfiqar... Bhutto
 portrait of the late former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto passes through the site where she was assassinated following a ceremony marking the end of a 40-day mourning period in Islamabad, Pakistan, Thursday, Feb. 7, 2008 (tmg1)
photo: AP / Wally Santana

US considering arms for Syria rebels
Full Article Khaleej Times
03 May 2013

The United States said on Thursday it was taking a fresh look at whether to arm Syria’s rebels as the Damascus regime pressed an assault on opposition forces in the embattled city of Homs. After having rejected the idea previously, President Barack Obama’s deputies were weighing the option of providing weapons to Syria’s outgunned... Crisis
US considering arms for Syria rebels
photo: AP / Virginie Nguyen Huang

Maryland: Governor Signs Repeal of the Death Penalty
Full Article The New York Times
03 May 2013

Maryland on Thursday became the first state south of the Mason-Dixon line to abolish the death penalty. Passage of a bill repealing capital punishment was a significant victory for Gov. Martin O’Malley, who is considering seeking the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination. Death penalty opponents said the governor had helped to maintain a... penalty
Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley speaks before signing a bill abolishing capital punishment in the state during a ceremony in Annapolis, Md., Thursday, May 2, 2013.
photo: AP / Patrick Semansky

Libya's Political Crisis Heats Up
Full Article Voa News
02 May 2013

TRIPOLI — Militiamen besieging key Libyan ministries say they won’t release their chokehold on the government of Prime Minister Ali Zeidan until it fires anyone who worked for the regime of the late Moammar Gadhafi. If the militias succeed in forcing the General National Council (GNC) to pass a law barring Gaddafi-era officials from...
Secretary Kerry Shakes Hands With Libyan Prime Minister Zeidan
photo: Creative Commons / U.S. Department of State

Ex-Pope Benedict Back at Vatican to Live Out Retirement
Full Article Voa News
02 May 2013

VATICAN CITYBenedict XVI moved back to the Vatican on Thursday, opening an uncertain era in Catholic Church history where an "emeritus pope" and a ruling pontiff will live as neighbors for the first time. Benedict, the first pope to abdicate in 600 years, will live out his retirement in a restored convent in the Vatican gardens with a... Benedict XVI Francis
A helicopter with Pope Benedict XVI onboard leaves the Vatican in Rome, Thursday, Feb. 28, 2013.
photo: AP / Michael Sohn

Report: Nearly 260,000 died in Somalia food crisis
Full Article The Los Angeles Times
02 May 2013

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa -- It was the catastrophe everyone knew was coming, yet no-one seemed able to stop. Nearly 260,000 people died in Somalia’s food crisis from 2010 to 2012, double the worst estimates at the time, according to a report released Thursday by the U.S.-funded Famine Early Warning System (FEWS NET) and the U.N. Food...
Somali children
photo: AP / Jason Straziuso

Security Sources: At Least 4 Dead in Chad Coup Attempt
Full Article Voa News
02 May 2013

N'DJAMENA — At least four people were killed in a gunfight in the Chadian capital in what authorities said was a plot against President Idriss Deby's government, security sources said on Thursday. Chad has a long history of political instability and Deby himself led rebel troops into the capital N';Djamena in 1990 to seize power. The... Attempt Deby'Djamena
Chadian President Idriss Deby
photo: AP Photo / Jerome Delay

April bloodiest month in Iraq since 2008 - U.N.
Full Article The Star
02 May 2013

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - April was Iraq's bloodiest month for almost five years, with 712 people killed in bomb attacks and other violence, the United Nations Iraq mission said on Thursday. Iraq has grown more volatile as the civil war in neighbouring Syria strains fragile relations between Sunni and Shi'ite Muslims....
Iraq Sunni Protests
photo: Creative Commons / Voice of America News: Selah Hennessy reporting from London, UK

North Korea sentences American to 15 years' labor
Full Article Herald Tribune
02 May 2013

SEOUL, South Korea - An American detained for nearly six months in North Korea has been sentenced to 15 years of labor for crimes against the state, the North's state media said Thursday, a development that further complicates already strained ties between Pyongyang and Washington. The sentencing of Kenneth Bae, described by friends as a devout... korea
File - In this March 20, 2013 photo, a North Korean flag hangs inside the interior of Pyongyang’s Supreme Court. Detained American Kenneth Bae has been condemned to 15 years of hard labour for 'hostile acts' against the state.
photo: AP

Pope condemns Bangladesh 'slave labour'
Full Article Al Jazeera
02 May 2013

Pope Francis has condemned the conditions of workers who died in a Bangladesh factory collapse last week as "slave labour," saying unjust salaries and the unbridled quest for profits were "against God". The pope's words were his toughest yet on workers' rights since his election on March 13, and another indication that the former...
A worker leaves the site where a garment factory building collapsed near Dhaka, Bangladesh Monday, April 29, 2013.
photo: AP / Ismail Ferdous

Guantanamo Strike Still on Despite New Obama Vow
Full Article The New York Times
01 May 2013

MIAMI (AP) — The Guantanamo Bay hunger strike is apparently still on despite President Barack Obama's renewed vow on closing the prison on the U.S. base in Cuba. A U.S. military spokesman says there are still 100 prisoners refusing to eat as of Wednesday. Lt. Col. Samuel House says 23 are being force fed to prevent starvation. House said the...
In this May 14, 2009 file photo, reviewed by the U.S. military, Guantanamo detainees pray before dawn near a fence of razor-wire, inside Camp 4 detention facility at Guantanamo Bay U.S. Naval Base, Cuba
photo: AP / Brennan Linsley

EU considers action after Bangladesh disaster
Full Article Al Jazeera
01 May 2013

The EU has said it is concerned about labour conditions in Bangladesh and is considering action to encourage improvements in the country after a factory building collapsed near Dhaka, killing nearly 400 people. In a statement issued by Catherine Ashton, the EU foreign affairs chief, and Karel de Gucht, the trade commissioner, the bloc...
A worker toils in a collapsed garment factory building on Tuesday, April 30, 2013 in Savar, near Dhaka, Bangladesh.
photo: AP / Wong Maye-E

Netherlands celebrates King Willem-Alexander
Full Article Detroit news
01 May 2013

By Mike Corderand Toby Sterling Associated Press Comments King Willem-Alexander, 46, arrives with his wife, Queen Maxima, for his inauguration in Amsterdam. He is the youngest monarch in Europe. (Frank Van Beek / Getty Images) Amsterdam — Millions of Dutch people dressed in orange flocked to celebrations around the Netherlands Tuesday in...
King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima leave Nieuwe Kerk or New Church in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, after the inauguration Tuesday April 30, 2013.
photo: AP / Carl Court

Bulls receive a dose of their own medicine
Full Article The Examiner
03 May 2013

During the Nets’ first-round series against the Chicago Bulls, a lot has been made out of Brooklyn’s toughness and character. In the Bulls’ eyes, the lack thereof. But after Game Six and some happenings around the league, those accusations should lie filter into the Chicago locker room. After the Bulls pulled ahead, 3-1, in the Best of Seven...
Chicago Bulls' Carlos Boozer, left, tries to score against Phoenix Suns' Michael Beasley (0) in overtime during an NBA basketball game Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012, in Phoenix. The Bulls defeated the Suns 112-106. (AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin)
photo: AP / Ross D. Franklin

Jose Mourinho will need to rediscover heart of club that loves him
Full Article The Independent
02 May 2013

The demands were clear before kick-off and throughout the game. The Chelsea fans, keen as they are on the Europa League title and a top-four place in the Premier League, only really want one thing: the return of Jose Mourinho as manager this summer. Mourinho's face was on the front cover of one popular Chelsea fanzine, labelled, "Wanted… by...
Real Madrid's coach Jose Mourinho from Portugal waves as he enters the room to give a press conference at the Santiago Bernabeu stadium in Madrid, Monday Nov. 5, 2012. Real Madrid will play Borussia Dortmund Tuesday in a Group D Champions League soccer match.
photo: AP / Paul White

Harrington willing to try anything
Full Article Stuff
02 May 2013

Padraig Harrington will try anything that makes him play better golf, even a method of putting he believes should be outlawed. Despite his support of a proposed rule that would ban anchored strokes, Harrington switched to the belly putter Thursday in the Wells Fargo Championship. It didn't appear to help him much - he made only one birdie in a...
Padraig Harrington  RBC Heritage Practice Round April 11, 2012 in Hilton Head, SC
photo: Creative Commons / Keith Allison

Chelsea 3 FC Basel 1 (5-2 on aggregate): Blues ease through to the Europa League finals
Full Article London Evening Standard
02 May 2013

The Blues were in danger of missing out on a trip to Amsterdam after Mohamed Salah put the Swiss side level on aggregate just before half-time. But Chelsea stunned the Swiss side with three goals in 14 minutes after the restart to reach their sixth European Final in their history. It means if they win in the Dutch capital in just under a... FC
Chelsea's Branislav Ivanovic, right, celebrates scoring his side's third goal , during the English Premier League soccer match between Chelsea and Aston Villa at Stamford Bridge stadium in London, Sunday, Dec. 23, 2012.
photo: AP / Tom Hevezi

Langer rides hot streak into Insperity Championship
Full Article Golf Channel
02 May 2013

THE WOODLANDS, TexasBernhard Langer has assured Hale Irwin that his Champions Tour record of 45 victories is safe. Langer has won twice this season, and he's the tour points leader going into the first round of the Insperity Championship at The Woodlands Country Club's TPC course on Friday. ''I told him (Irwin) yesterday,'' Langer said....
Bernhard Langer, of Germany, walks off the sixth tee in the third round of the U.S. Senior Open golf tournament
photo: AP / Ted S. Warren

Player Ratings: Chelsea 3-1 Basel (agg. 5-2)
Full Article Goal
02 May 2013

David Luiz's brilliant long-range effort capped off the Blues' second-half comeback as they progressed to the Europa League final at the expense of their Swiss opponents By Oliver Platt Comments Chelsea FC 3.21 0 0 3.00 Petr Cech Saved well at Salah's feet in the first half, but could do little to prevent the winger converting a second clear-cut... FC
Chelsea's Victor Moses celebrates after scoring a goal against Shakhtar Donetsk during their Champions League group E soccer match at Chelsea's Stamford Bridge stadium in London, Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2012.
photo: AP / Tom Hevezi

Bale bags awards treble with writers' honour
Full Article South China Morning Post
02 May 2013

Tottenham Hotspur winger Gareth Bale completed a notable treble after being voted the 2013 Footballer of the Year by England's Football Writers' Association. The 23-year-old Wales international topped the journalists' poll by a narrow margin with Manchester United's Robin van Persie, last season's winner when at Arsenal, the runner-up. Last...
Tottenham Hotspur's Gareth Bale reacts during their English Premier League soccer match against Stoke City at Britannia Stadium, Stoke on Trent, England, Sunday, Dec. 11, 2011.
photo: AP / Tim Hales

Harrington switches to the belly putter
Full Article Houston Chronicle
02 May 2013

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) — Padraig Harrington will try anything that makes him play better golf, even a method of putting he believes should be outlawed. Despite his support of a proposed rule that would ban anchored strokes, Harrington switched to the belly putter Thursday in the Wells Fargo Championship. It didn't appear to help him much — he made...
Padraig Harrington of Ireland
photo: AP / Mel Evans

With DailyMotion deal foiled, here's what Yahoo should do next
Full Article The Business Review
02 May 2013

Web Producer- Silicon Valley Business Journal | | If , Yahoo just lost the biggest acquisition it has tried since took over as CEO — a $300 million bid to take over the French video hosting site DailyMotion. That's sure to throw a wrench into Yahoo's content strategy, which has been looking increasingly focused on video in...
The Yahoo flag flies at Yahoo headquarters in Sunnyvale, Calif., Monday, April 20, 2009.
photo: AP / Paul Sakuma

May Entertainment Calendar Includes 'Great Gatsby,' 'Iron Man 3,' Billboard Music Awards
Full Article Huffington Post
01 May 2013

Hollywood begins to roll out some of its biggest summer movies during the month of May. The next few weeks will see the release of highly anticipated films such as "The Great Gatsby" and "Iron Man 3." The month of May also boasts the Cannes Film Festival and the Billboard Music Awards. Read on below for 10 things to keep an eye on this month in the...
2013 Billboard Latin Music Awards - Arrivals - at Bank United Center Miami, Florida - 25.04.13
photo: WN / Luum Photos

Tegan and Sara to curate music for MTV's 'Awkward' episode
Full Article Digital Spy
01 May 2013

Tegan and Sara have signed up to curate the music choices for an episode of Awkward. The twin-sister duo have told Entertainment Weekly that the May 7 episode of the MTV comedy will feature tracks personally selected by them. © Warner Records Songs by The Courtneys and Sucre will be among the five chosen songs for the teen comedy starring...
POLARIS MUSIC PRIZE GALA 2010Sept 20, 2010 - Toronto
photo: Creative Commons

Keith Richards: I don't own an iPod
Full Article US News
01 May 2013

Comment () Tweet By MESFIN FEKADU, Associated Press NEW YORK (AP) — He's rock royalty and likes to keep it old-school: Keith Richards says he doesn't own an iPod. The Rolling Stones guitarist says he isn't a fan of the ultra-popular music device. "I don't have an iPod. ... I still use CDs or records actually. Sometimes cassettes. It has much...
Keith Richards Berlinale 2008
photo: Creative Commons / Siebbi

Correction: 'Nobody's Going to Dictate our Entertainment!'
Full Article
30 Apr 2013

Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling Right after the Boston Marathon bombing, that killed and wounded more than two-hundred people, and right before another sporting contest, one of among tens of thousands that were played out across the United States, Boston Red Sox icon, David "Big Papi" Ortiz, declared that, "This Jersey, that we wear...
This April 20, 2013 file photo shows Neil Diamond singing "Sweet Caroline" in the eighth inning of a baseball game between the Boston Red Sox and the Kansas City Royals in Boston. Sales for Neil Diamond's “Sweet Caroline” are up by 597 percent a week after the tune has become a source of comfort following bombings in Boston last week.
photo: AP / Michael Dwyer

Miley Cyrus: my look is punk and edgy
Full Article NZ Herald
30 Apr 2013

Miley Cyrus describes her style as "punk and a little edgy". The singer-and-actress appears on the June edition of ELLE magazine, her first big UK cover shoot. The 20-year-old says the publication matches her own personal outlook on fashion and beauty, which is more alternative than other glossy magazines. "ELLE UK... Cyrus
A Miley Cyrus cardboard cutout at VidCon 2012 at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California.
photo: Creative Commons / Gage Skidmore

Cee Lo Green performs during the Black Eyed Peas final concert of the year at Sun-Life Stadium. Miami Gardens, Florida - November 23, 2011
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Jackson's life recounted in opening of civil trial
Full Article San Francisco Chronicle
30 Apr 2013

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Michael Jackson's struggle against drug addiction was on display Monday during opening statements in his mother's wrongful death case against concert promoter AEG Live. Competing portraits of Jackson emerged during the first hours of the trial, with Katherine Jackson's attorney acknowledging the pop star's drug problems while... Live Jackson
Fans of Michael Jackson write their tributes on a wall as hundreds gathered at the O2 arena in London for a tribute celebration,
photo: AP / Sang Tan

Bollywood cinema: 10 lesser-known facts
Full Article BBC News
03 May 2013

Indian cinema began 100 years ago with the first "Bollywood" film, although the term was only coined many years later. The vibrant song-and-dance routines have millions of fans but here are some lesser-known facts that may have escaped their knowledge. It all began with a cross-dressing, wet sari scene Dhundiraj Govind Phalke's...
India School Girls Performs Dance at Red Road in Kolkata on 12 October 2011 in Eastern India City
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

First poster from Lars von Trier's Nymphomaniac arrives
Full Article IMDb
02 May 2013

In the film, a self-diagnosed nymphomaniac recounts her erotic experiences to the man who saved her after a beating.... von Trier
Lars von Trier
photo: GFDL /

Will Smith, Jaden Smith: Father And Son Goof Around At 'After Earth' Press Conference
Full Article Huffington Post
02 May 2013

Sometimes, even if your father is one of the world's biggest movie stars, a dad is just a dad and a son is just a son. Below, the best photos from the "After Earth" press conference in Tokyo Thursday, of Will Smith being cheesy and generally trying to humiliate 14-year-old son Jaden Smith, to adorable effect. Will: No, Jaden, this is how people in... Earh Smith Smith
Jaden Smith
photo: AP / Chris Pizzello

Mila Kunis named world's Sexiest Woman 2013
Full Article Deccan Chronicle
02 May 2013

Hollywood star Mila Kunis has been named the world's sexiest woman by FHM magazine while R&B star Rihanna takes on the second place in the 100 Sexiest Women list. The 29-year-old, who is... Kunis
Mila Kunis speaking at the 2012 San Diego Comic-Con International in San Diego, California.
photo: Creative Commons / Gage Skidmore

Iron Man 3 climbs to $242.1m
Full Article Screen Daily
01 May 2013

Marvel Studios’ blockbuster season curtain raiser is on course to soar past $400m internationally and most likely will break the $500m worldwide barrier by the end of this weekend after Disney reported an estimated $24.3m haul on Tuesday. The running total through Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures International currently stands at $242.1m and...
Iron Man
photo: Paramount Pictures /

Sofia Vergara will use surrogate to have baby, citing thyroid-cancer issues
Full Article The Examiner
30 Apr 2013

Actress Sofia Vergara has confirmed that she plans to use a surrogate mother to have her next baby, citing health issues from her thyroid-cancer battle in 2000. "I will have to use a surrogate, because I had thyroid cancer and lots of radiation," Vergara, 40, told Cosmopolitan April 30. "I don't want to wait forever [to have another baby], but not...
Sofia Vergara
photo: Creative Commons

Worthington enters The Keeping Room
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
30 Apr 2013

Sam Worthington is set to star in war drama The Keeping Room. The Clash Of The Titans star could be sharing screen time with Hailee Steinfeld, Brit Marling and Nicole Beharie in the Civil War piece, reported Deadline. The 36-year-old actor is said to be cast as a soldier who has left the Union Army, and encounters women who have been left to fend...
Sam Worthington
photo: AP / Dan Steinberg

Ranbir Kapoor character to be called Pepsi in next film
Full Article Digital Spy
30 Apr 2013

Ranbir Kapoor's character will be called Pepsi in his next film. The actor, who has been confirmed to star in Abhinav Kashyap's upcoming picture, is the soft drink brand's ambassador. A source told Mid-Day: "Ranbir is okay with the idea of having such screen names. He is a director's actor. The audience relates to his screen names well. After... Kapoor
Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor
photo: AP / Gurinder Osan

Walmart On Bangladesh: We're Open To Improving Worker Safety Conditions
Full Article Huffington Post
02 May 2013

After the catastrophic collapse of the Rana Plaza garment factory building in Savar, Bangladesh, last week, Walmart is making assurances that it's taking the labor situation in the country seriously. "Walmart has been advocating for improved worker safety with the Bangladeshi government, with industry groups and with suppliers," Walmart spokesman... Collapse
Shopper Jose Alvarez, right, carries out a newly-purchased television past protestors outside a Walmart store Friday Nov. 23, 2012, in Paramount, Calif. Wal-Mart employees and union supporters are taking part in today's nationwide demonstration for better pay and benefits A union-backed group called OUR Walmart, which includes former and current workers, staged the demonstrations and walkouts at hundreds of stores on Black Friday, the day when retailers traditionally turn a profit for the year.
photo: AP / Nick Ut

Stocks gain after unemployment claims fall
Full Article STL Today
02 May 2013

Encouraging news about the job market and higher profits from CBS, Facebook and other companies gave stocks a lift Thursday. Signs that hiring is picking up has been an important factor supporting this year's rally in stocks that has pushed the Dow Jones industrial average and the Standard & Poor's 500 index to record highs. The rally has...
Goldman Sachs CFO David A. Viniar is on a television monitor on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, Tuesday, April 27, 2010, in New York
photo: AP / Richard Drew

GM profit falls 14 percent in 1Q
Full Article STL Today
02 May 2013

DETROIT (AP) — General Motors' net income fell 14 percent in the first quarter, as it earned less money in North America while preparing to launch a redesigned version of its best-selling vehicle, the Silverado pickup. GM earned $865 million, or 58 cents per share, down from $1 billion, or 60 cents per share, in the January-March period a year ago....
General Motors Co. Chairman and interim Chief Executive, Edward Whitacre Jr., announces he will become the permanent CEO of the automaker during a news conference in Detroit Monday, Jan. 25, 2010
photo: AP / Paul Sancya

Spontaneously jumping dew drops clean nature’s surfaces Thu, 02 May 2013 (James Cook University)
Full Article noodls
02 May 2013

(Source: James Cook University) Spontaneously jumping dew drops clean nature's surfaces First published May 1, 2013 Scientists at James Cook University along with collaborators at Duke University have shown for the first time how nature can use dew drops to clean surfaces such as plant leaves and the bodies of insects. The dew forms small droplets...
A dew drop on the leaf of tree - nature
photo: WN / Aruna Mirasdar

New skin graft heals chronic leg ulcers (Tissue Regenix Group plc)
Full Article noodls
02 May 2013

(Source: Tissue Regenix Group plc) NHS Blood and Transplant and Tissue Regenix collaborate to develop new treatment dCELL® Human  Dermis available from NHSBT Tissue Services from Summer 2013 More than half of patients involved in the first trial of a new treatment for chronic leg ulcers have had their wounds completely healed.  This trial...
Human skin
photo: WN / Aruna Mirasdar

Sensex surges 220 points; IT, TECk stocks major gainers
Full Article The Hindu
02 May 2013

Indian markets were trading higher by over 1.1 per cent in the afternoon session on Thursday on fresh buying in IT, TECk, capital goods and banking sector stocks led by persistent capital inflows amid weak...
Vivek Nayer , Senior Vice President , Marketing Automotive Division Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd during the launch of new Verito Car at City Hotel in Kolkata
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

Boeing says taking "next step" toward launching 777X jet
Full Article The Guardian
02 May 2013

SEATTLE (Reuters) - Boeing Co said it is taking the "next step" toward launching its long-awaited 777X widebody jet by discussing price, schedule and other details with potential customers. The move follows a board meeting on Monday and means the commercial airplane division can begin taking orders...
A widebody jet airliner, the Boeing 777
photo: Creative Commons / Altair78

Facebook's mobile business boosts first quarter
Full Article Canberra Times
01 May 2013

Facebook's advertising revenue growth, which slowed sharply last year, has regained some momentum. Photo: Reuters Facebook Inc's mobile advertising business continued to expand in the first three months of the year, but the social network's rising spending restrained profit growth. Shares of Facebook were up 11 cents at $US27.54 in after-hours...
Facebook - Social networking
photo: WN / Yolanda Leyba

RAW FOOTAGE: Terrorism Strikes Boston Marathon As Bombs Explode 2013
RAW FOOTAGE: Terrorism Strikes Boston Marathon As Bombs Explode 2013
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:54
  • Updated: 15 Apr 2013
Two bombs struck near the finish line of the Boston Marathon on Monday, turning a celebration into a bloody scene of destruction. The blasts threw people to the ground, killing two and injuring dozens. The Boston Globe reported that at least 90 people were being treated at area hospitals. White House area on lockdown after blasts CNN producer: Heard big boom, saw smoke Blasts near Boston Marathon finish line Eyewitness: People 'very badly hurt' The terrorist attack, near the marathon's finish line, triggered widespread screaming and chaos, shattered windows and barricades and sent smoke billowing into the air at Copley Square. They were about 50 to 100 yards apart, officials said. "It felt like a huge cannon," a witness told CNN about one of the blasts. Photos from the scene showed people being carried away on stretchers. One man in a wheelchair had blood all over his face and legs. The bombs shook buildings, sending people to seek shelter under tables, witnesses said. Explosions kill at least 2 at Boston Marathon; dozens injured: "CHECK OUT MY TWITTER AND FACEBOOK FOR UPDATES ON THIS STORY" ADG Facebook: Follow ADG on Twitter:
  • published: 15 Apr 2013
  • views: 6352569

India News: Chaudhry Zulfiqar prosecutor of Benazir murder gunned down
India News: Chaudhry Zulfiqar prosecutor of Benazir murder gunned down
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:35
  • Updated: 03 May 2013
India News: Chaudhary Zulfiqar, prosecutor of Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) in Benazir Bhutto murder case, was shot dead by unidentified armed men here on Friday morning, Geo News reported. State prosecutor Chaudhry Zulfiqar was shot multiple times by gunmen as he was driving to the next hearing in the murder case of the former prime minister, who was assassinated more than five years ago.
  • published: 03 May 2013
  • views: 16

As U.S. Moves to Arm Syrian Rebels, Questions Raised About Reports of Chemical Weapons Attack
As U.S. Moves to Arm Syrian Rebels, Questions Raised About Reports of Chemical Weapons Attack
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  • Duration: 17:24
  • Updated: 02 May 2013 - The Obama administration is reportedly close to begin arming Syrian rebels with "lethal weaponry" in their fight against President Bashar al-Assad. The Washington Post reports President Obama will make a final decision in the coming weeks on what one official described as "assistance that has a direct military purpose." Syrian rebels have already asked Western backers for anti-tank weapons and surface-to-air missiles. This comes as Israel and U.S. sources have accused the Syrian government of using chemical weapons. On Tuesday, President Obama said chemical-weapon use in Syria would be a "game-changer." We speak to Tracey Shelton, a GlobalPost senior correspondent covering Syria. Her most recent article is "Syria: The Horrific Chemical Weapons Attack that Probably Wasn't a Chemical Weapons Attack." Last month, Shelton won a George Polk award for "communicating the human tragedy of the conflict in Syria in a way that is impossible to ignore or forget." Democracy Now!, is an independent global news hour that airs weekdays on 1,100+ TV and radio stations Monday through Friday. FOLLOW DEMOCRACY NOW! ONLINE: Facebook: Twitter: @democracynow Subscribe on YouTube: Listen on SoundCloud: Daily Email News Digest: Please consider supporting independent media by making a donation to Democracy Now! today, visit
  • published: 02 May 2013
  • views: 301,_Questions_Raised_About_Reports_of_Chemical_Weapons_Attack

US state of Maryland abolishes death penalty
US state of Maryland abolishes death penalty
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:16
  • Updated: 02 May 2013
The death penalty has been banned in Maryland, making it the eighteenth US state to outlaw capital punishment. State governor Martin O'Malley signed the abolition of capital punishment into law on Thursday. The change is a personal victory for one native of the state, and former death row inmate. Al Jazeera's Kristen Saloomey reports from Annapolis.
  • published: 02 May 2013
  • views: 440

Gunmen surround Libya foreign ministry
Gunmen surround Libya foreign ministry
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:43
  • Updated: 28 Apr 2013
In the Libyan capital Tripoli, about 200 gunmen have surrounded the foreign ministry building. They are demanding the resignation of officials from Muammar Gaddafi's era. The military says negotiations are underway. Al Jazeera's Charles Stratford reports.
  • published: 28 Apr 2013
  • views: 33

Pope welcomes Benedict XVI to the Vatican
Pope welcomes Benedict XVI to the Vatican
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:22
  • Updated: 02 May 2013 It has been two months since Benedict XVI left the Vatican by helicopter. In the last few hours of his pontificate Pope Benedict XVI traveled to the summer residence of Castel Gandolfo. Now he comes back to the Vatican as Pope emeritus.
  • published: 02 May 2013
  • views: 2026

UN says Somalia famine killed nearly 260,000
UN says Somalia famine killed nearly 260,000
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:57
  • Updated: 02 May 2013
More than 250,000 people died in a famine in Somalia that ended in February, 2012, and half of them were children. The figure released by the UN is almost double the previous estimate of deaths. Aid agencies say thousands of people died needlessly, because the international community was slow to respond. Al Jazeera's Peter Greste reports.
  • published: 02 May 2013
  • views: 634,000

Chad Foils Coup Attempt
Chad Foils Coup Attempt
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:41
  • Updated: 02 May 2013
Vidyo Depo Chad Foils Coup Attempt Voice of America - ‎12 minutes ago‎ Security forces in Chad say they have arrested a group of people for allegedly plotting a coup in the central African country. The government says the "small group" had been conspiring for more than four months to "destabilize the institutions of the republic. Related Chad » Idriss Déby » At least 4 dead in Chad coup attempt: security sourcesReuters Africa Chad says it thwarted In Depth:'Several killed' in apparent foiled coup in Chad
  • published: 02 May 2013
  • views: 2

Complete News - Scores killed in two days of Iraq clashes
Complete News - Scores killed in two days of Iraq clashes
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:55
  • Updated: 27 Apr 2013
More than 100 people have been killed in two days of violence across Iraq after a raid on a camp of mostly Sunni Muslim protesters on Tuesday ignited the fiercest clashes since US troops left.
  • published: 27 Apr 2013
  • views: 29

North Korea sentences US citizen to jail
North Korea sentences US citizen to jail
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:35
  • Updated: 02 May 2013
Pae Jun-Ho, known in the US as Kenneth Bae, sentenced to 15 years hard labour for "hostile acts" against Pyongyang. Al Jazeera's Harry Fawcett reports from South Korean capital of Seoul.
  • published: 02 May 2013
  • views: 2886

Bangladesh building collapse kills more than 340 people
Bangladesh building collapse kills more than 340 people
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:24
  • Updated: 27 Apr 2013
Dhaka/ New Delhi, April 27 (ANI): A horrific accident occurred in an eight-story building on the outskirts of the capital, Dhaka. The building caved on April 24 resulting in the death of almost 340 people. Dhaka city development authority has meanwhile filed a case against the building's owner for the poor construction. Police said they filed another case against the absconding owner and the five garments factories for causing unlawful death. In the meantime, Bangladesh has been caught up in turmoil since the war crimes tribunal sentenced some Jamaat party leaders for atrocities committed during the Liberation War of 1971. Bearing the brunt of the Jamaat's anger has been the minority Hindu community.
  • published: 27 Apr 2013
  • views: 787

Obama vows to close Guantánamo Bay
Obama vows to close Guantánamo Bay
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:24
  • Updated: 01 May 2013
Obama vows to close Guantánamo Bay Subscribe to the Guardian HERE: Barack Obama vows on Tuesday to make a push towards closing the detention centre at Guantánamo Bay. At least 100 of the prisoners at the US military base in Cuba are on hunger strike with 21 being force fed. President Obama says he does not want any inmates to die of starvation, and reiterates his intention to close the base.
  • published: 01 May 2013
  • views: 762ánamo_Bay

Bangladesh: factory victims buried, EU threatens sanctions
Bangladesh: factory victims buried, EU threatens sanctions
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:11
  • Updated: 01 May 2013 In the Bangladeshi capital Dhaka, volunteers buried 18 unidentified factory workers - victims of the country's worst-ever industrial disaster. At least 400 people were killed when the Rana Plaza, which housed a textile factory, collapsed last week. Thousands of people took part in a May Day demonstration in central Dhaka, protesting against poor safety standards and low wages. At the rally, union leader Nazma Akhtar said: "We demand wages to earn our livelihood. With the wages they give us it is very difficult to live. On May Day, we also demand full compensation from the factory owners who are killing the workers." The European Union has told Bangladesh to 'act immediately' to improve safety standards, saying the country risks trade sanctions if it does not take action. Bangladesh currently has duty-free access to EU markets for its garments. Find us on: Youtube Facebook Twitter
  • published: 01 May 2013
  • views: 128,_EU_threatens_sanctions

Inhuldiging Willem-Alexander - Deel 2 - Inhuldigingsceremonie
Inhuldiging Willem-Alexander - Deel 2 - Inhuldigingsceremonie
  • Order:
  • Duration: 223:26
  • Updated: 30 Apr 2013
0:12:12 - 0:33:55 -- Documentaire Koningspaar 1:31:00 -- Opening vergadering 1:46:29 -- Arrivering Koningspaar 1:57:36 -- Afleggen Eed Koning Willem-Alexander (2:09:33) 2:11:55 -- Inhuldigingsverklaring Staten-Generaal 2:34:27 -- Voltooiing Inhuldigingsceremonie 2:54:10 -- Afsluiting vergadering 3:05:54 -- Einde Ceremonie Diep respect voor de NOS voor het maken van deze beelden. All trademarks and copyrights in this video are property of their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended. Tags: Troonswisseling, 2013, Inhuldiging, Inhuldigingsceremonie, Abdicatie, Eed, Koning, Koningin, Prinses, Documentaire, Boot, Boottocht, Vaartocht, Throne Exchange, Inauguration, Inauguration Ceremony, Abdication, Oath, King, Queen, Princess, Documentary, Boat, Boat Trip, Willem-Alexander, Beatrix, Maxima, Zorreguieta, Armin van Buuren, Nederland, Netherlands, Amsterdam, Dam, Nieuwe Kerk, Het IJ, Holland, Oranje, Orange, Nassau
  • published: 30 Apr 2013
  • views: 11539

Watch President Obama on Syria, Closing Guantanamo, Boston, Health Care and Jason Collins
Watch President Obama on Syria, Closing Guantanamo, Boston, Health Care and Jason Collins
  • Order:
  • Duration: 47:59
  • Updated: 30 Apr 2013
President Barack Obama suggested Tuesday he'd consider military action against Syria if it can be confirmed that President Bashar Assad's government used chemical weapons in the two-year-old civil war. At a White House news conference, the president also defended the FBI's work in monitoring the activities in recent years of one of the men accused in the deadly bombing at the Boston Marathon. In addition he took questions on health care, the closing of Guantanamo Bay detention center and immigration and also commented on the strength of NBA center Jason Collins for coming out as the first gay athlete in a major U.S. men's sports league.
  • published: 30 Apr 2013
  • views: 5642,_Closing_Guantanamo,_Boston,_Health_Care_and_Jason_Collins

In this Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2012 photo, a feeding site run by the Somali aid agency Jumbo Peace and Development Organization to cook food provided by the World Food Program (WFP) sits almost deserted Joakim Noah of the Chicago Bulls throws a strong pass A Soldier from 2nd Platoon, Alpha Company, 1st Infantry Battalion, 327th Infantry Regiment, assists Afghan forces secure the customs checkpoint at Torkham Gate, Afghanistan, April 24, 2013. A Western Bluebird sits on an ice-covered barb wired fence in Pocahontas, Illinois, USA during an ice storm as seen on this February 3, 2011 file photo.

Confederation of North, Central American and Caribbean Association Football (CONCACAF) president Jack Warner speaks during a news conference Monday, Jan. 28, 2008, in Miami. Soccer's North and Central American and Caribbean governing body is launching its own Champions League to mirror Europe's. The 24-team competition will start in August and will replace the CONCACAF Champions Cup, which has determined the region's champion since 1962 and will end after 2008.  CONCACAF General Secretary Chuck Blazer (left), President of US Soccer Dr Robert Contiguglia, OC President Franz Beckenbauer and OC Vice President Wolfgang Niersbach, during the 29th leg of the Welcome Tour on 23 February 2006, in New York´s Gotham Burger King River Cocktail, Bar at an angle in  Protaras , Cyprus   September 2008

Just 3 blocks from Town. A winery near Cafayate, Salta Province (Argentina). Sri Lanka captain Kumar Sangakkara plays a shot as Australian wicket keeper Brad Haddin looks on during the ICC Cricket World Cup match between Australia and Sri Lanka in Colombo, Sri Lanka, Saturday, March 5, 2011. Singapore Airlines Cargo plane File - Police officers stand guard outside Parramatta court house in Sydney, Australia, Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2008.
Bhutto Case Prosecutor Gunned Down
Full Article Orange News
03 May 2013

3 May 2013, 5:12 Bhutto Case Prosecutor Gunned Down Tweet A Pakistani prosecutor working on the murder case of former prime minister Benazir Bhutto has been shot dead, police say. An unidentified gunmen intercepted the car of state prosecutor Chaudhry Zulfiqar in a busy street in Islamabad and sprayed it with bullets, local police said. Mr Zulfiqar... Bhutto
 portrait of the late former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto passes through the site where she was assassinated following a ceremony marking the end of a 40-day mourning period in Islamabad, Pakistan, Thursday, Feb. 7, 2008 (tmg1)
photo: AP / Wally Santana

updated 03 May 2013; published 03 May 2013
Al Jazeera's Kamal Hyder re­ports on killing of Pak­istan pros­e­cu­tor
updated 03 May 2013; published 03 May 2013
India News: Chaudhry Zul­fiqar pros­e­cu­tor of Be­nazir mur­der gunned down
updated 03 May 2013; published 03 May 2013
Pros­e­cu­tor in Bhut­to mur­der case killed
updated 15 Jul 2012; published 15 Jul 2012
New Pak­istani PM grant­ed im­mu­ni­ty from pros­e­cu­tion
updated 03 May 2012; published 03 May 2012
House Bill Num­ber 5050
updated 30 Oct 2008; published 30 Oct 2008
Cal­i­for­nia New­ly­wed Shot to Death by Po­lice

The Independent
David Cameron will press for a "proper, independent investigation" into claims three Britons were tortured in Dubai when he holds talks with the president of the United Arab...
The Guardian
Barack Obama's spoof Spielberg film, in which he plays Daniel Day-Lewis playing Obama, proves the president is a witty guy. Does any other political comedy act measure up? World...
Al Jazeera
This month, Al Jazeera aired a special four-part series on the hidden history of the western oil giants known as the Seven Sisters, and their role in defining the politics and...

President Barack Obama shakes hands with Mexico's President-elect Enrique Pena Nieto prior to their meeting in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2012.
US President Barack Obama has vowed to help Mexico in the fight against drugs and end the violence that has claimed thousands of lives. Obama vowed to put trade at the center of the two countries' relations. Obama on Thursday said there was an...
photo: AP / Jacquelyn Martin
900 held in China for meat-related crimes
Tweet Beijing, May 3 (IANS) A total of 904 people have been arrested in China during a three-month campaign for crimes such as producing fake beef and mutton made from rat and fox, the ministry of public security said. Since Jan 25,...
photo: Creative Commons / Magnus Manske
This image made from video distributed by the Zintan Media Center shows Seif al-Islam Gadhafi, center, inside a defendant's cage in a courtroom in Zintan, Libya, Thursday, May 2, 2013.
General Gaddafi's son and likely successor until the family was toppled from power during Libya's Arab Spring, appeared in court accused of harming state security and trying to escape custody. Saif al-Islam Gaddafi gave a thumbs up sign to reporters...
photo: AP / Zintan Media Center
Black smoke from a car bomb attack is seen in Baghdad, Iraq, Thursday, March, 14, 2013.
Some observers see the current flare-up in Iraq as the worst crisis to afflict the country since its emergence into statehood in 1921. Others deem it the most critical moment since the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003... or since the final withdrawal...
photo: AP / Karim Kadim
Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel, briefs the press, in Kabul, Afghanistan, March 10, 2013. Hagel is traveling to Afghanistan on his first trip as the 24th Secretary of Defense to visit U.S. Troops, NATO leaders, and Afghan counterparts. (DoD photo by Erin A. Kirk-Cuomo)
The Obama administration is rethinking its opposition to arming the rebels who have been locked in a civil war with the Syrian regime for more than two years, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said Thursday, becoming the first top U.S. official to...
photo: US DoD / Erin A. Kirk-Cuomo
Building collapse in Dhaka
The system that enables powerful politicians and their business cronies to act as if they are above the law in Bangladesh has been horribly exposed by the rising death toll at the Rana Plaza building, which collapsed last Wednesday. The death toll...
photo: Creative Commons / Sharat Chowdhury
Pope Benedict XVI leaves at the end of his weekly general audience in the Paul VI Hall at the Vatican, Wednesday Feb. 13, 2013.
VATICAN CITYPope Emeritus Benedict XVI returned to the Vatican on Thursday (May 2), where he will live a few hundred meters from his successor, Pope Francis, in an arrangement that has no precedent in the history of the Catholic Church....
photo: AP / Alessandra Tarantino