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Video: Phyllis Bennis discusses chemical weapons Syria
May 1 - The UN should have a broad mandate to investigate any use of chemical weapons on either side. By Phyllis Bennis

Iraq: Sectarian tensions or wider discontent?
April 26 - Phyllis Bennis discusses civil society movements in Iraq challenging the U.S.-backed sectarian government system. By Phyllis Bennis

Review: God Loves Uganda
April 26 - God Loves Uganda takes an extraordinary look at the influence of conservative American evangelicals on Ugandan society. By Renee Lott

Challenging Einstein: Kerry's 'New' Diplomacy in the Middle East
April 25 - The United States must oppose the occupation and settlements, and support a Palestinian right to freedom, equality and statehood. By Phyllis Bennis, published in Al Jazeera English and AlterNet

The Real North Korea
April 19 - Only North Koreans can change North Korea. By John Feffer


Pro-Austerity CEOs Rake in Taxpayer-Subsidized Pay
May 2 - Ordinary Americans who rely on government retirement benefits are actually subsidizing runaway CEO pay. By Sarah Anderson, published in The Kansas City Star and The Bradenton (FL) Herald and The Merced (CA) Sun-Star

"Fix the Debt" CEOs Enjoy Taxpayer-Subsidized Pay
May 2 - A new report by IPS and Campaign for America's Future shows that America’s top CEOs are pocketing massive taxpayer subsidies at the same time they’re pushing austerity cutbacks in government programs that benefit ordinary citizens. By Sarah Anderson, Scott Klinger, Javier Rojo, published in Common Dreams and Daily Kos and Think Progress and Dow Jones and The Hill and The Huffington Post

Austerity Will Leave Us Crying '96 Tears'
May 1 - But America's wealthy don't seem to mind. By Sam Pizzigati

Build a Nation, Not a Fence
April 30 - We need an audacious immigration proposal that puts people before politics, and that means a concrete, expedient pathway to citizenship for undocumented workers. By Javier Rojo

Explaining the Cyprus Shakedown
April 25 - Despite Cyprus' small size, the implications of its bailout deal deal could have serious consequences for the eurozone. By Bryan Cenko


An Inside View on the Tricky World of Wall Street-Driven Climate Markets
April 18 - A new website, climatemarkets.org, offers a range of materials that could help climate activists and advocates understand climate solutions: Wall Street approaches, private investment, and more. By Janet Redman and Oscar Reyes

Robin Hood Tax, Not Corporate Greed, Should be Focus of Climate Finance Meetings, Say Activists
April 11 - Chanting, "Human need, not corporate greed! Robin Hood Tax now!" protesters dressed as polar bears, farmers, and bankers engaged with officials entering the meeting to urge them to support a Robin Hood Tax. By Lacy MacAuley and Janet Redman

Wall Street's Climate Finance Bonanza
April 10 - Government officials from an elite group of developed countries meeting in Washington DC appear to be on the brink of instigating yet another big bank giveaway, this time in the name of fighting climate change. By Janet Redman and Antonio Tricarico

Wall Street's Climate Finance Bonanza
April 10 - An elite group of developed countries appears to be on the brink of instigating yet another corporate handout and big bank giveaway--this time in the name of fighting climate change. By Janet Redman and Antonio Tricarico, published in The Indypendent and Truthout

Open Letter
Civil Society and Entrepreneurs Call on World Bank to Clean Up Energy Lending
April 3 - Over 55 development, faith, human rights, community, and environmental groups from more than 20 countries teamed up today to ask World Bank President Jim Kim to end Bank support for all fossil fuel projects unless the projects are solely focused on directly increasing energy access for the poor.

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