- published: 25 Mar 2011
- views: 44377

La WikiGuida di Wikisource
Wikisource ( http://it.wikisource.org ) è una biblioteca digitale wiki, cugina di Wikipedi...
published: 25 Mar 2011
La WikiGuida di Wikisource
Wikisource ( http://it.wikisource.org ) è una biblioteca digitale wiki, cugina di Wikipedia.
Il progetto si propone di raccogliere, trascrivere e rileggere libri e testi liberi, in italiano ed in pubblico dominio (cioè testi di cui è scaduto il copyright).
In Wikisource vengono conservate le immagini, ove esistenti, dei documenti originali affiancando loro una trascrizione digitale; gli utenti, veri amanuensi del ventunesimo secolo, possono così dare nuova vita a testi vecchi ma importanti, a volte difficilmente rintracciabili.
Partecipa a Wikisource, e costruisci anche tu una biblioteca libera.
Il video è stato interamente realizzato (testi, video e audio) da Christian Biasco e Francesca Terri, in collaborazione con diversi wikimediani, ed è prodotto da Wikimedia Italia.
Viene rilasciato con licenza CC-BY-SA 3.0.
- published: 25 Mar 2011
- views: 44377

Tutoriel : comment publier sur Wikisource en mode page par page ?
Tutoriel vidéo : vous avez adapté via Wecena un livre numérique du domaine public, ce tuto...
published: 09 Feb 2012
Tutoriel : comment publier sur Wikisource en mode page par page ?
Tutoriel vidéo : vous avez adapté via Wecena un livre numérique du domaine public, ce tutoriel vous explique comment le partager sur Wikisource en mode page par page. Ce tutoriel vidéo reprend le contenu de la section Wikisource du tutoriel textuel "Comment adapter un livre" disponible à cette adresse : http://www.wecena.com/beneficiaires/braillenet/adaptation/wiki/comment-adapter#section-40
- published: 09 Feb 2012
- views: 28

Wikisource - Wiki Article
For linking to or citing Wikisource, see Wikipedia:Wikisource. Wikisource is an online di...
published: 07 Jan 2013
Wikisource - Wiki Article
For linking to or citing Wikisource, see Wikipedia:Wikisource. Wikisource is an online digital library of free content textual sources on a wiki, operated by the Wikimedia Foundation. Its aims are t...
Wikisource - Wiki Article - http://wikiplays.org
Original @ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikisource
All Information Derived from Wikipedia using Creative Commons License: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:CC-BY-SA
Author: AdamBMorgan
Image URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Wikisource_Inclusion_Venn_Diagram.svg ( Creative Commons ASA 3.0 )
- published: 07 Jan 2013
- views: 53

Wikisource Library Free Books - "Cycles"
Wikisource Library - Cycles
Disclaimer: This video is my personal project and is not endo...
published: 02 Feb 2013
Wikisource Library Free Books - "Cycles"
Wikisource Library - Cycles
Disclaimer: This video is my personal project and is not endorsed by any person, any company, or anything else alive or dead.
- published: 02 Feb 2013
- views: 33

Wikimania 2012: GLAM VII: Science and Archives
This presentation was held on Saturday, July 14, 2012 at The George Washington University ...
published: 21 Aug 2012
Wikimania 2012: GLAM VII: Science and Archives
This presentation was held on Saturday, July 14, 2012 at The George Washington University in Washington, D.C. as part of Wikimania 2012. http://wikimania2012.wikimedia.org
Talks featured include:
00:00 -- Sara Snyder: "5 Reasons Why Archives are an Untapped Goldmine for Wikimedians"
18:49 -- Daniel Mietchen: "Science GLAM"
48:10 -- Dominic McDevitt-Parks: "Wikisource and the US National Archives: a case study"
- published: 21 Aug 2012
- views: 92

WikiSource Free Books Cycles
WikiSource Library. This is an old book placed on WikiSource and available to anyone for f...
published: 02 Feb 2013
WikiSource Free Books Cycles
WikiSource Library. This is an old book placed on WikiSource and available to anyone for free.. The text and images come from pages that are copied from original book scans. In one area these are shown as individual scans with new text or images copied beside the old book scanned. In another area you can read these new free books. Some are illustrated and some are not illustrated. This video is a 1st attempt to explain some of WikiSource. The main page will show 1st and the link will show last. This particular old book that has been saved is about "Cycles" - all kinds of old riding cycles of long ago. Unlike some free book sites WikiSource shows the old pages beside the copied new pages.
WikiSource English version: http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Cycle_Industry
Disclaimer: This video is my personal project and is not endorsed by any person, any company, or anything else alive or dead.
- published: 02 Feb 2013
- views: 34

Wikimania 2012: Sister Projects I
This presentation was held on Friday, July 13, 2012 at The George Washington University in...
published: 20 Dec 2012
Wikimania 2012: Sister Projects I
This presentation was held on Friday, July 13, 2012 at The George Washington University in Washington, D.C. as part of Wikimania 2012. http://wikimania2012.wikimedia.org
Talks featured include:
00:00 -- Andrea Zanni: "Wikisource: what we've done, what we could do better"
30:23 -- Thomas Pellissier Tanon and Thibaut Horel: "Getting ebooks on Wikisource : a first step to a Semantic Digital Library ?"
58:28 -- Cristian Consonni: "Submissions/Wikicaptcha: a ReCAPTCHA-like solution for Wikisource"
- published: 20 Dec 2012
- views: 120

300 Abonnenten Spezial - Ein Dankeschön an meine Freunde in 3D
Meine sehr verehrten Freunde! Liebe Besucher!
Da es an diesem Orte zu einer liebgewonnenen...
published: 31 May 2011
300 Abonnenten Spezial - Ein Dankeschön an meine Freunde in 3D
Meine sehr verehrten Freunde! Liebe Besucher!
Da es an diesem Orte zu einer liebgewonnenen Tradition geworden sich beim Erreichen der 300 Abonnentenmarke zu bedanken möchte auch meine Wenigkeit da nicht hintenanstehn und so erlaube ich mir Euch heute für Euer Interesse an meinen Arbeiten auf das Herzlichste Dank zu sagen. Ihr werdet hier auch zu hören bekommen was für die nähere und die fernere Zukunft in meinem Kaminzimmer geplant ist und ich versuche ebenfalls einige Fragen die in stetiger Folge bei mir eingehen, sofern ich denn vermag, zu beantworten.
Es wird mir stets eine Ehre sein Euch vortragen zu dürfen.
Mit den vorzüglichsten Grüßen stets Euer ergebenster Diener
Edgar Allan Poe
Hier sind nun die versprochenen Links zu Wikisource und dem Projekt Gutenberg:
Wikisource: http://de.wikisource.org/wiki/Hauptseite
Projekt Gutenberg: http://gutenberg.spiegel.de/
- published: 31 May 2011
- views: 259

Book Review: Pride and Prejudice
In which I review Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, and exhibit my socks for the first t...
published: 02 Sep 2010
Book Review: Pride and Prejudice
In which I review Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, and exhibit my socks for the first time in a video.
Pride and Prejudice on Wikisource:
Title: Pride and Prejudice
Author: Jane Austen
Genre: Romance, Novel of manners
Length: 298 pages (Oxford University Press)
First published in the UK in 1813
- published: 02 Sep 2010
- views: 2727

Exposing the Hovind Family Business
This video looks at the income tax forms filed by Eric Hovind, son of Kent Hovind. It exam...
published: 10 May 2012
Exposing the Hovind Family Business
This video looks at the income tax forms filed by Eric Hovind, son of Kent Hovind. It examines how much money the Hovinds earn and what they do.
Download Creation Science Evangelism's FYE 2010 (August 2009-July 2010) tax form:
Search/download past 990s yourself from:
The oldest 990 has more detail, such as more than $6,000 in vehicle expenses and $8,000 in "staff training":
Read the court order that mentions Eric Hovind says he received $70,000 from Creation Science Evangelism to build a home:
On wikisource: http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Kent_Hovind_Property_Seizure_Ruling
More on Hovind:
Download the Discovery Institute's 990 has millions too:
Bruce Chapman (listed as president) gets $159,000 for 40 hours a week.
Stephen Meyer (listed as the VP) gets $150,000 for 40 hours a week.
Thanks to Thunderf00t for the favorite:
Find out Why People Laugh at Creationists:
- published: 10 May 2012
- views: 7126
Youtube results:

Crowdsourcing and Open Access v2.0: Harnessing the Power of Peer Production
At last year's conference (http://wiki.cali.org/calicon08/index.php?n=Sessions.412) I demo...
published: 23 Feb 2012
Crowdsourcing and Open Access v2.0: Harnessing the Power of Peer Production
At last year's conference (http://wiki.cali.org/calicon08/index.php?n=Sessions.412) I demonstrated how Internet-savvy users and organizations could enlist anonymous collaborators online to help make legal research materials freely available. This presentation expands the inquiry to consider whether crowdsourcing tools can aid in the dissemination of historical records and, of particular interest to law faculty, legal scholarship. There are both normative and financial reasons to pursue such "crowdsourced" efforts. The normative reasons revolve around fostering transparency and democratic legitimacy and fulfilling the university's public service mandate. The financial reasons are still more compelling: opening up efforts to archive information to public participation is a way to distribute among the broader internet community at least a portion of the costs that might otherwise have been borne by the originating user or organization alone. I will use two examples drawn from Wikisource, an open-access library of public domain (or freely licensed) works, to illuminate the power of "crowdsourced" efforts to archive and distribute historical and scholarly works. First, I will highlight the efforts of the Wikisource community to digitize, and make available in full text, the earliest volume of the United States Statutes at Large, a work not freely available anywhere else online. Second, by way of "walking the talk," I will discuss my recent experiment in disseminating my own legal scholarship by the same means, yielding a product that seems superior in a number of respects to more familiar large-scale scholarly repositories such as SSRN.
Time Slot:
10:30am - 11:30am
Timothy Armstrong, University of Cincinnati College of Law
- published: 23 Feb 2012
- views: 32

The Weatherman- underground (USA)
'Weather Underground Declaration of a State of War
From Wikisource
published: 06 Sep 2009
The Weatherman- underground (USA)
'Weather Underground Declaration of a State of War
From Wikisource
←Wikisource:Historical documents Weather Underground Declaration of a State of War
by Bernardine Dohrn
Hello. This is Bernardine Dohrn.
This is the first communication from the Weatherman Underground.
All over the world, people fighting Amerikan imperialism look to Amerika's youth to use our strategic position behind enemy lines to join in the destruction of the empire.
Black people have been fighting almost alone for years. We've known that our job is to lead white kids into armed revolution. We never intended to spend the next five to twenty-five years of our lives in jail. Ever since SDS became revolutionary, we've been trying to show how it is possible to overcome frustration and impotence that comes from trying to reform this system. Kids know the lines are drawn: revolution is touching all of our lives. Tens of thousands have learned that protest and marches don't do it. Revolutionary violence is the only way.
Now we are adapting the classic guerrilla strategy of the Vietcong and urban guerrilla strategy of the Tupamoros to our own situation here in the most technically advance country in the world.
Che taught us that "revolutionaries move like fish in the sea." The alienation and contempt that young people have for this country has created the ocean for this revolution.
The hundreds and thousands of young people who demonstrated in the sixties against the war and for civil rights grew to hundreds of thousands in the past few weeks actively fighting Nixon's invasion of Cambodia and the attempted genocide against black people. The insanity of Amerikan "justice" has added to its list of atrocities six blacks blacks killed in Augusta, two in Jackson and four white Kent State students making thousands more into revolutionaries.
The parents of "privileged" kids have been saying for years that the revolution was a game for us. But the war and the racism of this society show that it is too fucked up. We will never live peaceably under this system.
This was totally true of those who died in the New York townhouse explosion. The third person who was killed there was Terry Robbins, who led the first rebellion at Kent State less than two years ago.
The 12 Weatherman who were indicted for leading last October's riots in Chicago have never left the country. Terry is dead, Linda was captured by a pig informer, but the rest of us move freely in and out of every city and youth scene in this country. We're not hiding out but we're invisible.
There are several hundred members of the Weatherman underground and some of us face more years in jail than the 50,000 deserters and draft dodgers now in Canada. Already many of those are coming back to join us in the underground or to return to the Han's army and tear it up from the inside along with those who never left.
We fight in many ways. Dope is one of our weapons. The laws against marijuana mean that millions of us are outlaws long before we actually split. Guns and grass are united in the youth underground.
Freaks are revolutionaries and revolutionaries are freaks. If you want to find us, this is where we are. In every tribe, commune, dormitory, farmhouse, barracks and townhouse where kids are making love, smoking dope and loading guns -- fugitives from Amerikan justice are free to go.
For Diana Oughton, Ted Gold and Terry Robbins, and for all the revolutionaries who are still on the move here, there has been no question for a long time now --- we will never go back.
Within the next fourteen days we will attack a symbol or institution of Amerikan injustice. This the way we celebrate the example of Eldridge Cleaver and H. Rap Brown and all the black revolutionaries who first inspired us by their fight behind enemy lines for the liberation of their people.
Never again will they fight alone.
May 21, 1970'
- published: 06 Sep 2009
- views: 2808

Interpol Given Too Much Power?
published: 29 Dec 2009
Interpol Given Too Much Power?
Sec. 2.
International organizations shall enjoy the status, immunities, exemptions, and privileges set forth in this section, as follows:
(a) International organizations shall, to the extent consistent with the instrument creating them, possess the capacity—
(i) to contract;
(ii) to acquire and dispose of real and personal property;
(iii) to institute legal proceedings.
(b) International organizations, their property and their assets, wherever located, and by whomsoever held, shall enjoy the same immunity from suit and every form of judicial process as is enjoyed by foreign governments, except to the extent that such organizations may expressly waive their immunity for the purpose of any proceedings or by the terms of any contract.
(c) Property and assets of international organizations, wherever located and by whomsoever held, shall be immune from search, unless such immunity be expressly waived, and from confiscation. The archives of international organizations shall be inviolable.
(d) Insofar as concerns customs duties and internal-revenue taxes imposed upon or by reason of importation, and the procedures in connection therewith; the registration of foreign agents; and the treatment of official communications, the privileges, exemptions, and immunities to which international organizations shall be entitled shall be those accorded under similar circumstances to foreign governments.
The article referenced above ends with what I think is a reasonable statement:
"Ultimately, a detailed verbal explanation is due the American public from the President of the United States detailing why an international law enforcement arm assisting a court we are not a signatory to has been elevated above our Constitution upon our soil."
- published: 29 Dec 2009
- views: 1214

Biografia de Simón Bolívar El Libertador
http://www.consulvenenap.com/bolivar.htm http://www.analitica.com/BITBLIO/bolivar/default....
published: 21 Jul 2012
Biografia de Simón Bolívar El Libertador
http://www.consulvenenap.com/bolivar.htm http://www.analitica.com/BITBLIO/bolivar/default.asp http://www.bolivar.ula.ve/index.htm http://www.bolivar.ula.ve/indininos.htm http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sim%C3%B3n_Bol%C3%ADvar Simón José Antonio de la Santísima Trinidad Bolívar y Palacios Ponte y Blanco, mejor conocido como Simón Bolívar, (Caracas, 24 de julio de 1783 — Santa Marta, República de Colombia, 17 de diciembre de 1830) fue un militar y político venezolano de la época pre-republicana de la Capitanía General de Venezuela; fundador de la Gran Colombia y una de las figuras más destacadas de la emancipación americana frente al Imperio español. Contribuyó de manera decisiva a la independencia de las actuales Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Panamá, Perú y Venezuela.
En 1813 le fue concedido el título honorífico de Libertador por el Cabildo de Mérida en Venezuela que, tras serle ratificado en Caracas ese mismo año, quedó asociado a su nombre. Los problemas para llevar adelante sus planes fueron tan frecuentes que llegó a afirmar de sí mismo que era "el hombre de las dificultades" en una carta dirigida al general Francisco de Paula Santander en 1825.
Participó en la fundación de la Gran Colombia, nación que intentó consolidar como una gran confederación política y militar en América, de la cual fue Presidente. Bolívar es considerado por sus acciones e ideas el "Hombre de América" y una destacada figura de la Historia Universal, ya que dejó un legado político en diversos países latinoamericanos, algunos de los cuales le han convertido en objeto de veneración nacionalista. Ha recibido honores en varias partes del mundo a través de estatuas o monumentos, parques, plazas, etc. Así mismo, sus ideas y posturas política-sociales dieron origen a una corriente o postura llamada Bolivarianismo.
Bolívar recorrió 123 mil kilómetros, más que lo que hicieron Colón y Vasco de Gama juntos.
Fue Presidente de la República de cinco países (seis, actualmente).
Llevó la antorcha de la Libertad a la distancia de 65.000 kilómetros, vuelta y media a la Tierra.
Diez veces más que Aníbal y el triple que Alejandro Magno...
Discurso ante la Sociedad Patriótica http://es.wikisource.org/wiki/Discurso_ante_la_Sociedad_Patri%C3%B3tica
Discurso de Simón Bolívar ante el Congreso de Angostura http://es.wikisource.org/wiki/Discurso_en_Angostura
Discurso de Bolívar en Cúcuta http://es.wikisource.org/wiki/Discurso_de_Bol%C3%ADvar_en_C%C3%BAcuta
Discurso en Bolivia http://es.wikisource.org/wiki/Discurso_en_Bolivia
Juramento de Roma http://es.wikisource.org/wiki/Juramento_de_Roma
Manifiesto de Cartagena http://es.wikisource.org/wiki/Manifiesto_de_Cartagena
Decreto de guerra a muerte http://es.wikisource.org/wiki/Decreto_de_guerra_a_muerte
Manifiesto de Carúpano http://es.wikisource.org/wiki/Manifiesto_de_Car%C3%BApano
Carta de Jamaica http://es.wikisource.org/wiki/Carta_de_Jamaica
Mensaje al Congreso de Colombia http://es.wikisource.org/wiki/Mensaje_al_Congreso_de_Colombia
Última proclama del Libertador Simón Bolívar http://es.wikisource.org/wiki/%C3%9Altima_proclama_del_Libertador_Sim%C3%B3n_Bol%C3%ADvar
Testamento de Simón Bolívar http://es.wikisource.org/wiki/Testamento_de_Sim%C3%B3n_Bol%C3%ADvar
Mas de Bolívar Aqui: http://es.wikisource.org/wiki/Sim%C3%B3n_Bol%C3%ADvar
- published: 21 Jul 2012
- views: 47138