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IOPS and ZSocial



International Organization for Participatory Society may appeal to you. Check out the links in the left menu system, under IOPS Project, or in the info box in the right hand column!


ZSocial provides the usual features of social networking. ZSocial doesn't sell you or your friends to corporations as targets for ads and other commercial pursuits. It does not make your private lives and information fodder for profit. It does not surveil you including turning over information about you to states and security agencies.
It gives you simple control over what you make available to whom. And finally, ZSocial does not bias against substantive content, by length or substance, but welcomes it, of course.

It continues to make sense to use mainstream social networking as a way to find old friends or socialize with apolitical friends or family, or as a way to publicize left ideas and efforts to potentially large audiences.

But we hope you will agree that it no longer make sense to compromise your privacy and commercialize your politics as a condition of relating to one another within the broad left - because ZSocial will aid you in doing the latter, without the debits, and with added benefits.


Noam Chomsky: Boston and Beyond

Rack up another triumph for President Obama's global assassination program, which creates hatred of the United States and threats to its citizens  Menu_arrow_right_red_2


Ellen Cantarow: The Downwinders

Fracking ourselves to death in Pennsylvania  Menu_arrow_right_red_2


Paul Street: American Populist Anger

Populist anti-plutocracy and suspicion of concentrated capitalist wealth and power is “as American as Apple Pie”  Menu_arrow_right_red_2


Susan Faludi: Death of a Revolutionary

Shulamith Firestone helped to create a new society. But she couldn’t live in it Menu_arrow_right_red_2


Laurie Penny: The Death Of More Magazine

The traditional press still remains a man’s world, struggling with the violence of a cornered creature to stay relevant and in charge Menu_arrow_right_red_2


Dan La Botz: Mexican Teachers Rebel

Mexican teachers, particularly in the south of the country, have joined a regional rebellion of rank-and-file teachers  Menu_arrow_right_red_2


Eduardo Galeano: The Life and Death of Words, People, and Even Nature

From Walking Libraries and a God Named “Word” to What Sherlock Holmes Never Said  Menu_arrow_right_red_2
