- published: 16 Sep 2007
- views: 2206211
- author: Wowomee

The legend of "KIEL" begins here... (9.10.07)
I don't think I even need to explain why we all love KIEL or why he resembles a certain cr...
published: 16 Sep 2007
author: Wowomee
The legend of "KIEL" begins here... (9.10.07)
I don't think I even need to explain why we all love KIEL or why he resembles a certain creature we all know and love. Watch and you'll understand.
- published: 16 Sep 2007
- views: 2206211
- author: Wowomee

EUROPE @ Veux EHF Final 4 2012 Kiel vs Atletico Madrid
Europe were the special guest band to open and to close the final game of the Handball Cha...
published: 01 Jun 2012
author: ravscool
EUROPE @ Veux EHF Final 4 2012 Kiel vs Atletico Madrid
Europe were the special guest band to open and to close the final game of the Handball Champions League "Veux EHF Final 4" in Köln, Germany May 2012 Timestam...
- published: 01 Jun 2012
- views: 74118
- author: ravscool

Smalltown Kiel
A day in the life of Kiel, in miniature by René Raab. Smalltown Kiel is a movie about the ...
published: 16 Feb 2012
author: absolutraven
Smalltown Kiel
A day in the life of Kiel, in miniature by René Raab. Smalltown Kiel is a movie about the city Kiel in northern Germany. It shows a day in the life of the ci...
- published: 16 Feb 2012
- author: absolutraven

Kiel: Streifzug durch meine Heimatstadt - VonUnterwegs.com
Überall heißt es immer, die Stadt Kiel sei hässlich und habe nichts zu bieten. Was für ein...
published: 13 Aug 2012
author: Christoph Pfaff Von unterwegs
Kiel: Streifzug durch meine Heimatstadt - VonUnterwegs.com
Überall heißt es immer, die Stadt Kiel sei hässlich und habe nichts zu bieten. Was für ein riesiger Irrtum! Bei diesem Streifzug zeige ich euch die schönen S...
- published: 13 Aug 2012
- views: 11265
- author: Christoph Pfaff Von unterwegs

Türkische Frisör " - "Salon Delal" in Kiel - Orientalischer Barbier "
Schleswig-Holstein 18:00: Orientalischer Barbier : Immer öfter trifft man in den Innenstäd...
published: 23 Feb 2013
author: Hallodeutschland10
Türkische Frisör " - "Salon Delal" in Kiel - Orientalischer Barbier "
Schleswig-Holstein 18:00: Orientalischer Barbier : Immer öfter trifft man in den Innenstädten auf türkische Frisörsalons, auch Barbiere genannt. Yusuf Buruld...
- published: 23 Feb 2013
- author: Hallodeutschland10

Kiel -- Three Travel Tips | Discover Germany
Many envy Michael Gruber for his workplace -- which is located between the seals and the f...
published: 31 Oct 2011
author: deutschewelleenglish
Kiel -- Three Travel Tips | Discover Germany
Many envy Michael Gruber for his workplace -- which is located between the seals and the fish at the Kiel Aquarium. He shows us his favorite sights in the ci...
- published: 31 Oct 2011
- views: 1675
- author: deutschewelleenglish

Kiel - Die-Halle
Hells Angels Media....
published: 23 Oct 2012
author: Hells Angels
Kiel - Die-Halle
Hells Angels Media.
- published: 23 Oct 2012
- views: 11816
- author: Hells Angels

Subway to Sally - Auf Kiel
Der Deutsche Song Auf Kiel von Subway to Sally aus dem Album Bastard. (sry, im Video is n ...
published: 05 Jan 2008
author: Mattias Brennecke
Subway to Sally - Auf Kiel
Der Deutsche Song Auf Kiel von Subway to Sally aus dem Album Bastard. (sry, im Video is n kleiner tippfehler) 2008 haben die Jungs beim Bundesvision Songcont...
- published: 05 Jan 2008
- views: 324592
- author: Mattias Brennecke

Gaarden Eden [Doku über Kieler Stadtteil] - Part 1/2
Dem alltäglichen Leben auf der Spur, wirft der Film einen Blick auf Kiels multikulturellst...
published: 28 Aug 2011
author: PermanentFocus
Gaarden Eden [Doku über Kieler Stadtteil] - Part 1/2
Dem alltäglichen Leben auf der Spur, wirft der Film einen Blick auf Kiels multikulturellsten Stadtteil Kiel-Gaarden und lässt dabei An- und Abwohner des verm...
- published: 28 Aug 2011
- views: 30565
- author: PermanentFocus

Willkommen in Kiel Video
Unsere schön Stadt Kiel ! Ihr seit alle herzlich Willkommen!! Danke an die Musik-Produktio...
published: 16 Nov 2012
author: MrPolytotz
Willkommen in Kiel Video
Unsere schön Stadt Kiel ! Ihr seit alle herzlich Willkommen!! Danke an die Musik-Produktion T.Flöhmer , Birdie und Sünje L. !!! Vielen Dank an notherncards f...
- published: 16 Nov 2012
- views: 11599
- author: MrPolytotz

Die Kieler Strassenbahn - Trailer. Vintage tram Kiel.
Eine kurze unkommentierte Vorschau auf den im November erscheinenden Film von tram-TV über...
published: 23 Aug 2012
author: clown1973
Die Kieler Strassenbahn - Trailer. Vintage tram Kiel.
Eine kurze unkommentierte Vorschau auf den im November erscheinenden Film von tram-TV über die Kieler Straßenbahn. Weitere Infos: http://www.tram-tv.de.
- published: 23 Aug 2012
- views: 5857
- author: clown1973

King Of Kiel
De Fatima's organiseerden ism VideAntz, Zappa en de8 videoworkshops voor Kielse jongeren. ...
published: 30 May 2010
author: VideAntz
King Of Kiel
De Fatima's organiseerden ism VideAntz, Zappa en de8 videoworkshops voor Kielse jongeren. In enkele sessies leerden de jongeren van Team 2020 brainstormen, s...
- published: 30 May 2010
- author: VideAntz

Minikreuzfahrt Kiel Oslo Kiel Juli 2010 ColorMagic Kreuzfahrt
Eindrücke einer Minikreuzfahrt von Kiel nach Oslo und zurück auf der Color Magic. Bilder v...
published: 18 Apr 2011
author: Ralf Hinnerichs
Minikreuzfahrt Kiel Oslo Kiel Juli 2010 ColorMagic Kreuzfahrt
Eindrücke einer Minikreuzfahrt von Kiel nach Oslo und zurück auf der Color Magic. Bilder von der Kreuzfahrt, Kiel, von der Color Magic und Oslo. Inntrykk av ...
- published: 18 Apr 2011
- views: 4686
- author: Ralf Hinnerichs
Vimeo results:

Little Kaiju.
The whimsical journey of a mysterious vending machine dwelling creature who explores the s...
published: 29 Aug 2012
author: a TWiN thing.
Little Kaiju.
The whimsical journey of a mysterious vending machine dwelling creature who explores the shadowy corners of Tokyo after dark.
Kaiju (怪獣 kai-jū) is a Japanese word that means "strange beast," but often translated in English as "monster".
We'd love to connect with anybody who enjoyed the film, and encourage you to send our little kaiju out into the big bad world. Continue to check back on the official Facebook page for updates on the film and a limited toy release! And then go download the addictive song adapted from the Kaiju theme, 'Sleepwalking' by Papi Kiki. http://soundcloud.com/papikiki/sleepwalking
Writer/Director: TWiN (Jonathan & Josh Baker)
Lead Actor: Tei Ryushin
Producer (Japan): Sayaka Ito
Editor: Ben Suenaga
Rabbit Animation.
Animation Direction: Nick Losq
Lead CG: Chris Clyne
Character Rigging: Kiel Figgins
Animation: Jeremy Chapman, Nick Losq, Chris Clyne, Christina Lee, Eugene Kim
Compositing: Nick Losq, Chris Clyne, Sam Cividanis
Character Design: Morten Rowley, www.supervixen.net
Music Composer: Jack Milas, www.nylonstudios.com
Music EP: Mark Beckhaus
Sound Design: Joseph Fraioli, www.jafboxsound.com
Colorist: Tom Poole
Special thanks to Douglas Howell, Eric Filler and Joby Barnhart @ www.rabbitcontent.com

Kiel Johnson's Cardboard Twin Lens Reflex Camera Time Lapse
Time Lapse Video of Kiel Johnson's Cardboard Sculpture of a Twin Lens Reflex Camera made s...
published: 06 Oct 2009
author: Theo Jemison
Kiel Johnson's Cardboard Twin Lens Reflex Camera Time Lapse
Time Lapse Video of Kiel Johnson's Cardboard Sculpture of a Twin Lens Reflex Camera made strictly from cardboard, hot glue, and tape.
See more of Kiel Johnson’s work at www.hyperbolestudios.com
Director of Photography: Theo Jemison
Edited By: Arthur Mor www.arthurmor.com
Music By: Sixto Rodriguez www.lightintheattic.net/releases/rodriguez/
Later we made the sculpture into a pinhole camera and actually took photos with it.
See some of those photos at www.flickr.com/photos/theophoto/
Shot with the Canon 5D Mark II, and other Canon SLR cameras.

Flensburger Kurzfilmtage (Trailer)
This is the trailer for the upcoming 9th shortfilmfestival "Flensburger Kurzfilmtage / Tri...
published: 01 Nov 2009
author: Pepe Lange
Flensburger Kurzfilmtage (Trailer)
This is the trailer for the upcoming 9th shortfilmfestival "Flensburger Kurzfilmtage / Tricky" in Flensburg / northern Germany. Filmed in one day on a canon 5D together with Joachim Freitag.
/// Task
Flensburg is a mid-to-small-size town in the north of Germany, situated around a fjord, next to the baltic sea and the border to Danmark.
If you live here, especially as a teenager or young adult, you will probably like it - but you will not think it is cool. So we thought that it could be nice for the people coming to the festival to experience Flensburg in a new way - to make Flensburg look kind of urban, rotten, strange and cool - but still Flensburg.
/// Team
Joachim and I got to know each other through a strange phone call in which I boldly claimed to be After Effects god, not knowing that I am so much not - as he definitely is! Being close friends since then we never had the chance to work together on a film project, which is strange, since we always felt that we would be the perfect team.
This is our first film together. As it turns out, we were right. He is the fallback on everything I can do better and vice versa. So we always had two DOPs on the set and two motion artists in the post, and we knew when it was better to rely on the opinion of the other for the sake of the better output in the film.
There is more to come from this team in the future - trust us :-)

This Is My Body
*If the video won't play on your mobile device, WATCH IT ON YOUTUBE: http://www.youtube.co...
published: 10 Jul 2012
author: Jason Stefaniak
This Is My Body
*If the video won't play on your mobile device, WATCH IT ON YOUTUBE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2ME8sR-bnY
**Subtitled Version (English): https://vimeo.com/48314213
**Spanish Subtitled (fan-made): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0V1rVgc3WM&list;=PLGJHSqNZHCC_2NcpQWC75ztXA5pcnnSP0
Views = Power, so please share, tweet, email and spread this video! Ask your friends and family to do the same and if you have a favorite women's group or political organization, share it with them too!
Read the monologue and post your own videos @: www.Facebook.com/ThisIsMyBody
Created by Jason Stefaniak and Siobhan O'Loughlin
www.JasonStefaniak.com www.SiobhanOloughlin.com
Thank you to all of the generous "This Is My Body" donors:
Christa Harmon. Maureen Hassenbohler. Lisa Rojas. Lauren McDade. Stephanie Cox. Rachel Fauber. Liz Estela. Scott Berjot-Stafiej. Faith Goodiel. Kristina Ticknor. Brendan Leahy. Megan and Tito Colon. Garrett Mannchen. Katrina Rojas. Kristan and Papo Rojas. Gerry Rojas. Dana Facchine. Jason Kwon. Kathryn Ticknor. Kiel McLaughlin. Beth Goodiel. Jess Bass. AnnaRose King. Brie Aines. Andrew Daugherty. Mitch Troescher. Chris Ciancimino. Gloria and Darrin Frizelle. Krista Armentrout. Melissa Brown. Sam Margolis. Deb Moriarty. Brad Snyder. Lisa Marie. Lisa Simmons. Patrick Martinez. Diane Ambrosio. Alexis Riley. Bill Logan. Mary and Pablo Rojas. Sarah Elfreth. Joyce Wu. Becca Epstein. Lauren Seserko. Ivona Stanoeva. Isadora Guerreiro. Janice Murphy. Annie Fleming.
Youtube results:

Chor Flashmob für Organspende, Kiel Citti Park (High Quality, official)
Am 18.6.2011 gab es für hunderte Shopper im Kieler Citti Park eine Überraschung: 140 Sänge...
published: 22 Jun 2011
author: OrganspendeSH
Chor Flashmob für Organspende, Kiel Citti Park (High Quality, official)
Am 18.6.2011 gab es für hunderte Shopper im Kieler Citti Park eine Überraschung: 140 Sänger performten ein besonderes Stück Musik, um damit auf das Thema Org...
- published: 22 Jun 2011
- views: 102558
- author: OrganspendeSH

Tekin Bicer Kiel Gaarden Aktenzeichen XY ungelöst 11.05.2011 [1/2]
Eine Familie zwischen Hoffen und Bangen: Am helllichten Tag verschwindet Tekin Bicer, Vate...
published: 12 May 2011
author: MrGaarden43
Tekin Bicer Kiel Gaarden Aktenzeichen XY ungelöst 11.05.2011 [1/2]
Eine Familie zwischen Hoffen und Bangen: Am helllichten Tag verschwindet Tekin Bicer, Vater zweier Kinder. Auch ein Jahr danach gibt es keine Spur. Die Kripo...
- published: 12 May 2011
- views: 21686
- author: MrGaarden43

Höhepunkte: THW Kiel - TuSEM Essen, 27.03.2013
Große Paraden von Andreas Palicka, der Kempa-Trick von Niclas Ekberg und der ganz besonder...
published: 28 Mar 2013
author: thwhandball
Höhepunkte: THW Kiel - TuSEM Essen, 27.03.2013
Große Paraden von Andreas Palicka, der Kempa-Trick von Niclas Ekberg und der ganz besondere "Steal" von Dominik Klein am gegnerischen Kreis: Beim 33:23-Erfol...
- published: 28 Mar 2013
- views: 5409
- author: thwhandball

B76 Stadtautobahn Kiel, Germany
The B76 is a "Stadtautobahn" or Urban Motorway through the city of Kiel, Germany. Kiel is ...
published: 18 May 2011
author: aswchris
B76 Stadtautobahn Kiel, Germany
The B76 is a "Stadtautobahn" or Urban Motorway through the city of Kiel, Germany. Kiel is a major port city with several ferries to Scandinavia and the Balti...
- published: 18 May 2011
- views: 5183
- author: aswchris