- published: 08 Aug 2010
- views: 2474
- author: Vlahos2003
Maramures county
Maramureş is a county in the Maramureş region.The county seat is Baia Mare. The region is ...
published: 08 Aug 2010
author: Vlahos2003
Maramures county
Maramures county
Maramureş is a county in the Maramureş region.The county seat is Baia Mare. The region is known for its beautiful rural scenery, local small woodwork and cra...- published: 08 Aug 2010
- views: 2474
- author: Vlahos2003
Wooden Churches from Maramures County,Romania,Europe (HD).m2ts
The ancient wooden churches from Maramures represent the ethernal spirit of Romanian peopl...
published: 27 Nov 2011
author: maramuresguide
Wooden Churches from Maramures County,Romania,Europe (HD).m2ts
Wooden Churches from Maramures County,Romania,Europe (HD).m2ts
The ancient wooden churches from Maramures represent the ethernal spirit of Romanian peoples. Video by Full HD 1080 SONY VideoCamera I created this video wit...- published: 27 Nov 2011
- views: 464
- author: maramuresguide
Romania Maramures county
Un film facut repede ,la fata locului,o parte cu fotografii personale si alta cu fotografi...
published: 16 Jan 2011
author: 1SILE
Romania Maramures county
Romania Maramures county
Un film facut repede ,la fata locului,o parte cu fotografii personale si alta cu fotografii de pe internet , pentru prezentare la "masa romaneasca" de la ziu...- published: 16 Jan 2011
- views: 4406
- author: 1SILE
Mogosa Lake,Maramures County,Romania,Europe (HD).m2ts
Video by Full HD 1080 SONY VideoCamera I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor ...
published: 24 Nov 2011
author: maramuresguide
Mogosa Lake,Maramures County,Romania,Europe (HD).m2ts
Mogosa Lake,Maramures County,Romania,Europe (HD).m2ts
Video by Full HD 1080 SONY VideoCamera I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor)- published: 24 Nov 2011
- views: 79
- author: maramuresguide
Autumn Landscapes in Maramures County,Romania,Europe (HD).m2ts
Video by Full HD 1080 SONY VideoCamera I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor ...
published: 27 Nov 2011
author: maramuresguide
Autumn Landscapes in Maramures County,Romania,Europe (HD).m2ts
Autumn Landscapes in Maramures County,Romania,Europe (HD).m2ts
Video by Full HD 1080 SONY VideoCamera I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor)- published: 27 Nov 2011
- views: 75
- author: maramuresguide
Nunta Sapanta 2011, Maramures County
Nunta din Sapanta - Canal D....
published: 17 Dec 2011
author: Gheorghe Pop
Nunta Sapanta 2011, Maramures County
Nunta Sapanta 2011, Maramures County
Nunta din Sapanta - Canal D.- published: 17 Dec 2011
- views: 3432
- author: Gheorghe Pop
Fishing Place/Restaurant in Maramures County
published: 14 Jun 2011
author: BullterrierOradea
Fishing Place/Restaurant in Maramures County
Fishing Place/Restaurant in Maramures County
- published: 14 Jun 2011
- views: 30
- author: BullterrierOradea
Romania - Maramures ( Baia Mare )
Ancient names Dacian: Maramarista Latin: Marmatia Maramures' history is ancient, enchantin...
published: 04 Jun 2008
author: tadei00
Romania - Maramures ( Baia Mare )
Romania - Maramures ( Baia Mare )
Ancient names Dacian: Maramarista Latin: Marmatia Maramures' history is ancient, enchanting and beautiful. It is a civilization and culture carved in wood an...- published: 04 Jun 2008
- views: 99391
- author: tadei00
Barsana,Maramures - Wooden Church from Barsana (UNESCO),Romania (HD).m2ts
GUIDE : TUDOR ILIE 0722-364333 The wooden church from Barsana, Maramures county,Romania,wa...
published: 28 Aug 2011
author: maramuresguide
Barsana,Maramures - Wooden Church from Barsana (UNESCO),Romania (HD).m2ts
Barsana,Maramures - Wooden Church from Barsana (UNESCO),Romania (HD).m2ts
GUIDE : TUDOR ILIE 0722-364333 The wooden church from Barsana, Maramures county,Romania,was included in world cultural heritage UNESCO since 1993. Video by F...- published: 28 Aug 2011
- views: 143
- author: maramuresguide
Doina din Maramureş - Maria Tănase
Doina din Maramureş - Maria Tănase; ( Images from Maramures county, NW of Romania; my firs...
published: 19 Jun 2008
author: andreihromania
Doina din Maramureş - Maria Tănase
Doina din Maramureş - Maria Tănase
Doina din Maramureş - Maria Tănase; ( Images from Maramures county, NW of Romania; my first video, using my own photos )- published: 19 Jun 2008
- views: 13005
- author: andreihromania
BAIA MARE , Maramures - Romania
Pictures taken by me in August 2013 in BAIA MARE, Maramures County, Romania
Municipiul BA...
published: 19 Sep 2013
BAIA MARE , Maramures - Romania
BAIA MARE , Maramures - Romania
Pictures taken by me in August 2013 in BAIA MARE, Maramures County, Romania Municipiul BAIA MARE, resedinta judetului Maramures, Romania- published: 19 Sep 2013
- views: 104
"Mocanita Mariuca" Florindiana's photos around Vişeu de Sus, Romania (maramures county)
Preview of Florindiana's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: http://www.travelpod....
published: 03 Apr 2011
author: TripAdvisorTRIPWOW2
"Mocanita Mariuca" Florindiana's photos around Vişeu de Sus, Romania (maramures county)
"Mocanita Mariuca" Florindiana's photos around Vişeu de Sus, Romania (maramures county)
Preview of Florindiana's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/florindiana/1/1282413988/tpod.html This blo...- published: 03 Apr 2011
- views: 144
- author: TripAdvisorTRIPWOW2
Statiunea alpina BORSA, Maramures, Romania
Pictures taken by me in BORSA, Maramures County , Romania, in August 2013
Statiunea Borsa ...
published: 23 Sep 2013
Statiunea alpina BORSA, Maramures, Romania
Statiunea alpina BORSA, Maramures, Romania
Pictures taken by me in BORSA, Maramures County , Romania, in August 2013 Statiunea Borsa se gaseste la poalele Muntilor Rodnei si Maramures, beneficiind de un cadru natural deosebit de atragator si de numeroase resurse turistice naturale si antropice.Orasul Borsa este inconjurat de culmile Muntilor Rodnei, Varful Pietrosul, Negoiescul Mare si Varful Repezii. Varful Pietrosul, cu o altitudine de circa 2300 m, desparte Borsa de judetul Bistrita Nasaud. In partea de est se afla Carpatii Rasariteni, prin raul Tibou, Borsa are granita cu judetul Suceava.- published: 23 Sep 2013
- views: 82
Youtube results:
Ucrainenii din Maramures
Directed by Bálint Zágoni, the documentary was made in 2012 as the result of a collaborati...
published: 01 Mar 2013
author: Centrul de documentare ISPMN
Ucrainenii din Maramures
Ucrainenii din Maramures
Directed by Bálint Zágoni, the documentary was made in 2012 as the result of a collaboration between the Institute and Filmtett Association. The film present...- published: 01 Mar 2013
- views: 748
- author: Centrul de documentare ISPMN
Fluieroasa DA 60 0858-5 + R4043 @Țicău, județul Maramureș (09 08 2013)
RO: Fluieroasa 858 (LDE2100 / 060-DA 60 0858-5) tractand R4043 (Jibou - Baia Mare) trece s...
published: 14 Aug 2013
Fluieroasa DA 60 0858-5 + R4043 @Țicău, județul Maramureș (09 08 2013)
Fluieroasa DA 60 0858-5 + R4043 @Țicău, județul Maramureș (09 08 2013)
RO: Fluieroasa 858 (LDE2100 / 060-DA 60 0858-5) tractand R4043 (Jibou - Baia Mare) trece salutand inspre statia Ticau hc., judetul Maramures EN: LDE2100 / 060-DA 60 0858-5 Whistle locomotive hauling R4043 (Jibou - Baia Mare) passing whistling to Ticau hc. station, Maramures county 09 08 2013 (c)19Railfan95- published: 14 Aug 2013
- views: 122
Lakes from Maramures,Romania,Europe (HD).m2ts
Amazing landscapes over the lakes from Maramures County : - Firiza Lake from Baia Mare ; -...
published: 27 Nov 2011
author: maramuresguide
Lakes from Maramures,Romania,Europe (HD).m2ts
Lakes from Maramures,Romania,Europe (HD).m2ts
Amazing landscapes over the lakes from Maramures County : - Firiza Lake from Baia Mare ; - Blue Lake from Baia Sprie ; - Mogosa Lake from Mogosa mountain res...- published: 27 Nov 2011
- views: 289
- author: maramuresguide
Tabăra Internaţională de Artă şi Solidaritate - ediţia 2013, Deseşti, judeţul Maramureş
HHC România, împreună cu Parohia Ortodoxă Deseşti şi Episcopia Ortodoxă a Maramureşului şi...
published: 23 Sep 2013
Tabăra Internaţională de Artă şi Solidaritate - ediţia 2013, Deseşti, judeţul Maramureş
Tabăra Internaţională de Artă şi Solidaritate - ediţia 2013, Deseşti, judeţul Maramureş
HHC România, împreună cu Parohia Ortodoxă Deseşti şi Episcopia Ortodoxă a Maramureşului şi Sătmarului, continuă, pentru al nouălea an consecutiv, tradiţia Taberei Internaţionale de Artă şi Solidaritate. Acest frumos proiect, unic în România şi organizat în cele mai frumoase zone din judeţul Maramureş, este dedicat copiilor aflaţi în protecţia statului şi sprijiniţi de fundaţia Hope and Homes for Children România. Sponsorul principal al evenimentului, care sprijină această iniţiativă pentru al treilea an, este Porsche România. În cadrul celei de-a noua ediţii, care a avut loc între 19 şi 25 august 2013, 40 de artişti plastici din patru ţări (Marea Britanie, Ungaria, Ucraina şi România) au devenit mentori pentru 40 de copii din sistemul de protecţie. Fie că au avut ca tematică peisajul, portretul sau natura, cele peste 200 de tablouri rezultate în urma acestui eveniment s-au bucurat de aprecierea unanimă a celor care le-au vizionat în timpul vernisajului găzduit de Biserica din Deseşti. Lucrările vor fi expuse de asemenea şi la Bucureşti, în cadrul unui eveniment special unde vor fi puse în valoare. Evenimentul s-a bucurat de prezenţa unor mari personalităţi precum pictorul Bertalan Kovacs, artistul plastic Marian Condruz, coregrafa Silvia Călin, profesorul de arte vizuale Ion Aurel Gârjoabă şi Ioan Marchiş, Directorul Direcţiei Judeţene Maramureş pentru Cultură şi Culte. - HHC Romania, together with the Desesti Orthodox Parish and the Orthodox Bishopric of Maramures and Satmar, continues, for the ninth consecutive year, the tradition of the International Art and Solidarity Camp. This wonderful project, unique in Romania and organised in some of the most beautiful areas in Maramures, is dedicated to the children supported by Hope and Homes for Children Romania. The main sponsor of the event, who is supporting this initiative for the third year in a row, is Porsche Romania. The ninth edition of the International Art and Solidarity Camp took place in Desesti, Maramures, between August 19th and August 25th, 2013. 40 artists from four countries (the United Kingdom, Hungary, Ukraine and Romania) became mentors for 40 children supported by the Hope and Homes for Children Romania foundation. Whether the theme was landscape, portrait or nature, the more than 200 paintings which resulted from this event enjoyed the unanimous appreciation of those who admired them during the exhibition hosted by the Desesti Church. The works will also be exhibited in Bucharest within a special event. The event also hosted a number of great personalities such as painter Bertalan Kovacs, plastic artist Marian Condruz, coreographer Silvia Calin, visual arts professor Aurel Garjoaba and Ioan Marchis, Director of the Maramures County Direction for Culture and Cults. - Abonează-te la canalul nostru YouTube: Don't forget to subscribe to our channel at: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=hhcromania Nu uita să ne vizitezi pe: http://www.hhc.ro şi să fii darnic pe: http://www.hhcromania.org/acasa- published: 23 Sep 2013
- views: 36