LOGO: Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines. A Progressive Journal of News and Opinion. Editor, Robert Scheer. Publisher, Zuade Kaufman.
April 30, 2013

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Truthdig Wins Webby for Best Political Site

Truthdig prevailed over stiff competition in an election year to take home a Webby Award on Tuesday as best political website
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Shutterstock photo of secrets.

Google’s Spymasters Are Now Worried About Your Secrets

There is a growing acceptance and indeed a demand for additional surveillance cameras, cellphone eavesdropping, location checks and biometric identifiers.
Featured Arts and Culture
Artwork, images and photo from Brian Wood's website.

Ripped From Tomorrow’s Headlines: Brian Wood, Comic Book Futurist

Brian Wood is a best-selling comic book writer whose body of work expresses a political and social awareness that ranks with the best in speculative fiction.
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Photo by Claudia Cuellar

The Last Letter

A Message to George W. Bush and Dick Cheney From a Dying Veteran



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This week on Truthdig Radio in association with KPFK: A bipartisan panel tries to end the debate on torture so we don’t do it again, U.S. terrorism, why Congress is free to ignore demand for gun control and the best show you’re not watching.

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More Union in the EU Doubtful

The “More Europe” remedy favored by Chancellor Merkel seems plausible enough as a slogan, but so did the single currency.

Posted on Apr 30, 2013 READ MORE  |  8 READS
You Should Care That Obama Is Going to Pick Tom Wheeler to Head the FCC

Forget the CIA. The Federal Communications Commission is like the fourth branch of American government, and its officials are not elected.

Posted on Apr 30, 2013 READ MORE  |  97 READS
Wall Street Is Killing Dodd-Frank One Regulation at a Time

The already tepid reforms enacted by Dodd-Frank are falling prey to business leaders, Republican lawmakers and the son of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.

Posted on Apr 30, 2013 READ MORE  |  127 READS
Regulators to Keep Tight Lips on Foreclosure Improprieties

This month we learned that regulators will not reveal any shenanigans discovered by the highly paid “independent” consultants big banks hired under orders from the government to review potential wrongdoing on their part in the foreclosure/robo-signing scandal.

Posted on Apr 30, 2013 READ MORE  |  261 READS
Truthdig Wins Webby for Best Political Site

Truthdig prevailed over stiff competition in an election year to take home a Webby Award on Tuesday as best political website.

Posted on Apr 30, 2013 READ MORE  |  473 READS
Bail-Out Is Out, Bail-In Is In

The new rules for keeping the too-big-to-fail banks alive allow for the use of creditor funds, including uninsured deposits, to recapitalize failing banks. In the event of another crisis, access to your money would depend on the security of the FDIC. The question, then, is how reliable is the FDIC?

Posted on Apr 30, 2013 READ MORE  |  847 READS
You Are a Guinea Pig

A hidden epidemic is poisoning America. The toxins are in the air we breathe and the water we drink, in the walls of our homes and the furniture within them. The culprit behind this silent killer is lead, vinyl, formaldehyde and thousands more innovations brought to us by the industries that once promised “better living through chemistry.”

Posted on Apr 30, 2013 READ MORE  |  1379 READS
Google’s Spymasters Are Now Worried About Your Secrets

There is a growing acceptance and indeed a demand for additional surveillance cameras, cellphone eavesdropping, location checks and biometric identifiers.

Posted on Apr 29, 2013 READ MORE  |  4478 READS
Syria Is Still Not Our Fight

President Obama is right to resist the mounting pressure for military intervention in Syria. Action by U.S. forces may or may not make the situation better—but certainly could make things worse.

Posted on Apr 29, 2013 READ MORE  |  629 READS
Biden Weighs In on Torture Report, Senators Face Backlash Over Vote, and More

A look at the day’s political happenings, including President Obama’s hilarious White House Correspondents’ Dinner speech and top U.S. political figures give their take on NBA player Jason Collins’ decision to come out.

Posted on Apr 29, 2013 READ MORE  |  1692 READS
A Farmer’s Life, in Focus and on Film

Director Ramin Bahrani’s latest film “At Any Price” tells the story of a man who runs a farming empire and sells genetically modified seeds. We talked recently with Bahrani about the pressures of farming in the current Monsanto-dominated environment and how the country has changed since Alexis de Tocqueville wrote “Democracy in America.” 

Posted on Apr 29, 2013 READ MORE  |  1712 READS
Ripped From Tomorrow’s Headlines: Brian Wood, Comic Book Futurist

Brian Wood is a best-selling comic book writer whose body of work expresses a political and social awareness that ranks with the best in speculative fiction.

Posted on Apr 29, 2013 READ MORE  |  1509 READS
Retired Supreme Court Justice Casts Doubt on Bush v. Gore

In an instance of too little and way too late, Sandra Day O’Connor appears to be having a case of buyer’s remorse.

Posted on Apr 29, 2013 READ MORE  |  2331 READS
‘I’m a 34-Year-Old NBA Center. I’m Black. And I’m Gay’

With those courageous words, longtime NBA player Jason Collins made history Monday by coming out as the first openly gay athlete in major professional sports.

Posted on Apr 29, 2013 READ MORE  |  933 READS
Earth to Washington: Repeal the Sequester

What is Washington doing to fix the economy? Worse than nothing. It has now adopted the same kind of austerity economics that’s doomed Europe—cutting federal spending and reducing total demand. And the sequester doesn’t end Sept. 30. It takes an even bigger bite out of the federal budget next fiscal year.

Posted on Apr 29, 2013 READ MORE  |  823 READS
Misogynist Much? Politico Attacks Times Editor Jill Abramson

Politico’s piece on New York Times Executive Editor Jill Abramson implied she was a “bitchy woman character”; fossil fuels may never be depleted and this could be the best and worst thing to happen; meanwhile, violence is less rampant on YouTube than on television programs. These discoveries and more after the jump.

Posted on Apr 29, 2013 READ MORE  |  954 READS
Chris Hedges Interviewing Julian Assange, Will Return Next Week

On any other Monday morning, you’d find Chris Hedges’ latest column in this space. But Chris is in London interviewing WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. You can read their discussion next Monday, May 6, at the usual time.

Posted on Apr 28, 2013 READ MORE  |  2654 READS

The policy mystery of our time is why politicians in the United States and across much of the democratic world are so obsessed with deficits when their primary mission ought to be bringing down high and debilitating rates of unemployment.

Posted on Apr 28, 2013 READ MORE  |  1309 READS
Fact: The United States Tortured People

This week on Truthdig Radio in association with KPFK: A bipartisan panel tries to end the debate on torture so we don’t do it again, U.S. terrorism, why Congress is free to ignore demand for gun control and the best show you’re not watching.

Posted on Apr 28, 2013 READ MORE  |  1847 READS
Behind the Terracotta Curtain

Truthdig Publisher Zuade Kaufman speaks extensively about the origins of Truthdig in the new issue of Live Encounters magazine. It’s a personal recollection of how she started working with Robert Scheer, why the site is meant to be different and how advertising affects the online news business.

Posted on Apr 28, 2013 READ MORE  |  862 READS
‘Everybody Is Going to Be OK’: The Difference a Gun Makes

“Four people hurt in Albuquerque church stabbing,” reads the L.A. Times headline. “Hurt” being the key word there. According to police and in the words of the church’s pastor, “It sounds like everybody is going to be OK.”

Posted on Apr 28, 2013 READ MORE  |  2016 READS
Truthdigger of the Week: Jeremy Scahill

With his new book “Dirty Wars: The World Is a Battlefield,” Jeremy Scahill brings the last decade of the American government’s clandestine war making into the clearest possible focus.

Posted on Apr 27, 2013 READ MORE  |  6802 READS
Canada’s ‘Law Enforcement Against Prohibition’

A retired 29-year veteran of the Winnipeg Police Service told Vice magazine that he wants to see all drugs legalized and regulated by the government.

Posted on Apr 27, 2013 READ MORE  |  1680 READS
Obama’s ‘Mixed Feelings About Old People’

The president gave wealthy Americans “a most generous reduction in their estate taxes” while telling Social Security beneficiaries “to live with smaller benefit checks,” William Greider writes in The Nation.

Posted on Apr 27, 2013 READ MORE  |  2624 READS
How Bradley Manning Disappeared From the SF Pride Parade

The stern rejection of the Army whistle-blower as a grand marshal of the San Francisco Pride Parade combined with the event’s uncritical embrace of sponsorship by law-breaking corporations reveals how liberal causes can be corrupted by business-backed authoritarianism, writes Glenn Greenwald.

Posted on Apr 27, 2013 READ MORE  |  2912 READS


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A Progressive Journal of News and Opinion. Editor, Robert Scheer. Publisher, Zuade Kaufman.
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