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          April 29, 2013 BREAKING: Gay men capable of playing basketball, at least one being adept enough at it to make a living TweetAmericans shocked, amazed! Straight, ordinary-sized, single-hand dribblers with no game whatever hardest hit. 

 Not by the bravery, so much — because let’s face it, what can be hipper now than coming out as a gay pro athlete, particularly when doing so is meant as a form of social activism, the unspoken message being that most people care where you dunk your balls when off the court, which I very much doubt is the case — but rather by the realization that not only aren’t they good enough to play pro ball, but they’ve been shown-up in the fabulous department, as well.

 And that just stings.

 (h/t JohnInFirestone)


  Posted by Jeff G. @ 5:38pm  62 comments | Trackback  

    April 29, 2013 “Southern Poverty Law Center tied to domestic terrorism” TweetWait, so you mean the leftwing advocacy group responsible for labeling as potential domestic terrorists everyone refusing to adopt their ideology is itself spawning domestic terrorists — mostly by reinforcing the cartoonish outrage it helps gin up against the villainous right wingers who doggedly refuse to engage in acts of domestic terrorism, just as they doggedly refuse to march to the SPLC’s intellectual tune? 

 Astounding! And so very very unpredictable, to boot!

 Why, that constant state of foreboding — and all that latent hate the right possesses and just holds over the head of society like some redneck Buck knife of Damacles– is enough to make a fella just outraged enough to do something. To stem the foreboding and stop the hate!

 Provided that fella is a self-righteous leftist of the kind to which the SPLC holds any intellectual cachet, that is.

 I’d point out the irony but really, why bother?

 If it isn’t already obvious to those who spend their pitiful lives projecting their own bigotries onto others, even as those bigotries are artificially trumpeted as justifiable indignation by enablers like the SPLC, how am I going to drive the point home?

 – Without, you know, goading one of these self-righteous morons into taking a shot at me for my choice of chicken sandwich, I mean?

 Which, pass.


  Posted by Jeff G. @ 2:52pm  6 comments | Trackback  

    April 29, 2013 Legally Blonde 1, Kermit 0 TweetGosnell, that is.  The “the frog” would almost certainly still kick Reese Witherspoon’s ass, notoriety wise.


 Ameritopia? Perhaps.

 Idiocracy? Without question.

 And that’s just the way your betters like it.


  Posted by Jeff G. @ 10:13am  8 comments | Trackback  

    April 29, 2013 “Lesbian Activist’s Surprisingly Candid Speech: Gay Marriage Fight Is a ‘Lie’ to Destroy Marriage” TweetMay as well tell the truth now.  I mean, the argument is over and the pro-traditional marriage “folks” have lost:  being the Bible-thumping prigs they are, tormented by paranoid fantasies of legal slippery slopes, they lack the intellectual chops to muster a defense of their position that doesn’t fall back on disgusting and unhelpful moral certitude, and so the force of history, inexorably moving forward as if it with a material and teleological will, will run them down, trampling their quaint conservatism under the stampeding hooves of progress.

 I know this because a guy involved in a loofah scandal told me so.  And he’s looking out for me.  So how can he be wrong?

 Look, I’m not going to argue same sex marriage as policy here yet again:  unlike many SSM activists, I have supported the rights of states like New York, Massachusetts, and California, eg., to decide for themselves how they wish to define marriage for the purposes of their own state’s legal decision making.  I’ve also been willing to support civil unions, properly drawn.

 But I’ve also pointed out for years that the true objective of the movement — as it has been repeatedly laid out by queer theorists and activists, back before they believed anyone was listening, and back before they changed their tactics of denouncing traditional marriage — is to deconstruct the institution of marriage by pretending to embrace it as a “civil right,” then opening it up until it becomes legally non-exclusionary.  At which point our social desire to differentiate will be trumped by the legal prohibition to do so — a move that portends widespread legal changes.  Fundamental transformation, if you will.

 And I know this because they’ve told me that’s what the plan is — even though many of them have since tried to walk that back now that they’ve achieved the kinds of mainstream gains they couldn’t foresee in the heady days of angry queer theory and in-your-face existential protest.

 – Much like Obama spoke openly about his socialist / Communist leanings back before he burst onto the national scene, which so many not only ignored but insisted we must bracket for the historic good man.

 – Much like Islamists have always made their intentions clear, even before they turned from terrorists to criminals to a protected class against who one must not speak ill, their having cornered the market on peaceful religiosity, and besides, why do you hate brown people?

 Which is why I find it astounding that there continues to exist, even among many constitutionalists, this almost determined blind spot, this desire to be thought more nuanced in one’s thinking should they resist what at face value they refuse stubbornly to acknowledge.

 Without being all judgey, let me just end with an observation:  sanctimony is itself a form of vanity.

 It’s true!

 (h/t Pablo)



  Posted by Jeff G. @ 10:01am  101 comments | Trackback  

    April 29, 2013 Reacting to some of the postings offered in my absence. Tweet1.  On the State Department blocking lawyers from representing Benghazi whistle blowers:  two possible ways to go on this one.  First, the old standard:  most transparent administration EVAH!  — though that’s getting tired, I think.  So second, Darleen had it exactly right:  what difference does it make at this point?

 Honestly.  Is anyone surprised?  Do we expect there to be some sort of furious media-led backlash?  Do we expect Kerry or Clinton to be compelled to answer questions?  Of course not.  And that’s because we have a House Speaker who has all the fight of a Quaker’s vagina, and a media that, for all intents and purposes doesn’t even pretend to be anything other than a perfunctory extension of the establishment ruling class, acting both as its mouthpiece and its intellectual bodyguards.

 2.  On the UConn Husky’s new logo:  having never been successfully mounted nor penetrated by a cartoon dog (or any dog for that matter) — either with my consent or because I was wearing too much makeup and my skirt too short — I can’t really pretend to understand how threatening a cartoon dog / sports team logo can be.  Perhaps I’m suffering from false consciousness, who knows.  Likely so. Meaning I have no desire to diminish the very real fears self-described feminists experience when they are unfairly and frighteningly confronted by cartoon dogs presented in non-cuddly (and dare I say, non-feminized) ways.

 Again, I’ve never been fucked by a cartoon dog, so I lack authenticity in this matter.  And I can’t begin to pretend that I in any way am capable of speaking for those who possess that authenticity.

 The best I can do is point to a dream I once had in which me and this chick Daphne got it on Kama Sutra-style in the back of some van while Scooby and Shaggy, both of them stoned out of their minds, as it happened, watched us pull off a downward dog.    And feasted on unnaturally large sandwiches.

 3. On the military’s blocking (or not?) of the Southern Baptist website:  I can’t help but think I should tie this to the sexualized/violent dog imagery the University of Connecticut has unleashed on a fallen world, raising the specter of roaming packs of predatory, bestial terrors whose cultural divorce from morality leaves them threatening to ravage mostly unattractive 20-year-olds in Lisa Loeb glasses. But as I say, all I see is a cartoon dog.  So.

 I’m gonna leave that one alone — at least until I re-read some Naomi Wolf.

 4.  Landing gear from a 911-downed plane lodged between a mosque site and some westernized site, creating a violent, twisted barrier between the two that it’s taken years to recognize and that will have to be removed with force?  Well, that one just writes itself, doesn’t it?

 5.  And this one, which I mentioned on Twitter (h/t geoff b):  “Senators quietly seeking new path on gun control.”

 They are all in, and what they are doing now is gauging just who they have to sacrifice to institutionalize what they need institutionalized in order to speed along fundamental transformation.  You can’t and won’t stop them.  We know who and what these people are.  The rest is just arguing over price.

 6.  Finally, for those of you who mistakenly believe I’ve lost my touch, I offer you this:  what do you get when you cross a progressive with a Pole?

 A person who needs five other people to help change a light bulb.  But only after they’ve been unionized.  And overpaid for the light bulb with someone else’s money.  For which they’ll receive the Hispanic vote.  Racists.


 7.  By the way, I got one of those Molon Labe shirts from Those Shirts (advertised on the right side bar) and it’s awesome.  I recommend you all pick one up and wear it to pick your kids up from school.  Like me!



  Posted by Jeff G. @ 9:18am  29 comments | Trackback  

    April 29, 2013 State Department blocking lawyers from representing Benghazi whistleblowers [Darleen Click] TweetBenghazi discussion starts about 3:30 mark


 According to former US Attorney Joe DiGenova, the State Department is standing in the way of lawyers trying to represent whistleblowers in the ongoing investigation into the events at the US Consolate in Benghazi on September 11, 2012. [...]

 “The Department of State is refusing to grant clearances to Victoria (Toensing) and other people who want to represent the whistleblowers in an attempt to prevent the testimony,” DiGenova said, referring to the upcoming hearing before Rep. Darrel Issa’s House Oversight Committee. 

 Eh, what difference, at this point, does it make?


  Posted by Darleen @ 7:35am  11 comments | Trackback  

    April 28, 2013 Palate cleanser [Darleen Click] Tweet


  Posted by Darleen @ 1:19am  8 comments | Trackback  

    April 26, 2013 Trigger warning for Vagina Warriors — [Darleen Click] TweetThis post discusses a logo cartoon husky dog — a scary symbol of vicious rape culture The new logo for the University of Connecticut’s sports teams is a terrifying husky dog that calls to mind images of sexual assault, says one student.

 The new logo was unveiled last week, receiving mixed-to-negative reviews from UConn fans who preferred the older, cuter husky (sic) dog.

 But one student went much further, criticizing the new, meaner logo for being a pro-rape symbol. In an open letter to UC President Susan Herbst, self-described feminist student Carolyn Luby wrote that the redesigned team logo will intimidate women and empower rape culture.

  Luby: I AM WOMAN! HEAR ME WHINE! Instead of communicating a zero tolerance atmosphere for this kind of behavior, increasing or vocalizing support to violence against women prevention efforts on campus in the face of such events, or increasing support to student run programs that seek to work with athletes on issues of violence as well as academic issues, it would appear that your administration is more interested in fostering consumerism and corporatization than education and community. Another example of this shift in priorities can be seen in the current administrations selection of the new logo — a selection made with no involvement from or consultation with the normal, everyday, non-Olympian student body:  Contrary to speculation, the Husky will not appear to be mean, snarling, or capable of frightening small children! Instead he will be rendered as the sleek, beautiful animal a real Husky truly is.

 Well President Herbst, the new Husky logo may not be capable of frightening small children, but the face of real life UConn athletics is certainly capable of frightening college women.

 It is looking right through you and saying, ‘Do not mess with me.’ This is a streamlined, fighting dog, and I cannot wait for it to be on our uniforms and court.~Geno Auriemma stated about the new logo change.

 What terrifies me about the admiration of such traits is that I know what it feels like to have a real life Husky look straight through you and to feel powerless, and to wonder if even the administration cannot “mess with them.” And I know I am not alone.

 Parody is as dead as a Norwegian Blue. 

 (h/t Glenn Reynolds)


  Posted by Darleen @ 11:04pm  117 comments | Trackback  

    April 26, 2013 Transcendental irony [Darleen Click] TweetNew York News | NYC Breaking News

 NEW YORK (MYFOXNY) Part of landing gear apparently from one of the jetliners that crashed into the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, has been found wedged between two buildings, one of them a mosque site, in Lower Manhattan, the NYPD said Friday.

 The debris is stuck between the back of 51 Park Place and the rear of 50 Murray Street, according to Deputy Commissioner Paul Browne.


  Posted by Darleen @ 6:26pm  14 comments | Trackback  

    April 26, 2013 US Army “unintentionally” blocks Baptist website at military bases [Darleen Click] TweetTrying to access the site produces warning flag that the site is blocked due to hostile content The Southern Baptist Convention is the nation’s largest Protestant denomination known for its support of the pro-life movement and its strong belief in traditional marriage.

 Southern Baptist chaplains reported that had been blocked at military installations around the nation. An Air Force officer told Fox News that when he tried to log on to the website he received a message that his Internet usage was being logged and monitored for trying to access a blocked site.

 The censorship was made public after an Army officer tried to log onto the denomination’s website and instead — received a warning message.

 “The site you have requested has been blocked by Team CONUS (C-TNOSC/RCERT-CONUS) due to hostile content,” the message read.

 Team CONUS protects the computer network of the Dept. of Defense. The SBC’s website was not blocked at the Pentagon. [...]

 “The Department of Defense is not intentionally blocking access to this site, said Lt. Col. Damien Pickart. “We are working diligently to investigate what might be causing access issues for some of our service members and to correct the situation as quickly as possible.” [...]

 Ron Crews, executive director of the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty, told Fox News that Southern Baptist chaplains on military bases around the nation have been unable to access the website.

 “It’s a concern for the Dept. of Defense to block the website of one of the major evangelical denominations in the country,” Crews told Fox News. “The Southern Baptist Convention has the largest number of chaplains in the military representing Southern Baptist soldiers and churches. Those chaplains need access to their denomination’s website.”

 We gotta be careful of those Bezerker Baptists. Why, their reputation for shooting/bombing/maiming is known worldwide! 

 Maybe the Army’s disavowal of the Belief in God is “extremist” lecture was just a tad premature?



  Posted by Darleen @ 10:26am  185 comments | Trackback  

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