Roan Kattouw

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Roan Kattouw
Senior Software Engineer, Wikimedia Foundation
Roan Kattouw

About me

I started as a volunteer developer for MediaWiki in 2007, and wrote the edit modules for the MediaWiki API. Later in 2007, I took over as the maintainer of the API, and kept doing that until I was hired by the Foundation in 2009.

I have a Bachelor's in Computer Science from the University of Groningen (2008-2011), and in September 2012 I'm going back to school to get a Master's in Computer Science at Stanford University.

My work

I started at the Foundation as a contractor in 2009, and became an employee in 2012 after moving from the Netherlands to San Francisco. I was on the usability team originally, which was dissolved in 2010 and merged into the features engineering team. In 2010 and 2011, I wrote ResourceLoader with Trevor Parscal. Currently, I am on the visual editor team, working on the data model component. Ever since I was hired, I have also been working on lots of other things, mostly related to MediaWiki core and the MediaWiki deployment on the WMF servers.
Disclaimer: Although I work for the Wikimedia Foundation, contributions under this account do not necessarily represent the actions or views of the Foundation unless expressly stated otherwise. For example, edits to articles or uploads of other media are done in my individual, personal capacity unless otherwise stated.

Contact me

  • E-mail: roan(at)
  • IRC: RoanKattouw in #mediawiki , #wikimedia-dev and some other places
  • Location: San Francisco, CA, USA
  • Usual working hours: 10am-6pm Pacific Time