- published: 19 Dec 2009
- views: 5470
- author: Bea Broda

Beautiful Lake Geneva, Switzerland
Between the Alps and Lake Geneva lies some of the most exquisite scenery in Switzerland, w...
published: 19 Dec 2009
author: Bea Broda
Beautiful Lake Geneva, Switzerland
Between the Alps and Lake Geneva lies some of the most exquisite scenery in Switzerland, with pretty lakeside towns, vineyards and cozy accommodation. Montre...
- published: 19 Dec 2009
- views: 5470
- author: Bea Broda

A Cruise on Lake Geneva ,Switzerland, from Lausanne to Montreux and back
Views of the Lake Geneva shoreline and towns , passing trains and boats , and a quick look...
published: 08 Jul 2009
author: hjdnad
A Cruise on Lake Geneva ,Switzerland, from Lausanne to Montreux and back
Views of the Lake Geneva shoreline and towns , passing trains and boats , and a quick look at the Freddy Mercury statue on the waterside at Montreux.
- published: 08 Jul 2009
- views: 29081
- author: hjdnad

Lake Geneva
Who wouldn't jump in the lake for 100 dollars?...
published: 14 Jun 2011
author: Lindsay Blacker
Lake Geneva
Who wouldn't jump in the lake for 100 dollars?
- published: 14 Jun 2011
- views: 40903
- author: Lindsay Blacker

Stone Manor Lake Geneva, WI
published: 07 Jul 2010
author: MattMasonPhotography
Stone Manor Lake Geneva, WI
- published: 07 Jul 2010
- views: 8963
- author: MattMasonPhotography

Fishing BIGGEST Lake Geneva Bass ONLY on HawgNSonsTV!
July 3 2009 Lake Geneva Wisconsin Fishing the BIGGEST Lake Geneva Bass. Fishing with Jerim...
published: 04 Jul 2009
author: HawgNSonsTV2
Fishing BIGGEST Lake Geneva Bass ONLY on HawgNSonsTV!
July 3 2009 Lake Geneva Wisconsin Fishing the BIGGEST Lake Geneva Bass. Fishing with Jerimie Hewkin and Mike Roser for Largemouth Bass. WATCH The Hewkinator ...
- published: 04 Jul 2009
- views: 7618
- author: HawgNSonsTV2

17th Annual Lake Geneva Winterfest & US National Snow Sculpting Competition - 2012
Lake Geneva for the past several years has been chosen as the site for the National Snow S...
published: 05 Feb 2012
author: ReelLifeMarketing
17th Annual Lake Geneva Winterfest & US National Snow Sculpting Competition - 2012
Lake Geneva for the past several years has been chosen as the site for the National Snow Sculpting Competition. This competition is the centerpiece of Winter...
- published: 05 Feb 2012
- views: 772
- author: ReelLifeMarketing

A home video shot in 2008 of the main strip at night at Geneva on the Lake in Geneva, Ohio...
published: 14 Sep 2008
author: fortiesnutcase
A home video shot in 2008 of the main strip at night at Geneva on the Lake in Geneva, Ohio. Thanks for watching!
- published: 14 Sep 2008
- views: 11790
- author: fortiesnutcase

Underground Lake Geneva - Winterfest 2013
In this pilot episode of "Underground Lake Geneva" ReelLifeTV and The Lake Geneva Regional...
published: 08 Feb 2013
author: ReelLifeMarketing
Underground Lake Geneva - Winterfest 2013
In this pilot episode of "Underground Lake Geneva" ReelLifeTV and The Lake Geneva Regional News take you on a humorous and irreverent tour of Winterfest and ...
- published: 08 Feb 2013
- views: 979
- author: ReelLifeMarketing

Welcome to Lake Geneva, Wisconsin!
Lake Geneva is known for its charm & elegance and boasts a lifestyle with a relaxed atmosp...
published: 23 Jun 2010
author: coldwellbanker5
Welcome to Lake Geneva, Wisconsin!
Lake Geneva is known for its charm & elegance and boasts a lifestyle with a relaxed atmosphere. Referred to as one of the jewels of the Midwest it offers spa...
- published: 23 Jun 2010
- views: 5478
- author: coldwellbanker5

On the way to the Lake House at Geneva on the Lake
Got out the camera to do a little action spotting down at Geneva on the lake. Last weekend...
published: 27 Jun 2010
author: beast6228
On the way to the Lake House at Geneva on the Lake
Got out the camera to do a little action spotting down at Geneva on the lake. Last weekend the girls gone wild bus was down there, but I didn't have my camer...
- published: 27 Jun 2010
- views: 884
- author: beast6228

What is Lake Geneva Missing? - Episode 1 "Toilets"
What is Lake Geneva Missing? We need you the local and the tourist to tell us the business...
published: 10 Apr 2013
author: ReelLifeMarketing
What is Lake Geneva Missing? - Episode 1 "Toilets"
What is Lake Geneva Missing? We need you the local and the tourist to tell us the business owners and politicians what YOU would like to see in Lake Geneva, ...
- published: 10 Apr 2013
- views: 404
- author: ReelLifeMarketing

Geneva on the Lake--Fresh Traveler has Shameless Fun
Could Geneva on the Lake be the Most Fun Small Town in America? Fresh Traveler dips their ...
published: 09 Jul 2012
author: BestoftheRoad
Geneva on the Lake--Fresh Traveler has Shameless Fun
Could Geneva on the Lake be the Most Fun Small Town in America? Fresh Traveler dips their toes in to see what kind of fun they have to offer.
- published: 09 Jul 2012
- views: 3578
- author: BestoftheRoad

Switzerland's Lake Geneva looking nice in the ice
http://www.euronews.net/nocomment/ A naturally formed ice-landscape surrounding Switzerlan...
published: 06 Feb 2012
author: nocommenttv
Switzerland's Lake Geneva looking nice in the ice
http://www.euronews.net/nocomment/ A naturally formed ice-landscape surrounding Switzerland's Lake Geneva has appeared in the midst of a severe cold snap swe...
- published: 06 Feb 2012
- views: 9244
- author: nocommenttv

Geneva Lake Parade
The dancing floats make their way past Lake Geneva....
published: 09 Jul 2011
author: ReturnToHopeCove
Geneva Lake Parade
The dancing floats make their way past Lake Geneva.
- published: 09 Jul 2011
- views: 3384
- author: ReturnToHopeCove
Vimeo results:

Helvetia's Dream
Lesen Sie auf deutsch bitte weiter unten weiter...
‘Helvetia’s Dream’ takes you on a nigh...
published: 24 Oct 2012
author: Alessandro Della Bella
Helvetia's Dream
Lesen Sie auf deutsch bitte weiter unten weiter...
‘Helvetia’s Dream’ takes you on a nighttime journey to some of the most beautiful spots in the Swiss Alps – from Arosa to Zermatt, including the world famous mountains Matterhorn and Eiger.
Please pay special attention to the following scenes:
@0:46 watch the persistent train of a bright meteor above Tijerflue Mountain in Arosa, December 2010, which was visible for about 20 minutes. A slow motion effect is applied for better visibility of the shooting star and its trail of ‘smoke’, which consists of ionized gas left behind as the meteor burns up in the atmosphere.
@1:14 clouds above Lake Geneva steam up the lens.
@1:36 on the very left: Climbers step into the unpredictable Eiger Nordwand.
@1:44 the Milky Way rises above the ‘Donkey’ rock on Pilatus.
@1:58 snowcats nearby cause the lighting of the summit cross on Fronalpstock Mountain. (Snowcat lights usually spoil time-lapse)
@2:21 the wind changes the reflection of Säntis Mountain in the Seealpsee.
@2:35 three settings showing orbits of stars. This is an alternative technique to display the movement of stars by sequentially adding the luminosity of each exposure. The result is basically a long exposure with a large aperture.
@2:49 the waxing new moon, not full moon, setting over Pilatus.
For the "making of" information and photo gallery check out the project website www.helvetiabynight.com.
‘Helvetia by Night’ is a time-lapse project about Switzerland by night. Short videos of long nights present you the stunning beauty of the Swiss Alps and show you the magic of a spectacular nighttime sky. Imagine watching a slide-show at fast speed or looking at a flip book. It is photography turning into a movie. Everything in the videos is real and happening out there while most of us are sleeping.
Some words about me:
I grew up in Arosa, a small paradise in the mountains of eastern Switzerland located 1800m above sea level. Inspired by such great scenery, photography has become my passion early in life. Since 2005 I work as press photographer for the Swiss press photo agency KEYSTONE in Zurich. Time-lapse photography became a favorite hobby of mine in the year 2011. Besides that I am doing some other private work which can be found here: www.dellabella.ch
Have fun watching the time-lapse videos!
‘Helvetias Traum’ ist ein nächtlicher Streifzug durch die Schweizer Alpen – von Arosa bis Zermatt. Zu den Höhepunkten gehören die weltbekannten Berge Matterhorn und Eiger.
Schenken Sie folgenden Szenen besondere Aufmerksamkeit:
@0:46 Eine Feuerkugel (Meteor) über der Tijerflue in Arosa hinterlässt eine 20 Minuten andauernde Nachleuchtspur. Dabei erzeugt eine durch das Verglühen entstandene katalytische chemische Reaktion Licht. Damit man die Sternschnuppe besser sieht, wurde ein Zeitlupen-Effekt angewendet.
@1:14 Wolken über dem Genfersee beschlagen das Objektiv.
@1:36 Ganz links: Bergsteiger auf dem Weg in die unberechenbare Eiger Nordwand.
@1:44 Die Milchstrasse steigt über dem ‘Esel’ (Pilatus) auf.
@1:58 Pistenfahrzeuge beleuchten das Gipfelkreuz auf dem Fronalpstock.
@2:21 Wind verändert die Spiegelung des Säntis im Seealpsee.
@2:35 Drei Einstellungen mit Sternenbahnen: Diese Darstellung zeigt die scheinbare Bewegung der Sterne, indem die Helligkeit jedes Bildes fortlaufend addiert wird. Das Resultat entspricht im Prinzip einer Langzeitbelichtung mit weit offener Blende.
@2:49 Der zunehmende Neumond (nicht Vollmond) geht über dem Pilatus unter.
Eine Fotogalerie und mehr Informationen über das "making of" gibt es auf www.helvetiabynight.com
‚Helvatia by Night‘ ist ein Zeitraffer-Projekt (Time-Lapse) über die Schweiz bei Nacht. Kurzfilme zeigen die atemberaubende Schönheit der Schweizer Bergwelt und einen spektakulären Sternenhimmel, wie Sie vielleicht erst davon geträumt haben. Alles was hier präsentiert wird, ist jedoch absolut real. Schnell aneinander gereihte Fotos werden zu einem Film, wie in einem Daumenkino.
Einige Worte zu meiner Person:
Ich bin in Arosa aufgewachsen, einem kleinen Paradies in der Bündner Bergwelt auf 1800 Metern über Meer. Inspiriert durch die beeindruckende Berglandschaft habe ich schon früh die Fotografie als meine Passion entdeckt. Seit 2005 arbeite ich als Pressefotograf bei der Schweizer Bildagentur KEYSTONE in Zürich. Die Time-Lapse Fotografie ist seit 2011 mein Lieblingshobby. Weitere private Arbeiten gibt es auf www.dellabella.ch
Viel Vergnügen beim Schauen der Time-Lapse Filme!
Alessandro Della Bella

"Ghost" (2011) is a independent shortfilm finished January 2011, shot in my hometown of Vi...
published: 05 Jan 2011
author: Tobias Gundorff Boesen
"Ghost" (2011) is a independent shortfilm finished January 2011, shot in my hometown of Viborg. Both I, the DOP and sounddesigner grew up here, and had strong feelings about the locations.
We wanted to tell a simple story with a strong visual universe, using mostly atmosphere and moods. Avoiding dialogue and story telling rules, we played around with the structure, visuals and sound, trying to make the outer world reflect the inner feelings of the characters. This little ekspressive and experimental film was the end result.
Thanks alot to all the friends and family who helped out!
Here's a little "behind the scenes" stuff:
Actors: Alberthe Skovborg Hansen, Frederik Knuth-Winterfeldt, Julie Skibelund Schou
Producers: Tobias Gundorff Boesen, Andreas Berg
Direction & Story: Tobias Gundorff Boesen
DOP: Andreas Berg
Lighting: Mikkel Sigsgaard
Assistants: Anton Iversen, Jesper Karstensen
Sound Design: Thomas Arent Andersen
Editing: Sara Bøgh
Post & Artdirection: Tobias Gundorff Boesen
Festival Updates:
A Night In Paradise Århus Denmark 2011
Blue Whiskey Independent Film Festival Illinoise USA, sept 2011
Salt Lake City International Film Festival, Utah USA, August 2011
Nordisk Panorama, Århus Denmark, September 2011
Fantastisk Film Festival, Lund Sweden, september 2011
Geneva International Film Festival, Austria 4-10 Nov 2011
Encounters, Bristol England 16-20 Nov 2011

Extra 330 Aerobatic maneuvers by J. Cusin Bex Switzerland 2010
A film by Yannick Barthe, www.yannickbarthe.ch. Amazing stuff with aerobatic maneuvers abo...
published: 27 Aug 2010
author: Yannick Barthe
Extra 330 Aerobatic maneuvers by J. Cusin Bex Switzerland 2010
A film by Yannick Barthe, www.yannickbarthe.ch. Amazing stuff with aerobatic maneuvers above the lake of Geneva. Aerobatic performance by Jerome Cusin with a Extra 330 SC, www.airventure.ch. Helicopter pilot, David Germann, www.lapassiondesairs.com. Music by Hans Zimmer, Bachelors of Science and James Newton Howard.
Many thanks to Jerome and David for their great work in this project !
Shot with a Sony HVR-Z1 in HDV. Filmed and edited by Yannick Barthe, www.yannickbarthe.ch, www.aeromedia-concept.ch

Showreel Yannick Barthe 2010
The year 2010 was mainly dedicated to editing videos (over 70 hours of footage filmed on t...
published: 01 Dec 2010
author: Yannick Barthe
Showreel Yannick Barthe 2010
The year 2010 was mainly dedicated to editing videos (over 70 hours of footage filmed on the airshows in 2009). Differents video clips were edited and are now available on Vimeo. But beside this editing job I have been following the Hawker Hunter flight crew and pilots and I've filmed and edited two short films with the Hawker Hunter piloted by Claude Nicollier, Raymond Clerc and Marco Lupi. During the fall, I met Jérôme Cusin (an aerobatic pilot) and together we decide to film (from an helicopter) a spectacular air-to-air video with areobatic manoeuvers on the Lake of Geneva. I also filmed a short-video during a gravel transport work performed by Heliswiss with an Eurocopter SD2.
Filmed and edited by Yannick Barthe, www.yannickbarthe.ch. Filmed with Sony HVR-Z1 and a Panasonic HDC-TM700. I would like to thank Franziska Neuhaus, Espace Passion, Raymond Clerc, Claude Nicollier, Marco Lupi, all the Hunter and Mirage III crew, Tahan Pangaribuan, Christophe Theubet, Jérôme Cusin and David Germann. Music by Vincent Tone (purchased with web license).
Youtube results:

Tucker Hibbert 2013 Lake Geneva National
Tucker Hibbert and team Monster Energy/Arctic Cat concluded their dominate run on the 2012...
published: 21 Mar 2013
author: Tucker Hibbert
Tucker Hibbert 2013 Lake Geneva National
Tucker Hibbert and team Monster Energy/Arctic Cat concluded their dominate run on the 2012/2013 ISOC National Snocross tour March 15-16 in Lake Geneva, Wisc....
- published: 21 Mar 2013
- views: 4064
- author: Tucker Hibbert

Lake Geneva Wisconsin
Video highlighting all there is to do in Lake Geneva Wisconsin....
published: 02 Mar 2007
author: bryanrasch
Lake Geneva Wisconsin
Video highlighting all there is to do in Lake Geneva Wisconsin.
- published: 02 Mar 2007
- views: 14393
- author: bryanrasch

Underground Lake Geneva - The Baker House "UnWrapped"
ReelLifeTV's irreverent series "Underground Lake Geneva" checks out the cool and quirky Ba...
published: 23 Feb 2013
author: ReelLifeMarketing
Underground Lake Geneva - The Baker House "UnWrapped"
ReelLifeTV's irreverent series "Underground Lake Geneva" checks out the cool and quirky Baker House in Lake Geneva, WI on Valentine's Day.
- published: 23 Feb 2013
- views: 1099
- author: ReelLifeMarketing

Lake Geneva Snocross 2013
Lake Geneva Saturday night....
published: 18 Mar 2013
author: Jon Muranko
Lake Geneva Snocross 2013
Lake Geneva Saturday night.
- published: 18 Mar 2013
- views: 407
- author: Jon Muranko