- published: 10 Jan 2011
- views: 108
- author: resellerspanel

Country-code Top-level Domains
Watch country-code top-level domains video at http://www.resellerspanel.com/videos/domain-...
published: 10 Jan 2011
author: resellerspanel
Country-code Top-level Domains
Watch country-code top-level domains video at http://www.resellerspanel.com/videos/domain-names/country-code-top-level-domains.html.
- published: 10 Jan 2011
- views: 108
- author: resellerspanel

.CO.ZA Domain Registration/ Transfer with NTC Hosting (HD)
CO.ZA is the official country code top-level domain for South Africa. It can be used for a...
published: 16 Dec 2010
author: ntchosting
.CO.ZA Domain Registration/ Transfer with NTC Hosting (HD)
CO.ZA is the official country code top-level domain for South Africa. It can be used for all types of sites and is currently the most popular South African ...
- published: 16 Dec 2010
- views: 41
- author: ntchosting

IGF2008- WS10- Access to Local Culture and Language (ALCL)
he global Internet as of today recognizes only ASCII addresses as domain names. But we are...
published: 19 Apr 2013
author: igf
IGF2008- WS10- Access to Local Culture and Language (ALCL)
he global Internet as of today recognizes only ASCII addresses as domain names. But we are in a transition to Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs). This tra...
- published: 19 Apr 2013
- views: 1
- author: igf

ope odusan...is the chief operating officer of nira...NiRA is the registry for .ng Interne...
published: 11 Mar 2013
author: NTA2Lagos
ope odusan...is the chief operating officer of nira...NiRA is the registry for .ng Internet Domain Names and maintains the database of names registered in th...
- published: 11 Mar 2013
- views: 22
- author: NTA2Lagos

Domain Registrar - An Insight on Domain Registrars
A domain registrar is an organization that basically manages the reservation of domain nam...
published: 21 Jan 2013
author: net4indialimited
Domain Registrar - An Insight on Domain Registrars
A domain registrar is an organization that basically manages the reservation of domain names. A domain registrar must be accredited by a generic top-level do...
- published: 21 Jan 2013
- views: 18
- author: net4indialimited

.IN Domains: A Gateway to Create an Indian Online Presence
IN is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for India. The TLD is managed by IN Regist...
published: 25 Jan 2013
author: Net4
.IN Domains: A Gateway to Create an Indian Online Presence
IN is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for India. The TLD is managed by IN Registry. It was appointed by the Indian Government, and is operated und...
- published: 25 Jan 2013
- views: 37
- author: Net4

Anybody is able to register uk-domains
More information at: http://www.domainregistry.de/uk-domain.html The uk-domain is the Inte...
published: 04 Sep 2012
author: Domain Television
Anybody is able to register uk-domains
More information at: http://www.domainregistry.de/uk-domain.html The uk-domain is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for the United Kingdom.I...
- published: 04 Sep 2012
- views: 17
- author: Domain Television

How to register a domain name
http://www.robinmurray.ca Are you wanting to put up a website for your business or organiz...
published: 19 Sep 2011
author: Robin Murray
How to register a domain name
http://www.robinmurray.ca Are you wanting to put up a website for your business or organization? If you answered yes to that then the first thing you need is...
- published: 19 Sep 2011
- views: 181
- author: Robin Murray

مشروع النطاق العلوي للسلطنة (.om) ، ومشروع النطاق العربي للسلطنة (.عمان) Oman top level domain .om
أعلنت هيئة تنظيم الاتصالات عن إعتمادها للشركة العمانية للاتصالات ( عمانتل) والشركة العماني...
published: 03 Apr 2013
author: Majid AlBalushi
مشروع النطاق العلوي للسلطنة (.om) ، ومشروع النطاق العربي للسلطنة (.عمان) Oman top level domain .om
أعلنت هيئة تنظيم الاتصالات عن إعتمادها للشركة العمانية للاتصالات ( عمانتل) والشركة العمانية القطرية للاتصالات ( النورس ) لمؤسسة الخليج لحلول الشبكة الالكترو...
- published: 03 Apr 2013
- views: 53
- author: Majid AlBalushi

IGF2008- WS38- Around the world in Eight ccTLDs
The workshop was co-sponsored by the four Regional ccTLD organizations covering Africa (Af...
published: 19 Apr 2013
author: Internet Governance Forum (IGF)
IGF2008- WS38- Around the world in Eight ccTLDs
The workshop was co-sponsored by the four Regional ccTLD organizations covering Africa (AfTLD), Asia Pacific (ApTLD), Europe (CENTR), and Latin American (LAC...
- published: 19 Apr 2013
- views: 3
- author: Internet Governance Forum (IGF)

10 Million uk-Domains
More information at: http://www.domainregistry.de/uk-domain.html The uk-domain is the Inte...
published: 04 Sep 2012
author: secura
10 Million uk-Domains
More information at: http://www.domainregistry.de/uk-domain.html The uk-domain is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for the United Kingdom.I...
- published: 04 Sep 2012
- views: 13
- author: secura

Myhosting Vs Godaddy : Myhosting Vs Godaddy Deal
Use This Code " vps123 " And Go To This Link - http://tinyurl.com/c2kog3a Up to 6 months F...
published: 09 Apr 2013
author: Min Swan
Myhosting Vs Godaddy : Myhosting Vs Godaddy Deal
Use This Code " vps123 " And Go To This Link - http://tinyurl.com/c2kog3a Up to 6 months FREE on VPS plans : VPS: 3 months free for annual signup. 4 months f...
- published: 09 Apr 2013
- views: 15
- author: Min Swan

ASIA Domain Names from Name.com
from http://name.com We have dozens of ccTLDs aka country code top-level domains and ASIA ...
published: 22 Oct 2012
author: namedotcom
ASIA Domain Names from Name.com
from http://name.com We have dozens of ccTLDs aka country code top-level domains and ASIA is one that should not be overlooked. With an exploding population ...
- published: 22 Oct 2012
- views: 141
- author: namedotcom

IGF2012- ICANN Open Forum
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is a global, not-for-profi...
published: 26 Dec 2012
author: igf
IGF2012- ICANN Open Forum
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is a global, not-for-profit organization that coordinates, at the overall level, the Internet...
- published: 26 Dec 2012
- views: 24
- author: igf
Vimeo results:

Viewpoint - Senator Kate Lundy and Laurie Wilson
Senator Lundy is interviewed about her background, interest in ICT, Government 2.0, Canber...
published: 21 Oct 2009
author: Kate Lundy
Viewpoint - Senator Kate Lundy and Laurie Wilson
Senator Lundy is interviewed about her background, interest in ICT, Government 2.0, Canberra and a few personal topics such as her passion for sport.
Laurie Wilson: Hello and welcome to another edition of viewpoint. Kate Lundy has represented the people of the ACT in the senate for well over a decade. Like many Labor party politicians Senator Lundy made her way up through the union ranks, working as a young woman in the building industry. Along the way she developed a fascination for computing and a passion for the power of the internet. While not widely known outside of Canberra Senator Lundy was recently named among the top twenty-five people around the world who are influencing the role of the internet in politics.
Opening Sequence
LW: Kate Lundy thank you very much for joining us on viewpoint. You’ve been a Senator now for what, thirteen years, when you look back over that time what have been the highlights?
Kate Lundy: Well Laurie it won’t surprise you to know that winning the federal election was a highlight. I think being in opposition for so many of those thirteen years was extremely tough. Election after election Labor were out manoeuvred and defeated at the election so come 2007 it was a very exciting time.
LW: Yes, unlike most other Senator’s who represent the states you actually a territory, the ACT and your terms of office are actually different to those of the states. In fact you’ve actually been a Senator from day one of when Labor went into opposition way back in 1996.
KL: Look you’re absolutely right. A lot of people don’t realise that our term is exactly the same as the house of reps. The four territory Senators, two from the Northern Territory, two from the ACT have essentially a three year term or thereabouts aligned with the house of reps, so we go to election every time and we also start our term the day after the poll in the same way the house of reps members do.
LW: Does that make it harder for you? I mean it’s almost like in a sense you’re a member of the lower house except that you’re not in the lower house.
KL: Look, to be honest it feels like that because I often say we are the most accountable Senators because we are elected every three years but sort of all jokes aside my electorate is the ACT. It’s two very large lower house seats, the seat of Canberra and the seat of Fraser combined, but the way I do my work, I think is very much like a house of reps member. We do a lot of constituent work, we make sure our office is very accessible and that constituents are welcome to come in and discuss whatever it is they’d like to discuss with me. So it feels a bit like that.
LW: Indeed, unlike most other members of parliament, upper house and lower house you actually live where you work.
KL: Well in this regard I think I’m one of the lucky ones. I do get to go home every night and that can’t be said for the vast majority of sitting members when they’re here in Canberra. That’s quite a tough life when you think of the separation from family, so in that sense I do think I’m lucky. I live in north Canberra so it’s about ten minutes from parliament house and I think that’s been essential to have a family and to do my work.
LW: Looking back, you actually left school at quite a young age and you took an unusual career path for a young woman. You went into the building industry.
KL: Yeah, Look I’m very proud of how I got to parliament, it is a bit different. I did leave school as you say when I was sixteen and started work as a labourer. That was pretty unusual at the time and my job was removing asbestos from public buildings, so it was quite tough, we would wear a lot of protective clothing and in fact Laurie, it was that experience that raised my political consciousness. My focus was on occupational health and safety and arguing to make sure that we did abide by the safety standards associated with removing asbestos and it really underpins how I became a political person.
LW: You obviously did end up in politics but the path to that, like many other Labor members was through the union movement, and leadership in the union movement, what motivated you to take that path?
KL: Look I think it was ultimately about necessity, my parent weren’t particularly political so my eye opening if you like, or my awareness about the relationship between your experience in the workplace and politics came about on the job and it didn’t take very long to work out that someone made the safety standards, someone made the laws that governed who we worked and how we were able to work and so the connection happened pretty early on. We worked to a code of practice, that code of practice was developed by the government, the government made the policy that set the code of practice. So if you wanted to influence the government policy you needed to be engaged and involved in the first instance through my union, which was part of the negotiating partie

Dark Motheer Sveerg - SAM-SVEERG
SAM-SVEERG is not a cloth with brightly set symbols of relative dreams.
SAM-SVEERG is a t...
published: 24 May 2011
author: antypapier
Dark Motheer Sveerg - SAM-SVEERG
SAM-SVEERG is not a cloth with brightly set symbols of relative dreams.
SAM-SVEERG is a translation between others at the level of coded words
and those occurring sounds known as Mieervug sveerg,
that is caused by him,
derived from some different rotten planets by the image of supplying blood,
to lose easily the value of clearness.
And in this translation
from the corner of his eye
the watchful observator of the devil is able to see,
what is dancing in the park on a yellowed leaf
O R D I N A R Y.
Mieervug stands behind SAM-SVEERG, although he uses a matter of sound by dissociating from music. He would say more accurately: programming fluid.
Particularly in this lymph and blood it seems to be its domain,
that moreover acts cannot change.
So,listen to the music in alpha state
shortly before falling asleep.
>From the beginning to the end.
And with closed eyes (in perpetuity).
Best with headphones.
free audio download from NASIONO RECORDS:
We want to play concert
- on your planet
- in your country
- inside your head

Top Level Domain Names. What are my choices among Top Level Domains (TLDs)?
MediaFirst can sell you ten different generic top-level domains (gTLDs), well over 100 cou...
published: 10 Oct 2012
author: Jim Caruso
Top Level Domain Names. What are my choices among Top Level Domains (TLDs)?
MediaFirst can sell you ten different generic top-level domains (gTLDs), well over 100 country-code top-level domains (ccTLDs), and Premium Domains from the secondary market. Find out more about what MediaFirst offers its customers, call Jim at 404.788.0188.
Domain name advice from Jim Caruso: http://mediafirst.net/good-domain-name-choices-are-more-memorable-better-promote-your-firm

FetLife ASL Search Demo
SOURCE: http://maybemaimed.com/playground/fetlife-aslsearch/
* http://days.maybem...
published: 26 Sep 2012
author: maymay
FetLife ASL Search Demo
SOURCE: http://maybemaimed.com/playground/fetlife-aslsearch/
* http://days.maybemaimed.com/post/32038227067/transcript-fetlife-com-claims-to-have-over-a
* http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xtw6dr_the-fetlife-age-sex-location-search-script-demo_tech
* https://www.myspace.com/video/594341621
* https://vimeo.com/50260399
ALTERNATIVE DOWNLOAD: https://userscripts.org/scripts/show/146293
FetLife.com claims to have over a million and a half profiles of kinky people all over the world. However, supposedly to prevent the site from becoming a so-called “meat market,” FetLife doesn’t provide a search interface to find profiles by age, sex, location, or many of the ways many other websites do. Nevertheless, FetLife does collect and display this information in a way that makes it trivial for many people with even a modicum of programming knowledge to use for age, sex, or location-based profile searches.
Now, that fact belies a deceitful double-speak on FetLife’s part: by not providing an interface to do something that they enable, FetLife keeps most of its users FEELING safe, even though they’re not. In fact, they even say their “number one priority is to create a fun and safe place for kinksters[…]to call home here on the interwebs.”
The fact of the matter is they do almost nothing to keep FetLife safe.
In this video, I’ll show you how to install and use the FetLife Age/Sex/Location Search user script to enable age, sex, location, or role-based profile searches on FetLife.com.
Now, you’ll need the latest version of Mozilla Firefox. If you don’t already have it, you can download it from GetFirefox.com. You’ll also need to install the Greasemonkey add-on. Get that from addons.mozilla.org.
Once it’s installed, visit http://maybemaimed.com/playground and click on the “FetLife Age/Sex/Location Search” link. (That’s currently the first one in the list.) And then, scroll down a little ways, and click on the “Download and install FetLife Age/Sex/Location Search” near the middle of the page.
Greasemonkey will prompt you to install the script; click “Install” to finish the installation.
Once the FetLife Age/Sex/Location Search script is installed, login to your FetLife account and your FetLife pages will include an “A/S/L?” checkbox in the site-wide navigation bar, near the top of the screen. Click it to activate the FetLife ASL Search interface.
You’re given options to find ‘kinksters’ based on their gender or sex, their age—we’ll put in a minimum of 28 years and a maximum of 40 years old, here—and their role. You can also search by location by selecting whether you’d like to find people in your city, your state, or your country.
When you’ve selected the options you’d like to search by, click the “Mine! (I mean, uh, search…)” button. The button will be replaced with a progress bar showing how many pages have been searched for your kinky match. When a match is found, you’re given the option to send them a message and continue your search.
To start a new search, all you have to do is reload the page.
Now, many men are quick to wonder why the script lets them search for someone who reports to be “male” but not someone who reports to be “female.” Because those men can go fuck themselves, that’s why.
The code for FetLife Age/Sex/Location Search is public domain. Feel free to send me patches for improvements using GitHub.
If you like this script, please share it with your friends, tweet your appreciation, and link to it from your FetLife profiles.
If you DON’T like this script, please vote for Scootah’s “It’s not a meat market” suggestion to improve FetLife by implementing actual anti-spam, pro-privacy features and policies on FetLife.com, rather than the bullshit shittacular and dishonest double-speaking lies FetLife has so earnestly been feeding its over one and a half million users to date.
And also, please be careful on FetLife. To learn how to stay safe on FetLife and why it’s important, please go to http://tiny.cc/fetlifeprivacytips
Youtube results:

ICANN Approves Internationalized Domain Names - Martin Schwimmer
Media contact: Michael Sias, inquiry@firm19.com New York attorney Martin Schwimmer, former...
published: 13 Nov 2009
ICANN Approves Internationalized Domain Names - Martin Schwimmer
Media contact: Michael Sias, inquiry@firm19.com New York attorney Martin Schwimmer, former vice president of ICANN's Intellectual Property Constituency, di...
- published: 13 Nov 2009
- views: 2103

Myhosting Owa : Myhosting Owa Discounts in order to Coupon code Codes
Use This Code " vps123 " And Go To This Link - http://tinyurl.com/c2kog3a Up to 6 months F...
published: 09 Apr 2013
author: Min Swan
Myhosting Owa : Myhosting Owa Discounts in order to Coupon code Codes
Use This Code " vps123 " And Go To This Link - http://tinyurl.com/c2kog3a Up to 6 months FREE on VPS plans : VPS: 3 months free for annual signup. 4 months f...
- published: 09 Apr 2013
- views: 1
- author: Min Swan

Mohamed El Bashir at ICANN 44 in Prague
Mohammed El Bashir is the Chairperson of the dotAfrica Steering Committee. The Steering Co...
published: 03 Sep 2012
author: Africandomain
Mohamed El Bashir at ICANN 44 in Prague
Mohammed El Bashir is the Chairperson of the dotAfrica Steering Committee. The Steering Committee has been established to provide leadership and oversight ov...
- published: 03 Sep 2012
- views: 49
- author: Africandomain

The Dot UK Domain Name
http://techoss.com/category/profitable-video-production-training The Dot UK Domain Name Pr...
published: 28 Jun 2012
author: techoss
The Dot UK Domain Name
http://techoss.com/category/profitable-video-production-training The Dot UK Domain Name Probably you all know that in the world of domain name, the top level...
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- views: 14
- author: techoss