infofillers© Plus


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User Bio

infofillers© is a content creation company that specialized in producing series of entertaining information, a high quality animation across a broad spectrum.

Quite simply, we love to convert any interesting information from its words format to creative motion graphics. We read and listen then translate visually in to a result that we can be unanimously proud of and happy with.

Firas J.Ershead
Director & Co-Founder

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  1. Naissance
  2. Ephere Inc
  3. Elisa Solinas
  4. emregoren
  5. Tony Ambles
  6. Living Lines Library
  7. zanad
  8. Good Books
  9. 5dotfive
  10. kawastudio
  11. timurfrost
  12. Subbu Addanki
  13. Ryan J Woodward
  14. Rigging Dojo
  15. Marco Giordano
  16. Lina Younes
  17. Seeso 2d
  18. Capacity

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