Traffic Signal is a Bollywood film directed by Madhur Bhandarkar, starring Kunal Khemu, Neetu Chandra, Ranvir Shorey and Konkona Sen Sharma in the lead. Produced by Baldev and Kavita Pushkarna, and written by Sachin Yardi, the film released on February 2, 2007. Bhandarkar won National Film Awards in 2007 as Best Director for this film, and Anil Moti Ram Palande, the first National Film Award for Best Make-up Artist.
This film is about the lives and travails of people living around a fictitious traffic signal in Mumbai.
Anybody who drives in Mumbai has experienced the 2-odd minute wait at a traffic signal. But do you know that you contribute to the economy at that signal?
The traffic signal includes a microcosm of people who derive their daily livelihoods from it. There are beggars (kids and adults), prostitutes, tricksters, eunuchs and others who sell clothes, flowers and trinkets. They speak quickly, act fast and operate somewhat honorably (with each other) to eke a meager living out of the harsh Mumbai street life. They owe allegiance and hafta (weekly "protection" fee) to the Signal Manager, Silsila (Kunal Khemu).
Traffic lights, which may also be known as stoplights, traffic lamps, traffic signals, signal lights, robots or semaphore, are signalling devices positioned at road intersections, pedestrian crossings and other locations to control competing flows of traffic. Traffic lights were first installed in 1868 in London, and today are installed in most cities around the world. Traffic lights alternate the right of way of road users by displaying lights of a standard colour (red, yellow/amber, and green), using a universal color code (and a precise sequence to enable comprehension by those who are color blind).
In the typical sequence of coloured lights:
Usually, the red light contains some orange in its hue, and the green light contains some blue, for the benefit of people with red-green color blindness, and "green" lights in many areas are in fact blue lenses on a yellow light (which together appear green).
On December 10, 1868, the first traffic lights were installed outside the British Houses of Parliament in London, by the railway engineer J. P. Knight. They resembled railway signals of the time, with semaphore arms and red and green gas lamps for night use. The gas lantern was turned with a lever at its base so that the appropriate light faced traffic. It exploded on 2 January 1869, injuring or killing the policeman who was operating it.
Kunal Khemu (Kashmiri: कुणाल शरीक खेमू (Devanagari) ; 25 May 1983) is an Indian actor appears in Bollywood films. He made his acting debut as a child and returned to films as in an adult in 2005.
Khemu was born to to actors Ravi and Jyoti Khemu in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir. He is a Kashmiri Pandit. He attended school in Mumbai and pursued higher education at Amity University.
Khemu as a child actor appearing in the Doordarshan TV series Gul Gulshan Gulfaam (1987), directed by Ved Rahi. He made his film debut with Mahesh Bhatt's movie Sir (1993), starring Naseeruddin Shah and Pooja Bhatt. He went on to star as a child artist in many movies such as Raja Hindustani, Zakhm, Bhai and Hum Hain Rahi Pyar Ke.
As an adult, he appeared in the film Kalyug (2005), which was directed by Mohit Suri.Kalyug was based on the Pornography industry, and the film was a box office success. In 2007, his first release was Madhur Bhandarkar's Traffic Signal, where he played a streetman who lends money to poor families, but always gets it back with interest. Traffic Signal was also a huge box office success, making it Khemu's second hit. His second release, Dhol was also a moderate success at the box office.
Madhur Bhandarkar (Marathi: मधुर भांडारकर) (born August 26, 1968) is a National Award-winning Indian film director, script writer, and producer. He is best known for his films such as Chandni Bar (2001), Page 3 (2005), Traffic Signal (2007), and Fashion (2008). He won the National Award for Best Director for Traffic Signal.
Madhur Bhandarkar worked in a video cassette library in Khar, a suburb of Mumbai. This gave him access to a large collection of movies and he studied film-making through it.
You swing your hips and then you wave me over
Your eyes are so blue
I stroke your lips, you call me casanova
Oh honey you
Star in this film every single night and every single matinee
You should be here to bring it all to life
Oh I'm just a phone call away
We lie and listen to the raindrops falling
That's all we do
But the phone rings, and you laugh because it's your husband calling
Oh darling you
Star in this film every single night and every single matinee
You should be here to bring it all to life
Oh I'm just a phone call away
And then you could be who you want to be
As long as you are near
What are you waiting for?
Everything you need is here
Just come and sleep with me
You must know what I mean
You've seen this film before
This is the final scene
Star in this film every single night and every single matinee
You should be here to bring it all to life