- published: 07 Mar 2015
- views: 96
Patrizia Toia (born 17 March 1950 in Pogliano Milanese) is an Italian politician and Member of the European Parliament for North-West with Democratic Party, part of the group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament and sits on the European Parliament's Committee on Industry, Research and Energy.
She is a substitute for the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, a member of the Delegation to the EU-Chile Joint Parliamentary Committee and a substitute for the Delegation to the EU-Mexico Joint Parliamentary Committee.
Patrizia Toia: Buon Compleanno Governo Renzi - 07.03.2015
Patrizia Toia, MEP | Rights for Hydropower
Why July 9 Gathering? - Message of Patrizia Toia, MEP from Italy
Invecchiamento attivo: Patrizia Toia (intervento)
Patrizia Toia - Milano 5.12.2011
Patrizia Toia rappresenta il Parlamento Europeo al Premio "
Patrizia Toia on Innovation Strategy
[60SEC] Patrizia Toia on Social economy [IT]
Patrizia Toia - La mia candidatura
Patrizia Toia - Giornata Mondiale dell'Alimentazione - Milano, 12.10.2012
Intervento di Patrizia Toia all'incontro "Buon Compleanno Governo Renzi" sul tema delle riforme approvate nel primo anno di Governo - Milano, 7 marzo 2015
After the Florence School of Regulation's Open debate on hydropower rights at the European Parliament , 15 March 2016, Jean-Michel Glachant, Director of the FSR interviews Hon. Patrizia Toia, Italian MEP and Vice-Chair of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy. This video has English subtitles, click the CC button in the bottom right of the video if you do not see them automatically. Watch the recording of the debate here: https://youtu.be/nU45plhFDPM
Remarks of Patrizia Toia, MEP from Italy: Hello, my name is Patrizia Toia, member of European Parliament from Italy. I would like to use this opportunity to express my solidarity with the people of Iran who are living under a religious dictatorship. I am particularly concerned about women in Iran and about the limitations they have to tolerate. People of Iran deserve to have a democratic leader. I have a lot of sympathy for the leader of the Iranian Resistance, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, whom I have met several times in Brussels. She was at the European Parliament last March... Her leadership as a Muslim woman brings hope for a free Iran. I am also one of the signatories of the statement of 270 members of European Parliament on human rights in Iran which was issued recently. This statement sig...
Il convegno del Gruppo Pd Lombardia su invecchiamento e welfare si è svolto lunedì 19 novembre a Milano. www.blogdem.it
Intervento di Patrizia Toia al convegno del volontariato - Milano, 5 dicembre 2011
L'Europaramentare Patrizia Toia, vicepresidente della Commissione ITRE al Parlamento Europeo, ha partecipato alla premiazione di cinque giovani ricercatrici under 35 organizzata lunedì 19 maggio, a Milano, da L'Oréal e UNESCO.
Speech by Patrizia Toia MEP (ALDE-ADLE) on : Innovation Strategy [on behalf of the Group] [Language IT original] (time:070523_214506)
"60 seconds with... " Video Statement by Patrizia Toia MEP (ALDE-ADLE) on Social economy [60 Seconds] [Statements] [Language IT]
Video di presentazione campagna elettorale Europee 2014
Intervento di Patrizia Toia ad un convegno per la Giornata Mondiale dell'Alimentazione - Milano, 12 ottobre 2012
Speech by Patrizia Toia MEP (ALDE-ADLE) on : Implementation of the Seventh Framework Programme of the EC and the EAEC [on behalf of the Group] [Language IT original] toia-061129-230736-it
Speech by Patrizia Toia MEP (ALDE-ADLE) on : Mental Health [Rapporteur] [Language IT original] Report: Patrizia Toia (A6-0015/2009) [2008/2250(INI)] Committee on Employment and Social Affairs Toia_090218_225234_rapp_it
Video messaggio dell'On. Patrizia Toia e On. Cécile Kyenge, trasmesso nel corso del seminario, MINERALI DEI CONFLITTI : LA LEGISLAZIONE EUROPEA È FAVOREVOLE ALLA PACE E ALLA SICUREZZA NELLA REPUBBLICA DEMOCRATICA DEL CONGO ?, svoltosi ieri a Roma, alla Camera dei Deputati
Bresso 25 aprile 2008: Patrizia Toia, europarlamentare PD, interviene a sostegno di Fortunato Zinni candidato a sindaco di Bresso, per la coalizione di centro-sinistra (PD, SA, Lista Manni Per Bresso, PSI, IdV) durante il comizio di chiusura della campagna elettorale, fase di ballottaggio.
Speech by Patrizia Toia MEP on : Towards a more integrated approach for industrial policy [on behalf of the Group] [Language IT original] toia_060704_x_it
In occasione dell'incontro con gli Europarlamentari, FederlegnoArredo intervista l'On. Patrizia Toia
Speech by Patrizia Toia MEP (ALDE-ADLE) on : Organisation of working time [MEP Speech] [Language IT original] Recommendation for second reading: Alejandro Cercas (A6-0440/2008) on the Council common position for adopting a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2003/88/EC concerning certain aspects of the organisation of working time [10597/2/2008 - C6-0324/2008 - 2004/0209(COD)] Committee on Employment and Social Affairs Toia_081215_191528_mesp_it
Once upon a dream, I was dying for you
Tasting only sweet, drinking memories of you
Your hand touches my cheek as you whisper softly
Don't forget to breathe
Our love will be redeemed
And when you take my hand
You'll know exactly where I am
A toast to starry nights, seeking comfort divine
Celebrating life, swimming circles in light
And I look to the sea and hear you calling softly
Don't forget to breathe
Our love will be redeemed
And when you take my hand
You'll know exactly where I am
I hear you calling to me
See you but you can't see me
We never said our goodbyes
So dark and lonely your eyes
You'll always be in my heart
There is no death to us part
Don't forget to breathe
Our love will be redeemed
And when you take my hand