- published: 26 Sep 2014
- views: 451
Giovanni Claudio Fava (born 15 April 1957) is an Italian politician. He is the Coordinator of the National Secretariat of Sinistra Ecologia Libertà (Left Ecology Freedom). He was until 2009 Member of the European Parliament for the Italian Islands with the Democratic Left (SD), part of the Socialist Group and is vice-chair of the European Parliament's Committee on Regional Development.
He was a substitute for the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs and the Committee on Fisheries and the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Fava was born in Catania, Sicily. His father Giuseppe Fava, founder of the I Siciliani monthly magazine – for which Claudio Fava also worked – was killed by the Mafia on 5 January 1984.
A graduate in law (1980) and a qualified journalist (since 1982). He was one of the founders of La Rete and was elected to the Chamber of Deputies in the Sicilian Regional Assembly in 1991. In 1992-1994 served as member of the Chamber of Deputies of Italy.
Vicia faba, also known as the broad bean, fava bean, faba bean, field bean, bell bean, English bean, horse bean, Windsor bean, pigeon bean and tic(k) bean, is a species of flowering plant in the vetch and pea family Fabaceae. It is not a true bean. The origin of broad beans is obscure, but the best information indicates the Mediterranean area. Fava or Broad beans have been found in the earliest human settlements, remains are reported to have been found in Egyptian tombs. They probably originated in the Near East during the Neolithic Age and by the Bronze Age had spread to Northern Italy. They have been found in lakeside settlements in Switzerland and in Britain at Glastonbury. In Egypt, the beans were considered commoner food and were shunned by the upper classes.Fava beans were cultivated by the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. In ancient Rome, they were used in funeral rites. It is said that Pythagoras, the famous Greek philosopher and mathematician, forbade the eating of fava beans because they contained the souls of the dead.
Intervista di Mauro Rostagno a Claudio Fava, a seguito della chiusura de I Siciliani, testata giornalistica fondata dal padre Giuseppe Fava, ucciso dalla mafia il 5 gennaio 1984.
INFO IRPINIA - Incontro pubblico con il Vicepresidente della Commissione Antimafia, Claudio Fava, per denunciare tutta la MAFIA che riguarda le istallazioni delle maledette pale eoliche.
all rights reserved, tutti i diritti riservati, https://itunes.apple.com/it/album/siamo-tutto-siamo-niente-single/id1180316844 https://play.google.com/store/music/album?id=Bcdsauqbzf52e5ne6nnuhdaosta www.facebook.com/ClaudioFava
Intervento di Claudio Fava, coordinatore nazionale SEL, al dibattito "Cattiva semina, mafia al nord e la politica" presso "Prima Vera Festa di SEL Milano" in data 2 Settembre
Estratto dello spettacolo liberamente tratto da Mar del Plata di Claudio Fava a cura di Giuseppe Marini con gli allievi della sezione #teatro di Officina Pasolini video realizzato dalla sezione #multimediale
ascolta e scarica il brano su : https://itunes.apple.com/it/album/verra-lestate/id1047488073?i=1047488580 https://play.google.com/store/music/album?id=Bburizcqmkg6dbcg27dyzighc2i&tid;=song-Tvl5koqwj7fkk2plbrdbxidod2a
Interview with Mr Claudio Fava (journalist, member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, Vice-President of the Commission of inquiry into the phenomenon of the Mafia and other criminal organisations, Italy) on the occasion of hearing on 'Reporting on corruption: journalists and parliamentarians investigating together', in the framework of the Assembly's June 2014 plenary session in Strasbourg.
Presentazione a Terni del romanzo "Mar del Plata" di Claudio Fava. per vedere le fotografie: http://miniemacro.it/le-immagini-2.html
http://www.sltv.it La presentazione di Caludio Fava che si candida alle elezioni europee per Sinistra e Libertà
Intervista a Claudio Fava vicepresidente della commissione parlamentare antimafia di Daniele Ceccarini
http://catania.blogsicilia.it/fava-presenta-parte-della-sua-squadra/101859/ "Prima di presentare parte della mia futura giunta, vorrei chiedere a tutti i gruppi parlamentari che sostengono i candidati alla presidenza della Regione, che i bilanci di spesa, della campagna elettorale, vengano resi pubblici". Questa è la premessa di Claudio Fava durante la conferenza stampa di questa mattina a Palazzo dei Normanni a Palermo. Servizio di Maurizio Zoppi Editing di Marta Ruggiero