An Index Of Possibilities

'Sometimes, cutting into the present releases the future'

Thursday, January 1, 2004

An Index Of Possibilities – Introduction

Sonic Fictions 2

The main index to my SONIC FICTIONS (‘sketches’ and miscellaneous tracks in progress).

I am posting my various activities and ideas here to see who (if anyone) might be interested in some creative trade/play?

One of my basic premises is one from theatre/movies, that of ‘Three Actors’. The idea that the human mind is ideally engaged with any three things at a time on a given ‘stage’ informs everything from photography, to animation, to pop mixes.

I have consciously created many of my tracks over the last years with up to two ‘actors’ present, anticipating either my own removal from the process for the third part or, at least, the seeming removal from ‘self’ by ‘time passed’. This, then becomes an open ‘audition’ if there are those inclined.

Virtual improvisations, synthesized soundscapes, rhythmic transient electronic hyperrealisms, imaginary strings, DSP performances, gestured noise, expanded palettes and conceptual  machines, composition, recording, mixes, and most art by Loopy C (Chris R. Gibson) unless otherwise noted (mash-ups, sound design contributions, etc.) Email me at loopyc(at)loopyc(dot)com.

“Amatuer – Someone who does something because they LIKE TO!, not because it is their profession”

Please note, I am in the process of a complete transfer and rebuild of this site so stay tuned for the ‘real thing’ For a visual/textual guide to the material presently ‘hiding’ in the ‘master players’ below, please see this screen shot of my former blog with descriptions, catagories, and art.

It’s one big jpeg of the entire blog (21 mb) so it will take a minute or so to load/download!


Clicking on the link ‘Player’ in individual posts will allow you to select playlists and/or tracks.

-The > before a list name in the player is a track (click to play if it doesn’t start up immediately).
-The + before a list name in the player is an individual complete playlist, click to open playlist and then click the first track in list that appears to begin.

Some playlists do require some time to load! depending on your connection speed so allow for this or you can use the ‘down arrow’ following each trak’s name to directly download to your hard drive.

Additional ‘Help’ can be found on the player itself via ‘hovering’ over a control. Enjoy and thanks for stopping by.


**Special note on audio levels.

Most tracks are pre-production/unmastered and are optimized at -6db below 0 db (digital fullscale) so turn up the volume for previewing and enjoy the headroom when mixing in YOUR own tracks :D


posted by cgibson777 at 12:00 am  

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Percussive Flowerings

The imagined iterations of a failed  marching band Indonesian math nerd. Explorations prompted/inspired/supplied by the soundsets of Atom Hub






posted by cgibson777 at 3:07 am  

Friday, May 10, 2013

Splinter Numb

both to numb the skin against your prodding, and to distract the kid …”

Special thanks ‘Everything Turns’ Reaktor ensemble ‘SplinterTap’.


Splinter Numb Player



posted by cgibson777 at 8:42 pm  

Friday, May 10, 2013

The Sissy Ratty Improv Sessions

High kill jam shelter rescue…

“Even a dumb rat should be smart enough to know it doesn’t need to run when I want to pick it up, and it should remember that nothing bad has ever happened to it anytime I’ve handled it in the past.”


The Sissy Ratty Improv Sessions Player



posted by cgibson777 at 8:21 pm  

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Loupe 2 Demo Improvs

Triadic integer series slice triggering become Reichian phase loops with an underlying Fibonacci divisor relative temporal offset. Initial live sessions with a custom integer sequencer and Peter Dine’s ‘Loupe 2′ Reaktor ensemble. Only Peter’s included sounds were used in session.


Loupe 2 Demo Improvs Player



posted by cgibson777 at 1:19 pm  

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Number Sequenced Vase and Transients

Ethno-robotix bi-rhythmic library mood music for Stepford wife swapping.


Number Sequenced Vase and Transients Player

Vase’ sounds from ‘The Vase for Alchemy’ by Patchpool/Simon Stockhausen



posted by cgibson777 at 11:14 am  

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Crystals and Transients

The uniting of sustained resonance aural columns and dripping node matrixes. Sound as stalagmites.


Crystals and Transients Player



posted by cgibson777 at 11:08 am  

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Alec Station

A Hammer Films homage of underworld sonic noir missives.


Alec Station Player



posted by cgibson777 at 11:02 am  

Saturday, April 27, 2013

A Hypnagogic Holo Core House Of Shards

Hypnagogia is the experience of the transitional states to and from sleep: the hypnagogic and the hypnopompic states of consciousness. The related words from the Greek are agōgos “leading, inducing”, pompe “act of sending”, and hypnos “sleep”.






posted by cgibson777 at 2:43 am  

Monday, April 8, 2013

eBook Of The Dead

Secret sacred rituals rendered in sonic ink. Special thanks Dave Hickman.





posted by cgibson777 at 3:10 am  

Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Girl With The Prometheus Tattoo

For Trent Ridley Reznor Scott. Rhythmic portamentos vs. alien sonic canards.





posted by cgibson777 at 10:59 pm  

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Tattoo The Dragon With Girl






posted by cgibson777 at 4:47 am  

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Possible Cassette Fantasies

Underground tape-estries. Selected moments subjected to integer meta-sequencing, layering, and arrangements…with a sonic ‘nod’ to turntablism divisor mannerisms, tone, and Lee ‘Scratch’ Perry/Black Ark studio manipulations/manifestations.





posted by cgibson777 at 4:01 am  

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Watercolor Waffles for Mr Soffel

A varicose vein of syrupy, quartal pads inspired by a flawed memory of some guy named ‘Isham’.





posted by cgibson777 at 12:12 am  

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Wrench Rock

A large array of 31 deep-sampled wrenches meets Chad Wackerman-like drumming vibes in secret high desert cargo container studio.






posted by cgibson777 at 11:25 pm  

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Doctor Who Radio

A pathological stream of non-social electronics…to dance to after the end of time.





posted by cgibson777 at 5:08 pm  

Saturday, March 23, 2013

First Person Left-Clickers

Wolfenstein vs. Merzbow half-life doomscapes.





posted by cgibson777 at 3:38 pm  

Friday, March 22, 2013

Laminal Disco

lowercase/laminal improv imbued with a hint of rhythm via integer sequence looping = ‘lowerstep’?





posted by cgibson777 at 11:03 am  

Friday, March 22, 2013

Surface and Velocity

Composed, moving textures and transients.





posted by cgibson777 at 10:59 am  

Friday, March 22, 2013

Liminality Songs (from Studio ‘B’)

“The quality of ambiguity or disorientation that occurs in the middle stage of rituals, when participants no longer hold their pre-ritual status but have not yet begun the transition to the status they will hold when the ritual is complete”. Virtual improv from a cargo container studio space in the high desert.





posted by cgibson777 at 10:55 am  

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Oscillators Made Of Records

Records, made of records. In the tradition of Buckminster Fuller…

“…Fuller operated as a practical philosopher who demonstrated his ideas as inventions that he called “artifacts.”

Further Loopy C ‘invented horizons’ from concrete materials.





posted by cgibson777 at 6:27 am  

Sunday, March 3, 2013

For Mr. Chinn

Old school/new toys…for S. Doze.





posted by cgibson777 at 5:46 am  

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Knights Hospitallers

Slowed and throwed ‘Folk Music’ (the purple drank Les Chants de Maldoror mixes). If Joni Mitchell did ‘drum ‘n’ bass’ while on cough syrup? Special thanks to the ‘I’m Not In Love’ singers ;-)





posted by cgibson777 at 4:57 am  

Sunday, March 3, 2013







posted by cgibson777 at 4:18 am  

Sunday, March 3, 2013









posted by cgibson777 at 4:04 am  

Monday, February 4, 2013

Pitching Fish (Modulor Numbers Loops)

Le Corbusier Modulor numbers affecting relative loop pitching (thus cyclic periods), then sent to multiple parallel frequency shifting  modules.






posted by cgibson777 at 6:51 am  

Monday, February 4, 2013

02032013 Le Corbusier Modulor Sessions

Le Corbusier ‘The Modulor’ as harmonic/temporal note sequences and beats.




posted by cgibson777 at 4:52 am  

Monday, February 4, 2013

The Invented Horizon Is Free (remix/repost)

A fretboard re-divided…(for micro-tuned fretless and bowed guitars).






posted by cgibson777 at 4:18 am  

Monday, January 14, 2013

I Love You Still

Testing the tensile strength for moments of the heart made steel.







posted by cgibson777 at 9:12 am  

Monday, January 14, 2013

Biotropic Topologies

Tropical improbabilities…triggered 60ths of a beat vs. actual seconds within a variable tempo space.







posted by cgibson777 at 8:48 am  

Monday, January 14, 2013

The Sum Of All Fears

Uncle Meat plunderphonics. 2012 iPod playlist becomes evil ear transformers, mashing/gnashing/teething/wreathing mp3 contents into puree’d free music simulacrums.





posted by cgibson777 at 8:23 am  

Monday, January 14, 2013


Kept awake by green glow night terrors via Stephen King, here aurally siphoned into sonic feedback and granular glissandos.

“We always assumed the aliens would have to at least be alive to invade. Not even H.G. Wells expected an invasion of ghosts.”

“Late last night and the night before, tommyknockers, tommyknockers knocking on my door. I wanna go out, don’t know if I can ‘cuz I’m so afraid of the tommyknocker man.”





posted by cgibson777 at 7:58 am  

Monday, December 31, 2012

It’s All About Love

No…really! (re·al·ly  ”Used to express interest, surprise, or doubt.”)





posted by cgibson777 at 10:38 am  

Monday, December 31, 2012

dadala New Releases

Celebrating nearly four years now with three CD/iTunes releases and four exclusive ‘download-only’ EP’s…

…since 2009 dadala has been a long-distance ensemble of four core members blending improvisation with digital alchemy, collage and serendipity.

Producer, arrangements, mixes, Casio CZ-101 synthesizer, various vintage recordings.

Loopy C
Virtual improvisations, synthesized soundscapes, rhythmic transient electronic hyperrealisms, imaginary six-string curled dimensions, DSP performances, gestured noise, expanded palettes, and miscellaneous conceptual software automatons.

Frank Dunlap
Alto sax, clarinet, flute, trumpet, other winds, bass, guitar, violin, rubber 2 by 2, kalimba, keyboard, percussion, etc (and some premixing).

Johann Meier
Piano and keyboard, guitar, bass, software synths, samples, sequences and beats.


Listen to the randomly shuffled stream of dadala radio (click on the LiSTEN NOW link above right), featuring the entire dadala catalog with new tracks being added regularly. You can also listen to some dadala tracks at SoundCloud, and dadala can be found at

Numerous free downloads are available on the Discs & Downloads page.

Visit the Other page to explore various dadala precursors, related projects and more free downloads.

Sign up on the dadala email list to be notified of new releases on CD and downloads. (Your email address will only be used for dadala communications and will not be shared with anyone).

posted by cgibson777 at 3:11 am  

Monday, December 31, 2012

21st December B’ak’tun Blues

As per usual, -6 dBFS un-mastered, compositional mock-ups/demos as open source tracks, for free use. ‘Loopy C’ technology/loopology vs. Mayan cosmological thesis.





posted by cgibson777 at 12:33 am  

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Glass and Pipes






posted by cgibson777 at 7:56 am  

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Kandinsky’s Facebook






posted by cgibson777 at 7:38 am  

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Broken Intimacies






posted by cgibson777 at 7:21 am  

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Jacob’s Ladder (for solo piano)

For solo Jacob (and single ladder).





posted by cgibson777 at 4:54 am  

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Reichatron Guitars Vol 5

Steel-stringed temporal foldings via variations on Matt Mower’s ‘Reichatron’.






posted by cgibson777 at 3:10 am  

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Cubist’s Blues

Braque-ian cubic polyphonies interpreted by aliased handicapped fruit.





posted by cgibson777 at 3:02 am  

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Small Piano, Big Paranoia





posted by cgibson777 at 2:49 am  

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Novaphone guitars vs water bottles vs drones

Novaphone guitars vs water bottles vs drones.






posted by cgibson777 at 6:47 am  

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Dickies Of The Saints






posted by cgibson777 at 2:48 am  

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Resovative Aether









posted by cgibson777 at 2:17 am  

Friday, October 26, 2012

Dusty Spooky Whirly (for Paul D. Miller)

Radical drum machine free improv versus heavy synth drones and iPad gestural digital fraking.


SET 1 Player

SET 2 Player



posted by cgibson777 at 9:52 pm  

Friday, October 26, 2012

Black Babbage Piano (for Halloween)

Computational avant garde piano suspense-machines and synth pads (thanks Simon as always ;-) )








posted by cgibson777 at 9:23 pm  

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Afterthought Liberationals

The liberation of one thought…after the fact.





posted by cgibson777 at 10:46 pm  

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Steel Within Wheels Made Of Wheels Within Steel






posted by cgibson777 at 2:13 pm  

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Wonky New Age?

Further genre mash-up experimentation. ‘Wonky’ influenced poly-bpm pop electronics service broken baroque piano improvs mixed via prime number sine automation.


Wonky New Age Player




posted by cgibson777 at 12:38 am  

Monday, October 8, 2012

The Alchemical Smelter’s Basstard Band

Protoscientific anima mundi salon sounds for hermetic transmutative foundry lounging.


Alchemist Smelt Basstard Band Player



posted by cgibson777 at 5:35 pm  

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Pi Dirt Frames

Experimental industrial  jazz noise integer textures..





posted by cgibson777 at 4:56 pm  

Saturday, September 22, 2012

A “Vaporwave” Mix

Inspired by the writings and podcasts/mixtapes of Adam Harper…

Using a set pool of samples and a mapped procedural FX approach, an attempted ‘mixtape’ in the style of my take on’Vaporwave’.


Vaporwave Player



posted by cgibson777 at 2:49 am  

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Court Of The Crimson Mattel King (with wound) Vol. 2

Further studies of sampled acoustic toys played and processed via Sonic Charge’s PERMUT8, this time with a different direction of the rhythm section. Continuing the strong reference to ‘Nurse With Wound List Artists’ (google it) of early 70′s/80′s progressive/avant garde electronic/psychedelic ‘bent’.








posted by cgibson777 at 1:06 am  

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Court Of The Crimson Mattel King (with wound) Vol. 1

Sampled acoustic toys played and processed via Sonic Charge’s PERMUT8 in a most curious crossbreed of ‘Frippian’ spirit and NWW list influence (with perhaps a ‘side order’ of ‘The Residents’?)






posted by cgibson777 at 12:21 am  

Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Lost Velvet Elephant Highway (for David Lynch)

Soundtrack of 8mm flutes, wonky beats, touch-powered toys, and haunted hobby horses strapped to an AC outlet…for a young David’s first shoot ? All instruments Loopy C. ‘Faux’ circuit bending/gesturing via iPad.







Special thanks Adam Harper for ‘music space’ inspirations ;-)


posted by cgibson777 at 11:57 pm  
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