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H E A L T H * C A R E * F O R * A L L * O R E G O N — R O G U E * V A L L E Y, 11.04.2013 - 06:04

SUNDAY APRIL 14 2:30PM- (doors open at 2, program starts at 2:15) MEESE ROOM IN THE HANNON LIBRARY
TUESDAY APRIL 16 3:00PM- (video screenings start at 2) ROOM SU330 IN THE STEVENSON UNION

"A very powerful and moving documentary that everyone in Oregon and the country needs to see."--Mark S. Kellenbeck
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CP&J's 10th Anniversary PEACE RALLY & PROGRAM

CITIZENS FOR PEACE & JUSTICE, 05.04.2013 - 16:40
Congrats to CP&J!! —Thanks for carrying the torch for so long Citizens for Peace and Justice invites you to attend our 10th Anniversary PEACE RALLY & PROGRAM
Saturday, April 6, 2013 — Starts at Noon!
Vogel Plaza in Downtown Medford
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9th Annual Independent Media Week - 4/14-4/20

Jason Houk, 28.03.2013 - 18:30
Support Indymedia Ashland Oregon will celebrate the 9th annual Independent Media Week this April 14-20, 2013.
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Oregon Public Employees Under Attack, still...

SEIU #503's Director Heather Conroy sets Oregonian straight on so-called "Facts", 27.02.2013 - 00:16
Standing Up to the Oregonian newspaper Today the Oregonian ran yet another flawed, misinformed story this time flagging that Oregon PERS members benefits are more generous than those of neighboring states and making a stink that Oregon public workers don't contribute to their retirement based on a flawed study released by the Center for Public Policy at PSU.

Oregon PERS retirees net better benefits than in neighboring states, PSU study finds

In response to today’s divisive and misinformed editorial about PERS, SEIU Local 503 Executive Director Heather Conroy issued the following statement:
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Southern Oregonians Mobilize to Salem for Healthcare Reform

H E A L T H * C A R E * F O R * A L L * O R E G O N, 18.01.2013 - 00:45
Everybody In — Nobody Out Sign Up to Rally for Universal Health Care in Salem on Feb. 4, 2013

Get on the bus in Ashland, Medford or Grants Pass!
Rally for Universal Health Care in Oregon
Monday, February 4 – State Capitol

Kick off the 1st day of the legislative session and the push for universal health care for everyone in Oregon. Representative Michael Dembrow has re-introduced the Affordable Health Care for All Oregon Act. It is time to get behind the bill and push for passage. This is a tremendous job and to do it, we need to create a massive grassroots movement that is impossible to ignore.
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KSKQ Audience to Expand

Jason Houk, 27.12.2012 - 16:46
KSKQ Station Manager, Carson Bench Ashland’s community radio station is about to get much louder. On October 31, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) approved an application to increase the strength of the broadcast signal for KSKQ 89.5 FM. The upgrade to 560 watts will allow KSKQ to reach much of the Rogue Valley, including Medford, Talent, Phoenix, Central Point, White City, and Jacksonville.
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I Ain't Getting Squat for Christmas

Happy Holler Days from Broadway Phil & the Shouters, 25.12.2012 - 04:24
Broadway Phil Published on Dec 1, 2012
Happy Holler Days from Broadway Phil & the Shouters! This is our newest single from the upcoming Shouter album, "Home." It's the blues, Baby!

"I Ain't Getting Squat for Christmas"
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David Rovics Human Rights Concert at SOU Dec. 4th

S O U T H E R N * O R E G O N * J O B S * W I T H * J U S T I C E, 25.11.2012 - 19:03
David Rovics in Ashland on 4/20 in 2007 DEAR DAVID ROVICS FANS / and / HUMAN RIGHTS ADVOCATES:

Health Care for All Oregon will be the focus on Dec. 4, 5pm at Southern Oregon University when we have David Rovics join us for "Songs of International Solidarity"... The campus host is the Student United Nations Club. Southern Oregon Jobs with Justice is a co-sponsor and other community organizations are asked to join the sponsorship.

Come hear David Rovics and support a great cause.

December 4th, 5PM
at "Diversions", downstairs in the Stevenson Union
Southern Oregon University
1250 Siskiyou Blvd., Ashland, OR
Suggested donation: $5. for students, $10. for public
- - - No one turned away - - -

Health Care is a Human Right!
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Rogue Residents Against Walmart urges Walmart to Respect Workers

Rogue Residents Against Walmart (Worker Retaliation), 24.11.2012 - 22:25
Too Much Disrespect! RRAW, Rogue Residents Against Walmart is in the process of possibly changing our name to RRAWWR - Rogue Residents Against Walmart Worker Retaliation.

RRAWWR asserts that most of the workers get so few hours that they qualify for food stamps, get no health or pension benefits until they have been with the corporation so many years, and that the Walton family has accumulated as much wealth as nearly half the US population by depriving their workers of a living.

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Plight of Middle East Refugees—Program & Dinner Nov. 9 in Medford

Allen Hallmark / Citizens for Peace & Justice, 06.11.2012 - 15:56
Collateral Repair Project (click to make bigger) Dear Friends of Citizens for Peace & Justice,

This is your special invitation to join CPJ and the Collateral Repair Project for a free dinner program, featuring a first-hand report on the growing refugee problems in the Middle East. Mary Madsen, co-director of the Collateral Repair Project, just back from Amman, Jordan, will discuss how the influx of thousands of Syrian and Iraqi refugees from the civil war in Syria has added to the already dire conditions for Iraqi War refugees in Jordan and elsewhere in the Middle East. (continued below...)
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Text Hollywood Comes to the Tampa Bay Area
30-04-2013 02:32

Text Le communisme du capital
29-04-2013 12:02

Image Independent Media Week Schedule
13-04-2013 03:45

Text Rogue Advocates Appeals Jackson County’s Decision on Mt. View Paving
08-04-2013 19:41

Image Farm Tour of Sanctuary One
01-04-2013 21:25

Text Oregon House Bill 3260
31-03-2013 03:11

Image Organic Locals Shut Down Corporate GMO Propaganda
21-03-2013 06:38

Image Cash Mob set for Grass Shack Café in Phoenix
20-03-2013 20:37

Text Ashland needs a Sales Tax
28-02-2013 04:04

Text Chuck Hagel Nomination Points to Peace (1 comment)
06-01-2013 22:54

Text Why We Defend the ILWU and All Workers
06-01-2013 04:06

Image Congress Needs to Extend Emergency Unemployment Insurance - Now
31-12-2012 04:12

Text Homeownership: old myths, painful realities
27-12-2012 16:48

Text Homelessness: a call for compassion
27-12-2012 16:42

Image Peace champion advocates direct action
27-12-2012 16:40

Image Democracy Now! visits Ashland
27-12-2012 16:36

Image Bangladesh fire fuels fight for worker safety
27-12-2012 16:32

Image If Not Now, When? (talking Single Payer Health Care)
25-12-2012 04:43

Image Message to Gabriela Women's Partylist
27-11-2012 11:26

Text Basic Income still needed for local Artisians (2 comments)
26-11-2012 01:48

Image RRAW stands with Walmart Workers on Black Friday
21-11-2012 01:46

Image "The Case for Not Bombing Iran" at SOU Nov 19 (1 comment)
17-11-2012 19:02

Image Robin Hood Tax — Make Wall Street Pay!
14-11-2012 03:07

Image Medea Benjamin's keynote address at the Peace House 30th anniversary celebration
22-10-2012 15:23

Image Portland Indymedia down today...anyone know w (2 comments)
22-10-2012 04:41

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Text Boston Bombers are MK ULTRA (II) Dissociative
27-04-2013 17:46

Text Human Trafficking - Everyone Can Help
22-04-2013 19:36

Text Reptilian Message to Save Earth's Ecosystems
20-04-2013 18:02

Image Where's the Coverage? Hamas Bulldozes UNESCO
19-04-2013 03:25

Text MK ULTRA Tactics are Common and Cheap
17-04-2013 18:32

Text Lanza and Holmes Fathers Both Linked to LIBOR (1 comment)
13-04-2013 19:13

Text Representative Doggett Introduces Stop Tax Ha
12-04-2013 19:15

Text Pope Francis Concern for Poor Drives Review o
11-04-2013 20:29

Text Argentina Payment Plan Would Protect Poor
10-04-2013 15:31

Image End 41 years of solitary for Albert Woodfox
24-03-2013 23:20

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