This article is about the municipality in Punjab, India. For its namesake district, see
Hoshiarpur district.
pronunciation (help·info)(Punjabi: ਹੁਸ਼ਿਆਰਪੁਰ) is a city and a municipal council in Hoshiarpur district in the Indian state of Punjab. It was founded, according to tradition, during the early part of the fourth century. In 1809 it was occupied by the forces of Maharaja Karanvir Singh and was united into the greater state of Punjab. Hoshiarpur is known as the "City of mangoes".
Hoshiarpur is located at 31°32′N 75°55′E / 31.53°N 75.92°E / 31.53; 75.92.[1] It has an average elevation of 296 metres (971 ft). Hoshiarpur district is located in the north-east part of the Indian state of Punjab. It falls in the Jalandhar Revenue Division and is situated in the Bist Doab portion of the Doaba region. Hoshiarpur shares a common boundary with Kangra district, and Una district of Himachal Pradesh in the northeast. In the southwest, it borders Shahid Bhagat Singh Nagar district, Jalandhar district, and Kapurthala district, and in the northwest it borders Gurdaspur district.
As of 2011[update] India census,[2] Hoshiarpur had a population of 1,582,793. Males constitute 51% of the population and females 49%. Hoshiarpur has an average literacy rate of 85.40%, compared to 81.00% of 2001, is the most literate district of Punjab. Male literacy is 89.90%, and female literacy is 80.80%. In Hoshiarpur, 10% of the population is under 6 years of age. District Hoshiarpur is most densely inhabited by Sainis. Khadiala Sainian & Lambra are the largest villages of Sainis in Hoshiarpur of North India.
- Females per 1,000 males: 962
- Density of population ( per km².): 466
- Percentage increase in population (2001–2011): 6.85%
Hoshiarpur is called the land of "choes", some 39 "choes", (seasonal rivulets), which bring floods in the monsoon season. The area is known for wooden and ivory handicrafts. Ivory has now been replaced by synthetic alternatives. It is situated in the Sivalik Hills, which are foothills of the Himalayas. Hoshiarpur is also known as doors to Himachal and Himalayas and is best short cut to go to Jammu & Kashmir via Hoshiarpur it saves a lot of time as well as fuel.
The area of present Hoshiarpur District was also part of Indus Valley Civilization. Recent excavations at various sites in the district have revealed that the entire area near the Shiwalik foothills was selected for habitation not only by the early palaeolithic man but also by those in the protohistoric and historic periods. In the explorations, seven early Stone Age sited a Atbarapur, Rehmanpur and Takhni, 30–40 km north of Hoshiarpur District in the foothills of Shiwalik, have been discovered where the stone artifacts have been found. Besides these excavations, among the archaeological remains in the Hoshiarpur District, the remains of temples at Dholbaha, 24 km north of Hoshiarpur, and especially the local legends throw valauble light on the ancient history of the district.
The legends associate several places in the district with pandavas. Dasua is mentioned in epic of Mahabharata as the seat of Raja Virata in whose services the Pandavas remained for thirteen years during their exile. Bham, about 11 km west of Mahalpur is said to be the place where the Pandavas passed their exile. Lasara, about 19 km north Jaijon, also contains a stone temple stated to date back to the time of Pandavas. According to the Chinese pilgrim, Hieun Tsang, the area of Hoshiarpur was dominated by a tribe of Chandrabansi Rajputs, who maintained an independent existence for centuries before the Muhammadan conquest.
In the Hoshiarpur District, Shiwaliks from Talwara on the Beas to Rupnagar on the Satluj have revealed the presence of Acheolian and Soanian cultures. From the shiwalik frontal range in the Hoshiarpur District, sixteen sites have been reported to have yielded stone Age tools. Out of these, besides the Soanian tools, these sited in Hoshiarpur District have yielded Acheolian assemblage.
The Atbarapur group has yielded a large number of Stone Age tools. This group consisting of Atbarapur, Rehamanpur and Takhni close to the dry beds of the Ghos are located at the foothills of the Shiwaliks, about 8 km north-east from the town of Hariana, Atbarapur has yielded 80 tools consisting of 9 handaxes, 19 cleavers, 17 pebble-tools, 28 flakes and 7 cores/core choppers. All the tools in the collection are either on flakes or cores. The raw material is quartzite of varying colours, viz. Green, blue, brown, etc. The tools are fashioned mainly out of fine to medium grained quartzite. In the recent archaeological excavations, some fine pieces of sculptures of Gandhara dating back to 1000 AD and after have been discovered hare. A list of stone tools yielding sited explored by the Department of Archaeological, Punjab is given in Appendix-1 at the end of the chapter.
Medieval Period
1088 The Plains of the present Hoshiarpur District probably came under the Muhammadan rule on the fall of Jalandhar in AD 1088 but the hills, however, remained under the Hindu Chieftains.
1174 It is said that before the first Muhammadan invasion, Raja Shankar Dass built a fort on the site of the present town of Garhshankar, but it was taken by Mahmud Ghazni and subsequently given by Emperor Shahab-ud-Din Ghori to the sons of Raja Man Singh of Jaipur State. The Mahtons who appear to have been the original inhabitants of the place were over powered and driven out by the Rajputs in AD 1175.
1192 The whole of the Shiwalik Hills along with the principalities of Ghuram, Hansi, Sarusti, Samana and other tracts were subjugated by Sultan Muhammad Ghori.
1389 Abu Bakar’s authority remained established at Delhi for some time but a serious rebellion broke out at Samana at that time. Prince Nasir-ud-din Muhammad was then roaming in the Shiwalik Hills to make an attempt to capture the throne of Delhi. Having received the invitation, Muhammad marched immediately to Samana, passing through Dasua and Jalandhar. He arrived at Samana and crowned himself Sultan in April 1389. He marched to Delhi, but was defeated by Abu Bakar.
1398-99 During the return journey of Amir Taimur from Delhi, the district faced a great devastation. Taimur wished to capture Nagarkot, but did not penetrate so far in the interior of the hills. The Hindu Rajas gave him tough fight. He passed through Bajwara and Dasua in the District.
1419 The peace of the Punjab was again disturbed by an adventured, who appeared at Bajwara and pretended to be Sarang Khan from multan in 1396, a little before Taimur’s invasion. There was a big rising at Bajwara. Sarang Khan was pursued, but he escaped to the Shiwalik Hills. Later, Tughan Rais waylaid Sarang Khan and put him to death in February 14d19 and took possession of the wealth which he had amassed.
1421 When Mubarak Shah reached Samana in July 1421, he heard that Jasrat had raised the siege of Sirhind and had returned to Ludhiana. Mubarak Shah advanced to Ludhiana in the second half of September and found that Jasrat had abandoned the side of river Satluj. After the rains had ceased, Mubarak Shah also crossed the river a little higher up. Jasrat hastened back to his strongest fort at Talwara. Mubarak Shah followed him and with the help of Raja Bhim of Jammu captured the fort and razed it, but not before Jasrat had excaped further into the mountains.
1432 Mubarak Shah transferred Jalandhar and Lahore from thecharge of Nusrat Khan to that of Malik Allahabad Kaka Lodhi. Lodhi, who was yet on his way to Lahore to take over the charge, was attacked by Jasrat, who was compelled to seek shelter at Kothi situated between Jaijon and Mahalpur about 16 km to the south of Bajwara in Hoshiarpur District.
1434 Mubarak Shah was murdered on 19 February 1434.
1501 Bahlol Lodi ascended the throne on 27 Muharram 855 (Approximately AD 1501). During this period, the Punjab ceased to be a problem tract from Delhi. Behlol Lodi did not make any changes in the headquarters of the local administrators in the plains and Bajwara in Hoshiarpur District continued to be one of the centres of local administration.
1520-1525 During these years, the Punjab remained disturbed, when Babar, the first Mughal Emperor, started his expeditions against Hindustan. Taking advantage of this confusion, Ibrahim Lodi sent an army against Daulat Khan Lodi. The army was completely broken up at Bajwara and the Sultan had to eat humble pie.
1525-1530 Babar was abxious to overtake Daulat Khan Lodi and Ghori Khan who were seized with panic and had shut themselves up in the Fort of Malot near Hariana in the Hoshiarpur District. Babar crossed the river Beas opposite Kahnuwan and encamped at the mouth of the Valley of the Shiwalik Hills in which lies the Fort of Malout. Babar took the fort and made Daulat Khan prisoner. Babar marched via Bajwara, Rupnagar, Sirhind and Sunam on way to Delhi.
1530-1556 In 1555, on arriving at Kalanaur in the Gurdaspur District from Lahore, Humayun despatched a strong body of troops under Bairam Khan and Tardi Beg to attack Nasib Khan, the Afghan General, who lay encamped at Panj Bhain near Hariana in the Hoshiarpur District . Bairam Khan pushed on to Hariana, which after a slight skirmish was surrendered by Nasib Khan. Bairam Khan marched to Jalandhar from Hariana via Sham Chaurasi where the afghans had taken up position. The Afghans retreated on his arrical and fled.
1557-1560 On 10 March 1557, Akbar received the news that at the instigation of Mulla Abdulla Sultanpuri, Sikandar Sur had descended upon the plains of Jalandhar Doab and had started collecting the revenue. On 17 December 1557, Akbar received the news that at the instigation of Mulla Abdulla Sultanpuri, Sikandar Sur had descended upon the plains of Jalandhar Doab and had started collecting the revenue. On 17 December 1557, the imperial forces advanced through Jalandhar to the Shiwalik Hills and encamped at Dasua in the Hoshiarpur District and moved further to Nurpur. The hill Rajas, who had sided with Sikandar Sur, deserted him and submitted to Akbar.
After Bairam Khan was defeated by the imperial forces at Gunachaur, he went to Talwara, the capital of Raja Ganesh. There was a great battle fought between the imperialist and Bairam Khan’s troops. The royal troops besieged the fortress at Talwara. Bairam Khan after a brief resistance surrendered at Hajipur in October 1560 and threw himself at the mercy of the Emperor Akbar. He was pardoned by the emperor at Hariana and thereafter, he left for Mecca.
With the downfall of the Mughal Empire and the rise of the Sikh power, the district saw its most stirring scenes. The history of the Sikh Gurus in the Hoshiarpur District mainly revolves round the towns of Kiratpur and Anandpur Sahib, which formed part of it before reorganisation of the Punjab in November 1966.
1595-1644 The first five Sikh Gurus appear to have had no contact with the district. It was after the birth of Hargobing, the sixth Guru of the Sikhs in 1595 that the district of Hoshiarpur also became the centre of religious and military activities. Guru Hargobind is regarded as the first champion in arms who consolidated his army to save Sikhism from the wrath of the Mughals. He visited Mukerian in the Hoshiarpur District from where he recruited the able bodied persons for his army. In almost all the six battles which the Guru fought against the Mughals, the soldiers in the army from the district played a significient role in achieving victory for the Guru.
1664-1675 After the death of Guru Harkishan, Tegh Bahadur was installed as the ninth Guru at the age of 43. He went to Kiratpur, the town founded by his father. An event of historic significance took place at Anandpur, the town founded by Gur Tegh Bahadur. Sher Afghan Khan, the viceroy in Kashmir, started killing Kashmiri Hindus who would not embrace Islam. They all approached Guru Tegh Bahadur who was then at Anandpur and related to him their tale of woe. The Guru saved the Hindus from the clutches of the Sher Afghan Khan. Guru Tegh Bahadur was beheaded at Delhi on 11 November 1675 and his headless body was taken away by a labana Sikh, Lakhi Shah and cremated it at the place where now stands Gurdwara Rakab Ganj. His head was taken by a faithful Sikh, Bhai Jaita, who carried it to Anandpur Sahib, where it was cremated and now Gurdwara Sis Ganj stands at this place.
1699 Creation of Khalsa by Guru Gjobind Singh on Baisakhi day in 1699 at Anandpur Sahib to fight against the tyranny of the Mughals and to abolish caste system. The Guru initiated five Sikhs, among them one Sahib Singh, barber of village Nangal Shahidan belonged to Hoshiarpur District .
1701 Jaijon in the Hoshiarpur District was once the seat of Jaswal Rajas. Raja Ram Singh took up his residence hare and build a fort in 1701, which was dismantled at the annexation by the British Government.
1707 At the death of Aurangzeb in 1707, the Punjab was divided into six Doabs. The Jalandhar Doab had 69 Mahals. In this Doab, the most important towns, falling in the Hoshiarpur District, were Sham Churasi, Tanda, Mukerian and Hoshiarpur.
1708-1711 Banda Bahadur was commissioned by Guru Gobind Singh from Deccan to the Punjab in d1708 to punish those who had persecuted the Sikhs and executed his father and innocent children. Banda Bahadur used the Jalandhar Doab as the base from which he led expeditions against the Mughal forces. The Jalandhar Doab remained centre of his exploits till 1711. As sirhind has been captured, and Banda was carrying his activities far and wide, the Sikhs in the Jalandhar Doab felt that their day of deliverance had arrived, They ousted the Muslim officials and in their place appointed the Sikhs, and sent a parvana to Shamas Khan, the Faujdar of the Jalandhar Doab, to effect certain reforms and hand over his treasures personally to the Khalsa. The Faujdar appealed to the Muslims of the Doab for a jehad against these infidels, and about one lakh Muslim collected and marched towards Sultanpur, the capital of the Doab where about seventy-five thousand Sikhs HAD COLLECTED. An urgent call at this juncture was sent to Banda in the Gangetic Doab and he soon joined them. The Sikhs retired to Rahon. The Muslims chased them, and the Sikhs were besieged. But in the darkness of the night, they escaped, and the next morning, seeing that Shamas Khan had retired to his capital, they attacked the Muslims in the fort suddenly and after a bloody battle, they drove them out on 12 October 1710. Cosequently, Jalandhar and Hoshiarpur were captured by the Sikhs without much effort and they became now masters of the Jalandhar Doab.
1739 Nadir shah invaded India, spread terror in the country and carried away an enormous amount of money and booty. Ahluwalia chief, Sardar Jassa singh played an important part in relieving Nadir Shah of his spoils.
1747 On the invitation of Shah Nawas Khan in 1747, Ahmed Shah Abdali invaded India, but was repulsed in the following year near Sirhind and was driven across the Indus. After the Durani chief retired from the Punjab, Jassa singh fell upon Gurdit Mal, the deputy of the new Lahore Governor, Muin-ul-Mull, near Hoshiarpur.
1758 Adina Beg, the Faujdar of Jalandhar Doab died at Khanpur, near Hoshiarpur and was buried there. After the death of Adina Beg, the Sikhs spread once again over the whole of Punjab. Jassa Singh Ramgarhia added to his possession some territories in the neighbour-hood of Hoshiarpur. Parganas of Maniwal, Urmur Tanda, Sarih and Miani in the Jalandhar Doab were occupied. Prithvi Singh, the ruler of Nurpur and Raja Singh, the ruler of Chamba accepted his overlordship. Jassa Singh Ramgarhia occupied Datarpur and Hajipur in tahsil Dasua in the Hoshiarpur.
1776 The Ahluwalia chief invited the Sukarchakias, the Kanhayas and the Bhangis to his assistance, Jassa Singh Ramgarhia was defeated and fled to Hariana in the Hoshiarpur District.
1783 Death of Jassa Singh Ahluwalia.
1796 In this year, Sada Kaur, whose husband, Gurbaksh Singh Kanhaya had been killed in the battle with Jassa Singh Ramgarhia, attacked the Ramgarhia chief at Miani in the Hoshiarpur District with the aid of Ranjit Singh, her son-in-law.
1801 Bajwara was held by Bhup Singh Faizullapuria, who was ousted in 1801 by Raja Sansar Chand.
1803 Maharaja Ranjit Singh expelled Sansar Chand from Bajwara and checked his designs on Jalandhar.
1808-1811 The power of Ramgarhia Misl was broken in 1808 and that of the Kanhaya Misl in 1811 by Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
1815 Jaijon was taken by Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
British Period
1846 The district was annexed by the British at the close of the First Anglo Sikh War. John Lawrence became the first Commissioner of the trans-Satluj States in March 1846, and the division was administered by him in direct correspondence with the Supreme Government until 1848, when the Commissioner was made subordinate to the Resident at Lahore.
1848 When the Second Sikh War began in 1848, the Rajas of Jaswan, Kangra and Datarpur revolted against the British rule. John Lawrence who happened to be at Pathankot swept down the Dun rapidly with 500 men and 4 guns. The Raja of Datarpur was made prisoner without a blow, but the Jaswan Raja resisted and his two positions at Amb and Akarot (Himachal Pradesh) were attacked and carried with little loss. The Rajas were deported, their palaces were razed and their possession confiscated. Bedi Bikrama Singh of Una also Joined the insurgents and marched towards Hoshiarpur. He halted at Maili when heard about the defeat of Raja Jaswan and fled to the camp of Sher Singh. His possessions were confiscated, but at the end of the war he gave himself up and was allowed, to reside at Amritsar. 1851 The Bedis, being the revered priestly class among the Sikhs were reluctant to offer their daughters to other sub-castes of Khatris. Before 1851, the police made strenuous efforts to uproot this evil (i.e. female infanticide), but in vain. In 1851, the Deputy Commissioner Gurdaspur brought to the notice of the Government that the Bedis killed their daughters and were known as Kureemars (daughter-slayers). As a result of this, all the Deputy Commissioners in the Province were asked to furnish information on the prevalence of this practice in their respective districts. The returns of the various districts of the Province, this practice was very much prevalent in Una and Garhshankar tahsils of the Hoshiarpur District. 1853 John Lawrence, who was the Chief Commissioner of the Punjab (1850–58) called a meeting of the representatives of all classes at Amritsar. At this meeting, the evil practice of female infanticide was frankly discussed and all the classes condemned this practice unequivocally. Resolutions were passed to uproot this vice. The decisions of this conference were conveyed to all the districts of Punjab. By 1856, this vice practically ceased to exist. 1857 The Great Uprising of 1857 did not affect the Hoshiarpur District. However, a number of precautionary measures were taken by the British authorities. Baba Ram singh founded Namdhari Movement, popularly known as Kuka Movement on 12 April 1857 with its headquarters at village Bhaini Sahib in Ludhiana District. In the beginning, the district of Sialkkot (Pakistan), Amritsar, Hoshiarpur and Ludhiana formed the chief centres of Namdhari activities, but later on their activities spread to other districts as well.
1905 Unpopular policies of the government raised a political storm in the Punjab including the Hoshiarpur District. This caused much discontentment among the people of the district and the message of freedom and revolutionary ideas broadcast by the leaders of the freedom struggle movement. 1907 The economic hardships and privations perpetrated by nature produced widespread resentment against the British authorities ‘the political Temperature’ roses high in the first two months of 107. Many meetings were held at Hoshiarpur, Jalandhar, lahore, Rawalpindi and other places. In the Punjab during the year, organised public meetings and published articles on the economic discontentment prevailing in the jprovince. The deportation and arrest of Lala Lajpat Rai on 9 May 1907, without any substantial charges made against him stirred up the revolutionary movement, particularly in the Punjab including the district of Hoshiarpur. The news of Lala Lajpat Rai’s release in November 1907 was received with great excitement and relief in the political circles of the Punjab. This news was first published in ‘The Tribune’. A holiday was at once declared at the D.A.V. college. Lahore; Arya School at Hoshiarpur was closed for two days; school buildings were illiminated and sweetmeats were distributed among the students.
The Tilik a newspaper published from Hoshiarpur was prosecuted for publishing a ghazal by ‘Ram’.which appeared in the issue of 6 May 1909. The press at which the paper was printed was also confiscated on 30 June 1909. The most important device was the prosecution of the press which created discontentment among the people of the district. But these measures could not curb the revolutionary activities of the people.
1913-1915 Formation of ghadar Party with its headquarters at San Francisco (U.S.A.) to liberate India by force. The Executive Committee of the Movement included Munshi Ram and Pandit Jagat Ram of Hariana of the Hoshiarpur district. Despite the strict measures adopted by the British against entry of the ghadrities, many of them reached Punjab and visited the Hoshiarpur district where they carried out their revolutionary activities. The Defence of India Act, 1915 was passed by the British authorities. The British adopted legal measures to control the entry of the ghadarities into India and suppressed them with a heavy hand. A large number of them were arrested and tried by special tribunals constituted under the Act. The list of revolutionaries belonging to the Hoshiarpur district, tried and convicted, is given in the Appendix 11 at the end of this chapter.
1917 With a view to stimulating the political activities in the Punjab, District Congress Committees were set up in all the districts. Accordingly, the District congress committee, Hoshiarpur was formed in 1917. The delegated of this Committee attended the Provincial Political conference held at Lahore the same year. 1919 Gandiji gave a call for a country wide hartal against the Rowlatt Act, 1919 on 6 March 1919 which was observed with great success. Meetings against the Rowlatt Act were held at several places in the Punjab. Hoshiarpur like other towns in the Province, responded with equal fervour to the call of Gandhiji. Late goverdhan Das, a veteran national leader of Hoshiarpur gave the lead. A hartal and fasts were observed on 30 March and mass meetings were held on that day to protest against the Rowlatt Legislation. 1920-22 Formation of shiromani Gurdawara Parbandhak Committee on 15 November 1920 for undertaking the management of sikh shrines. As at other places of the Province, a big public meeting was organised at Hoshiarpur on 23 February 1921 under the auspices of the District Sikh League to protest the Nankana Sahib Holocast which occurred on 20 February. Gandhiji started the Non-cooperation Movement in alliance with Khilafat leaders to bring the Bring the British administration to a standstill and to compel it to grant freedom to the people of India. The programme included the boycott of the elections and legislatures, law courts, Government schools and colleges and foreign goodsand renunciation of government schools and colleges and foreign goods and renunciation of Government titles. Gandhiji was delighted to see hand-weaving cloth factories at Hoshiarpur. He congratulated the people of the city on establishing such factories. His message reached the craftsmen of the Province. Two spinning wheels made of ebony and skillfully designed were presented to him. Gandhiji was pleased to find Jalandhar, Hoshiarpur and Hariana ( Hoshiarpur District), as centres of the spinning wheel. The District Congress committee, Hoshiarpur arranged a public meeting at Hoshiarpur on 23 July 1920 in favour of Non-Co-operation Movement. It was attended by a large number of delegated from all over the district. A meeting of the district conference was held at Hoshiarpur non 30 and 31 October 1920. A large number of delegated and members from all parts of the district attended the conference. The people present at the conference signed in favour of swadeshi and foreign goods boycott and pledges were taken to remove begar and untouchability.
1921 The Babbar Akali Movement was mainly concentrated in the Hoshiarpur and Jalandhar districts. In these two districts, the movement was regarded as an off-shoot of the combined grievances of the Kamagata Maru incident, the Jallianwala Bagh tragedy, the Nankana Sahib tragedy and Guru Ka Bagh episode. As at other places of the province, a big public meeting was organised at Hoshiarpur on 323 February 1921 under the auspices of the District Sikh League to protest against the Nankana Sahib Holocast, which occurred on 20 February. The delegates vehemently condemned the atrocities perpetrated by the British authorities.
1922 In the spring of 1922, it was decided to intimidate all those, who were prepared to assist Government officers with information. Razors were purchased at Jalandhar contonment for the purpose of cutting the noses and ears of Jholichuks. A meeting under the auspices of the sikh league was held at Hoshiarpur on 25 March 1921 and sikh community fully endorsed the Non-co-operation Movement of Gandhiji. As all over the Province, complete hartal was observed at Hoshiarpur on 20 March 1922 as a protest against the conviction of gandhiji. In the evening at a big meeting, foreign clothes were discarded and bonfire made of them. A meeting of the district congress committee was organised at Hoshiarpur on 2 July 1922 in support of the civil Disobedience Movement. Lala Ram Lal Jali of Urmar( Hoshiarpur), a member of Indian National Service was convicted and sentenced to one year’s imprisonment for carrying of Non-Co-operation Movement and anti Government propaganda under Section 108 CLA Act.
1923 In the last week of October 1923, Dhanna Singh, a Babbar Akali was arrested at Hoshiarpur carrying a bomb, but when he was about to be searched, the bomb which he was carrying apparently in his coat pocket exploded, resulting in his death. 1928 When Simon Commission visited India, there were protests and demonstrations all over the country. Lala Lajpat Rai led and anti-Simon demonstration at Lahore. To suppress the movement, the police resorted to lathi-charge which severely injured Lala Lajpat Rai. Shortly afterwards, Lalaji died and these incidents caused great disturbances all over the province, Demonstrations and protest meetings were held in various parts of the Hoshiarpur District and people shouted the slogan’Simon go back’. 1930-31 Swadeshi bazars were organised at Hoshiarpur to exhibit and supply nall sorts of cloth and other articles manufactured in India to bring about an effective boycott of foreign goods in March 1930. The fourth session of the Doaba Political Conference was held at Mukerian in the Hoshiarpur District on 28 March 1930. Delegated from Hoshiarpur and Dasua, attended the Conference and assured full support to Gandhiji for the success of the civil Disobedience Movement.
The cloth merchants organised a meeting at Hoshiarpur on 15 April 1930 and solemnly resolved not to place any order for foreign cloth. The Salt Satyagraha commenced at Hoshiarpur. The volunteers disobeyed Salt Laws and proceeded to different parts of the district to propagate Civil disobedience. The British suthorities arrested Gandhiji and thousands of other persons who favoured civil disobedience. Lala Jamna Das, a veteran leader of Hoshiarpur was arrested and jailed three times for encouraging civil disobedience and for inciting people of the district to rise against the British authorities.
Mahatama Gandhi was arrested on 5 May 1930 and there was a nation wide hartal to protest against his arrest. A large number of people, who went on strike in the Hoshiarpur District were arrested. The schools at Miani in the Dasua Tahsil of Hoshiarpur District were closed down and protest meetings were held.
The Gandhi Day was observed at Hoshiarpur by the Provincial Congress Committee and protest meetings were held at Dasua, Gardhiwala and Hariana. The delegated also organized a similar meeting on 7 June 1930 at village Khanpur in the district. The police committed atrocities at Sirhala Kalan, tahsil Garhshankar of the district and arrested Sardar Harnam Singh, President of the District Congress Committee Hoshiarpur.
Under the Gandhi Irwin Pact, dated 6 March 1931, Gandhiji along with all the political prisoners was released and the Civil disobedience Movement was called off.
1942 The congress passed the Quit India Resolution on 8 August 1942 to which the bureaucracy responded by resorting to ruthless repression and Gandhiji along with other Congress leaders were arrested on 9 August 1942. The Indian National Congress was banned. A large number of people were arrested in the Hoshiarpur district as they were backing the Quit India Resolution. 1947 The British Parliament passed the Independence Act in July 1947 and India became independent on 15 August 1947. The large scale migration of the population from both sides of the border took place, consequent upon the partition of the country.
The district of Hoshiarpur has a mild climate due to the abundance of hilly terrain and the sizeable forest cover. Temperatures drop as low as -5oC in the winter.
The pattern of seasons in the district is similar to that of other districts in Punjab, except slight variations at the terminals. The year is be divided into three main seasons. The summer season begins in April, and lasts until the end of July. The rainy season starts in the beginning of July and lasts until the end of September. The winter season starts when rains are over in October, and lasts until the end of March. May and June are the hottest months of the year in Hoshiarpur (during which time the temperature can rise over 45 °C).
The local climate here is suitable for citrus fruit cultivation, and a large area is dedicated to this crop. Hoshiarpur has always been known for the distinctive variety of mangoes (as is referred in this popular Punjabi song, "Ambiyaan nu tarsengi chadd ke des doaba").
The total avg. rain falls in disst. is 1125 mm .Broadly speaking 75 percent of the rainfall is experienced in the period July to September, Whereas 15 Percent rainfall is experienced in the winter months of January and February are under the influence of western disturbances in the Persion Gulf. Hail storms may occur in the closing period of winter when there is quite a sizeable damage to fruit crops, especially the mango fruit for which this distinct is quite renowned in the State.
- District Administrative Complex (Mini secretariat)
- Sheesh Mahal Building
- Kila Baroon at Bajwara village. This Kila is built by Sher Shah Suri. It was called BejuBabra Village in the time of Akbar.
- District Outdoor Sports Complex off Bharwain Road
- Kanwar Hospital, Fatehgarh Road
- Swaran Cineplex - Mall,near Bus Stand
- Clock Tower
- Cafe Coffee day, Jalandhar Hoshiarpur Road
- bhai joga singh guruduwara near surajan chowk
- D.A.V. College, Chandigarh Road, Hoshiarpur
- D.A.V. College of Education, Arya Samaj Road, Hoshiarpur
- Saini Bar College Bulhowal at Khadiala Sainian
- Government College, Hoshiarpur was home to part of the Panjab University for a short duration after partition, until its relocation. Manmohan Singh, the Prime Minister of India, is an alumnus.
- Swami Sarvanand Giri Panjab University Regional Centre offers Engineering degrees(CSE,ECE,Mech,IT), M.C.A degrees, LL.B, and B.A LL.B.
- S.D. College, D.A.V college, Sanskrit College for Girls are other educational institutions.
- The town is home to the Vishveshvaranand Institute of Sanskrit and Indological Studies (VSIS), at Sadhu Ashram on Hoshiarpur Una road.
- Rayat-Bahra Education City, Hoshiarpur has Engineering, Pharmacy and Law colleges. Rayat-Bahra Institute of Engineering and Nanotechnology; Rayat-Bahra College of Engineering and Nano-technology for Women; Rayat-Bahra Institute of Pharmacy,rayat bahra college of nursing.
- Shri Guru Ram Dass College of Nursing
- Government Polytechnic, Government I.T.I. institute and G.E.S Polytechnic college provide various trades and vocational level courses.
- Hoshiarpur's first professional college is Hoshiarpur institute of Management And Technology (HIMT) situated near vill Baghpur at Dasuya Road.
- Kalams Institute of Technology(KITINDIA)Near Bus Stand Chowk.
S.B.C.M.S. Polytechnic Attalgarh Mukerian Distt Hoshiarpur
- Other schools
- D.A.V. Sr. Sec. School, Arya Samaj Road, Hoshiarpur.
- Ch. Balbir Singh Sr. Secondary School, Hoshiarpur
- Mount Carmel Senior Secondary School, Dasuya Road, Kakkon
- G.M.A City public school, Jalandhar Road, Singriwala
- G.M.A City Public School, Chandigarh Road, Chabbewal
- St. Joseph's Convent School, Chandigarh Road
- St. Paul's Convent school, dasuya
- Marigold Public School, Tagore Nagar, Hoshiarpur . phone:- 01882-252703
- St. Soldier Divine Public School, Una Road
- GEMS Cambridge International School, Bypass Road, Singriwala
- Takshila School, Dasuya Road
- Woodlands Overseas School, Dasuya Road
- Sri Guru Harkrishan Sr. Sec School,Pandori Khajoor
- Sri Guru Harkrishan Public School, Model Town, Hoshiarpur
- Moon Light Modern School,Dashmesh Nagar,Hoshiarpur
Giani Zail Singh was elected from Hoshiarpur in 1980. After that he became Union Home Minister and later the President of India in 1982.[3][4]
Ambika Soni M.P. belongs to bajwara in Hoshiarpur.[5]
- Chaudhari Jawahir Singh Saini of Hoshiarpur had 19 villages under him.
- Chaudhari Jaimal Singh Saini of Dasuya had 22 villages under him.
- S. Harnam Singh Gadri of Badala Mahi(Sham Chaurasi) Hoshiarpur had 36 villages under him.
- Ch Fazal Ahmed khan of hoshiarpur (Dasuya) 36 villages are under him.
- Ch Fazal Muhammad khan of (Dasuya) had 36 villages under him, he was the son of ch Fazal Ahmed.
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