- published: 04 Jul 2012
- views: 22722
(Must See) Raj Patel aka Maitreya exposed as Demon
In this video, you'll see the proofs exposing Raj Patel (aka Maitreya, the False Messiah/A...
published: 04 Jul 2012
(Must See) Raj Patel aka Maitreya exposed as Demon
In this video, you'll see the proofs exposing Raj Patel (aka Maitreya, the False Messiah/Antichrist/Dajjal of the New Age/New World Order) as a Jinn operating under a fake materialized body.
During one of Raj Patel's interviews on SF TV (San Francisco TV) hosted by Kiilu Nyasha, someone tried to ask if Raj Patel was Maitreya in Live Call. Even before asking his question, Raj Patel scanned his mind and prevented him from asking his question. The man was unable to ask his question, it was certainly not an electronic distortion because it was not uniform, the Jinn Raj Patel directly operated on the man preventing his mouth to pronounce any comprehensible word.
At the precise moment when the man was going to ask his question, Raj Patel's eyes changed form betraying the devil that he is.
Another interesting remark, both the presenter and Raj Patel didn't react to this strange call and moved on very quicly on another subject, the presenter really seemed to be worried by this horrible voice's distortion.
I've illustrated this phenomenon by another video in which a possessed woman calls a Religious TV Show in order to ask for advice. Identically, the woman was unable to pronounce any word when the Jinn who possesses her blocked her. Far more scarying, in the rest of the discussion, the Jinn completely takew control of the woman's body and says using her voice with an horrible roar: "YES, WE BLOCK HER"... This video is really a hard proof for the sceptics, which exposes the reality of the Jinns and their abilities.
Raj Patel is truly not human, he is a Jinn under a human body. In addition to his body which seems to be made out of wax, Raj Patel's blink rate totaly betrays him.
- published: 04 Jul 2012
- views: 22722
Maitreya part 1 of 2
The appearance Maitreya and his role in the coming New World Order (Rick Wiles interviews ...
published: 24 Jan 2009
Maitreya part 1 of 2
The appearance Maitreya and his role in the coming New World Order (Rick Wiles interviews Augusto Perez)
- published: 24 Jan 2009
- views: 125817
Maitreya "He Is A Form Of Anti-Christ"
Benjamin Creme is a lying prophet who is preparing the way for the Maitreya http://www.pau...
published: 06 Feb 2013
Maitreya "He Is A Form Of Anti-Christ"
Benjamin Creme is a lying prophet who is preparing the way for the Maitreya http://www.paulbegleyprophecy.com (Audio provided by Benjamin Creme via worlds TV Networks in April of 2002) Begley uses this audio for bible teaching only and not owned by Begley
- published: 06 Feb 2013
- views: 7640
Time To Do vom 06.09.2012 Maitreya - Fragen und Antworten
Thema der Sendung: Wer ist Maitreya? Im Gespräch mit Andreas Lederman.
Links zum Sendungs...
published: 10 Sep 2012
Time To Do vom 06.09.2012 Maitreya - Fragen und Antworten
Thema der Sendung: Wer ist Maitreya? Im Gespräch mit Andreas Lederman.
Links zum Sendungsinhalt:
ist die Informations-Plattform zur gleichnamigen TV-Sendung.
Sendezeit ist Montag bis Freitag von 20.00 bis 21.00 Uhr live im TV auf dem Schweizer Privatsender Schweiz5.
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- published: 10 Sep 2012
- views: 5015
El Nuevo Orden Mundial prepara un gran engaño que al parecer terminara y lograra su objeti...
published: 01 Sep 2012
El Nuevo Orden Mundial prepara un gran engaño que al parecer terminara y lograra su objetivo en vendernos e imponernos a Maitreya como el salvador del mundo. Maitreya desde ya denominado por sus seguidores como el instructor del universo asoma y prepara su llegada y el motivo de la misma es crear una religión universal.
Cuenta con el apoyo de los reyes de la tierra y presidentes de muchas naciones (masones, club bilderberg, g-20, nuevo orden mundial, iluminatys, cienciologia... sociedades secretas y demás logias)
Quienes esperan el momento para darle el trono del dominio total del mundo.
Nos quieren hacer creer que dios se manifestó desde el principio de forma diferente en cada territorio y nación en pocas palabras de muchos nombres (ala- JESUCRISTO -- buda --y demás dioses falsos de otras culturas y religiones paganas) pero que siempre fue uno y llego el momento que el mundo lo sepa.
Sucediendo todo esto ante la vista de todo el mundo, para los creyentes de todas las religiones que esperan a su Mesías será como la profecía cumplida pero detrás de esto hay realmente un gran engaño ya que no será un acontecimiento de origen divino y espiritual si no más bien una proyección alcanzada con tecnología de primer nivel al que se le denomina proyecto blue beam.
El objetivo final de proyecto blue beam es hacernos creer que todos los nombres y dioses conocidos por las múltiples religiones del mundo se fusionaran y la trasformación de todos ellos da como resultado a maitreya muchos pensaran y creerán que es el Mesías por sus grandes prodigios y falsos milagros alcanzados por la tecnología de hologramas ópticos de imágenes en el cielo.
Maitreya es el anticristo de satanás elegido para llevar a muchos a la perdición...todo el que no se postre ante el morirá.
Parece ciencia ficción pero ya lo anuncian en internet hasta con portales y paginas...esperemos que el tiempo pase y mira el video no digas que no se te advirtió que JESUCRISTO EL VERDADERO DIOS te guie, te proteja y te enseñe el camino...Bendiciones hermanos...paz y bien.
- published: 01 Sep 2012
- views: 5475
Maitreya & the Masters
Benjamin Creme, the official spokesperson for the "world teacher" Maitreya, appeared durin...
published: 01 Nov 2012
Maitreya & the Masters
Benjamin Creme, the official spokesperson for the "world teacher" Maitreya, appeared during the middle two hours of the program. Maitreya (photos), he said, can make himself visible in any form, using "familiars" who become vehicles for his consciousness. In fact, Creme said that it was Maitreya's consciousness that worked through Jesus during his final three years leading up to the crucifixion. Maitreya, he added, also gave advice and instructions to Yasser Arafat, whom Creme characterized as a "great man."
In addition to Maitreya, there are 14 other spiritual "masters of wisdom" who have returned to the world, to assist humanity in moving from one cosmic cycle to the next, including Jesus, who is now located in Rome, said Creme. The other planets in our solar system are teeming with life, though it is on the etheric planes, he noted. UFOs are also made of this less dense, etheric matter but can become visible when they temporarily lower their rate of vibration in order to be seen, he explained.
We can evolve by becoming detached from our emotions, and recognizing that they have no more reality than dreams, Creme advised. He also advocated practicing honesty of mind and sincerity of spirit. In the final hour, Open Lines featured callers reacting to Creme's appearance.
Earthquake Warning
First hour guest Stan Deyo shared an earthquake warning. According to his seismic indicators, a zone off the Pacific is being pulled in two directions, and could culminate in pressure around Mendocino, CA, that could trigger the San Andreas fault, affecting an area as wide as Seattle to Los Angeles. He sees the window of activity for this lasting up to 8 weeks. Read more here. ...................................................................................................................
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- published: 01 Nov 2012
- views: 1004
Time To Do vom 27.08.2012, Weltlehrer Maitreya - Weltweites Teilen bringt Frieden
Thema der Sendung: Maitreya der Weltlehrer lehrt uns rechte menschliche Beziehungen, im Ge...
published: 27 Aug 2012
Time To Do vom 27.08.2012, Weltlehrer Maitreya - Weltweites Teilen bringt Frieden
Thema der Sendung: Maitreya der Weltlehrer lehrt uns rechte menschliche Beziehungen, im Gespräch mit Andreas Lederman.
Links zum Sendungsinhalt:
ist die Informations-Plattform zur gleichnamigen TV-Sendung.
Sendezeit ist Montag bis Freitag von 20.00 bis 21.00 Uhr live im TV auf dem Schweizer Privatsender Schweiz5.
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- published: 27 Aug 2012
- views: 6181
La Nueva Era : Maitreya el Falso Cristo , Benjamin Creme el Falso Profeta
Hola, despues de un largo tiempo de no haber subido videos por problemas con mi P.C, final...
published: 07 Aug 2011
La Nueva Era : Maitreya el Falso Cristo , Benjamin Creme el Falso Profeta
Hola, despues de un largo tiempo de no haber subido videos por problemas con mi P.C, finalmente les traigo el siguiente capituo de mi serie llamada "La Nueva Era" , en este episodio expongo al Falso Cristo de La Nueva Era, la Entidad Demoniaca que se llama a si mismo senor Maitreya y a su Falso Profeta
Benjamin Creme y el como estan tratando de confundir a la gente por medio de senales, milagros y maravillas falsas tal y como lo dice la Biblia.
sera Maitreya el Anticristo? ..... dejo que tu lo decidas!
disfrutenlo, compartanlo y subscribanse, Dios los bendiga.
- published: 07 Aug 2011
- views: 10557
New Age und Jesu Wiederkunft - Maitreya und Co. - Warnung vor falschem Jesus
Weitere Infos unter: http://www.der-laute-ruf.de...
published: 12 Apr 2011
New Age und Jesu Wiederkunft - Maitreya und Co. - Warnung vor falschem Jesus
Weitere Infos unter: http://www.der-laute-ruf.de
- published: 12 Apr 2011
- views: 4102
Maitreya - Was lehnst du ab?
Live - Channeling mit Maitreya, Weltenlehrer auf dem 11. göttlichen Strahl des Mitgefühls ...
published: 15 Jan 2013
Maitreya - Was lehnst du ab?
Live - Channeling mit Maitreya, Weltenlehrer auf dem 11. göttlichen Strahl des Mitgefühls und der unendlichen Freude, gechannelt durch Gerold Voß - Kristallfamilie
- published: 15 Jan 2013
- views: 1734
Comprendre le retour de Maitreya : Un enseignement de Daniel Meurois sur la route du Ladakh
Extraits d'un enseignement de Daniel Meurois concernant la venue du Bouddha Maitreya et le...
published: 10 Sep 2012
Comprendre le retour de Maitreya : Un enseignement de Daniel Meurois sur la route du Ladakh
Extraits d'un enseignement de Daniel Meurois concernant la venue du Bouddha Maitreya et le retour du Christ.
Des paroles prononcées dans une nonnerie du Ladakh, non loin de Mulbekh lors d'un voyage initiatique organisé par Oasis-Voyages durant l'été 2012.
- published: 10 Sep 2012
- views: 4033
La Nueva Era : Maitreya el Falso Cristo, Benjamin Creme El Falso Profeta 2
Hola , esta es la parte 5 de la Serie La Nueva Era , y la Parte 2 de Maitreya el Falso Cr...
published: 14 Aug 2011
La Nueva Era : Maitreya el Falso Cristo, Benjamin Creme El Falso Profeta 2
Hola , esta es la parte 5 de la Serie La Nueva Era , y la Parte 2 de Maitreya el Falso Cristo , Benjamin Creme el Falso Profeta. en donde expongo como esta entidad demoniaca esta utiizando falsos milagros , senales y maravillas para enganar a la gente .
Espero les guste y compartan este video con amigos , vecinos y Familiares ,'Que nadie los Engane.
- published: 14 Aug 2011
- views: 32223
Youtube results:
Maitreya ► The Mysteries Pt 6 ►William Cooper ► 02.19.1993
Once again Mr Epperson has put together a WELL DOCUMENTED and EASILY READ and UNDERSTOOD b...
published: 02 Jan 2013
Maitreya ► The Mysteries Pt 6 ►William Cooper ► 02.19.1993
Once again Mr Epperson has put together a WELL DOCUMENTED and EASILY READ and UNDERSTOOD book in his more recent "NEW WORLD ORDER," in which he introduces the reader to AMERICA'S SECRET DESTINY. Mr Epperson does a WONDERFUL job documenting his positions and showing how the SYMBOLISM that is all around us, on our money, corporate logos, governmental and international organizations GIVES AWAY THEIR SECRET AGENDA!
The New World Order - Epperson -1990 - [PDF]
Join us as many of us are still trying to catch-up with what Bill Cooper was teaching his listeners almost exactly 20 years ago.
It is my current belief that "they" knew there was a coming Apocalypse (revealing/awakening) . . "they" had to take the real truth away, and only give those who awakened "controlled" information . . . the disinfo is going into hyper-speed now - but the truth is still available for those who can find it . . .we have to build our intuition to sort it out. - urupiper
Maitreya ► William Cooper ► 02.19.1993
Hour of the Time
"If you wish to remain Free you will have to fight for it... not because we want to fight, or you want to fight, but because the traitors (within our government) will give us no choice in the matter. There will be either a revolution (the Marxist's choice) or there will be a serious attempt to restore Constitutional Republican government under Law (the Patriots choice). In any event there WILL BE WAR between the Citizens of the United States of America and the Marxist minions of the subversive corporate United States' new world order."
from "Majestytwelve" by Wm Cooper
- published: 02 Jan 2013
- views: 808
God's Mystery Revealed - Part 12 - The Message - Mission of Maitreya
Read THOTH by Maitreya here: http://www.maitreya.org/FILES/THOTH/TOC.HTM/TABLE%20OF%20CONT...
published: 26 Nov 2012
God's Mystery Revealed - Part 12 - The Message - Mission of Maitreya
Read THOTH by Maitreya here: http://www.maitreya.org/FILES/THOTH/TOC.HTM/TABLE%20OF%20CONTENTS.html
In cultures all over the world, there is a legend or expectation of a teaching, which will come in the time of tribulation and great strife on earth to unify humanity and bring peace and tranquility. The great religions of the world also have prophesied such a revelation, which will come and explain the mystery of the universe (God), synthesize the religions of the world, and end the old era so the New Order of the Ages can dawn. This expectation is NOW FULFILLED!
Learn more at Mission of Maitreya's website: http://www.maitreya.org
- published: 26 Nov 2012
- views: 221
Avènement Planétaire de Maitreya - Communiqué de Presse 749 - Présenté par Marius Devaud
L'Emergence Planétaire de Maitreya, l'Instructeur du Monde, est un événement actuel sans p...
published: 18 Jul 2010
Avènement Planétaire de Maitreya - Communiqué de Presse 749 - Présenté par Marius Devaud
L'Emergence Planétaire de Maitreya, l'Instructeur du Monde, est un événement actuel sans précédent dans l'histoire. Maitreya est l'avatar planétaire que le monde entier attend afin de résoudre les problèmes de la civilisation d'aujourd'hui. La Hiérarchie Planétaire est descendue s'incarner dans la matière pour œuvrer publiquement dans le monde. La dernière fois que cela était arrivé remonte à 98'000 ans ! Un grand bouleversement de la civilisation est donc non seulement annoncé mais il a déjà commencé. Maitreya va bientôt se faire connaître publiquement dans le monde. N'oubliez pas ! Le Jour de la Déclaration de Maitreya, avec la date et l'heure, sera annoncé publiquement à l'avance dans les medias du monde entier.
Communiqué de Presse écrit et présenté par Marius Devaud. Livre, scénario, production et réalisation du film, composition et production de la musique par Marius Devaud. Edité par Marius à Genève en juin et juillet 2010 dans les Studios du Belvedere. Musique jouée et enregistrée par Marius Devaud Orchestra.
Pour obtenir plus d'informations concernant l'avènement planétaire de Maitreya, veuillez s'il vous plaît consulter le website http://www.amazon.com/author/mariusdevaud (Littérature - eBooks)
- published: 18 Jul 2010
- views: 59878
Maitreya Buddha talks at the 5th Global Congress of Spiritual Scientists, Bengaluru, 2012
Maitreya Buddha talks at the 5th Global Congress of Spiritual Scientists, Bengaluru, 2012...
published: 19 Dec 2012
Maitreya Buddha talks at the 5th Global Congress of Spiritual Scientists, Bengaluru, 2012
Maitreya Buddha talks at the 5th Global Congress of Spiritual Scientists, Bengaluru, 2012
- published: 19 Dec 2012
- views: 740