Pranks, Punk and Industrial Culture from V. Vale

RE/Search Publications: J. G. Ballard, William S. Burroughs, and more


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Dating AI by Alex Zhavoronkoff, Ph.D

The CLEAREST (& FUNNIEST) Guide to what ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE **IS.** A satirical “how-to” book about future relationships (and even marriage!) with robots and avatars.

Dating AI is “a meditation on how to prepare for the unknown,” a thought experiment designed to stimulate new ideas about issues that are important now as well as in the future. Fictional descriptions of human-android romances are interspersed with commentary about the varying differences between people and AI (Artificial Intelligence), and methods for breaching the chasm between machine and human experience. Chapters tie speculation into contemporary life, drawing parallels between current human interactions with machines.

Dating AI is an entertaining, sexy, humorous exploration: not only of a possible future, but also of our rapidly changing present relationships with other people and technology. Discerning readers will be compelled to utilize their imaginations, again and again, in an attempt to depict the Psychology of the Future, which looks to be significantly different from anything Freud might have considered. Provides numerous insights into relationships of the strictly human kind, too! Great quotations (throughout) and bibliography make this a richly rewarding read.

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Section 1, “Are you ready to fall in love with a machine?” explains what you’ll need to know to engage romantically with AI (including similarities and differences). Section 2, “You are ready, now what?” helps interested humans prepare to date AI. Section 3, “Establishing a relationship” covers the complicated mix of human and AI needs in a relationship, including power dynamics and acceptable behavior. Section 4, “Getting over a breakup (or merger)” explains some of the legal and economic fallout that could result from the demise of an human-AI breakup.

To quote the visionary writer J.G. Ballard, “Sex times technology equals the future.” Just as almost nobody predicted the Internet until it suddenly seemed to have ensnared all within its grasp, so the technology of AI may, sooner than we think, come to be as natural as breathing, and inevitably, perhaps deeply, ensconced in our unconscious — to be revealed in our dream life as we fall asleep at night.

Dreams reveal truths far beyond what the rational mind might consider “tolerable.” It is only at the borders of acceptability where our future freedoms reveal themselves, adumbrating and perhaps incubating a society of the future, where science and art seamlessly integrate themselves, and where poetry and technology are no longer alien domains but a vast cultural continuum where play and discovery create new language and, ahem, acceptable behaviors! We shall see…

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Lydia Lunch

LYDIA LUNCH – a new RE/SEARCH 4×6″ POCKETBOOK – is a compilation of several interviews with the QUEEN of NO WAVE, including one from November 2012. An early founder of NYC Punk Rock, Lydia freely (and wittily) describes how to play guitar, write original concept music, collaborate with other artists, live abroad, and do exactly what she wants to do! She also discusses death, what’s wrong with the world, where we’re going, and why reality isn’t what we think it is. Few people can improvise conversationally as Lydia can, and her dark, acerbic views will possibly never be outdated! Welcome to Lydia’s world…

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Henry Rollins

HENRY ROLLINS – first in the new RE/SEARCH 4×6″ POCKETBOOK Series – presents a lengthy phone interview with Henry Rollins, focusing on Henry’s travels, photography, creativity, archive, and books and authors he has learned from. It is our position that a lot of people do not really “know” Henry Rollins and that their opinion of him is based on ancient information. Everyone (that is, all of our young interns) who has read this book has become a Rollins fan, so join the club! Henry Rollins is not who you think he is; he is much, much more. So read this book and attend his Spoken Word performances, which are always evolving, always different, always provocative, and always inspiring…

“The Henry Rollins book is fantastic, by the way.” – Garrett L.  ()  “Vale! I read the Henry Rollins book in one sitting – it was so inspirational, you know what questions to ask – I came away from the book feeling better — feeling charged. HR has a way of making you feel lazy…I am going to review the HR book soon!” – Jim H.

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Of Intercourse and Intracourse: Sexuality, Biomodification and the Techno-Social Sphere

We may not forget that mankind is a sexual and tool-using species. And that’s why monochrom’s conference Arse Elektronika deals with sex, technology and the future. As bio-hacking, sexually enhanced bodies, genetic utopias and a plethora of genders have long been the focus of literature, science fiction and, increasingly, pornography, this anthology sees us explore the possibilities that fictional and authentic bodies have to offer. Genesis Breyer P-Orridge is not the ONLY one exploring this territory!

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Our world is already way more bizarre than our ancestors could have ever imagined. But it may not be bizarre enough. “Bizarre enough for what?” you might ask. Bizarre enough to subvert the heterosexist matrix that is underlying our world and that we should hack and overcome for some quite pressing reasons within the next century.
Don’t you think, replicants?

Featuring essays and projects by Eleanor Saitta, R.U. Sirius, Jack Sargeant, Annalee Newitz, Katrien Jacobs, Christian Heller, Bonni Rambatan, Kyle Machulis, Saul Albert, Tatiana Bazzichelli, Johannes Grenzfurthner, Violet Blue, Carol Queen, Douglas Spink, Rose White, Rainer Prohaska, Thomas Ballhausen, Uncle Abdul, Elle Mehrmand (Echolalia Azalee), Micha Cárdenas (Azdel Slade), Ani Niow, Monika Kribusz, Noah Weinstein, Randy Sarafan, Allen Stein, Kim De Vries, Pepper Mint, Robert Glashuettner and Jonathon Keats.

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New 2nd Edition: Real Conversations 1

Henry Rollins, Jello Biafra, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Billy Childish 5″ x 7″, 240 pages, 30 illustrations, index, reference lists of recommended books, films, websites, etc…

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Henry Rollins, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Jello Biafra and Billy Childish discuss in depth the state of western culture today and what led to its demise, including firsthand accounts of their own experiences as leading figures in social movements. Subjects discussed include: the Internet and social change; the necessity for everybody to paint (!); mind control, marketing, branding and consumerism; Beat history and the importance of inexpensive publishing–City Lights was the FIRST paperback-only bookstore in America; corporate chain stores and Amazon’s impact on independent freedom of expression; Punk Rock history and the rise of Do-It-Yourself (D-I-Y) culture production; fame and its downside; sex, relationships and their travails; “originality” as fetish; travel advice . . . and much more discussion of issues relevant to every creative artist and thinker. Excerpts of interviews of: Henry Rollins Lawrence Ferlinghetti Billy Childish Jello Biafra Who is Henry Rollins? Lawrence Ferlinghetti? Billy Childish? Jello Biafra?


“How do Rollins, Biafra, Ferlinghetti and Childish remain independent in a corporate world?” That’s the question posed on the back cover or RE/Search’s Real Conversations #1. This question of “independence” from corporate entanglement within the world of media and the arts interests me, and it should interest you too.

A couple of weeks ago on the Bad Subjects editors’ list we had had a similar discussion related to profit-minded self-promotion vs. a more politically-minded ideological promotion (I am certainly reducing each of the arguments). Anyway, the point being — in a world dominated by commodities and their accompanying desires, does one get out a message critical of the largely corporate communications infrastructure necessary to get out a message? I don’t know if Real Conversations’ interviews provide either an answer to my and V. Vale’s question.

In order to find out what it means to strike the right balance, Vale interviews a logical cast of countercultural entrepreneurs and artists: singer/actor/publisher Henry Rollins; former Dead Kennedys frontman, political pundit and Alternative Tentacles Records proprietor, Jello Biafra; City Lights Books publisher and Beat poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti; and the perennially youthful garage punk intellectual Billy Childish. The topic of self-promotion and ideological work is one of the more compelling segments of the Rollins interview. For instance, Rollins admits that his company and web site ( promotes only his material; Rollins is pretty straightforward that it’s a matter of what the market will bear. Is this shameless self-promotion? Or just getting out the message?

Vale illustrates how Rollins uses both. Rollins recognizes that American culture, especially entertainment, is all about being pleasured. The consumer expects it and the artist, if s/he hopes to have a lasting career, must provide it. Rollins does voice-overs for Merrill Lynch, GMC Truck and so on. He uses corporate gigs for self-promotion and has his own “Think Different” Apple Computers ad. Depending on one’s attitudes toward corporate America you could even call him shameless. Rollins does take the money, too; it’s not just self-promotion.

However, the former Black Flag singer clearly understands his place in the “system” and the necessity of articulating an alternate vision free of the imperial reach of corporate globalization. Rollins is clear in his distastes for the banal mediocrity of “American” corporate culture; I’ll let you read the issue for his insights into MTV and such. Rollins, simply, is not naive about political economy. But he’s not adverse to taking advantage of the system either. Indeed, it was almost impossible to avoid Rollins on MTV during the mid-1990s; nor is it unreasonable to expect to see the former Henry Garfield giving spoken word performances in ‘politically incorrect’ countries such as Israel.

What I found most interesting and least developed was an aside by Ferlinghetti that Vale opted to include. The two had just completed an exchange about the recent corporate troubles at the Bay Area’s “progressive” radio station KPFA; Vale sums up the argument: “Well, it’s also taking away the autonomy and independence of the local station, whose character is formed by its neighborhood. KPFA sprang out of Berkeley, and Berkeley is a radical hotbed”; Ferlinghetti replies, “It WAS.” Then Vale springs a question about Ferlinghetti’s travel habits. At that moment, the silence that followed Ferlinghetti’s disavowal of Berkeley’s radicalness was profound.

I regretted not being able to read Ferlinghetti’s analysis of the demise of Berkeley, and presumably, the Bay Area left. I have lived up here for five years and am often amazed at how quickly people admire the liberal nature of this area. So, I may have my own personal investment in this issue. But, with the brave exception of Representative Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) the elected face of the liberal left of Northern California have all rallied, and pretty uncritically, around the domestic and international war against all that is not white and corporate, oops, I mean the War on Terror — catch it tonight on CNN. Ferlinghetti’s pre-September 11th insights on the weakened state of the left would have been useful. Regardless of all that, the interview is pretty good. As is the entire volume… [RE/Search is] an “independently” produced book series that remains interesting after nearly a generation’s worth of remarkably influential editions. — Robert Soza (Bad Subjects)

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Color photos! Sex, technology, the Internet, and information sciences are the topic of this cutting-edge book by monochrom, Vienna’s Art & Philosophy Collective. Technology’s development (Photography, Cinema, The Internet) is often pushed ahead and funded by pornography. This book explores that connection…

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A collection of essays and transcribed presentations from monochrom’s Arse Electronika conference in San Francisco in 2007. Another “edgy” compendium from RE/Search, synthesizing for your pleasure future societal conceptual border-crossings. Be ahead of your time and read/contemplate/savor futuristic ideas, before the mainstream corporate culture machine waters/dumbs them down into mere consumable style and image.

The porno effect accompanies every new technological development. Immediately after producing his famous bible, Gutenberg used his press to print erotica. Photography was utilized just as quickly. And so the technological advances continue.

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Jimmy Vargas: Lust Angeles, Album VII DVD (2008-2011) ONLY 5 COPIES!

This album heralds the re-teaming of the Satanic Croonoir Jimmy Vargas and Liliana Scarlatta after a mystical seven-year separation. Stellar tracks include “Staccato (Black Petticoat Mamba),” the gnostic blues of “Satan Needs A Mary Magdalene,” the bop prosody of “Lust Angeles,” and the haunting “Tango Desolatione.” The saga of Jimmy and Liliana—a legend as contemporary as Dante and Beatrice—will be inscribed by future poets and historians, but for now, the musical and visual output of this dynamic duo remains enigmatic, Elysian, and hauntingly hellaboric. Only a negligible number of these delectable DVDs from Australia are available for your listening lucubration.

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Jimmy Vargas & Liliana Scarlatta: Requiem For My Shadow Bride DVD – Only (5) copies!

“I didn’t go to Hell/I went to a place much worse than that.” -Jimmy Vargas

The Australian Satanic High Priest’s new noir DVD boasts a salivating spectrum of Satanica: movie vignette, music videos, votos (a slide show), music, spoken word, book, etc. Added bonus: the enchanting Liliana Scarlatta dazzles the ear with her divine vocal chords. This DVD also contains a couple of eBooks: a Devilish Bargain for the Initiated Initiate! Jimmy Vargas plans a West Coast tour in early 2013, so stay tuned.

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Based on the Jimmy Vargas book “My Shadow Bride in a Noir Veil” of a racketeer stalked by a sorceress mistress from the nineteen forties veil, Liliana Scarlatta. This multimedia DVD is the final triptych of the Jimmy Vargas DVD collection. Footage featured was feared lost for near on twenty years, only recently reclaimed from a back room of a voodoo botanicas store the “Sacred Heart” in North Beach, San Francisco. The DVD features a Movie Vignette, two music videos (the Requiescat versions of ‘Girl you Left Behind’ & ‘Diorissimo’), astral footage from 1947, “Requiem for my Shadow Bride,” 16mm Screen Test from the Eagle Lion Pictures vaults of Liliana Scarlatta and Jimmy Vargas titled “Last Cigarette.”

Bonus includes photos, spoken word, and the e-Books “My Shadow Bride ” & “Temple of Lily.”

FORMAT: PAL (European)

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HARDBACK RE/Search #6/7: Industrial Culture Handbook

Only 1000 made, on superior glossy paper! Purple endpapers! Future collectible rare book. This edition supersedes all previous editions — the photos are so much sharper on the new glossy paper. The new hardback looks like a brand new book! This edition is superior to (and supersedes) all old printings offered elsewhere on the Internet. Essential library reference guide to the deviant performance artists and musicians of the Industrial Culture moment: Survival Research Laboratories, Throbbing Gristle, Cabaret Voltaire, SPK, Non, Monte Cazazza, Johanna Went, Sordide Sentimental, R&N, and Z’ev…

Click here to read excerpts and reviews!

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“I’m reading this right now – it’s superb.” “Very great guide to the real & only Industrial Sound. Great work!” -DarYota, myspace

Only 1000 hardbacks printed; now $60 plus on Internet.

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Do Androids Sleep with Electric Sheep? (Sex, Sci-Fi, Technology & The Future)

The second in the Arse Elektronika anthology, “Do Androids Sleep with Electric Sheep?” considers sex, science-fiction, technology, the Internet & the future. Critical perspectives on sexuality and pornography in science and social fiction from monochrom, the legendary think-tank collective of Vienna, Austria.

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The genre of the “fantastic” is especially well suited to the investigation of the touchy area of sexuality and pornography: actual and assumed developments are frequently depicted positively and approvingly, but just as often with dystopian admonishment. Here the classic, and continuingly valid, themes of modernism represent a clear link between the two aspects: questions of science, research and technologization are of interest, as is the complex surrounding urbanism, artificiality and control (or the loss of control). Depictions of the future, irregardless of the form they take, always address the present as well. Imaginations of the fantastic and the nightmarish give rise to a thematic overlapping of the exotic, the alienating and, of course, the pornographic/sexual as well.

Edited by Johannes Grenzfurthner, Günther Friesinger, Daniel Fabry, and Thomas Ballhausen.

Featuring essays and stories by Rudy Rucker, Richard Kadrey, James Tiptree, Jr., Allen Stein, Sharing is Sexy, Jason Brown, Cory Doctorow, Annalee Newitz, Tina Lorenz, Reesa Brown, Karin Harrasser, Isaac Leung, Rose White, Mela Mikes, Viviane, Susan Mernit, Chris Noessel, Kit O’Connell, Jens Ohlig, Bonni Rambatan, Thomas Roche, Bonnie Ruberg, Mae Saslaw, Violet Blue, Nathan Shedroff, 23N!, Benjamin Cowden, Johannes Grenzfurthner, D. B. LeConte-Spink, and Daniel Fabry.

ISBN 978-1-889307-23-7, 8×10″, 262pp, photos, illustrations, contributors’ bios. Limited edition.

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